conduct NiGflncmmr TTO Rirr jout^ ( Kl? TO WORK ? -I M rn'rnT"iT vrtTTTrTt Ht Nm?t _w Mills and Sunt . K. . I, . tj<'* I ? Ad- j vantage* Offered (tuiiui-rps . The -movement iiialltu led Uy^JSUUlT" w ft Mill- nf thn T .?.i<ot>Mrg flra(l?~ ed Schools, to open: ? night school for the benefit of the boys and nirls of I the district who have been forced to ' Kivo up their school work to earn a j HVHHhhiiI in n in 11 fT i1 i innif nfliihii* |>nf> - ? r?nrt nhrtttld he- fre*4v taken advantage | uT by many of our young: ptrrpte T&i ? ffhnm ofTers advantages that will be more than appreciated In ftrture_3??r-i are. It will De Interesting to now that these opportunities are extended grown people'ln the same manner as the moonlight schools, the only ones who are not invited are the regular pupils of the day school. Therefore all persons in this dis? trict who wish further education and who cannot attend the day school 'lire inPHted to take advantage of this op portunity. They are assured a suf ficiently strong faculty in the persons of Supt. W. R. Mills. Supt. E. L. Best and as many more as may be needed. Supt. Mills' announcement fol Iowa: In Louisburg there are doubtlesb several boys and young men who for one reason or another have been for co?I to leave school and go to work -frnfore "they h'ave j^cquired-ft Sv..ool education. To all such the -1, >.j.sburg Graded School is offering a;: i-rportunity to make up at least son:? of this deficiency. We are i>l an tt ing to open? a Tree? ui glit school in "which we will teach the common school branches, provided we can find a bufFicient number of people who 3e^" i : v? ttUS' UUlK. ? Young wan, if ? ynn fctT" that you are- deficient In Arith metic, English. Spelling, or any oth _ ,.?wiv>r>n grbnnl subject. We WOIit n tp join the night school. It win 01 your s^are time. Let us hear from ~ ycxr.~? R. J\riL,US, Supt. MBS. 1). i. SlcKINMfc HOSTESS. Tim TuLfliiuy iMUnumu Hntilc {'lift*" ha?l a most delighXfuT 'mcctin;; thls> wt-ek v:ith Mnv.'D F. McKinnc ut her h me on Middle Strreet. ' QliaiitnuHi Of ^ntlu.l firm and liar iho lovely drawing room! vrhei"e~tW ?quests Assembled, a large number of v shorn were present. Tije business of t'bo meeting dispersed a most enjoy able literary and musical program was carried but. Mra. R. Mills. part r on "Cur rent Events"/ was distinctively inter esting and informing. The T^pic tor the literary was "The Now Nation." Tw-> it.ier ^sting paper.: developed this topic;" Mrs. W. K. r/.<e|l s paper oil "The i'rint iplos and I'olicics of the New America as Interpreted by Washing ;on. Jefferson, Hamilton and Web ster." and Mrs. It F. Yarborough's "The Winning of lUc West." '?'he opening number of the initsi ral program was .Karl l-tciihaiu's "When" sung by Mrs. E. S. Ford, with marked Hw'eetness and beauty of expression Miss Williams piano selection. Sibelius' "Romance" was played in. her own inimitable style, displaying her fare touch of genius. The concluding number of the musi cal program. Oley Sparks'. "Morning " sung by Mr:*. S. S. Ford, Mrs. W. E. White and Miss Williams, with .Miss Williams accompaniest. was be autifully and brilliantly rendered charming all who heard. Misses Dorcas McKlnne and I,illian Howell then served delicious three course refreshments. The club ad journed to meet- with Mrs.' W. R. Mills Jan. 25th. TOBACCO MARKET. The Louidburg tobacco market op ened for the Spring season on Tues day with a ffairly good break of the weed. The prices seemed to show a little Increase over those paid before the holidays. In conversation with one of our warehousemen concerning the tobacco conditions he stated that In his opinion the farmers who expected to Bell this season should strip their tobacco and sell It Just a& soon as possible, that he was