nd Vitality by Pttrifrlni and Enriching t he Blood. When you (eel its strengthening. invigorating effect, are bow it bring* color to the cheeks and how It improves the appetite, you will then Grove's Tastejesa chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup\ So pleasant even children like It- The blood uaads QOOffifl* to Purify tt rwi- HtON Enrich destroys Malarial germs and Grip jtehm by its Strengthening, Invigor Effect. 60c. Its critics have been almost as good afcljarging as the shipping | board has been. IMPORTANT! Cancers. Ulcers and Chronic Sores traaiBB . ? nuririg touween ytixn ? my work has proven a success and hln li* to many sufferers. Mrs. J. L. Broughton, 120 Cox Ave.. Phone 2384 Raleigh, N.' C. 12-10-8t SALE OF LAND Pursuaut to the authority contain - e? "UNCLE BUD" Y0UNG8VILLE, - - North Carolina v?k^V ;-r- " " ' "BRMEWBFR" W? Insure everything Insurable, and appreciate your business. ? GETTING IN TOUCH WITH THE best: Edward Everett Hale used to Coun sel youmg people to converse every day with some one older better and wiser than themselreg "We cannot -all do that, but we cao'lo the_nert best thing: we can get li touch with mom through the printc page and enjoy the fruits of their wisdom and experience. Probably no publication contains so much from t 'ie wrltlrww of nieu and romw UlsU;.4UjstxwU m many ways as The Youth 3 Compan ion. A constant reading of the paper Is a liberal education of mind and ?heart. . " t . \ Th? Companion Tiaa no agp -lHnlt. Professional men, buslne.-s men and buay women priie it is hlshly as the youn* folkSI ed with aarlal stories, short stories, editorials, poetry, facts anil fun. Sub scribe now and receive: 1,' The Youth's Compar.jn ? 52 l? suee In 1SB1. - All the remaining issjesof 1&20 3. The Companion Home Calendar : for 1921f " All the above for 12.50. 4, McCall's Magazine for 1921. T%'.' monthly authority on ? fashion*, 11 . 50 a year. BotlT publications. on ly $3.50-. ~ THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul 8t.r Boston, Mass. Unless the price of gasoline goes back the horse will come back. tf. S. (loTHUBut y?n?s Firifrt ' About Disease Caused bj Rata. They carry Bubonic plague, fatal to human beings. They carry toot and mouth disease, which Is* fatal to stock. They kill chickens, "eat grain, cause destruction to property. If you have rata RAT-SNAP will kill them. Cre mates rata after killing them ? leaves no smell. Comes In cakes, ready for ifse. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by The Allen Bros. Co. - > A profit Is frequently without hon or In Its own country. PBOFIT BT THIS Dont Waste Another I)ay. By lameness and urinary disorders .Don't experiment with an untried medicine. Do as UiuLLSalnifl 'ul people are ? do* lng. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this FYankHntnn resident's ex perlence: - Mrs. Ri A* Priiltt, Mttnon Rt i i -Pra nklinton, N. C., says: "Some years ago I was troubled with my kidneys. I had headaches, was nervouB and my kidneys didn't act properly. There were sharp pains In my back. too. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me great relief and I am glad to say they are just m represented." Price 60c, at all dealers. D6o't simply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mis. Prultt liad. Foster- Mil burn Co Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. We suppose when, money talks it coins phrases. ?? PEPTO-MANGAN -WILI. HELP EIGHT COLDS Make. Up l'onr Mind to Keep Free From Colds, (jet Your Blood in Good Condition STABT TAKING PEPTO-MANGAN Now Is the Time to Build UP. Yon Will Be Stronsr This Winter. Every house has a supply of fuel for winter. People know cold weath er is coming. They get ready for it. How many people get their own bo dies ready for winter? Most of us go around all summer in the intense heat burning up energy, working hard all day and sometimes lying awake ni ghts sleepless in the heat. Winter come along. It catches ma ny people totally unprepared physi cally. Few of us take stock of our health. Whether we will be well, healthy and strong, we often leave too much to chance. But not everybody. Nowadays peo pie are learning. They know this matter of enjoying good health Is a thing they can help control. If you live right, eat right, get plenty of sleep, breathe fresh air and keep your blood in good condition, you will be all right. It Is so simple. If you feel a little off In health ? perhaps worn out and pale ? don't take chances. There's no need of It. Bny some Pepto-Man gan of your druggist. Begin taking It today. You can get It in liquid or tablet form, ..Tell your druggist wh ich you prefer. Bnf to be certain th at you get the genuine Pepto-Mangan; ask for It by the full name ? "Oude'a Pepto-Mangan." Look tor the name "OudA's" on the package. Advertisement. Home brews sometime* make home brutes. SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean aerious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles? COLD MEDAL brine qntek raMaf and often ward off daadly dtaaalaa. Known U tha national rraitdy of Holland for mora than 200 yaare. All dnobtt, la thfaa aiaaa. Loafc far *^j C-?U m, W. HOT, DIZZY FEELING Atlui? Lady'* Unc?nfortabIe Atlanta. ? 0*. ? MUi ? Alice Frances Yuung. ot 88 Bast Alexander Otreetri thU city, gays: "After entering manhood. I suffered so much with ?womanly weakness. My back ached. I I wimlil liuva, mf. mifmlii Hun n-h^f? feeling that seemed to go to my head. Even my shoulders would hurt, and It i made me very dizzy and uncomfort- j able. When Uka blood would flow to my head ? I eflppoee that was what it j was? I would faint &Bfl feel BO^weafcrj "I couldn't do my work. I had a~ good position, and this was Burely, ^ssooytng ?m-? I; would usually have to go home and g6 to bed. } certainly suffered greatly. "I heard'of Cardul, and my mother bought it for me. It was the fftst and only nwMw that ever did a?? aayi good tor this trouble." Dizziness, headache, sldeache, lack ache, tlred-out feeling and other dis agreeable symptoms ars oft ho signs ol womanly troubles. Thousands of wo men who formerly suffered from these and similar aliments have found Car- " Cardul Is composed only ot pure.j vegetable Ingredients which have lone been recognized as of medicinal value ^agti\TBT "* I Take Cardul. Tour druggist sells' It. XO-llO No wonder the ameteur mariners of the shijxping board thought "trim* ming ship" meant something else. No Worms in a Healthy Child l/ All children troubled with Worms have ao on healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and a?a role, there is more or iesa stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly (or two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to "the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the wormvand the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. How you love Hi Cost when you sell arid hate him when you buy. 'The Farmer's Worst Enemy ? Rati*. The Farmer's Best Friend ? These are the words of James Bax ter, N. J.; "Ever since I tried RAT SNAP I have always kept it In the HonSPT? rn-iei falls. Uaeil abwit ?B W ? worth of RAT-SNAP a year and fig ure it saves me $300 in chicks, eggs and fp.ed. rat-snap la convenient. just break up cake, no mixing with other "food. " ? Throb olios, ~81Sc, 65c. I J1.25. Sold and guaranteed by The Allen Bros, Co. o Said House to Bryan, "It's a long time Detween remarks." Was it a pet monkey that bit Kin? Cotton 7 BIG EGG YIELD "Prom a small flock of hens I now get 20 to 25 eggs per day, wliereas be tors giving them Dr. LeGear's Poul try Prescription, I only received three or foul*. Its cost has been repaid to me over and over." So writes Mrs. J. W. Montgomery, Tunnell Hill, Ga. You should Increase your yield now, while prlceB are high, through Dr. LeGear'B Poultry Prescription." It is a tonic which builds up the Ben's str ength and vitality, and stimulates the egg-producing organa. For 28 years Dr. LeGear has baen recognized as America's fore"most Ex pert Poultry Breeder and Veterinar ian . Any lime your poultry or stock' are ailing, it will pay you to get the proper Dr. LeGear Remedy from your dealer. It must give satisfaction, or your dealer will refund your money. WANTS 10c A Line For First Week 5c A Line For Ench Week After First Insertion. MARTIN'S MAKKJST, HEN DERSON, N. 0. WANTS 100 FAT CATTLE, 100 CALVES GOOD PRICES PAID FOR GOOD STOCK 1-16-tf. FOR 8ALE ? A FfUJIHEK OF FARMS ranging from SO to several hundred acres. It will be to your Interest to see me before baying . Prices right and terms easy. 8. A. Newell. 10-8tt. NOTICE OF* SALE I will on Saturday, Jan. 22, 1921, at the Court House door In the town of Loulsburg offer for sale for cash at , auction,' the following real estate In Cypress Creek township, known as the Sol Davis place, the T. W. Darts and Webb places, T. J. Harris place, Allen place, the Horvllle Harris place and In Loulsburg township, the Anna and Mary Harris place. The Jack son place with the Uzzelt and Dean land attached. Any further Informa tion will be cheerfully given by the undersigned . This Dec. 22nd, 1920. 12-31-4t C. P. HARRIS. NOTICE. Havlrtg ciunllfled an administrator of tli<* extnte of A C. >o>ty, decenHoil lute it Mrr.KlIn Con A I > ;i t'tv Ir ht reby given all persons holding claims against said extate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of December, 1921, or this no [tlce will to plead in bar, of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said lestate will please come forward ahd [make Immediate settlement. This [Dec. let, 1920. 'l2-8-?t ? W.J. PERRT, Adnv'l1. THE BOTTOM FELL OUT A SrV of Sates FRIDAY, JAN. 7, 9 A. M. Lasts Fourteen Days McGhee-Joyner Co. Franklinton, N. C. Ili:* m I I W I If /ml# I m I I vv wkkIhiuu Sttlw gji&Ugni-of-DaitimoT% Mdi f A happy and Pros perous New Year Is our greetings to our many friends and customers And we hope to be able to assist you in a more prosper ou8 year In 1921. SPRUILL BUILDING . LODISBURG, X NORTH CAROLINA R. F. Fuller ? 60 Horses and Holes. .Also H?y and Oats. Bnggle and Harness (or sale, of the right kind and at the right prices Will sell (or caHh or part cash or on approved security. If your horse or mnle does not salt yon vome In and Bee If yon could not make a trade jet what, yon want. Come and see -whether yon bny orf not. ' R. F. FULLER Lonlsbnrc, 1*. C. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OP ^ The Citizens Bank & Trust Go. HENDERSON, ; ! North Carolina JUNE 80TH, 1&80. RESOURCES Loan* & Discounts $1,700,731.20 Overdraft* 9,482.22 Liberty Bond Acct. 56,404.19 N. C. 4 jr. o. Bdnd*. 82,000.00 Liberty and Victory bond* owned ... 7S.000.00 Other Stock* and Bond* owned . . . 22.701.00 Ifenklng Houm and Fixture* 12,686.94 Revenue Stamp* .. 188.80 Caeh on Hand and In other bank*.. 291,893.64 Total $2,200,787.69 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid In $500 Rnrnlna _ _ . Burplns Fund ... Undivided Profit* Dividends Unpaid Insurance Dept Int. Reserve Due to Banka . . , Deposit* t 100, 28, 20, 9, 2 ft 1.541 000.00 000.00 176.71 008.00 OM9 ,600.00 501.88 887.61 Total I2.200.7S7.6# "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION" ESTABLISHED IK THE TEAR 18M.