MASCOT Kiln-Dried Tennessee Rock Lime Conway, N. C., Jan. 24, 1919. Craven Brokerage Company, New Bern, N. C. Gentlemen: I have used American Limestone Company LIME (or one '' year and find it satisfactory for peanuts, corn' and oats, espec ially on bottom land for corn and oats. I used It for peanuts entirely, and I am satisflfied it Is as good or better than the other lime. I think it doubled my crop of oats which was on bottom land, applied in the Spring after oats were hand high. I think it doubled my corn on bot tom land. I will use it this year. Yours truly, "~~~ , (Signed) ABNEE LASSITER. MASCOT - Bone Dry Finely Pulverized - Readily Available American Limestone Company Knoxville, Tennessee WHY You Should Buy Flour and Feed From Us. It is always of the best quality. It is always a little less in price. The wise housewife never overlooks an opportunity to save a penny. SHE SAVES IT HERE. A. S. WIGGS fiffflt1] M"" Tn?iCh,irn, W / AMERICAN ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Court Street We have with us Mr. W. G. Riddle, a factory ex pert who can tell you what to do your shoes and then do it. We have the finest machine in the State and have none but skilled white men to do the work. Bring your old worn out shoes to us and we will show you how good we can make them look. Your work will be done while you wait. R. E. L, Lancaster W. G, Riddle American Electric Shoe Shop Court Street = Louisburg, N. C. Mr. P. LaDoke, Farmer, Snys, "You Bet Hals Can Bit?- Through Metal." ".;;i bad feed bin? lined with znic last yrrtr, rata got through pretty soon. Was ou $18. A$4 pkg. of RAT-SNAP killed so many rats, that I've vener btvn without it Blnce, Our colli dog never touched RAT-SNAP," You try it. Three sizes, 25c, 50c. $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Allen- Pros. Co. THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1 50 Per Year In^dvance. No longer can we say that nothing is sure but death and taxes. Agita.-? t ion discounts them all. The British government is looking for a wife for the Prince of Wales, ami this timo good health blood and not hereditary imbecility U desired. Any girl in this town want the Jobt IN a?! file want ads. You want the tin- things they advertise. RED GROSS GIVES FULL ACCOUNTING War Council Tells Hov Mfflioos Contributed by Public Were Used For Reitot - BIQ TASK IS DESCRIBED H. 1 In Twenty Month* *184,00(^000 WW ?pent Ovinnu and |11iVXXyXX* In United Washington. (8poeWL>?Tliroagti s complete report ct tt? ww* id O? Cbalrmuti Boatf P. Dovluon, OO be half of the war tike oiyuUn>< tloo oo the eve of Its iddqiI snrol> meet of member? taxing tbe 3Qtfrd Bed Cross BoU Osa Novwmbar ft t?' 11, bo? rendered an scoovnCIng at tbe many million? given it bj Ota Amej?-j can people to help oar Mo! and oar aniea Tbe fafamwtf M, In part, a? follow?: I The war council of Qm Amortcani Bed Croe? 1? now prepared Id inafes %. complete aooountlng to tbe American paople of money contributed ?c P?ded. si well a? tbe work ?M by, the American Bed Oxoea dortag fb# period la which tbe war council waa In control of Its aflatra. 13m war council vaa appointed May lfl, WQ ??1 wen? oat of erlsteooe February 28, 1018. | "It was the practlaa of tbe war oooncU to give complete pi^mcfty to Its policies and finances, but It ta oat/ bov that a picture of the war pestod a* a whole can be pnwinisil It la tbe feeling of 0? war eotmoU tXMt a report in this summarised teem stecld be made directly to the public which provided the money and gave the ef fort which made the tuj) Orou a success. "A statement of tbe American Croae effort and finances since the war Co audi relinquished Its control "HI be made to the public through ] the executive committee, and It Is Im portant, therefore, that the fact that i this report covers the period only until March 1, should bo carefully nouxL" j Following are certain roond figures covering American Red Cross partici pation In the war, a? revealed by the twar council's report: Some Outstanding Figures, Contributions received (material and money J. ?400,aXM?0 Bed Cross members: Adults, 20,000.000; .Children, 11,(?0,000 ... 