FATE? By MINNIE M. TOWNSEND. "Do you really believe that, Dave?" taikkm?m the hot beach sand, turned toward his companion a little bit impatiently. "Sure. If two persons are meant for each other they will >tue together. Clothes and tine looks have nothing t? ?Jo with i'. What Is to ho, will be." - The K?rl nt his side shrugged her thin shoulders and -Kipped "ft stone into tlio .tranquil waters as If to dis miss th? sul^eet. A distant bell clanged and the in an arose with alac rity. "First eall for dinner. Coming? No; well, sm li?;,g. then." She watched him swing easily dowt^ the beach. Ht.w typical his altitude townrt| her were those last words. At F -t ?vheii .tin ;, In. i ? , -i at the sea Shore resort she . . k ee '!?>* *n* his joliy r<np.;?ani?-*i>lt:j- I?m o.?\v >lu? was no i- ::*- ]? n.it? nr t.? :? ? m?-re;y ' ami *V?.|. ,i:Ted. It" ' 1?. " m ? h:.-: .*::i '?> I ,\:?s true, , tius. V . . ... .|J for !:? r. Wi:- u J ? ! : . -I i eurn? ?! t * .? ? . .!.??! I I I. colli?. ??1.1 . 11111 ? I.I / X I, .?"?J* t:-.'. ?very i''. islotli:.*-:.! I*?'; .nvitrilh'i. : ?r/l lin:.11? ? i ends. -? i>p. and tli-* ?*tly by h :? !;'t b.nved t.? ???? In t lie ???? ? f :i\v of th ? ? dlice, in a vWA* vrv. : ' in?at dark skirt. The *!;ani ni'J ? her tragle.i}1v. ' '!')? :" dnv njis !':ii''v ;i:i'] c>?'.;. 1> r. i Vnne donned :? v.-ry *-?; t ? '!? : nd Wem for i walk rut o\ ?* in-, a It witter rock?, it mmrn a 1. : <? i'.l-ic suddenly, sh<- ?*rua?? face fn f ? b!rn Very wool.?h.o<'".v l?avj' Si-fprise am' : r-?? bnU? i !??".? ti ntflftutit, hut r-^.Viii'u* h- , '?tnposure, sin* turn .] tr< r-' true? ' ? -:eps. l'nvH w. s nt hrr SbV? ^ :Moment. - "Amo ;10s 14? : ? ;?portune urnim-it ;in ? x p'-n "i.-v Wbat on ear. I- ha v I ? ???!?? ti .j snch di>j?lc ?-uri ??ii your part ? A: : ? irmth curled s?.rca*Mc:illjr. *'JM mtn-b jisthef not ds> i: < i? .* I\ i i panted himself b< twey ihe two ???'? ks w here she would .have to pn?*. "V.'-'M. I prefer to <!Jsrus? It^right now. 1* i-i.'l many derhdes -ir.ee y m a?nl I ?'ere rfie best Of ehu;as and now ?T ?: ?n't know "rt-bnt hepp'-ned. hut ,ve are : - i'MI- :iwny fis the two fioli?s." IT.' :. ? 111--.? 1 very boyish and e??i*r :i? he >i'? Ile rft in the ynin. and Anne's har(i 11 * * !?? heart finally unlocked ;md She told bltn t ho whole tale. "So you see. havfd.** sho said in eoticlu-don. "I dlsproxetl ymir Argument to my cwn triumph and dlppust! T?p'lenv* tfi morrow." > * ??Vrni ?!?*! How very noy_ to slupwreeklnf our livls^JbU^ Tout* Utile tin ss-up farce hnsS^Hllsprnven ; nnyiliiriir. ^Vhy? I've eared for yowl right from the beginning. T>idn't yuB know that. dearVl, Anne shook her head*. stubljomly lineoiivlneed. hat her Angers to' his when they rijet, ?rid she ?Iff! not re* I si?t the hnu that cnfot about her. However, thft? fevering Iri the prlvucy j of l.er own room Atftie stopped her parking hmg eAOpgh to ?