Oil?the Ideal Fuel Notj power and heating in navies and modern industries of the world, but it furnishes fuel for heating the households of the world The Perfection Oil Heater supplies eco nomical kerosene heat to more than 3,000,000 homes. . Saves coal during Fall months. The Perfection is clean, portable, safe,' soot less, odorless?burns ten hours on a gallon of oil?easily filled and re-wicked. Aladdin Security Oil gives best results. At your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (N?w Jorasy) Washington, D. C. BALTIMORE. MD. Ch.rlott?, N. C. Norfolk, V?. Charleston, W. V?. Richmond, V?. Charleston, 8. C. Use Aladdin Security. Oil PERFECTION Oil Heaters NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. B, Summerville, de-! ceased, late of Frankiiu County, all i persons holding claims against said I estat?> are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before] the 3rd tiny of October, lb d?. t this | notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said t estate, will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Oct. 2, 1919. PHILLIP SUMMERVILLE, 10-3-Gt. m Administrator. fl.5d'fer Year in Advance. SCIENCE TALKS A celebrated scientist referring to cod-liver oil said that Nature had given the world "almost a ready-made food". is richest Norwegian cod-liver oil, elaborated in a scien tific manner, vtery much as Nature wraps up each globule ! of butter-fat. Scott's is not unlike cream in consistency, ^but many assimilate it easier than they do other fats. Scott's Emulsion is concentrated nourishment The exclusive grade of cod-liver oil used ia Scott'o Emulsion is the famous "S. & B. Process." made in Norway and refined in our own American Laboratories. It is a guarantee cf purity aud palatabiLity unsurpassed. 6cott & Bow tic. Lloomfield, N. J. 19-15 | /"v The Good Old Kind that Polk Miller's 1 ,Jc * Same formula Jor 50 Liver Pills years. Unequalled for Biliousness* Sick Headache, Constipation and Malaria. At all druggists. Manufac tured by Polk Miller Drug Co., Inc, Richmond, Va. f No matter where von buy it.Luzianne coffee is always the same high standard of excellence" 9Every pound is sold, in an air-tight tin can. 9Lu.zianne retains its /-*? . If, after utlag entl ru.ll rich rlavor. If, after u?lag entire eofl * " can acoprdlngto . yt>( yfi not aat rnTrimct.] grocer will refund money jr^u paid for It. 1 coffee The Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans Oil! MY NICE HAIR IS ALL FALLING OFT Hurry! Lh "Dar.cJprlnp* save your hair iinit double Its ? beauty. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff gee a small l?ottie of delightful "Dan derir. ?" at any drug or toilet-counter for a few cent?, pour a little in your ter severni applications the hair us ually stop? coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Hoi p your hair grow long, thick ami stior.g and be come soft, glossy and abundant. What Will Hon Give I Already the little ones of this com munity are beginning to wonder what Santa Claus will bring them this Christmas. Daughters are making veiled sug gestions. ami the sons are openly bid ding for parental favor at this time. Mother has her secret desires, and fatherTaTtfecklng up to'see if be can afford a new suit or a pair of shoes. The family eye is turning to Christ mas and is bright with expectation. Yuletide joy is hovering in the offing and all arms arc extended to it. Hut what will you give? That is the old, old story?the one which each person must determine for himself. Our local merchants are ready for the rush. They are prepared to satis fy every legitimate demand. Their selections are especially appropriate this year. Our advertising column? will keep you in touch with the situation each week. The choicest and best of all gifts will be found there. You want it, the home town has it,, and the home paper will tell you where to get it. ' t .