Times AJf ADTEHTISrNG ME U1 m THAT BBI3K8 BESCLTS A. F. Johnson, Editor and Manager. - THE COUNTY, T?* STATE, THE UNION ... .7^ " ? I==saai ' ???T Subscription tlJM ktr Tear - tgcutycy. K c, ji^At, mi ibth, i?i?. ~ 'T?,llJb^^SS^i A LETTEB TO THE AVERAGE CITIZEN My dear Mr. Average Citizen: An intimate acquaintance with you, extending over a number of years, leads me to wTite you this Intensely personal letter. I know that you love the truth, that you despise injustice, that you are a robust champion of the squai'e deal. The possession by you of the cardinal virtues makes North Carolina a truly great State. The most vital power or the State Is the power to tax, and you btelleve that thi4=vlUd power should De exercised with a full knowledge of the truth. You believe that from this full know ledge of the truth there will flow per fect equality la taxation. For the first time in tne history of the State you, Mr. Average Citizen, have It in your power to write the full truth ai>d perfect equality In the tax books of the State. You nave never been called upon to do tnis before; in deed, you have never been permitted to do this before. But now the Gen eral Assembly has enacted alaw that places the matter entirely in your hands. The new tax law Is written on correct principles. The machinery for its enforcement is adequate and appropriate. The law is so written that it will be easy for the citizen to do right and hard for him to do wrong. But on you, Mr. Average Citizen, rests the responsibility of determining whe ther or not the wise and Just purpose i of the law shall be carried out. Now. Mr. Average Citizen, you will! receive a questionnaire and will be called upon to swear before God and to all your fellow-citizens what is the i fair market value of your property. | When you come to take this solemn j oath it will be helpful to you to' put . your own conscience this question: '.. I did not own this property, but * - - to buy it, what would I be jus t.:*.r . in paying for it?" and, again: "it : ranted to sell this property, not at a reed sale, but in- the way and on the terms that property of this class is generally sold in this commuaijy, what do I really believe I could get for it?" The answer to these questions will point with reasonable accuracy to the fair market value of your prop erty. This fr.lr market value you must write down in your question naire. else you will cease to be Mr. Average Citizen- and become Mr. Un desirable Citizen. When you, Mr. Average Citizen, tell the truth about your property, it will __ do._no good* for your neighbor, Mr. "t7n desirable rtlizefrTto tell -a "lie abOttt" his property, because when the books show truly what the property of Mr. Average Citizen is.worth, this evidence will clearly and Conclusively show what the property of Mr. Undesirable ? Citizen is worth. The local and dis trict assessors, when they come to fix the value of property, will be govern ed by the sworn testimony of Mr. Av erage Citizen. And when you, Mr. Average Citizen, tell the unvarnished truth about your i'" 1T ery discrimination ana every fnequai ity in taxation in North Carolina. True values are always equal values, but the greatest expert cannot equalize a series of falsehoods. When all the property In the State shall be placed on the books at its fair market value, many benefits will ac crue to you, Mr. Average Citizen. 1. You will have the great satis fajtimr of-knowing that the record written by all the people of the State ia.a true record and not a libel on the commonwealth. This knowledge will wonderfully strengthen the moral fi ber of our people." 2... You will know that every dis crimination in taxation is wiped out, and that every citizen is carrying his fair part of the burden. 3. As tee values go up the rate of taxation will go down, and hereafter North Carolina will be known far and wide as a wealthy State with a low rate of taxation instead^ of a poor State wiui a nign rate 01 laxauou. 