afraid s the prices would not advance and might go even lower. ClOV. RICKBTT TO PRACTICE LAW IN RALEIUH. The following announcement con cerning the activities of Oovernoi Blckett after his term as Oovernor ex pires will be read with Interest by his many friends in Loulsburg and Prank lln County. Announcement Immediately after the Inauguration of my successor, I. will open a L?aw Office in the Allen Building, on W. Martin Street, Raleigh, North Caro lina. T. W. BICKBTT. COVERING THE SITUATION. Vlsitor?I hardly know what to do with my week-end. Natlve-^I sug gest that you put a hat on It. Jk. t . MtiUJUxtitdU (Jnvi-fiior I'lcVPtt pors mil ?'f ??ffi ( <%( | t v u "ill", tv **"* -frrtltti nnltlv-.w^fc ? t mem TwMli ml him . Hrr ? hnt* ? 1>m?- ? i> I wnr-ii'K H'mmiim;. .1 ^I'vnfimr wlih a vision and Hie qunliilps <>f initiative I ?t it'1 ch partly which make visions re- | A-ln tin v ?_ h?? wc'.l s.tiil that a gov- [ , ? tjtir *tsn e not need the veto power. Tl.:? 's a negative power and while important it is rarely used ami there ?:.cs M,n !*,? Jii ii -i lUlu nf ihn iM.tnn r.iity. Tmc usefulness that there lies lii the constructive capacity ST S~" governor. For a governor Should be ;i lead', r in all good works in which the State can engage. This the man i:ivs down the responsibilities "1 office today has been in a large mea sure . ! I Governor lSickctt has made many [ looking to- thft-devetiiiiin^ of a better and nobler state. He has had the satisfaction of seeing by far the gre ater part of these enacted into law. He has not been a one-idea governor jbut active and alert to lend his pow erful influence and if necessary his able and skillful advocacy for pro gress In every direction. If there has been any one class of | the people whom the Governor has i been more concerned in than in any other it has been the farmers. Much I of his inaugural address delivered I four years ago was devoted to sugges i tions intended for the good of the fax 'mer. The slump in prices of the past fall was a heavy blow to the North [ Carolina farmer, but that he was at least in s6"ST?~ degree prepared for it .was due in part to the wholesome ag ! rieuiUwal 4ioc trine,, jw hi ch Governor Blckett has preached from th? de^ livery of the address with which his administration opened to this good hour. ' He remarked facetiously on i "the occasion Of hla infliipnral address tha< if he were the crar of NortlTCar olina he would issue an edict that ev ery farmer who affter the expiration ? nf n tierinri of five y^ars was found importing any corn, meal, flouV wheat, beef or' bacon should be forth-' with hanged without trial by jury and withlilll bi.'ilV.fU uf ilii^y. Thji. Utirnrbcen 4n? ?<lviro ever since and it has had its effect In brlngfng about ft situation wherein North Carolina en joys a higher degree of sensible crop diversification than it has ever had before It was Governor Blckett's lot to be the head of t^he administration during i^rt-ateat1 crisis that has come up tViJ* "StP.tfi -ri:ice?~t-n*- -4K llit? Wi?r Pot\vc&A-Uio Stp.tcs ami of Heron struction. He mtuie ; n admirable ttrnr rnu|-, Under his loadvrsMp and Insprration the St:;ic n?\isure-J tho nation's peri 1 1 hdtT Vpon it7^\?TP" ether in wgrk at hcme? sustaining t lie soldierV ill tho r:m p ;iml in thr ii-1.1 or in tho sacrifice aud exploits or' iier .