LINDLEY'S DYE WORKS 1? WEST HAR<?ETT STREET CORNER SALISBURY RALEIGH, N. C. TELEPHONES 3tfj Permit us to take car.1 of your Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing this territory FOOTER'S DYE WORKS, Inc., o The Most Efficient and Satisfactory Dyers and Cleaners In America. Ever Ready Storage Batteries in Stock for CHEVROLET, OVERLAND, BUICK AUTOMOBILES Bring your repair work to the best equipped Garage to do it. Batteries Re-charged. BECK'S GARAGE T. W. Wood's CRIMSON CLOVER SEED .Purple Top, Norfolk Globe and Seven Top Turnip Seed?all new seed, now on sale. Plant CRIMSON CLOVER at last work ing of corn and cotton. Call up Phone 327 when in want of any thing for breakfast, dinner and supper. We have it. and will get it to you quick. JE. Jno. W.King Lorbcu"!' Bank With The - ? . . ? -rt. Farmers National BANK Louisburg, N. C. Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $10,000.00 Checking Accounts 1 Savings Accounts Cashiers Checks I'nder Supervision of the I nlted States lioiernmc-nt, and Member of the Federal Heser^e System. 4 per cent interest on savings accounts, compoundedjquarterly J. M. ALLE>" President H. M. STOVAI.I,, ( ashlfr. A TWO-FOLD DUTY Many thoughtful mothers first Sive their children Scott's Emulsion regularly ? and then take it themselves. It is a tonic-food that contains elements as needful \up your strengl, t Scott & Bowse, Bloom fie Id. N. J. HIS REAL FEELINGS "Do you know." roared tfce little man, ' that your great hulking brute of a- bulldog killed my wife's dear little, unoffending ethereal, heavenly pet poodle?" ?What about it?" asked the brute. 'Well said the little man, looking carefully round to see that no one was spying.** "would you be offend ed if I presented your dog with a new collar?"?London Tit-Bits. o You Guard Against Burglars, But What About Bat? t Rats steals millions of dollars worth of grain, chickens, eggs. etc. Des troy property and are a nuisance to health. If you are troubled with rats, try RAT-SNAP. It Will surely kill them?prevent odors. Cats or dogs won't touch it: Comes In cakes. Three sizes, 25c, 50c. $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Allen Bros., Louis burg, N. C;? o CYNICAL. "I make my living with my hands," he said proudly. "I see." retorted the cynic. "Haven't 1 an idea in your head." CHILDHOOD DATS WERE DARKENED NOTIC*: TO CREDITOR Havir>g gualir'ed as adn.iuistralor H-rj j j if | . ' -Li- oLthe late Mrs .Emcrfa n 1 'o:? UIHI. fMfllll|lH) I lull 11 ? Little Girl Was So Irritable That Those Who Should Have Been Her Playmates Avoided Her. There is nothing so plttable as a child whose day? are saddened by 111 health, as was the case with little Sallie Phipps. daughter of Mrs. C. R Phipps. 527 South Street. Durham, who describes her daughters condi tion: "Sallie. who is now nine years old, was. until quite recently, in such physical state that life was miserable for her and every one around her. She was so nervous that thepresence of playing children drove her almost frantic. This was due to her health; her digestion was poor and her blood became so bad that she developed sores over her body. Weakened in this manner she was an easy prey for disease and developed pellagra. No thing seemed to help her until 1 gave her Peplac. which quickly brought a change and she could soon eat solid food without distress. Her*system is free of pellagra she has gained in weight and strength, plays with the other children and is as happy as any child could be." Peplac is sold and recommended in Louisburg at Scoggins Drug Store; Winstou-ttlanks Drug Co., Youngsrille T. E. Holding Wake Forest; and W. W. Parker at Henderson. Buy a bot tle today it has helped other? arj will do th-* same for you. ty,#this is *o n< Mfy ?11 persens hav ing claims against the vstale of said decedent to present the *hm-* to the undersign-'] on or before lStli cay of July. 1&20. ??r thfs notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, a.i persons indebted to -st?*e will pleas- make Immediate payment. This July ?S. *910. C. f..MONTGOMERY. Attuiais-j trat or ->f Mrs. En:ertn"Monvfom ej v d t-a-d Wm. H a: Thos. W. KufJ;u. Attorneys. 7-1S C: THE JiJKNERAI. TENDENCY "Everybody in America belongs to sorn?