HARDWARE Selling At Cost Ithaca and other Guns, Rifles, fine Lap Robes. All my prices cut to pieces. Come and see prices on Buggies, Harness. Bicycles, Boys Wagons, Velocipedes, Automo biles, ? Alm";'"im, Pyrav ?^n|ynni7Pri Roofing, and everything in my stock/ H. C. TAYLOR hardware -Buggies Harness NOTICE! I To Taroayers of franklin Co. Your 1920 State and County taxes are due, and to save the penalty must be paid during this month. 1 per cent per month penalty added January 1st. H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff MONEY LOANED! When times get hard, real estate is the best security. Mr. I ariner, if you have money to lend, we can placo it for you on first nmrtgime paper ut u good discount -rate. We have handled twen ty thouxaml dollars for farmers during the past week, and conse quently have helped others out of bad holes by letting them have itie money. We personally guarantee all investments made this y r ; both .is to title and safety. If you have money to lend, talk it over with us, if you want to I'orrow. We ran probably help you.* RUFFIN REAL ESTATE CO. T. W. RUFFIN. Manager. . Louisburg. N. C. Car ready at all times for business. ATTENTION POLICY HOLDERS! business, iiiwl liiis been bnilt bv srvicc. Tliis is a IMffl-llU'r. ? If t i-iifi !?? trf i'l-i'vi'-c to yon ill any wtiv, ill H. 0. B. BONNER of I>rs. Bonner & Horniest" Kjc, Ear, Nose and Threat Kaletgh, NortJi Carolina Will be ii> Louisburg oil "Thursday of each week. Office over Scoggiu's Drug Store. UK. K. F. YAltBOltOL'KH rii}slcinu and Surgeon Louisburg, N. ('. Office in Blckett und Yarborougn Building. ! Office Phone -96 Residence Phone 24. I?ii. w. b. MOKXOr Eye Specialist Office in Hotel Building Louisburg. North Carollaa S. JLTWOOI* NEWELL. Attoraej-At-Law. Louisburg. N. C. Phone 249 Office in First National "Bank Building General Prac$t> *? UK. AKTHLK HIN08 FLEMISH Surjeuu Meatlot. Louisburg. North Carolina Office in Masonic Hall Building 8. P. Bl'BT, M. D. Louisburg, N. C. Offices over Scoggtn's Drug 8 tor* Hours 11 t- aL to 1 p. m? and 4 to 5 p. m. NORMAN B. HEDGEPETH Attorner-At-Lan General Practice in All Courts Office in Masonic Hall Bt Loulsburir, N. C. DB. n. B. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg, N. C. _ Special attention to Hogs and Cogs. OHice and Hospital at R. F. toilet's Stable. Calls answered day or nigtat Pliones, Da- 66 Night 336 DB. H. M. BEAM WOOD, N. C. Offices at Wood Drag Co. VSL, L. STALLING S Doctor Veterinary Medicine Phone I.ong Distance. Justice Justice, North Carolina j DB. D. I. SM1THWICX. DeiUsL n. C. Office In the First National uank Uulldlng on Mala and Nash 8ls. W. JL PEKSOlf. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Loulaburg, North Carolina . la *;i courts. Office en Main | Street ;? PR. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Lenteburg, N. C. Ufllce, Bull Run Sim, uvui Dav;s?i Gatllng Drug Store, adjoining Louis burg Fire Co. Day Phone 64-1 ring; Night Phone 64-2 rings. | ?. B. White ?. fl. Malent WHITE k MALONE j UWYEKb Loulsburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of es 1 -tes funds lnvestod. Ono member of firm always In ?.he office. DR. II. H. JOHNSON . Physician I.onMuirg, North Carolina - Offices Adjoining Avcock Drug Co"! 1 Telephones: . Day 2S7 Night 10] W. r. SIMPSON, 31. 1). Physician* and burgeon Loulsburg, - North Carolina. Offices over Aycock Drug Co. i All calls answered promptly, i UK. J. E. SALON fc. Loulsbur?, North i:arollna ?flce In Aycoft Dru^ Store. Market -.treet. Office Practice jurgery : and consultation. I l I J. O. NEWELL, if. D. Louisburg, N. Office in First National Bank Building | ?VS11 be at .Loulsburg regularly Day Phone 24ft ? Night Phono ^249-2 | (I. M. HEA.fi Attorney -at I. aw Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over old Tar River Drug Co. . Practice in ail courts. Vm. H. Ruffln.