31^)00,000 Ked Cross workers &. 100.000 Belief articles produced by volunteer workers.. 37U577MX) Families of soldiers aided by Hotne Service In U.S. 500J100 Befreshtnents served by canteen workers in U.S. 40.000i.000 Nurses enrolled for serv* Ice with army, navy or Bed Cross -n boo Kinds of comfort article? distributed to soldiers and sailors In U. 8.... X700 ! Knitted articles given to eoldlers and sailors In U. a idooo noo Tons of relief supplies ' shipped oversea? 101.000 I Foreign countries in ' which Red Cross oper ated ,,,,. 05 Patient days In Bed Cross Jiospltal In France 1.153,000 French hospitals given material aid 3 7so . Splints supplied for Amer i lean soldiers 204.0?? Gallons of nitrous nx!de and oxygen furnished French hospitals 4,340,000 i Refugees aided In France ? 1,720,000 I American convalescent . soldiers attending Red ? Cross movies In France 3,110,000 I Soldiers carried by Red i Cross ambulances In , ' ? I'ol.v HS.orn Children cared for by J Red Cross in Italy 13.1,000 | Of the $400,000,000 In money and supplies, contributed to the American Red Cross during (he twenty months the war council wns In existence, j $203,000,000 was nlloted to national I headquarters, while $137.000,000 went I to the chapters to finance their ac- | tlvltles. Expenditures In the twenty months totalled $273,000,000, divided as follows: By national headqnart.Ts In France. $57,000.000; elsewhere ?iv r sens. $(14,000.01)'); In the United Stat.?, $48,000,000: by chapters In the States. *43,000,01)0,; iy>st sf chapt r produced articles distributed In France. ,?2.1.000,000, elsewhere over seas, $agno,onii; {D the United States, $28.000.000. making total expeaditure-* In f'rance. $82.000.000, elsewhere over sens, $72.000,000: In the United S'st.'-, $119,000,000, join The American Red Cross All you need is o and a The Bi? Sacrifice Sale at I. J. DEITZ CO. Louieburg, N. C. has enjoyed the biggest success ever attained in Louis burg. Large numbers of Franklin County people have been filled greatly in the many wonderful bargains they have received. There are still quite a few bargains left tha^we^r^givingyoi^^ch^nc^at^^^is^iu^e^hQ^o^ have and what you can save by buying from us. A few prices below will give you an idea of the big savings we are offering you. ^ Here are a few of the great bargains we are offering EXTRA SPECIALS lflc Hair Combs, each 5c Dress Pins, per package lc 25c can Talcum Powder, can 5c 5c Spool Cotton, spool 2^c 5c Pearl Buttons, a card 2Vic 10c Writing Tablets 5c 25c Box Writing Paper and Envelopes, a box 9c MEN'S CLOTHING AT ENORMOUS SAVINGS. All wool Blue Serge suits, $18 today value to go at $11.98 Men's $25 suits, high grade merchant tail oring $18.50 Men's all wool heavy Dickey Kersey suits $1$ value .' $11.98 Men's heavy Corduroy suits $19.50 val ue $12.0Q $40 young Men's suits in the latest mod els V $22.50 Men's Black Overcoats with astrogan col lars, $25 value, special $11.98 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats in the latest models values $40 our.00 low price $18.00 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Dress shirts, choice dollar value 75c The veiy best workshirts- the strongest $1.50 kind $1.15 The heaviest $2.50 Overalls $1.75 50c Belts ;. J ;. 