PROFESSIONAL COLUMN J. O. St WELL, if. D. Loulsbnrg, >. ? Office in First National Ban!; Building Will be at Loulshurg r *: ilarly Day P1iot>j .? ? Night i'boiu 249-2 Eye Special t8t O Rico In Hotel Building f^ouiahura. Nor?.h 8. ATWOOD UK WELL, A IxtuMmrg. N. C. Phone 249 Ofiicc it: First National Bank Building General Practice * , PR. ARTHCB FLEKTHf? Surjecu Dentist? l/OUtahnrsr, Vorth Cmrollna Office in V;. .sonic Uu'.din? H. ('?. rerrv H. IT. Jv'r.:?o:> \9\ls. rilKltV a I'll t ? Lr.uiO.Mrir, ( r " n Olii. ; ? ?? 'r.i ? '.y. \ \ .; < T ? I. - t ? . ? i.. . . v _? 1 . YTnlw l.. IT. V V'T" ?? Y\T.0>*F. 3 Lrctabrr? N. . ^arcllaa ' ? Or.e mexrfcer of 1 firm always in the offc*. NORMAN* D. JIFItCFPETH A;t Ger.eral T: c- :r. A.l Courts Office in M r.:.- Hali Buildicsr Lorl^.jre. N. C. S. P. BFRT, M. D. ?s^ouisburg. X. C. Offices cter Scoggin's Drug Store Hour? 11 r. si- to 1. p m . and 4 to 5 p. m. D K. TT. R. BASS. V,.fnrir,,fjM1 | Louisburg, N. C. Special Mtention tc Hogs and Ecgs. | Office and Hospital at R. F. Fuil i "a j Stable. Calls answered day or night.! Phones. Day 56 Night 335 * . i j DIL H. M. BEAM WOOD, >; C. Offices at Wood Drug Co. WJI. 1- STALLIXfiS Doctor Veterinary Medicine? Phone 24 vL LouMiure, >*. C. Officc at J^. C. Tucker's Stables. i STEGALL BROS. Barbers Lonisbnrg, N. C, We have purchased the shop former ly occupied by Oscar Stegall and ^111 run same at the Bamer stand. Zollie , Wilkins will be with us. and r.atlsfac tlon and cleanliness shall be our mot- j to. Plenty of hot running water ~ud clean towels. I Buy Your Tombstones and Monuments , From HENDERSON GRANITU & MARBLE WORKS Henderson. N. Save "the high cost of freight by buy-! ing from us. Write for prices. J. B. GEE. Proprietor. * NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator ot the estate of J. Emil McGhee, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against his estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of Octob^* 1920 or this notico will bo plead in bar of their Te covery-? All persons- indebted to hia estate will please ynn>o forward and make immediate settlement. This Oc tober 16th, 1911v " f 10-17-?t J. H. McGHEE. Ad'mtt Grove's TaMcle?s chlll Ton!?: j' rrstoret vitality and energy by purlfyVpt and ?t>? riching the blood. You can mod feelItVSuciuUi)?. ?olni, luvigoratiofi Effect. Prte? 60c. \ A POPI LAK lilKL was maih: happy llt*r IAU' Was Kar F rum Pleasant 1'nl 11 She Made a IHwo?erj That CliiinM Tli i Thi- 1 ? a story >f how Mis* Marie Uon^eii. i well known Charl.'te voting lady living at 'ali! W. Tryon St.. w;i ? ranslornu'J iron: .i higlfl to a lioa.ihy. happy bo?Uog ^?)ti says: / 1 Hiiflore*^ from stomach tjruible an 1 catarrh for more than a yqAr and beuan to lose w tight. 1 was wrvous. couul not sltvp at night and Aiv skiu was ??allow and blotchy. I ftegan to imagine that my lhj lition wAs chron ic and brooded ovc* Mils, /1 lost all ambition and wa' ? beylett alone. I ki>ov of the lit:., til- my iaother had obtained fro::' Poplav* and/dccldod to tiy ir l Nk improw alnust itu trodta'cl**. I no linger hail pains af i, - e i ? .* ? -l-'pr s. imulv/aiHl g..:.?*-d it> d I jurt lull , .? ar.MoA-* to lei evevy , V > piacJtiid tor tne that , >iarfcC:.Mit." ar.a fee"ramor.Jed iu I ? a. :? c it^ M lis Store; li . You::,:.*v.lle ?r y. \ .v! i C 4. :. v .,ie A coat like thai -Lowq above may be bought with the assurance that It is representative of the styles for fall and winter. It has the straight lines and the simplicity which style dicta tors a^n-ee upon and a high, cozy roll ing 'collar. Some day. of course, we will know who really started the war. Tfut.^ in th?- meat:tim?v"*om?Tbo?ir did trr? Each day we look expectantly fr?r another illuminating r?-r- -rx from the j governor of North Carolina to 'he gov ernor of Sou'h Carolina. About ^he best way to rid yourself j of an unwelcome income tax is' to pay j it- ^ REBELLION IN STOMACH 'Pape's Diapepsin" at once ends Indigestion and Sour, Add Stomach Lumps of undigested food cause pain If your stomach Is In a revolt; if sick, gassy and upset, and what you just ate . has fermented and turned sour ; head . dizzy and aches; belch gases arid acids ( ai>?l eructate undigested food?Just toke u tablet or two of Pape's Diapep-i .sin to help neutralize acidity and In live minutes you wonder what, became of the pain, aridity. Indigestion and ; distress. I If your tftomach doesiVt. take rare of your liberal limit without rebellion: If lyour food is a dunvage instead of a help, remember the quickest, surest, most harmless stomach antacid Is Pap io'h Diapepsin. which costs ?o little at drug