-oils on tho b: ttlo tUl'd. North Caro lina i n.nle a tloiitm. .. n thv. war and tho Governor u^'it won .r.T .mightfty the intlueme an I prestige oi his powerful- office in making that re cord possible. War brings domestic troubles as. | -well as dread' of perils from without. TheBhkett administration has boon an administration of turmoil in labor! and nice relations. In several parts of tho' State there developed smou?! and threatening situations. IliiT^tuI has been prompt, courageous, indeed, hold and daring, in c oping with, those , situations. He was instrumental on several occasions in restoring t*eaoe% ful relations between labor and cap- | ital when it appeared there was no other recourse than open and contin ued warfare. He has fought vigor- I 'ously for a fair trial for the negro I whatever his offense and the lynch- 1 I ing evil has bye h- visibly curbed un- j 'der the influence of his appeals and: !w1se invocation of the physical, power I jof the State. The negro has also felt j I the sus^iining hand of the Governoi , ! irr his consistent stand for just treat- i jment of him in all matters over which | the State has control. Perhaps the outstanding advance of the State during the Blckett adminis tration was the reform in taxation and in this the Governor was a con spicuous and effective combatant. He believed, and rightly, that the old sys tem was full of injustices and inaccu racy and he wanted justice done and the truth revealed. He believed that if an Income tax had to be laid on in come from mental and manual toll It ought also to be laid on income from ! property. The fact that North Caro lina has a modern tax system and .under it a tax rate which will be a | strong Inducement for the attraction of outside capital Is due In no small degree to the effort of the retiring ] governor. Ttlfc Governor's course in most mat ? ters has commanded wide public ap jproval. It Is only just In appraising ? his administration to say that In the free use of the pardoning power whi ch has characterised his administra tion he has caused many good people to fear that he has done the cause ot law observance a disservice. But, by and large, the Bickett ad ministration has been one which will stand out In the history of the State. ? News Observer . (JOT THE LAST WORD. Mrs. 8crapp~The doctor says I crave things that don't agree with me 8crapp ? That's nothing. 1 once had the tame trouble. Mrs. Scrap p?*Wh en waa thai? Scrapie? When I married you. TAKES OATH OF OFFICE IN CITY AUDITOR IM BEFORE A GREAT CROWD - - ^ / * ' -JL Drizzling Rain Fails To Keep Orowds From Inaugural Cere monies: Uath Administered By Chief Justice Walter Clark At Noon; City and State Extends Big Welcome To Incoming Cameron Morrison of Char lotte, after twenty years and more of fighting as a private in the ranks of North Carolina Democracy, was inaugurated as Governor of the Commoa wealth at the city auditorium shortly after noon Wednesday. With the Gorernor, Commissioner of Labor M. L. Shlpman. Corporation Commissioner Allan J. Maxwall, Commissioner ofi Insurance Stacey W Wade. Auditor Baxter Durham. Stat* Superintendent E. C. Broo*?. tary of State J. Bryan Grimes. Attor ney General J. S. Manning and U?tt ublic. Governor Morrison, his lit- j 1* daucktor. Aa?>U> and his sister*. ' ? Nuttall an* Mian Ida Morrison the officers of State and their and other distinguished guests 1 the recairing line. A general 'a* of more than one hundred with their husbands assisted _ reoaMac. i Iaasiraral Ball At It: St the Inaugural ball was Wd at th? alty auditorium, the on wal twirtllii of women acting as MM. SrW? circles were to spectators i inauguration of Governor Morrison while It was as tar as pos sible la accordant* with the slB?Ue? rtty the rirtrnor TBg^aaslred, was at ffanded by the dlgaity and ceremony 4?f the occasion . M?Utt\OK (A WE RUN lOKRISUN | Una n (-Governor \Y St Cooper iiwk the oath of office. In the case ot the administrative ulTUwhi the luth ?u administered ? -try ? XsKtxiate Justicc Piatt Walker ot the Supreme Court:' Chief Justice Clark administered the oath to Gpvernor Morrison. The former were presented bjr Sen ator I>elaney of Mecklenburg In be half of the joint legislative commit