4. The General Assembly has made a pledge not to collect, under the pro posed true valuation of property, rev enues greater than ten per cent fn ex cess of the revenues collected under the present false values. This means that the total revenues collected by the State shall not be greater than ten per cent In excess of the total revenues collected under the present law. This most emphatically does not mean that no particular citizen may pay less tax es than he has ever paid before. He may pay double what he has hereto fore paid. This depends on whether or not he has heretofore paid his fair share of (he taxes according to his true worth. If he has paid more than his fair share the increase as to him will be less than ten per cent; if he has paid less than his fair share, the increase as to him will be more than ten per cent. You. Mr. Average Citizen, will at once perceive the essential justice in thus equalizing the public burden. I call on you to lend your vigorous sup port. first, by example, and then by precept, to this attempt -by the Gener al Assembly to build up n taxation system in North Carolina grounded on perfect truth and perfect Justice. By so doing you will help to practically demonstrate that it is profitable in money and in morals to a people as well as lo an Individual to tell the truth and shame the devil. Sincerely yours. T. W. BICKETT. Raleigh. X. C., July 11, 1919. Birrs OIL ENGI>E OUTFIT. 1 J?u#ttS'tn Have New Plant Iii*tullt*d In About Sixty Day% Tbfl Board of Town Commissioners met )n special session on last Friday Atfr&iDbn to hoar the rejK>rt from the Comfi&tftae. that had visited Southport and -some other places on a tour of in vestigation of the efficiency, cost and satisfaction of the oil engine tkat had been proposed for the power plant for Loulsburg. Their report was very favorable, showing that Loulsburg could make a big saving over its pres ent cost of operating and to such an extent that It would be unwise to con sider any proposition from the. Caro lina Power and Light Co. Whereup on a motion in proper Jorm prevailed purchasing the rtljMrnj outfit, af ter the contract b had beep read^d-fc*h^fci^.?^Fhis outfit consists of ?e mtcV direct connected jkltJmktaiy mor tised c hain, din yWi efci?D^d%* twenty five hors^-pow^lwl^ #*MC-^tor day run, one- "fipOr*power tfaTor-driv en fire QUipfcjMtf^rhorMg^wer mo tor driven, rlr^r online 36 gal lon mo^or driven pump for pumping oil to power houfee, and a 10,000 gallon storage tank at a cost of $27,000.00. The necessary preliminary financial arrangements have been made and the plant is ordered out. This plant is equipped ror twenty-four hotlr service which the Commissioners contemplate installing when the new plant is star ted up. One unit of the present steam plant will be held in readiness as an ; auxiliary, until a satisfactory sale can be found fcr It, when it will, no doubt be replaced with another unit of the large oil engine outfit. ; In doing away with the truck, shav ings. coal, and firemen the Commis sioners expect to make a saving of at least $500.00 a month,, with a splen did probability of $700.00 or more. The citizens of Loulsburg who want electric current during the twenty-four tours for other than lighting purpos es are advised to take the matter up with Supt. Hill that necessary ar rangements may be made so that when the new plant is put into use they can avail themselves of the all day cur rent. With all the available information in hand there is no question that the present Board of Commissioners arc. to be congratulated upon making the best busin'ess deal for the town it has experienced in many years and there is Hardly any doubt but that it will prove even more so -in the future. It is now expected that the new .plant wtll be installed, ready for run ning, within the nex^sixty days. CUl'NTY COMMISSIONERS. , The Board of County Commissioners I met in special session on Monday with i all members present except Chairman jTlmberlake. Mr. J. D. Alston was i selected to serve in this position, and | after reading and approving the min j utes of the last meeting the following I business was disposed of: at S100.00 per bale. Ordered that notice be served on C. T. Stokes, Allen Bros. G. W. Ford and A. W. Perry. Jr.. to appear before the Board today for failing to list cot ton . Upon motion the Board received all tax lists, with the understanding if anything is wrong with any of them the respective tax listers will correct same without extra compensation. It was ordered that H. A. Matthews property be reduced to $2,240 and J. A. Sfencer's property be raised " to $2.240, both being the Spencer land. Ordered that oaths of T. W. Wat son and Hugh W. Perry be received and filed. Chairman Timberlake arrived for the afternoon session. G. W. Ford was before tlie Board in regard to listing cotton. The mat ter was deferred to next regular meet ing. All township