>f,j thi> old Moused, fcfld, pwflf^Ohiek her' Jjnlr In tie skimpy little old-time pug,! sh?- viewed hGfflelf in the mirror.! "Well. Have can sny what he likes." ? she told her plain reflection etnphatJ-1 colly, "bul I know that you could never have .brought It about." right. 19ie. Mc CI it re ycwsp.iper Syn oacaM.) MANY FAIRIES IN GREEN ISLE Idea That the Gnome? Have Dis appeared Is Declared to Be , Altogether Erroneous. There still ure fairies In Ireland, de clnres the I'lster Folklore, which t?x course, anyur.?> who has never taken ' any Interest in the matter at nil knows that In the days gone by there were plenty of tjhem from one end of the green isle to the other?are not their ! old haunts, the thorn hushes.?-their rnths, fvrta, cores and souterrulnes stili to be found- in evi-ry cori.&r of ? Ireland just as they have existed J since. time out of mind? . I But it has Keen the geporpl belief j In one fashion or another. had for- j Uftaken or been driven from their se I ?'ret plare?. the last heglra being j ' placed n! as modern a period us the , ' middle of the nineteenth eentury?the i nlgld nf the hig wind in fact when ll'"v 'V re ;ill ..supposed ii> have been "j b'own into the gen with she exception , few that hmdetl in Scotland. Tii ????!??>;? ?f that belief. however. I .:- I.f i- Viititb illy :xf< rt-dned in a ? *-? r:-- i-." iiivo.*. pursued by ; M:?. . il-i- 1. Ai, ::? w>. L\ It. A. I./J ' V!.- ' <?!:???* I - Mis-: .\ti I. .l..i<e:; i4i*mf>u.. i-?*. Sr.n >:d?. Hie : ?k J'.-1til? iV?|H,te " ! ??m . . ? tsju) ??>?nr in eaen language ilktu ?vhi- U tuev :ruii*!:iii Dangerous Counterfeit. 'I*. * rr.oir ? t :n-;r.? ? coii'iter ? A:n?ri< :i:. tfroi'nJiiM'k" ha- been .v>v by. ' in* stale ?ii l!>?' Adir *u<l?cks lumber rallies. ubeiv >'-<>. S.i" ud si?*? ?!? !??< iH-ir.u .luf'li- j v: ' t* liiMiI.il':' Itv.v.- J't".'? [ tit? : vl J.ot.i ihr lii'ist cb?v?"i" com.ter- 1 !??'. ? in T>.r : ifi'Tirr;' ."li now In tile )i: 'J'ls t>L e ; ? ?Ir'-t* I- to l" I'lt'llei! over j ?it *h" United s?.r?iep: r.: ?..?in ??:' -jua- ' ii. . 11n? se* ii-t ni' ?lie *i' vb*?? Is a tna cli!*;* which Is ea|?nblc of'sj-JiTrin;: ?la* I tliia a.'.e i u| "i" on whifh Aiiu rienn tioT-i* i.r*? t ti-,'viviMl stii.l |rertnitiii - tli.* j t..* j.?: I !??. r'i i'f th?- in?*.- he j s*;'j. ;*?*! fr-'t!? ??aril Wi^l ati| j ?:? i< then ]ji I ..m i- ??ach h.ill" ??; ti.V" {?!!<! a solution I to tiaas i-Jifcfcno'isa -it the original ink t?? ibe \v.:Tfcr -.1 p.llr-:* Il.aki* :?ll e\.iet dtt]il1 caf<* of the nnr?\ The wased sri i '.his to ;hr? ink hit* been t mm< termed'! are 'Jjtfn |M*ted <?? ilw npifostio half r>f r b<? jrnod in>t?' nnd in t hi* way two note* fxiu'fly ?like an* jaodu-'ed. Malines Carillons Busy. The oarilinri?, <?f Malim ^ Ikim* tip*. ei be? a lizard so much anil to Mich splen did *T*ct :is of lute.