tee. Governor Blckett presented his successor with the ilmpl* statement that this was he who had been called Into service by the people ot the State and that following his tiMsg the oath Governor Morrison would deli m his Inaugural address . The new Governor was In his usual One speaking form, bat aay who sal ght have been expecting mere com monplaces and generalities were dls appointed. He talked for the pabtk ?chools, the University and the other higher educational Institutions a ad ? State system ot highways. and he pro posed the Issuance (4 enough bonds to put the StJata's colleges, rharltabie Institutions and the Stats system of hard-surfaced highways over and that without delay. Adhering to bis well-known Ideals of local self-government, be declared In favor at county maintenance ot roads and tft? levying ot no ad vaK> rem tax on property tor State purpoe es. but he left no doibt of his disp>v sltlon to make u n progressive conn ties face the music sad pay their pro- | portlonate part ot the expense. ' The afternoon passed without spec ial event. Prom 8:30 to IO N at the Gover nor's Mansion the laangnrnl rscsp tlon wan held which wan open to Uke YOlMi WOMAN'S HISMOVVK\ SOCIETY Thojjtudy ("trcio of the Young Wik j man's Missionary Society of the Me thodist Church held x most delightful tw?tit? with Mrt. M (' flwuuiu on TimUjt evening. January 11th. Wo had with no MIm Maud* Ashley ' who nni very charmingly Mora the start v lesson began. The devotional ?md?? were conducted by kin Pkutnta attar which the aahject of the evening. "Kona" waa discussed by different members ot the society. Mr*. O. V. Varboro then gave us a I lovely piano selection . Following I this delicious sandwUfcea and hot I chocolate were served The society | then adjourned to meet at the church on January 18th in a regular Mission ary meeting ! * ? o tlOltil COI> RECEIVED rtOM HOARD TO FILL I P WlLSOf RANK'S TAI'LTS Wilson. Jan. 11. ? A big tow sack containing (TI.MO In coin waa re- | oeally deposited In a bank here by 8. ' O. Newborn, who has been appointed by the court as guardian for Henry ' Morris, a Wilson rectus*, wbo Is said 1 to he the oMeat and wealthiest citisen of the town. It represents the sav ings of many years and waa taken froaa a aafe in hla home to be trans- I Peered It required several days for j the beak employes to get the coin , counted as R waa Mi all Sorts ot do- I nnmlnnthiaa. ranging from pennies to to* MW btlta I I ? ~ r r A Bra ntlfu I Home W ftlcllntr_W?"dne-' ? ? (hrT at H <>f ftrlito ? EosMMjnrhe- of the prettiest wed dings lh,it 1ul< ho nn minimum! ? IajiiIMiUi k In some time was at the I home of Mrs. S. J. Edens. on Cedar i street- wmliiPHrtuv ? Mtpnioon ? at ? r o'clock. when her daughter. Miss Chc_ 'Vnliih W I ii i I II III I l'i n In i I of Mr. Dewltt Gordon *"?'!. of The parlor was beautifully decora- 1 ted in pink and green, with a huge pink bell suspended, under an artisti cally arranged groen arch just be hind wtitch Stood a huge bank of f?r"? ? Xhft rouni win lighted with jthe soft ra?n of many candles which added to the harmony ot the . decora Itlons bringing out the picturesque be auty ot the scene. The bride enter, eel on the atfrLoUier BrotnatV'Mr . W ? H. Edens, who gave her In marriage, wearing a beautiful traveling suit of I dark blue daevaljrne. with accessories to mttch and carrying a shower bo quet ot brides roses and valley Ullles She waa preceded by little Edward Collier. Jr., dressed In a black velvet cult, bearing the ring In the heart of a big beautiful rose. They were met under the bell by the groom and his best man, Mr. Klrby Hart, where they w?r? Joined together as man and wife with the beautiful ring ceremo ny by Rev. O. F. Smith, pastor ot the Lioulsbur* Methodist Church. The bridesmaids. Mines Ora Tug-well land Catherine Herton, dresaod fd bl ack satin and carrying pink killarney roses took positions on either l*ji nf the beautiful anJir During the cere mony Miss Iantha Plttman sweetly sang "Because." and Miss Sallie Wil liams rendered the music In her In mitable ?tvl? ? - .*U*r Hie ceremony the brld? Hd groom left tor Ooldaboro and other points on a bridal tour, after which they will be at homeat_Pan$Udlie-^'l? T?r jllH, 11)81. The bride A* one of Loulsburg's m'ost accomplished and popular -yo ung woqifn ?"*" .?.)nr. it.. ..inrtTM? lion of a large "l""har ot ttoaailatea Jtlu v.4i Ktret toflve Jrer up tram uulr social life. The groom is a prominent business man of Farmvtlie, being one of the leading merchants In thn fn?Ti nrni enjayj a wide popularity. jiuh* UavB. the . congra^aW, tions of a host of friends. Am- ? Uhi ? caL nf-u>Wf'> ' vtsttnrrr r??is/"^lrs. 1)1. i Pa'ii'K. uradniothe? hit o m. .\!rs. 1) li. Dixon. Mr*. \! . K IT t.ric\. Mi.-s y vii?ov Mr -K i r l>y ? ni LJoldshori?. Mrs. C. sT l |v i i: lUml t&r: MiiyU.uM ? iu-r.; ?. \.iss Kati.uv..o Morton. Miss of r':imivii:r. -Mr. and 'v-i> i i ?? liii-ih, .?? VV aslMtiirt'.Ui . \ ?. I ?? *l?; N \ K\ SOf'IK l'V *i thr W .m in\? Mi.* : ?'?".'?fV ?t* i?" ? "*? "t-; !i- uli-if ? ? " r< i*. "1*1 nr ? ? ?*}. ;? I ? '1 . !v S,v!m! >? r ? x' -i - ? ? ,%1. ? <*?rvici' v. as ? ? v. :\i - 1 Mr*, P. T. Smnlnvick. Kcpo-is ff*' li.? \;?ri?n:< c?u;iuiittcc> \<i'io Si- "**?' *? ! ''"jri ." n.farin-'-s at t.Mi. i -l 'v V ! \ i' o nr. \\ ??:*!? np pivnif,! : r : \ < ;: r. ? v< ? ? . ' ? "::?mit;ce to look .ill f r .c -1 tlii- I'iirson, IU- . Mvs ?V , ! * \'\ .li- . Caak'un.u. with Mrs Karh. Mrs L. I'. Hicks. Mr*. \V. L Pcaslcy and Mrs. (J. \V . Pord. \ ? :t romnrifti'o to attend ti? church dci orations ami nvorsto Hit work of th*' janitor: Airs, l> K. Mr Kinno, Cli.iirman. wiiJi Mes. J no Muntt Win, Prcd Hi. ks. Mr^. li. N. Will iamsnn. Mrs. S, S. MeaTTows ami Mrs. K. H Ma tout*. A hospi'alitv committor to wcleoinr st rancors into the town, the church and Hit* mission.) ry society: Mrs. Smith, Chairman. \vtthT"Mrs. S. A. Newell, Mrs. S.,J. P?rhaiii, Mrs. J. A. Hodges and Mrs. Poster. A commit t t to visit, tlie. sick^ Mrs. P. H. Mi Kinne. Chairman, with Mrs. Xi ? m. -Smith, Mrs. C. K. Cooke. Mrs. I.elia Williamson. Mrs. S. P. Hurt Mrs. lh?ra Allen ami Mrs. K. Z. Eg erton A committee to arrange Cor relig ions seS' vices at the jail, the county home, the home ot' invalids and shut ins tcfid wherever such services may seem needful or appropriate: Mrs. Pleasants, Chairman, with Mrs. L). P. McKinne. Mrs. J. E. Ma lone. Miss | Lucy Poster. Nfrs. H. R. Harri?. and Miss Lulie Jar man . o PLACED I'M) KB $?N> Bt)>l>S Messrs J. K rf Ball and W. ii . Ball, of Alert, owners of the store in which ] a trap gun was set that killed Will- | inm L ShamWsy on the night of Jan uuy 3rd. wken he attempted to bur gl?*rl*e the store. wer? called before Coroner O. S. Knrp on Tuesday and caused to gire bond for their appear ance at the next term of Pranklin Superior Court in the sum of $500 each to answer to a charge of man* slaughter . SERVICES AT ST IVU 1/S < HI KCH Celebration of the Holy Commun ion at 7: SO o'clock. Hibie Class and Sukday Se^ool at 10 A. M Morn in^- Prayer and sermon by K*?v. S". Collin ffughes. Rector, at St. Paul's Church Sunday next All are cordially welcomed to all services. ? o- ? Subscribe to The Prank UH Times AMONG THE VISITORS - SOME YOr OOV ANB Personal Items : ? T lip lr liltudn And There. Mr. friul Be&siey returns# liny '-i- "'"I* I ' I '"1"' 111 - Miss limit Lee Williams, i tleboro. ts v1 siting Sfisa Mary Burt. ' Gov. and Mrs. T W. Uickett and A Mr. W. Y. Blckett are guegts of IV. uuwl^ Mrs -R-; ? FT v arnoroufch JIBS week . ? i. ' ? ? ^ ? = Mr. William Neal left Sanday for Charlotte to take a position with Standard Oil Coronary hnrtt)T fmt.h. ed tits course of study In Baltimore. A boat I Mr. R'. M. Person, ot Charlotte, \ ! who Is representing Mecklenburg County In the General Assembly, came over from Raleigh Saturday and spent a few hours In -LOuM^Uff . mr. b. h. ewrra dkad- ? 