road trustee# were or dered to make reports to Board of County Commissioners. The Board adjourned to its next reg ular meeting. BASS-BE AT Y. The marriage of Miss Mary E. Beaty to Dr. W. Ray Bass, of Louisburg. was celebrated at the home of Mr. Paul N". Allen. Dr Weston Bruncr. pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle church, of ficiating. The bride, who wore a traveling suit of blue and carried a shower of brides roses, was attended by Miss Ze nolia Bagwell as maid of nonor. Miss es Cassi Colton of Clayton, and Texi< Bagwell as bridesmaids. The maid of honor was dressed in pink organdie 'anff carried pink K i Hartley roses. The hrirlesmaids wore white organdie dres ses. The groom was attended by Mr.. B. C. Sharif), of Louisburg. as bost man. Messrs. Paul N. All?n and Preston Smith, of Garner, as groomsmen. Lit tle Misses Kdsa Karl Beaty. of Wil son Mills, and Catherine Heuss acted as ribbon bearers The wedding mu sic was pluycd by Miss Amcnda Smith of Garner, After a wedding tour to*Western Carolina, Dr and Mrs. Bass will be at home in Louisburg.?News-Obser ver. Mr. L. P. Hicks was a visitor to Raleigh Wednesday. AMONG THE" SOME IOC KNOW A>D SOME YOB DO NOT KSOW. * Personal Items About Folks and Their Friends Who Trarel Here And There. ? ' Dr. S. P. Burt vUlted Raleigh Wed. nesday. ______ * *"? i -! . Mr. F. W. Wheless left yesterd?? for Baltimore. Mr. Ben T. Holden spent-MTMH days the past week In Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas vis) South Hill, Va., the"past week. Miss Virginia Jones Is on a friends and relutlT6S In Kaieign Mrs. W. B. Cooke and children L_ on a visit to her sister at Enfield.' >J County Tax Assessor T. W. WauJufi was a visitor to. Raleigh Wednesday^ Mr. Conrad Driver, or Memp Tenn., is vlsltiDg relatives m the i ty. Mrs. W. E. Bartholomew and cl dren are on a visit to her sister H Rockwell: "V'l Mrs. Lee Battle, of Trinity CoUaM Is & visitor to friends and relatives to Louisburg. Mrs. John B. Yarborough and Mrs. W. H. Yarborough were visitors to (Raleigh Wednesday. j Mr. W. Hal Mann, who has been on an extended visit to Syracuse, N. Y., returned home yesterday. i Mrs. F. A. Riff, who has been ' visit to relatives at Salisbury and ;ington. Va., has returned home. Mr. Malcolm McKlnne and daugh ter. Miss Olivia, returned Mondif from a visit to Washington City. Mr. and Mrs. Tiler B. Wheeler and children, of Scotland Neck, Tisltf relatives near Louisburg this week?' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb (sons. Edmond and William visited ? atives in South Hill, Va., the past w< Ttfrs. R. A. Dunaway and ch _ of Johnson- City. Tenn.. who are visit ing her brother. Mr. S. G. Riggs. spoilt Friday in Raleigh. Misses Ruth Early and Elizabeth Allen have returned home from .Na tural Bridge and Roseland. Va., where they attended house parties. i Mr. J. B. Barringer and daughters, of Norwood, visited at the homes of jUlessrs. "W, Cooper.and W. E. Bar ?Mr. F. W. Hicks returned the past week from an inspecting tour of the 'oil. engine units with the Committee j from the Board of Town Commission ers. ? Misses Ruth Early and Elizabbeth Allen have as their guests, Misses Ve ra and Martha Wiggins. of Denmark. ?S. C.. Misses Julia Carver and Helen "Lyon, of Durham. 50,000 SEAMEN JOIN THE MARINE STRIKE New York. July 14.?The threatened strike of men employed on the vessels controlled by the United-States ship-J ping board was called late today. By i this action, according to tsnlori offic- j lials 50.000 seamen and thousands of i stewards, cooks, and other employes joined the ranks of those already on j strike in the coastwise trade. The offer by the shipping board of I an increase in wages and shorter wor- j king hours in port was duplicated today j by the American Steamship associa tion. which controls 75 per cent of the coastwise shipping, but the proposals failed to bring about a settlement. Officials of the shipping board will make another effort tomorrow to reach an agreement with the ?triKe leaders and end a situation which is admitted ly having a serious effect on the sea board commerce. The principal bone of contention, thte union heads say. is over the question of a cfosed shop, a principle which the officers of the steamship association have thus far i resolutely refused to concede. The outlook was made more threat- [ cning today when William S. Brown, j international prsident of the marine engineers, telegraphed from Buffalo that his union had voted to join the walkout if the demands of the strikers wer?