^JTe truth is that M^iloes has undertaken tojret-together h sufficient ?ifni of money with which to present to St. Quentln a now caril the tierinftns having seized t ho %*lls of t h? French town. So every "carillon of .Malines has been ringing anil peHlInjrr^her* havo hern carillon concerts, of the peKonners on the bells of the cathedral of St. Rotuhitut biffin; the hell rlnpor <>f St. Quentin himself. The hymn wliich he nlayed embodied the motifs of the "Marsoil laiae" and the "Hrahanconne.' AM Busy. "Whet's your wife dolngT' "IVvnervinu watermelon rind." "So?" #he kids are pnthiHlnnlcaily ?nptilyiusr her with *the matoHnl."?? Louisville Courier-Journal. CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE SHOUT NOTES OF INTEREST TO CAROLINIANS. \ ? ? ?! i ?? >iib ?niii?na riwiii* Y*&j ^-|W^liuington.?E. S. Tucker\ ento mologist from tho department of agri culture. announced that the ?*otton boll weevil has reached Xew Hanover county. ? Asheville.?Two .schools in thl? county at ArUen urnl South Fork, ha v 4 been closed owing to the lack of teachers, the county board of educa tion announced. Charlotte.?Ten young men have en. listed foe naval service at the local navy recruiting station in the Mint building.during th_ past week, accord ing to the report of Chief Quartermas ter Wilson. ? a ?. a, result of tue J continued' lii;;h tide existing at pres ent. sum?; i.i the largest industrial J ??oRi'tins of Wiltnltiglcn have be*;.; forced to shut dowi; their pla::ts liv'i Itint^?--1 m*ii*r Order Cniledl Aru? ricau A! ?;'* .auiouisC'-d he-raj that the c':s'r:ei convention would he mi U i::m -v Oi:J'-Ur .1- Xowtn Vf ;? l. I'i. . :j:.- ?Li ?:.<? ..?i;icr| i i over tla al..-Tl u'Lilid tUe | juc-oiin^.. t?- ?? y? 1 ? ? ;:y<i I Vir | . ?: ? . t-tt..rtl.-i'ts K0\ i ' 4 !?> ? ??-?>? i on' ->n f . : : U?- . ?' y-. 7 iii :i :t : x. h-: V. . ate tnwji ved in th?' w ' " i - Chap:'. H -m! M nr. dr M | Sil'lH* ? *?" 11 .V illitf.l 1 | tla* p.???.air Ch: ? 1??* ' - ' [ ? j ? .iv ? r -'i. i? : ! Mem >r: i! ? 11 v.*::. with exhiints. X-\v I' m,- -T Jttt Cr\. .1 K Ha v; ver j in tv'1 wiM-rs 71 N- '?:--- rivt-r ' w:tn. ?...*? i' I v ,'in Ihan 1.0*0 jieuplc j find * n ilak i .??<? o1.' stverai avu.y I orfic^r-- s -nt hy tU. >',ov??pnuient. -? S.sl>!Miry.*--An oarlv morning fir?t | dr<fr:yd an 't! h* n-o nnd garai.e .?.t fin- SiTVaurv \'C and Fa?'l eoinpany':' j p!a:*t. Alft? an ant Mnohilo thick P a i I<re. w.?s si.irr. d >v:i' n employs i tri od fo draw ~ .-solini i*??iu a drutn i using a lantern to ena 1 ?le ??t* -wet i how to do tho loi WinHlor.'Sult'tr. ?Annoum-i ment i? I made that los.* ihar. $2".oP'> of rh?? l$CT^T?"ii? i.? needed to Hki j fund being rabcl 't t*i" ?'ict'ion of| a modern apart iron I nou?e it) this! city. j M.jnr.jp ?Thi- Paiv::t T -johofs' a* sorption ^f M??nr"> mot and vot- 1 to federate- with ?!i? ? :!:er asso? iat:ona of like nature thr? - *? ? ? nr t'i*. state. ?5 Xowton.?Arth-ir '* Jlalick. rvhe Ifved about ono ia ? t h.itf mil.