- kind of a sotial ?r commercial organization." obferv.-'i the distin irui-hed visitor." i "Yes." answered Senator Sorghum. " We have developed into a nation of leagues." o Who dainties lov- -iir.ll hezearf prove. "BAYER CROSS" ON ASPIRIN Always Ask for Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Only Aspirin Tablets with the. safety "Bayer Cross" on thorn Are genuine 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." owned and made by Americana and proved "safe by million? of people. Unknown quan titles of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were sold recently by a Brooklyn deal er Which proved to be composed most ly of Talcum Powder. 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should always be asked ^or. Tben look for the safety "Bayer Cross" on the pack age and on each tablet. Accept noth ing else! Proper directions arffl dos age in each Bayer package. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Manoaceticacldeeter of Sallcyllcacld. "A SPLENDID TONIC" Say* Hixion Lady Who, On Doc tor'? Advice, Took Cardii And U Now WeO. Hlxson, "^ran.?"About 10 year? ago I was..." Jfcrs Mre. J. B. Gadd, of this place. "I suffered with a pain In my left tide, could not sleep at night JTirfti HBHUfc Mu ttB el ue.. My doctor told me to use Cardul. I took on* bottle, which helped me and after my baby came, I was stronger and better, but the pain was still there. I a^ first let It go, but began to get weak and in a run-down condition, so I decided to try some more Cardul, which I did. This last Cardul which I took made me much better, in fact, cured me. It has been a number of years, still I have no return of this trouble. I feel it was Cardul that cured me, and I recommend it as a splendid fe male tonic." Don't allow yourself to become weak and run-down from womanly troubles. Take Cardul. It should sure ly help you, as it has so many thou sands of other women in the past 40 years. Headache, backache, sldeache, nervousness, sleeplessness, tired-out feel inc. are aXl signs of womanly trou ble. Other women get relist by taking OarduL Why not ro?? All druggists. NC-182 PROFESSIONAL COLUMN 1>R. PAIL C. CARTER Physician and Surgeon Office in Cooke & Speed Drug Co. Phone No. 87 FRANKLINTON, : N. C. J. O. 5EWELL, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C Office In First National Bank Building Will be at Loulsburg regularly Day Phone 329 ? Night Phone 292-J DR. W. B. ?OBTOK Eye Specialist Office in Hotel Building Loulsburg. North Carolina 8. ATWOOD UE WELL. Attorsej-At-Law. 'inlsburg Frankllnton Office in First National Bank Builditig General Practice DR. ABTHCB HYWES FLEKTN6 Surge-on Dentist. Loulsburg, North Carolina Office in Masonic Hall Building H. G Perrv H. H. Johnson DRS. PERRY & JOH>'SO>" Physicians Lnnlsbur*. - North Carolina Offices adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night: Dr. Johnson 10, Dr. Perry 2S7. DR. J. E. MALOKE. Loulsburg, North Carolina Ice In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street. Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DR. D. X. SJDTliWICK. DentlsL Loulsburg, 5. C. Office in the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts. Louisburg, North Carolina Practice In all courts. Office on Main Street. 0. M. BEAM Attorney-at Law LonUhursr, N. C. Offices over old Tar River Drug Co. Practtce in all courts. Vm. H. Ruffin, Thoa W. Ruffin WM. H. & THOS. W. KUFFIN Attomeys-at-Law Loufrbarg, : North Carolina General practice, both civil and crim nal, in FranTclin and-ad join ing coun ties, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices in First National Bank Building. DR. J. B. DA VIS Physician and burgeon Louisburg, N. C. formerly Interne St. Agnes Hospital Office next door to Durrell Davis Blacksmith Shop Day Phone 64 Night Phone 335 K. B. White E. H. Malone WHITE A MALONE LAWYERS Louisburg, North Carolina Several practice, settlement of es ates funds investod. One member of 'j?? Arm always In the 'offce. NORMAN B. HEDttF.PETH Attorney. At-Law General Practice in All Courts Office in Masonic Hall Building I.oulslmrg, N. ('. S. P. BFRT, M. I). Ix)uiflburg, N. C. Offices over Scoggln's Drug Store. Hours 11 p.. sn to 1 p. m., and 4 to 5 p. m. I>R. W. R, BASS. ~ Veterinarian. Louisburg, N. C. Offices at R. F. Fuller's stables. Tel ephones?day No. 56, Night No: ?. All calls answered promptly. DR. H. M. BEAM Physician and Surgeon. WOOD, N. C. Offices at Wood Drug Co. Orovs"! Tasteless chill Tonic rector?? vitallt? and energy by purify In t and id rtchinjth? blood. You cao soon feci iu Strength enlof. Invigorating Effert Prire 60c. HEARTBURN or heaviness after meals are most annoying manifestations oi acid-dyspepsia. Ki-moidS pleasant to take, neutralize acidity and help restore normal digestion. OTT & BOWNE m&tm STEGALL BROS. Barbers Louisburg, X. C. We have purchased the shop former ly occupied by Oscar Stegall and will run same at the same stand. Zollle Wilkins will be with us. and satisfac tion and cleanliness shall be onr mot to. Plenty of hot running water ?.ad clean towels. Buy Your Tombstones and Monuments I From HENDERSON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS Henderson, X. w. Save the high cost of freight by buy-! ing from us. Write for prices. J. B. GEE. Proprietor. REBUILDING RADIATORS WITH THE IDEAL CORES IS SAFE AND GUARANTEED. I HAVE IN STOCK GALVANIZE IRON, COPPER, TIN GUTTERING AND SPOUT. COKE TO SEE ME FOR THE BEST PRICES. E. A. ROGERS Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Need a suit case or traveling bag?if so, buy now? there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today?we sav ed in tb?? buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise?you expect to take a trip sooner or later?anticipate your needs now in these lines?you can make a great saving. W. E. White Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. Report of the Condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Louisburg. in the State of North Carolina, at the close of busi ness on June 30, 1919: RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts $478,857.73 Customers* liability account of acceptances of this bank or discounted by it 25.000.00 Total loans S503.857.73, v?nc<mii hiLto, rmiiuinnlnl . Overdrafts secured $9.182.99; unsecured SS96.74.... 10,079.7* U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation 50,000.00 Liberty Loan Bonds. 3 1-2, 4 and 4 1-4 per cent unpledged 5,135.00 ?Liberty Loan Bonds 3 1-2. 4 and 4 1-4 p. c. pledged to secure State or other deposits or bills pay able 49,000. U0 54.135.00 Total bonds, securities, etc. other than U. S 20.217.36 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank 1.800.00 Equity in ban-king house 25.000.00 Furniture and fixtures r \ ? 6.000.00 *" Lawful r-serve with .Federal Reserve Rank -23.713.03 Cash in vault and net amt*. due from national banks .. 22.559.04 Net anus, due uom banks, bankers and trust compan ies other than included in Items 13. 14 or 15 17.S93.7S Checks on other banks in the same city or town as re- r portinjr bank 1.5')9.95 Total of Items 14. 15. 16. 17 and 18 $41.962.77 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of re porting bank and other cash items 2.169.28 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. and due from U S ^ Treas ,2 500.00 Total ' $074.164.80 LIABILITIES C apital sto^R paid in $50.000.B0 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits 30,419.23 Less current expenses; int. and taxes paid 16,103..SI 14.315.42 Circulating notes outstanding 50,000.00 Amount due to Federal Reserve Bank 17,38$.*2* Certified checks outstanding 40.00 Cashiers checks on own bank, outstanding 710.55 individual deposits subject to check 232,669.24 Certificates of deposit 84,548.01 Other tim<* deposits 130.492.35 Total of time deposits 215,040.39 Rills payable 10.000 00 Bills payable with Federal Res&rve Bank 49,000.00 Acceptances executed by this bank for customers .... 25.000.00 Total $674,164.80 Total contingent liabilities .1 67,270.10 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. County of Fran-klin. ss; I. F. B. McKlnne, Cashier of the above-named bonk, do soreinnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge anil hoUet * F. B. McKINN'E, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of July, 1919. Wm. D. Jackson. Notary Public. My commission expires Jar> 3. 1920 Correct?Attest: I). F McKINNIJ. F. W. JUSTICB, Wm. H. RUFFiiM, Pirectors.

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