* not met. SER VICES AT ST. PA1I/S CHI 1M H SI Nl)AV THE SOTII. The Rev. N. Colin Hughe*, the rec tor, will have regular service.? at St. Paul's church on Sunday. Jut "? -0th. Administration of the Holy Commun ion at. 7:30 A. M., Mornrng prayer and sermon at 11 A M.. and evening Prayer and sermon at 6:30 P. M. The rector and congregation extend a cordial invitation to all to attend all services. HOME DEMONSTKATION DE- J PABTXEST. 0 O The Community Club meeting at Winston, the Woman's ciut> meeting at Roberts and the Boys and Girls' Farm and Home Club meeting at Mit chiners. were excptlonally good last week. About thirty men. women and girls attended the Winston meeting. A great deal of interest was stown in the iceless refrigerator demonstration. This club does splendid canning each summer. It is interesting to know that the men do as much of the work and take as much interest Jn each program as the women 1 Every member was present at the I Roberts Club. An Iceless refrigera tor demonstration was given here. Af iter the club meeting, all members vi? |ited Mrs. Bob Roberts to see her side I porch. It is an attractive summer ?living room. No more beau tlful flowers are to be seen than the ones arranged on this porch. Mrs. J. J. Tlmberlake is the entnuslastle president of this club. Sometime ago ?he was having her home pafnted. She wished it completed toy a certain date so sho painted the blinds and a large propoction-oI-Lhfl lower ncory. It tak *s just such workers as she tojmaka? successful leaders of community or ganizations Maggie Phelps, a canning club girl of the Mltchlners club, gave the peach es she Intended canning to a sick club members of her club. She said "I had rather do without them in tne winter if the sick child can enjoy them now." An Irish potato cut in half and dip ped in ashes is splendid to clean fruit or egg stained steel or silver knives and forks and other silver. A "Baby Booth" and a "Home Con venience Booth" have been arranged for the County Fair. Last year. B. Altman & Co., sent down a complete outfit for babies' wear and model fur nishings in white for a nursery. As the fair could not be held last fall these articles will be exhibited this year. It will be one of the most at tractive booths of the fair. I hope every woman in the county I will see the booth filled with home | conveniences. The Carolina Power j and Light Co. is going to install a Delco light system. A wasning ma-; chine, wringer, large roller Iron, hand iron, churn and vacuum cleaner will be attached, showing some of the most! useful labor saving devices a country I toman can have in her home ? CONFEDERATE RE-lTNlON. I The following order concerning the Confderate Veteran Re-union for the State, to be held at Rocky Mount, X. C.. has been issued by Commander P~ G. Alston: Headquarters Camp R. M. McKinne? Xo. 1527 U. C. Veterans. Louisburg. X. C.. July 17. 191V*. J Comrades:* i will be h?ld this year in :ne beautiful and hospitable city of Rocky Mount I oi? the 5th, 6th and 7th of August. On arriving there you will report to Head quarters 2nd X. C. Brigade, comman ded by Gen. Wm.. Smitn. Each one will make his own arrangements to ? get there. Wishing you a good time. Very truly, P G. ALSTOX. " Commander. I> INTEREST OF UOOll ROAllS. A delegation composed of Messrs. W. Hr Ruftii>. F. R McKitme. J. P. Timberlake. J. D. Alston. Clarence Gupton. C. C. Murphy. J H. Wood. I j M. S. Davis. J. X. Perry. H. H. Bed-! dingfield. B. B. Sykes. C. C. Winston. P. W. Justice and A. F. Johnson j went to Raleigh Wednesday to appear ; before the State Highway Commission in the interest of the good roads of the county. They received assurance, of Federal and Sta te assistance In ' building portions of roads In Sandy ; Creek, Gold Mine and Dunns town- i ships and assistance for maintenance ! on other roads! They n:so secured' two Army trucks to be used in the j county for road work. 14 ARRESTED, (HARKED WITH INTENT TO MlKDER While Men and Negroes To Answer For Trouble at Long* lew, Texas. Longvtew. Tex^s. July 14 ?Fourteen white men,were arresred today on war rants charging assault with intent to murder, in connection witli I lie pit<i gu.Higl t J i ? ween white .men and ne groes last Friday. The nieti were released on ? 1 .flop bonds each, pending action by *i. county grand jury. Two more whit.- nien are to be ar rested- on the same charge, nccording to Captain* Hanson. In command of the ranger force In-re, who said still, fur ther arrests would be made tomorrow" on charges of arson in connection with the burning of six negro residences after tiro clash Friday. Rangers, cooperating with guards men. today took several negroes in cus tody amj placed them under guard at the military camp pending investiga tion . THE FRANJttJfJ TIMES $1.50. Per war in Advance. PELTATE ALBERT 0. AYSCUE. Private , Albert G. Ayscue was the son of the late Josph J. Ayscue, of Alert, Franklin .County, N. C.t who gfcve his life (n France October 10th. 1918. Private Albert Ayscue was born in Franklin County near Alert July! 27th, 1889 and lived there with his peo ple until he reached the age of twen- i ty-one which afterwards worked for , wages around Alert, while he was working with Mr. R. T. Tharrington of Alert post office at the time he re ceived his call. Albert was a man of unusual ambition. H? was industri-j ous and a boy of great success to his country. He lived a quiet obsr life and his daily walk was tha: a true gentleman. He was useiui . his country. He united with Mountain Grove Baptist church about ten years ago. which he was a faithful Christian until he was called away and a faith ful scholar in his Sunday School at Mountain Grove. He went to camp Jackson, Columbia. S. C. where he completed his training for oversea du ty and in May, 1918 he sailed for France, where he went in regular ser vice. He was in several hard battles aiid went over the top several times He was a brave soldier ana died a no ble death in that unkiwwn country. His death was a great loss in his home and his country >t He leaves an aged mother, four sisters and lour brothers land lots of friends and relatives to 'mourn their loss. All wfco knew him loved him and we hope he is uow rest ing in that great and unknown place of rest. May the Lord guide and com jort the breaved mother, sssters and "brothers to prepare to meet him where there will-be no parting for ever more. ?A FRIEND. DAYLIGHT SATING LAW TO REMAIN IN EFFECT TlloJfff.'lM HHP" It"' pealing It Over PresldenfiCMeto? Nu > urtlier trtort Now. Washington. July 14.?The daylight saving plan under which the clocks of the country are turned forward an hour in Mjirch and moved back iu Oc tober. will be continued indefinitely. This was assured today when fol- j lowing President Wilson's veto of the $33,000,000 agricultural appropriation! because of its rider repealing the day- ! light saving act. the house refused, by a vote of 247 to 135, to pass the uieas-. ure over the President's veto. Strength . mustered by repeal advocates was j eight votes less than the necessary' two-thirds of the members present. . Party lines were disregarded in the voting, members from agricultural districts?the sources of most of the opposition?favoring passage of the ; bill as originally enacted, with repre- j sentatives from the urban districts op posed. House advocates of the repeal said tonight after the agricultural bill had been sent back to the committee for elimination of the repeal provision! that no further effort would be made , at this session, perhaps not in this. Congress, which continues in existence} until March. 1921. to wipe out the day-1? light saving act. There was no indi cation. they said, that they would be , able to strengthen their forces. Senate leaders also indicated that no action would be originated in that i body to lvpeal the act and failure of the lions.- today to pass the appropri-.? ition mea>ure over the presidential i i*eto will prevent any action by the ! senate on the repeal rider. \ ( \KI> OF THANKS. t We ? Mend our sincere thanks to our . :*ls and neighbors for their kind . v during the sickness and death of ? :iu-hand -md father. ' Mrs. G. 11. Joyiier and Family. WMH> IDEA Junior's father was .leaving th?j| touse to attend a lodge meeting at!' vliich he was to be initiated into the irder. , Good-by , Junior." he said. I'm ;oing to ride a goat." " O. daddy." exclaimed Junior, "ride ilm back to our house." THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Per Year in Advance. FKANKlYntOS TO """ TrT'.