v*"tWo lots for sale. Two nico building lots cornering on 8prlng and Noble Streets, within one Jjlock of the Graded School and the JHrtfcodist church is offered for sale on easy terms. Call on or write 11-7-tf W. H. RUFFIN, Atty. In large cities- scrub women are re- i ceiving $3 and $4 a day. Ministers ami college professors receive nearly j as much. ^ It, as we are told, "the wages of slo is death." It is a Ion? time overtaking some of the hardened old reprobates of this world. If the wage increase contini^es. bus iness men will soon be throwing up the spone?* and looking for fat jobs. The man who exaggerates can never understand why he is doubted when he *!.?:? * s the truth. * THE" ONI VE R S A t Here is the Ford Runabout, a perfect whirl wind of utility. Fits into the daily life of everybody, anywhere, everywhere^ and all the time. For town and country, it is all that its name implies?a Runabout. Low in cost of operation; low in cost of maintenance, with all the sturdy strength, dependability and re liability for which Ford cars are noted. We'd be pleased to have your order for one or more. We have about everything in motor car acces I sories, and always have a full line of genuine J Ford parts?give genuine Ford service. Louisburg 'Motor Company . Louisburg, N. C. Farmers Attention! THE Rl'FFIN REAL ESTATE CO. is buying and selling land every d;>y. Whether you want to bdy a farm, or sell one, we can suit yon, and salt you quick. We are doing business because we attend to business. We want to Bl'Y any amount of LAM) In Franklin County.cash i>r time prices. Also any amount o f TIMBER. We haTe ior SALE, fifteen or twenty iarms, rangihg in ,ucres from iO to 200, atid Covering practically etery Township in Frank lin County. We especially call your attention to the JARMAN 95 1-2 ? acre farm near Ingleslde. in Loulsbnrs Township, a highly improT. ed farm, only two hundred yards from the Ingleslde School, and the STRICKLAND farm IDS acres, six miles from Lotilsburg, In Y'oungs : Tille Township, near the Judge Cooke home place. Come to see ns, tell us yonr wants, and we will find yonr farm for you in thirty days, or bny what yon liaTe to selL When yon have KF \L ESTATE BCS1NESS, remember the Rl'F FIN REAL ESTATE COMPANY, and see T. W. RUFFIN, MGR. AT LOriSBl R(i. X. C. ' L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS BEST THAT CAN BE MADE ^ < Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready'touse' RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from oar Agents or'r ?? _ LONGMAN A MARTINEZ Manufacturer* Now Yarfc TRY US r-rr.mr- t with your next Prescription. It shall have our MOST CAREFUL ATTENTION. We use only Pure and Fresh Drugs and rhemicals. We also carry a full line of the Best Toilet Articles to he had. Aycock Drug Co. Phone No. 329 . Louisburg, N. C. THE FRANKLIN TIMES 4. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager i <?ue Tear ? 1.5(1 eight Months 1.00 \'\ Mouths 73 Foot Mouths 60 Entered at the Post Office at Louls burg. N. C., as second class matter. McAdqo saysL ho has not been nas not been em wmmm&m them against the government. ?<v Tuesday reports show* that official Washington expects the coal strike to soon end. Let it be hoped so. Six -negroes sentenced to die ou the flrst day o T trial of race disturbances at Helena. Ark., is quite a record. News from Washington City is to the effect that .William G. McAdoo will be the Democratic candidate for Presi dent. North Carolina's Governor has Join ed in the Aviation sport?taking a ride from Raleigh to Wake Forest Monday with Lieut. Maynard. The appointment of Hon. * E. Y. Webb as Federal Judge in the Western N. C. District was held up by Senator Norris, republican. Monday. The ap pointment was made with a unanimous vote Wednesday. Judge Guion allowed Mrs., W. A. Grahan an annual allowance of $1, 500.00 until the merits of the case can be heard by the jury. Looks like there is at least something to the la dy's side of the question. WILL THE INFLUENZA RETURN! Public Health Authorities Predict Its Recurrence. Guard Against ?t by Building Up the Blood Pepto-Mancan Creates RIcIi Hed Blood and Increases Strength? Surgeon General Blue, of the United States Puolic Health Service, in a re cent statement from* Washington, warns the public that the much-dread ed influenza epfdemic will probably re turn this fall and winter. All medical authorities agree thaiSthe weak, blood ies?. rundown individual is more like ly t.) contract this (as well as any.oth er infectious disease) than is ;'-e stro ng* robust, redblooded r.*-an or woman. In view of these facts, it is wise to use every t*or to build up the blood and thus- increase, tlie bodily resistance to. the i^Vasiv>n 'of th*e gerriis of the dis ease. Gucie's Pepto-Mangan is an ab solutely dependable red-blood builder in all conditions of lowered vitality not due to sfrious uisease-of the vital or gans. It improves the apatite, im parts color to- the cheeks, and creates new hope and ambition in those wtio have become pale. weak, nnd listless. Physicians recommend Gude's Pepto Mangan. When you orcer. be sure the word "Gude's" is on the package. I Without "Gude's," it is not Pepto-Man. 1 gan? Furnished in both liquid and. tablet form. "For sale by itfi drug gists.? Adv. o / IMPORTANT NOTICE. I have not received sufficient num-. ber of applications for enumerators to | take the Census for This District, be-1 ginning .January 2nd. 1020. This is a rvife thank all who are interested, to write me for a ::pplf atii ions should have been in by ] November 1st. but under the circum stances. the J ime had to Do extended. ; It is the duty of the good citizens of (this "District, to-wit: .Wake. Chatham, j Vance.'-Johnson, Franklih and Nash Counties, to assist in t 'its matter, and I'urgwrtly request that you have an ef ficient man apply from your precinct. OTWAY B. MOSS. Supervisor of the Census.. 4th District of Norm Carolina. ?? < OI KT CALENDAR For November Term 11!?. comnvme-] ing November the 10th at 2io0 P. M. ' Two weeks Term for Civil Cases only: I Hon. O. H. Guion. Judge Presiding. MONDAY?ji-IRST WEEK - Ft. G. Allen Vs S. S. Meadows. I ? t. al. 5 D. F. McKinne et al Vs W. H. Allen. 51 W. T. J. Eaton Vs W. G. Moss, 1 Archie Stamper Ex. Vs W. a. Stamper. 4 Johti A. Mills Vs William Hayes TUESDAY?FIRST WEEK | 7 Sam Hawkins Vs D. F. McKinne. 8 Chase Baker Co. Vs Ilollings-I worth et al. 10 Lamson C ompany Vs Hill Livo Stock Co. 13 Crudup Kittrell Co. Vs Ernest | Macon. 17 Greenleaf Johnson Vs J. W. Val entin^ Gdn. 19 Georgia GrifTin Vs J. W. Valen tine. 8'j W. O. Stone Vs J. H. Rottom. WEDNESDAY?FIRST WEEK 63 In Re Exception fiival account Wiggins. 35 G. H. Rurnett Adro'r. Vs Life in surance Co. 21 Weatherly Mule Co. Vs J. E. Wright. 25 H. T. May Vs A. II. Wester. 27 Hill to us?* of McKinne V? R. H. Griffin. 33 W. A. hurch Adm'r. Vs .J. D. Rush & Co. 60 C. S. Tharrington et al Vs Thar rln-gton. 62 Gupton and wife \s. Wood Supply* (Continued on Page Seven J "SYRUP OF FIGS" IS LAXATIVE FOR CHILD Look nt toiiifuc! Remove poison? froui stomach, liver and bowels. I \f Accept "California" S?rup of Figs only?look for the name California 011 the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less, laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose ou each bot tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE. On Monday, November 17. 1919. at or about the hour of noon. I will offer for salo. to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Louisbur*. N. C. my residence property fronting on Main Street and running through to Spring Street in the Town of Louisburg. N. C. This property consists of the lot and ten room residence, with two baths, on Main Street and two roou> building on Spring Street. Terms of sale: One half Cash, balance payable In four equal annual instalments. MRS. J. A. TURNER. White & Malone, Attorneys. A LIOHT-RED YEARLING^.WHITE % legs, about 10 or 11 month old. Come up with my cattle In May. O Minor plea&c come get him. L. R. Wood lief. Kittrell. N. C. Route 2. 10-M-3t. COTTON STORAGE. We have almost unlfmlted space for storing bale cotton at reasonable rates iu sprinklered warehouses. Carolina Bagging Co., 10-24-6t Henderson, N. C. Always it bas been our aim to give you all the attractive jewelry values that could be secured. Now, with prosperity an every hand, our efforts are more than ever directed towards securing for you the best possible values In all jewelry lines. We guarantee to meet any competition and beat It for price according to quality. You haven't a single jewelry need that we will not meet to your entire and per manent satisfaction. -? Remarkable ? Unmatchable Values In Womens Suits, Coats, Dresses, and Shoes We want you and. your friends and evefy other woman who wants to save money to come to our store and prove to your own complete satis faction that we are giving this season THE SAME OLD VALUES FOR WHICH THIS STORE HAS BECOME FAMOUS. For years, season in and season out good times and bad times this Store has given the public the most valuejfor their money and now when the whole jvorld is caught in the grip of the highest prices in all history we are still offering Big Vaues. Women's and Misses Suits Sizes 18 to 46 . Women's and Misses stylish Fall suite, models that aro ex tremely new of extra fine qual ity blue and black serge trim med with Military Braid worth $22.50 Our Price $16.95 w ppwj?,; s and Misses Suits T^rnnrrr? Women's and Misses suits new est Fall styles, newest models direct from New York's fash ionable designers in materials of French serge and Poplins in colors of navy blue, black, brown, taupe and gray colors and cuffs trimmed with fur, worth $35.00. .Our price $24.95 Women's and Misses Coats Sizes 16 to 44 Women's and Misses straight line poats. belted all around fancy buttons, latest cut pock ets, material of Kersey cloth, Velours, and Plush collars smd cuffs trimmed with plush and fur, worth $24.50 Our Price $15.95 Women's and Misses Coats Sizes 16 to 44 Women's and Misses Winter and Fall cokts in correct and smart models, materials of Ve lours, Silvertone, Broadcloths and Plushes in black, brown, grey, lmrganed and navy blue, newest cut pockets worth $35.00 Our price $24.95 Women's and Misses Dresses Sizes 16 to 44 S<Tgo dresses in models?that? arc p 1 oa si 11 g~made of all wool serge some silk bralil trimmed others plain tailored wonderful selections- worth $22.50,...... Our price $16.95 Women's Silk Poplin Skirts in Mnal'f grm I'l' i)i,'?'w"wi?wwyi?" all sizes worth $6.50 Our price $4.69 Women's Georgette Crepe Waists A wonderful scleeti">i of waists in newest tailored designs in all wanted shades' of white, pink, grev, brown, laupe, sun set, maize and navy bin?. sizes .'16 to 46 worth $4.50 to $ls.00 .... Our prices $3.45 to $14.50 Shoe Department Specials Ladies brown english calf lace high eut shoe with military heels regular $7.50 value .... Our priee $4.95 Ladies Kid English high cut shoe with military walking heel regular $7.50 value Our priee $4.95 Our Millinery Department in vites your inspection. L- KLINE & CO. "When Seen or Advertised ElSSvflSert It's Always Cheapest Here" UOUISBURO. = 1 = rs,orth Cnrolino

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