^"* Thos. W. Ruffin | WM. H. A THOS. W. Rrt'FIN Attorneys-at-Law ?til?borg, . s North Carolina ?neril praatV'ft- ~*'th civil and crlm ^^^^JranjtUn and adjoining coun i.' a , Officer Irr Flrnt National Bank ? _ Building . I llkiMklMUKU 1'. DL'AB. ? ' Let us submit desCgns and prices on a nice up-to-date Monument or Tomb stone to be erected at the grave of your loved one. Photos burned on China. HENDERSON GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS. Henderson isoiih Carolina. " STEGALI, BROS. Barbers Loulsburg. N. C. We have jurchased the Bliop forlfcer Iv occupied by OscaT Stogall and will run same at the same stand . /Satis faction and cleanliness nhaiyoe our Imotto. Plenty of hot running wstfr i and clean towels , The Quinine flat IX*. no\jt1M The Head A HEALTHFUL HABIT Protect your vital forces and build up your re sistive-powers with a little EMULSION thrice daily after meals. Tens ot thouaando daily prove that taking Scott'a Emulsion is a healthful habit Even a popular idol may get on a ration's nerves. Let the Greeks ha ve somebody else for a while and th ey may begin sighing forr Venizelos. No Worms lo a Healthy Child^ All children troubled with Worms have an un heal thy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there Is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion, and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 75c per bottle. What would happen if fthe League of Nations Should send greetings to Hiram Johnson? The Brooklyn Eagle says it refuses to believe that Greece has repudiated her great Venezelos. Why? Tht American people did just as ungrate ful a thing and they are not inferior i to the Greeks. A Lady In Chicago Telegraphs for Rat-Snap. | Raed Mrs. Phillips' wire: "YoueH'a I Exterminator Co., Westfield, N. J. Rush $3 worth of RAT-SNAP'' Later ree'd following letter: "RAT-SNAP arrived. It rid our house of rats In no time. Just moved here from Pa., ^vhere I used RAT-SNAP with great results. " Three sizes, 25, 50c, * $1.00, Sold and guaranteed by The Allen Bros. Co. Governor Allen of Kansas is pleas ed because two Southern States have gone Republican. After all the jabs he has given the South we didn't sup poflc ho would -allow any Southerners to enter the Grand "Old f arty . WftNTS 10c A Line Fox_F4fst Week ? 5cA Line For Each Week After First Insertion. MARTIN'S MARKJST, HEN DERSON, N. C. WANTS 100 FAT CATTLE, 100 CALVES I GOOD PRICES PAID FOR; GOOD STOCK l-l(j-tf FOR SALE? A M: MB Eii OF FARMS ! ranging lrom r>0 to several hundred j acres. It will be to your interest to r see me before. buying. Prices tight) and term** easy. S. A. Newell. 10-3tf . I lost? i nkw noon cord tire] ft nil Rim. size 32x4. Steward if re- | turned to 11. (J. McDIlAVL'H, l-on l ishurg. X. 1? -24 - 1 1 j | LOST ? A POCKKTROOK HANDBAG with part of graphophone and in surance papora-in Whcless Store. Phase return to Jamie Allen. 12-24-lt 'I AKEN 1'P -One small red pig at my home near the Colonial Pine Co. Owner ciui get same by paying all charges and for this adv. HELA THOMAS. 12-24-lt [NOTICE OF SALE OF TOWNSHIP ROAD BONDS The Township Road Commission of [Harris Township. Franklin County | North ? Carolina will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of the bonds of said Township in the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars, dated Nov len^^^hrt^ll^. payable thirty years payable semi-annually on the lst days ' ?f HHy Mil 1 Ir " 1 ri'i ?"i lwv*h WW irtwt nnvabit* nt the Nat i?n? l I'ark Bank, New York city. SlUCf ' bonds are of the denomination* of | $1,000.00 each, and bids will be re- 1 ! reived -for all or any number thereof. These bonds arc issued for Roafl pur pose*. and have been authorized by j An Art of the General Assembly of j, North Carolina and a .majority of the > qualified voters in said township at J an election lawfully held? All bids' must be accompanied by a certified ' check for $500.00 as a guarantee of ; good faith. The* bids will be openod on Wednesday, January 5th. 1921, at j 11 A. M. o'clock at the office "of W. H. Yarborough, (Attorney, Loulpburg I IN. C. The time for receipt of bids having been extended from Dec. 13, 11*20, to Jan. nth, 10?1. The rjght is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board. F. W. JU8TICE, Chairman, of Harris Township Road Com. 12-17-3t _ Address, I?uisburg, N. C This Chrlstnyis candle shade Is ninde of red and green crepe paper snd decorated nt the top with a spray of holly and holly berries. The paper Is cut In petals, the under ones in red and the outside ones In green. There Is no possession so valua ble as good habits, and none worse than bad ones. Mabiurtil Constitution Cured ? /in 14 to 21 Days # "LAUXIS WITH PEPSIN " Is a spcciallv prepared Syrup Tonic-Loxutive for Habitue Constipation. It relieves promptly bu: should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take.* 60c per bottle. A woman 'confers upon .herself doubtful honor when she reforms mm* by marrying him. THK FRANKLIN TIMES $1. 60 Per Year lu Advance. Soviet Russia is now busy watch-' ing its steppes. James Watson Says, **1*11 Never For get When Father's Hogs Got Cholera "One morning he found 20 hogs dead and several sick. He called in tha VA> whn nftpr dissecting a rat caught on (ho premises, decided lhat' the rodents had conveyed germs Since then I am never without RAT SNAP. It's the surest, quickest rat destroyer I know". Three Bizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by The Allen Bros. Co. A good brood sow well cared for is always a good investment. Cox's hindsight justifies McAdoo's foresight. Laugh and the world laugh with ? or at ? you . There is no place like borne for home brew. THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.60 Per Year in Advance. R. F. Fuller 50 Horse* and Moles. .Also J and Oats. Boggle and Harness for sale, of the right, kind and at the right prices Will sell for cash or part cash or on approved security. If your horse or male does not salt yon vome In and gee if yon could not make a trade jet what you want. Co'Jie and see whether jou buy orf not. R. F. FULLER Loulsburg, N. C. STATEMENT 01' TUECOXDITI0N' OP The Citizens Bank & Trust Go. ? : ? : HENDERSON, : : North Carolina JUNE 30TH, 1920. RESOURCES Loans & Discounts $1,700,731.20 Overdrafts . , >. . ... 9,482.22 Liberty Bond Acct. 56,404.19 N. C. 4 p. c. Bonds. 32,000.00 Liberty and Victory bonds owned . . . 75,000.00 Other Stocks and Bonds owned ... 22,701.00 Banking House and Fixtures" 12,586.94 Revenue Stamps .. 138.60. Cash on Hand ana in other batiks. . 291,693.54 Total $2,200,737.69 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $500,000.00 Surplus Fund 100,000.00 Undivided Profits . 23,176*71 Dividends Unpaid . iioioOG.Oft Insurance Dept. . s ' 9,63(>.i!) Int. Reserve 2,500.00 Due to Bank3 .... 3 561.98 Deposits l,l>4l', 867.51 Total $2,200,737.69 "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" ESTABLISHED IN THE TEAR 1888. V Christmas Presents jem tor Father, Mother Sister, BrotherTSweeffiearf^ Toilet articles, Candy. Cigars, etc. Better look them over. % *n . DRINKS 6 and S^lOc A] cock Drug Co. - ' \ Thfe Store of Service and Pure Drugs Phone No. 329 ? =? Louiaburg, N. C.