*""" HAVE WATERWORKS Election Last Week Held To Vote Bunds For Installing Modern System. . , X : Franklinton, July U.?The election which was held here Wednesday to de termine whether or not permission would be given the town commission ers to issue bonds for the purpose of installing a water system, was carried by the advocates of water by a large majority It is understood that the commissioners have employed Mr. Gilbert White to make the survey of the town and estimate the cost. Col. W. L. McGhee, one of Frank linton's leading citizens, who has been in a New York hospital ror treatment for the past two months, has returned home. It is hoped that the Colonel to improved in health. He Is now at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Joyner. Mr. Joseph O. Green, proprietor of the Franklinton garage, is erecting a modern building for his business. It is a large brick structure and will be one of the best garage buildings in this section. The 2-year-old boy of Mr. Hoy Tay lor,'superintendent of the Franklinton graded schools, fell off the front porch at his grandfather's nome in Anson i county on Monday of this week and fractured his skull. The little fallow was rushed to the Charlotte Sanitor ium where a surgical operation was I performed, and it is reported he is do ing as well as could be expected. The annual picnic of the - Methodist and Baptist Sunday schoolB was held today at Green Hill, the beautiful farm of Mr. S. C. Vann. A large crowd of these- two prosperous Sun day schools were in attendance, and 'enough good eats to have fed twice as j many people. | It is said that crops are further be 'hind at the present time than they have ^ ev^r been in this section. Quite a * number of the farmers have not even ?started laying by yet. .and heretofore at this time of the year they were prac tically through work on tne crops. It is also stated that the prospects for an average crop is not good. It was too wet for a while and then turned off too dry. Cotton is commg out and young corn is doing well, but old corn ? is going to be very short. The wheat crop did not yield more than a fifty i per cent crop. This was because when it was in bloom heavy rains came and washed the bloom off. TWO WARRANTS HE*ILT. OF GASTON XEANS TRIAL Warrants Charging Conspiracy Issued for J. T. Pooling. of Sew York, and W. B. Miller, of Chicago. Concord, July 14.?Today a warrant was issued here by Justice of Peace C. A. Pitts, for the apprehension of John T. Dooling, assistant district at torney of New York city, and William S. Miller, attorney for the Northern* ing them with conspiracy lit the pros .ecution of Gaston B. Means for the alleged murder of Maud a. King and for subordination of perjury to said trial. Means was acquitted after six weeks trial ending in December. 1917. This warrant is based upon sworn af fidavits and the documentary evidence i secured among the letters cakeu from the files containing the correspondence between William S. Miller attorney for the?Nortkern Trust company, A: F. Reichmann, attorney alsfo of the Nor thern Trust company. Johi> T. Dool ing. Havden Clements, solicitor of this district, and others. All of the evi dence" with witnesses will appear be fore the grand jury of the Cabarrus county Superior Court beginning Au gust 11. If a true bill is found by the grand* jury extradition papers will be asked for from the ^governor of New York and Illinois in order to bring ihe defendants herfe for trial. Withfn visit here Saturday of Judge Frank H^Osborne. of Charlotte, it was learned that depositions hav erecent ly been taken in New York city, Wash ington, D. C., ami Charlotte of some of the prominent witnesses and attor neys who took part in the prosecution of Means in the fall of 1917 for the alleged murder of Mrs. Maude A. King. These depositions are returnable to the Superior court of Cook county. Il linois. It is alleged that these do positions when officially in the court at Chicago \\ill disclose sensational infoxmation 'that the Northern Trust company made large expenditures of money in Ihe prosecution of Means. I>FAI> M ATI TK. 'This is an enlightened communi ty ." "How's tluit?" j _ "If a landlord r -fuses to rent an ' ipartmcnt to a couple with children tie can 1m* haled to court and filled." 'That's the right idea. How doe* i work?" "Not worth a cent. There's no law <i pn-vciu a landlord from boosting rent to a prohibitive figure."? Birmingham Age-Herald. M K HAD F AITII "Count, my father has lost all his noney." "I will marry you. anyhow." "Do you really mean It? "Yes; a man like your father can asily rrrflke another fortune."

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