\OTICE. * 7 North Carolina. In Superior Court Franlclin County. Lillian Shearon. Vs. George Slrt?aron. - i The defendant aliow named will take notice that an tiction entitled as above has been commenced in the Su Iperior Court. Franklin County for an Iabsolute divorce, upon statutory I grounds, nnd-t.be said defen^int will further take notice that no is required !i?:jfpprni' at the office of Clerk of Su perior CourtjTof "Franklin County on i fit h day of Dwrn^er. KUD, .at the I Courthouse, said Couiit>;.'?f?oui*b.urg. IX. C."atu\ atiftwer or demur t<> the !complaint |n said action T?r the plaiif j t iff will apply to the Cflurf for the're-, lief demanded In said complaint. J This* 51st day of Oct. K?19.. ?I. J. HARROW, j 11-1-41 ? C'lefk Superior-Court. Our $35,000 Stock of Mens and Boys ...CLOTHING... A REAL SALE UNTIJ, DECEMBER 24th, 1919. The Stock is complete so come early before it is picked over. We want to close out every suit and overcoat in the house so we are foing to offer t&em at the following closing out prices. ? ?? BOYS SUITS $8.60 SUITS ... .... $6.98 ?10.00 SUITS.,..." .. $S?9 -'*?.-60-SUITS .../ .. ?9.98 $15.00 SUITS -..?11.98 $16.50 SUITS ..?12.98 $17.50 SUITS $14.98 $20.00 SUITS ?16.98 $22.50 SUITS...... ..^?19.48 MENS SUITS ?15.00 SUITS . $17.00 SUITS... $20.00 SUITS .. $22.50 SUITS .. $25.00 SUITS .. $27.60 SUITS ? $30.00 SUITS $35.00 SUITS .. $40.00-SUITS .. ?45.00 SUITS .. $50.00 SUITS .. ..?11.98 .. .$18.98 ...$14,98 .. .$17.48 ...$19.98 ... ?22.98 .. $24.98 .$29.98 .. .$3498 .: ..$39.48 .. .$44.48 MENS OVERCOATS *15.00 COATS ?. .$11.48 $1Z.00 COATS $20.00 COATS $22.00 CO^TS $25.00 COATS $30.00 COATS $35.00 COATS $40.00 COATS . ..$14.48 ..$15.98 ..$18.48 .. $20.4S ..$24,48 .. $29.48 . $34.98 16 Youth Suits, Long Pants, Good School Suits 9 SUITS at $6.98 7 SUITS at $8.98 / MENS SUITS COHDODOY - $18.00 SUITS .... ?1.1.48 $22.00 SUITS $17.39 ARMY KAHKl'S $12.50 SUIT 89.9$ HEAVY K:..1SEYS $20.00 SUITS BOYS MACKINAWS AND OVERCOATS $4.50 COATS ' " ?8.4$ ?5.00CQATS "... .... '?.48 * $crso-coATS . ?: ? $5,7? -Slo.00 COATS .... - .'. $SS? $12.50 COATS $9.4$ '"$15.00 COATS .... .... ..v.. $11.98 $17.50" COATS $13.98 $22.50 COATS .t.:.' $18.48 A LARGE LOT OF ODD PANTS FOR MEN AND BOYS AT YOUR PRICE We are overstocked on Trunks and Suit Cases. Oar stool? of underwear for men and b.oys is complete. Don't allow yourself to be satisfied when in needtif any of the above articles before looking through our stock. This sale wiirbe every day until Dec. 24th. Tlie Allen Biullim Cunipdiiy "EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY" LOUISBURG, North Carolina CHILDHOOD DAYS WERE DARKENED. Little Girl Was So irritable That Those Who Should Hare Been Jler 1'lny mates Avoided Her. There Is nothing so pltable as a child whose days are sacJGened by ill health, as was the ease with little Sal lio Phipps, daughter of Mrs. G. R. Phipps, 327 South Street, Durham, who describes her daughters condi tion:.. * \ "Sallie, who is now nine years old, was, iintil quite recently, in such a physical state that life was miserable for her and every 0110 around her. She was so nervous that the presence of playing children drove her almost frantic. This was duo to her health; her digestion was poor and her- blood became so bad that she developed sor es over her body. Weakened in this manny she was an easy prey for dis ease And developed Pellagra. XotlP ing seemed to help her until 1 gave her Peplac, which quickly brought a change and shse running; relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness. sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" ' is the quickest, surest rolief known and costs only ? few cents at drug stores. :r/its without assistance, ta^es nice, contains no quinine?Insist upon Pape's? ? "