25c 50c Neckwear 23c 50c Suspenders .... .... 25c $5.00 Dress Hats, all colors .... '.... $2.98 $1.50 Caps 49c 35e Collars '. ... 15c DRY GOODS Good Sheetins* 30c,value per yd-?... .. 19c 50c Mattress Ticking, per yd 30c 25c Apron Oingliam, per yd 15c 25c Outing Flannel, per yd. 18c 35c Dress Gingham, per yd .25c ?.i nn 2uc Cotton Plaids, per yd * 19c 35c Heavy Canton Flannel, per yd 28c 35c yard-\yide Percales, per yd 25c Best Bleaching, 35c value, per yd .... 25c $1.75 value all wool Serge- per yd 98c SHOE DEPARTMENT. Mens work shoes, $4.50 value at .... $2.98 $4.#0 (inn Metal Dress^ioes $2.49 Woywiberg's, the best all leather work shoe made $2.98 Mens regular Army shoe $10 value . .$7.50 Mens Waterproof heavy Blue Chrome lea ther, $7.50 value .; $4.98 Mens W. L. Douglas Guaranteed Dress Shoes. Black lace, $7.50 value .$5.98 Black button, $7.50 value '. $5.98 Dark and light Tan button or lace $S.50 value ; $6.98 Dark Tan Chocolate English, $!' val.. $6.98 Women?,Black high lace Boot, $G.50 val ue ...... $4.50 Womens Black lace Gun Metal shoes, $4.00 value S2.50 Old l.adies Comforts shoes $3.50 val. $1.98 Womens dark Chocolate High Boot. $8.00 value $5.98 Womens Field Mouse high cut Boot, $8.50 value $7.49 Childrens Black Button shoes, size 8V2 to 11V5 $198 Childrens Button or Laee shoes, size 12 to 2 ^ $2.49 Childrens4ace and button, size 5 to 8 .$1.49 Childrens button or laee, size 1 to 5 . .98c HOSIERY DEPARTMJNT Cliildrens 35c hose, per pair 23c Womens 35c hose, per pair .. 20c Ladies heavy everyday hose, per pr. . ,23c Mens 35c dress hose, per pair t. 20c Mens 35c Grey work hose, per pair ... .23c BOYS CLOTHING. $5.0# Blue Serge suits $3.98 $7.50 Worsted suits $4.98 $10.00 All Wool suits $6.98 $15.00 All Wool Blue Serge suits.. $11.50 finest Suits made of high-grade Worsteds $15 value $8.98 MEN'S AND BOYS' EXTRA TROUSERS Boys pants, 85c value, special 48c Boys pants, half wool $1.50 value 98c Boys extra fine Worsted pants, $3.00 val ue .$1.98 Mens $3 part wool Trousers $1.49 Mens $4Worsted Trousers $2.49 Mens eftra heavy genuine Dickey Kersey trousers, $7.50 value $5.98 Mens heavy Cordurov Trousers, $5. 00 va lue ." $3.98 Mens all wool Blue and Black Serge Trous ers. $8 value .; :. $4.98 UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. 5)Se Boys fleeced ribbed union suits ... 69c Mens $1.25 heavy fleeced shirts and draw ers . ? .... .... _98c_ Boys $1 heavy fleeced shirts and draw ers * 75c Ladies fleeced ribbed, 75e shirts and draw ers .... 49c Ladies $1.50, [ .25. union suits 75c Girls extra heavy fleece, Toe shirts mid drawers ! 49c Babvs all wool 75c shirts 49c Bahv 50c heavv fleeced shirts 25c WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRTS AND . SHIRTWAISTS. A Beautiful Assortment. All wool Serge skirts, $7.50 value . ..$5.98 Silk Poplin skirts, $(>.118 value .... S4.98 All wool l'oplin skirts, $10 value ... $7.98 Wool Plaid skirts, regular $8.f)Q val. $5.98 Silk Taffeta skirts, marked special at S6..5" Ladies Voile waists, r< i,. $1.5(FVal. ... 98c Ladies Crepe de C'liene, all beautiful wai.-ts at $3.98 $4.(10 China Silk waists all colors onlyS2.98 $7.98 Ladies Georgette waists spec. $5.98 MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDRENS SWEATERS. Womens $1.50 heavy sweaters 98c Mens heavy $1.50 sweaters, special .. 95c Womens all wool sweaters, all colors $4.98 Mens heavy all wool sweaters $7.50 val ue $3.98 Childrens $1.50 sweaters 49c Childrens heavy $2 sweaters $1.25 Childrens all wool $3.50 value sweat ers $2.98 I. J. DEITZ COMPANY "The Store that Always Sells It Cheapest'' LOUISBURG, - - North Carolina

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