'T" Sorrow entered the home of Mr . K> iH. Griffin when the mesas g? ot his ' death was received on Thursday, Dec 18. 1920. He had been in the Park rVlew hospital for several days where | everything was done tor htm that will ? lng hands could do. But <Go4 ..kocgn*i ) best and he sent an Angel to ~taka | him to rest-. He w? n?n?<?riy a* 1 rest at the family burying grounds at his home In Centervllle. Funeral ! services was conducted by Rev. W". J Conn Ball ot Durham, The pall bear . era were . .....n- msmii i P Leonard, W. I>. Fuller, Foster, Johnnie ? Leonard, F Ham. Furney Leonard" and ton The flnrnl nffnirinM ? TuT I Mr. Griffin had lived In Centervin* 'for several years where he w"" ? * fi lends aWUkijf eacn and ev TV? - " " ' ' " ? ? *? fa' ihlm above wfrtah we taal ?uro hu gone where sorrow- never venters . Cheer up my Mends "Q<id eiv< JHlrt finrt taltath." '? i * ^ .1 av The following are some of the bills Unreduced atid passed in the Legisla (dv try* ? wcfcU ; ? Sew Senate Bills ? rrf: ? TT ~v. ? ny If. r win: To validate ::-.e probation of _ certain deeds. S. H. ? hv Krwin: To validate t::o proL*utc?. of certain deeds. ^ It. ^ ? by Krwin: To validate TTT^ e of certain deeds . S. J*. ? ?iy Cameron: To provide i ?' i't:- lailation :;:i elevator in the i ti ,.r,){ _ s. !:. Car.^.-ron : To provide ' v i tic installation ot seTTees in the ? . ? :.du < i" file < 'Spited .? S. n. o't by Carlton: To make the ? r . i statu to a governing the rela rioas .'> t ween landlord and tenant ap ^tliraOl'v to IVrson county. : . S. H. by Carlton: To make the provisions ot' certain statutes govern ing landlords and tenants applicable to Person county. S. r. . 3."> ? by Carlton: To make the-*4 provisions ol' certain statutes govern ing the reniifons between landlords and truants applicable to Person co unty . S. 1'. ?t> by Bnrgwin of New Han dover: To ratify certain conveyances 'made by the city of Wilmington. Semite Bill* Passed . The following; J^ills were passed in the Senate yesterday:1 IT. 1?. S. B. 24 ? To admit Miss 1 Grace Dixon to the State Hospital foi [the Insane at Morganton. * i H. B. 50. S. 13. 26 ? To authorize 1 1 he collec tion of bdek taxea in Hay i wood county. | H. B. 40, S. B. 27? Relating to the I game law in Beaufort county. 1 S B. 33 ? To make certain statutes^ governing the relations between land lords and tenants applicanle to Per ison county. . S B. 34 ? To make certain statutes I governing the relations between land i lords and tenants applicable to Per json county. S. B. 35 ? To make certain statutes 'governing the relations between land iTords and tenants applicable to Per ?son county. ?*"?**? S. B. 3&? To ratify -cwtaln convey ances made by the city? Ot Wilming ton. ?... H B 3. S. B. 37? To Ax the salar ies of Constitutional St?te officers. New House Bills i The following: new bills were of fered in the House yesterday: H. B. 49 ? Brftt: To amend gam* laws Ijl Beaufort courfty. H. H 50- ?"Henderson: To secur* collection of back taxes in Hfcywxxxt. H. B SI? 'Swain: To limit tern* of office for Constitutional officers. H. B. Clement: To provide for prt vate voting. H. B. Oosney: To require registry tlon of discharged army' officers. H. B. 54 ? Towusend: To relieve J. R. McOuten. veteran. H. B. 55? Cooper : To amend road law In Burke county. H. B. 56- Une: To authorise Cte* tham commissioners to boadf. THE FRANKLIN 11.50 Ftf Tear 1b

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