to Freeman & Co., to be turned to them January 1st. We are going to sell our stock of goods between now and January lst/rtsgardless of price, and you will lose money if you don't see us be fore you buy. We have a^ood line of Shoes, Ladies Dresses, Suits and Coats, Mens Pants and Overcoats and most anything you need. If you want to make money see us before buying. ?^CiMBMflBaMBasaKaEACKa - ?// -- - , ^ - - West Nash St. f G. W FORD &. SON Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator? of the estate of H. C. Kearney, demis ed, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all person? holding claims against said estate Uf present them to the undersigned am or before the 24th day ot 0ctoberyi920, or this notice will be plead in t?r of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleaso conio forward and make Immediate /^settlement. This Oct. 23, 1919. I. H. MfeARNEY, H. E/PIERCE, 10-24-6t / Adm'rs. Subscribe to The Franklin Times $1.60 Per year In Advance. 4 U.*.sd 50 Jfvnrs T tviH.Otlt ft yfi&r.FC. The Go6d O id I-a>hio/cu kir.J iCI ? that flfcvcr fr.i'i. Unequalled for' Eili^Gsness, S-c.'c Ho&dache, Cor iti? option and Mala /a. Your Grand? father relied on them. Nothing better at any price. Get the genuine ill diud?ista. P?>lk Miller Drue ?W6TELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or thru; weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to rb&whole system: -Nature will then throw off or disptf the worms, and the Child will be in perfect healthAPleasant to take. 60c n^r bottle. The wise man greets his friend with a ?mile. The fool gifes him a grunt. Mr. Wilson has achieved at least one distinction. He is the only one who has, ever presidented here and in a foreign county at the same time. v THE FRANKLIN TIMES ..50 Per Year in Advance. ColdtrCause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BKOMO QIUJJINE Tablets remove thi cause. Thereto only one "Bromo Quinine." E.,W. GROVE S Wature on box. 90c.