*?? from ??"onover. w?? horriVJy m.?nislvd by i .'?ircus train .H ?he local yinl? of t ho' Soutlicru rallwiy Tlolick. it is said. was drinking. tinl.j after takine in the circus. had start ed home, going up the railroad tracks, i when the train struck him killing him! instantly. Charlotte. -Comin* as a climax to j' one of t ho most successful and largely i attended fairs in history a'brief hut 4 healthy thunderstorm swept, over the j grounds and prevented the 1919 Fair' of the Carolina*? from ending in the:, customary "blato of glory." Wilmington?Tho flrst government ?hipyard in the United States to clt^e following the conrlusion of the ? war will ho th<' Liberty, located in Wil minRit)!'.. according to an announce-**) ment made ber'? bv Lewis ft. Forgo son. general* manager , 'I- v ?t? if:'f li;: v H 'i : <1\. ?%)"V ?. - i . Mi l, '?i n : ;.:i S liiivo > * ? ? ? r. i:i ni li: . ?- .*?. '? >!.;i lri'.v -? from if; :f. jr!..-.ert t?? iv ; 8- ?: ? -11"! it a'.wityji I t"i : . "T . i it li i^Vev r I- '? !. "? i :i N' . li >*ri- ! ;? link in ill" rli;n:i .>i' ??*n. ? ill fore?? if :. ! ?: 5 nni lvsponsiMe ;ur ?* .? ? "'"j . ' nil-Iron in -r. ? . T - i >- j iT'?w is my lo-itim ? ?!? * ?*l:i> ^ 11'V iuy acts *!'??>* will f n;o. I ; > > I r? r ih;ti 1;: v.ioir ii in? y ; * ? y bv,. neither thought r. .*? <"? n? of! futur? that to then* i1 is v.?ii' : . moanim: of which fi.is tu?! pinot r.i . (i tl)eir infantile brain?? Do I r??tnembrr that eve?* tlio slight -t of ini|>r'-ssioiis are crron indelibly upon tlioir hii'Ming memories. . aorompany ihom through lit*?* ami nto tli,? shadows boyontfT !)r? I romembrr tliat many of tlios. impression* must necessarily bo form al from th?- man nor of my actions in hrir presence, and of tli? treatment I ?coord to I hem? |io I remember that as they become drier their conceptions ?r ritfht am! v row: will bo RiuiKod iiiafn ?y by t lie cpchiiigs (hey receive in their own mnie? Do I remember that while their des Its Many Conveniences For shaving?fop bathing?for every early-morning use?the Perfection Oil Heater is the reliable standby. The Perfection brings heat at a moment's nonce?wherever needed, and in the quantity desired. It is clean, portable, odorless ?burns ten houvr, vn a gallon of kerosene?is easi.y filled ari J re wicked. . Al.icM:n Sccuii?jCil_.gives tho tcui re sults. /:i yj'.ir . .? ?'?? "?,] t . a 12 : < r-vS-t r>.! V *?? < a a 4 ? 4. .? 4 \ 1 > . , . ? ?w . .t A X . ? - X / / Nothing will lose its flavorvmore quickly them, cof fee when exposed to air. Luzianne is sold only in individnat air tight tin cans ?nev&r in bulk. GUARANTEE If. afi^^usin,; iho entire content? oV ran according to Hitniiun\ ywu ar?- out satisfied In cv<TtT*?t??.i.t, your trucer will rcfur.d Ihe monvy you paid for It. COI The Reily-Taylor Compar\y New Orleans f ffee

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