stores. . _ MANY KINDS, AND ALL GOOD That Woufd Seem to Be the Verdict I ?f Humanity on the Great Question of Piea. They were talking about pie? and discussing which wns the best, and, what we gathered front the cheerful controversy..all were the best. good -eld apple pte W.TS Just as eloquent In his references to the peach or punqv kln pie. In fact, each persou would hurry through the praise of one kind of pie In order to champion another, which convinced us that of all the varieties of food in this world the plo is the ble*sodest. Sometimes you will And a man who doesn't eat pie. but watch him.1* a remedy for many distempers. We one time cured n ferocious sick head ache with a quarter of mince pie. ami that. too. on the advice of a physician. One of t ho part> never heard of a mulberry pie. and what a barren life she must have led. We are throusrh with the ch*rry pie era and with what joy it lias filled the world! We ?,r?me to the berry era. j?tid V"h,t. ?? ami soil all I the gra?*?* .-f the ea? h. Ti a men d ? Ail.?! .:v\e t ? .t: ; n I Th- ?rv. ? [ :a :i ? | hn!v.i t" ? a f.rkod w..-..;^ ru^ . j Ti:<' h.'ing iuserted In r.os j rr!U nr.?! tl. ! ..vrr snail shells | wvr?- u*?*?l f.?r snuff ? The mine?ri- o and the , Auazv r. It grows in i i ilti, P-tto i Ri?*o ard other lsland< of the Antilles. 1 The seeds yielded by its pod* are i dried, roastfd and ground to jyvrder, I ?hlch is so.uetiruas mixed with lime j fr- m calcined snail shell. Only recently has th's tre?* been I Identified by Dr. \V. ?. SafTord of the | government plant bureau a* the j * w UW llllili, nip IJIIKIII 111 WHHW j has hitherto been ?a puzzle. The | chemical properties ofthe drug are ?111 ' unknown and so its intoxlcatir^ prin ciple remains a mystery. Frightful Experience. "What was my most thrilling expe rience?" mused the ex-pllot. "Ah! I could never forget It. It was a bright1 starlight night, hat the lurid flushes around us oh ?cured all else as. we sped through the air. The advancing enemy van hard upon us. while all around -we heard the weird, savage music so terribly familiar, and the thud as of a thousand falling meteors. We dived, looped, corkscrewed till our senses were numbed. I felt a sharp pain In my right foot, a dull weight In ray side?I was fallinc. falling? and knew no more till I found myself lying on the ground badly smashed some hours later." "And that was really your record aerial engagement?" ?- "No," he replied; "It was my first experiment with the jazz."?Pitts burgh Chronlele-THegraph. jfirr ,* Paying the War Co#L 4 Referring to the cost of th Secretary of War Baker told the finance committee of the s**>ate and house that the total outgo In round numbers would be $30.000.000,000; but $9.000,000,000 of this was loans to our allies. Nearly a third of the net cost has already been paid out of money ^raised by taxation. The other two thlrds was obtained from the five Liberty loans. -If we pay a billion a year, bealdea Interest, we can clear oft the war cost In about twenty-one years. Big Contribution to War. One nf the moat striking contribu tion* of the Fnlted States to the war was the i-normotii quantity of smoke less powder high explosives produced say?? the Scientific Amerlenn. -Fron. April 1, 1017, to November 11, 1818. w? .produced 632 million pounds of smoke less powder, which was almost exnctl> equal ta the combined output of Trdne? and Great Britain. PRAISES WOMEN OF NIPPON California Newspaper Speaks In High est Terms of Thofe Who Rsside In That Stats, Japan is a wonderful nation in a rery jcreat many ways, it huts uccotn plinluMl mnrTHs, it has leaped forward place among the world powers, but j we are convinced that the greatest tl?1r?*r aboyt Japan Is Its women. All wotuen are, of course, charming, hut our observation is that the women of Japan are especially and particu larly so. We see mueh of them here In California, and we have an oppor tunity to judge. T?> begin with, the majority of them -art* very and all of them have ] a certain gruc* that can come only I from lonnirie? of gentleness and good breeding. They have soft voices. 1 T'.vro i> an IrresMlhle appeal in their I : maiir.M**. It is often-commented that the men of J:: pari Lave adapted rhem>elvos to J W.-srern ways with an in -rc Hble on?e. ! '.>:i *'u;. V;:\c no! re? lab'd their worn- ! i. !!;?? performance of :his dillicu't ? i j'or an Ofin ia! raft* t?? adapt It ?? i" <> v It! ?? ? I ?:?? and ImMt"*. Vi ) < ?? ? !.. ?? i-- ' :?< well i s ???? wem ?1 yr. dvT'\?"ir v.-i ? T o w s ??. r ? ? ?? ?* ? r* .? \v?r - f ??|d- ? i'r ".iiV : * I *v v:i?.r l?i. ?: -?f h r m 1 .) r of .? Hvir.z vsi*: