notIce op sale of automobile UNDER MECHANICS LIEN By virtue of the lien given by Sec tion 2017 of the Revis&l of 1905, of North Carolina, to mechanics and ar tisans for repairs to personal proper ty, the undersigned will, on Saturday the lffch day of January. 1921, in tAnt of the Court House, in Louisburg, N*. C., offer for sale at public auction to Uie highest bidder, for cash in order provide funds to satisfy a lien there for repairs made Sept. 18, 1920, one Willys-Overland Automobile, Car No. 1732. Model 8tt-6, Motor No. 88. J3737. the property of Joe Wiggins, who had said repairs made. Sale about nooi>. This Dec. 23rd, 1920. 12-24-3t ALLEN MACHINE CO. FARM WANTED? I WANT TO HEAR from party having farm for 'sale. Give price and description. B. B. HOWARD. Champaign, Illinois. 12-24-2t Alabama Minister Relieved Stomach Troubles Made Him Feel Sick at Meal Times, But Now Always Enjoys His Meals. DO TOD enjoy your meals f Eat without the dread of the after effects? Lack of appetite, and a disgreeable, alck-at-the-stomach feeling after meals, anally Indicate that your dlgeatlre organs are not working properly. A* ? re* alt, yoa will feel weak, lose weight and lack the energy that la to be de rlred from well-digested foo*. A raluable help In correcting such oondltlons la mentioned by the Rev. ?L K. McKensle, of Route 1, Section, j Ala., who writes: "I had stomach trou ble. When 1 would go to eat, I would turn sick. I took one bottle of Zlron. and It cored me. Am always ready (or my meals and enjoy them. I think It la a tine medicine." It your food hurts you. If your appe tite Is poor, If you are pale, weak and run-down, and hare other symptoms that Indicate your system needs help, try Zlron. It will put lren Into your blood and help build yoa up. Take It according to directions, and If not benefited by the first bottle, the money back guarantee will protect you. Ask your druggist ~ A happy and Pros