? 7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?PRANKLl!! COUHTI ? SCHOOL COLl'MJf ? - * Item ?< latereat to Teachers, * IckNl rtaahlMWi, Betterment * iiKK-UUon and People Interest ? ed la Pabllc Sekoals q( Frapk. *' tin Count; 1 I 1 I Kdwmrtl L Beat, Superintendent * m 9 ? ? 9 ? ? ? ? ? -J- 1. Mlsa Pauline Smith and lir. Jodn Blair or the State liepartmenl of Education worked with ten of the schools Jn . the county last weelu_htlp lax iberu to make the school houses kiid gpnnm mora <?omrortAM? * and attractive. The entire week was sp ent with these schools and I am con <Vter?t much go^?T Will rpt>nU from their efforts. I will be glad for each progress has been made along this line. 2. The following comes from Miss Alexander the Community Director "We^hope to meet all the people at the community service meetiugs, dur ing the next two weeks. If you have never been to a meeting come once to see what you have missed. If you -are a-taachar-os a school child try to have the best attendfincce. that you I have had at your school . An added attraction to the present program will be the county singing contest held in following ? places i Cwre, Tuesday. February 1st: Sandy Creek by Sandy Creek and White Level. Feb ruary 3rd; iiuna, February 4tfl; inpu ts burg by Loutsburg and Mapleville February 5th. | A prize of $25 has been offered by the county community service. We1 hope the successful school will see fit I to use this and other money for play ' ground equipment. Sandy Creek and | Bunn are to be congratulated for their good attendance and attractive pro- ! gram last week, TW best attendan- | ce during the whole two weeks was at Fearces on Saturday night, Janua ry 22nd. Two hundr^l and twelve ! people enjoyed the program . " - * ! 3. The Commltte on the Seveuth Grade Examination composed of J. ! L. Price. Clara Long. Eugenia Boone | Mae Perry. Beulah Cyrus. E. N. Mit chell. Pattie Lou Smith, Ullie Mae Aycocke and W. R Mtll? held it? ftrtt meeting lr\ Loulaburg. January 22nd. The following regulations wtr re agreed upon. 1. The examlnaltoa will be held on the 14th and ISth of April. 2. Thta examination is entirely tentative and is only one of the re quisites for a Seventh Grade Diploma For a pupil to secure a Seventh Gra de Diploma he must not only pass t i t ? ? i V. ? ? 1 ^ ? .. ? ^ - ? - .11 lulfl lool Out uiuBv 81 BO i u ui ptrir art thy work that la given between the test and the close of the school. The Seventh Grade Diploma Is therefore dependent upon two things, namely completion of the seventh grade work amt- passing thu teatatl*e examination Number 2. la expret?>cd in detail that no pupil n*ay get the idea that he may secure a Diploma by merely tiiklng. the examination even if the work has ? not been completed. J T. No pupil will be allowed' to take | the examination unless he has flnlsh | ed the work of the seventh grade. plete a grade is S months or 160 days. The ccrnmltte therefore decided that no pupil should be allowed to attempt I the examination unless his record | snows tnat ne had worked in the sev enth yradr as ? many ? aa ? LSQ ? days* | There will be no deviation from this y?gculallnn unless. -the teacher ran furnish evidence that the child is far above the average In Intellect and has dona axtca. itatk ? out si da ? of school. hours. 1)? course this does not me an that a child must have attended school 150 dtiva this one school year ha may ht>vff" ftiWitt ft parr or th* jwork in Fome previous year. 4. No pupil will therefore kuow whether or not he will secure his Di ploma, until the close of his school. ? j ! 5. The final grading of the papers will be done by the following com mittee on Saturday. April 23rd in Lou isburg, Katherine Dorsett. Eugenia Boone. Clara l.*ong. Beulah Cyrus. E. N. Mitchell. Agnes Hunt. Lillie Mae Ay cock and K. L. Best. 6. Afte* the examination each tea cher will grade the papers of her pu j ! pils placing the grade on a separate ; shpet and this sheet with the other pa peVs must be sent to the office by 7 An application blank that will be furnished must be filled out for REDUCE Your Acrcagc Anil Buy Your Plant Bed Fertilizer From / ?McKinne Bros. Co. ?? t,' .? Ui. Dft*Ur in HIGH GRADR FERTILIZER Satisfaction Or Your Money B?ck >4 , "EjOttisbnrg, : North Caro^lm each Id taking the examination I No 4>apers will be graded unless ac companied with tu application blank This blank will aak (or sucb iufornia tlon aa the number of days the child has been In school, the amount of , work completed, character of dally recitations and etc. I 8. No Seventh Opvde Diploma will be raJld without the signature of the principal or teacher In charge of the _j?hool aadAfce comity aup<Mlat+Qdtnt 9. There will be a Seventh Gradb fount r Ctiumitiiifuifin held tn Lout* burg Friday. June 3rd. In the morn ing there will be an address by some noted educator and the Seventh Grade Dlplnmnw _ will tn; drllTcrgfc. : ! In the afternoon the athletic events will take place. The Field Events will be under the supervision of Miss Violet Alexander, the Community S?r , vice Director. The details for the - program of this day will be given- la ter. 1 10. The office will ba glad to fur niih any phasa of the *avanth unido work or examination. The teachers are urgently requested to familiarize themselves and their pupils\with the-, se regulations that p thorough under-'1 >.i?nuiing may be hud liofjpo tffe *aU of the Hrimlnatton. TV: it appears rrora" "all editorial written by the Editor of The Frank ttiY Ttmer Thar the schools of Hi toys. Royal and New Hope have already been consolidated into a central high * school . As may be seen ffrom the School Column iif the-somc Issue consolidation has not yet taken place hut of the interested cltlicns | are disiujsing the udvlcabiUty. nf do . ing so. Of course this is a question that the j?eople of these districts will [have to decide for themsefV^s and in '""bv.half of the children of these Dis tricts I sincerely hope that their de cision will be to organize- and main tain an efficient central high school where every boy and girl in the town ship may receive effective training. roSMIMTY SKKMCK PROGRAM AM) SrHEDCXE. The following program and sched ule has been announced by the com munity service work of Franklin County : Program 1. The Weclth of the Nation. ? Muu ?**<!-?? Switzerland. 3. Robinson Crusoe. Part One. 4. Robinson Crusoe. Part^Two. Fcobinson Crusoe. Part Tty-ee 6.- Jerrv^a Finishing Touch. Monday night. Jan. 24 ? Popes. Tuesday night. Jan 25 ? New Htape. Wednesday night. Jan. 26 ? Youngs vjUiiU 1 hursday night. Jan. 27 ? Mt. Grovt Friday night. Jan. 2S ? Wood. Saturday night. Jan. 29 ? Royal. ^ " -'?> rmrrr- HTsTT ? iniiu*si?io . i , i .v imjVp ivi>. i -Ci'ii ar-Kour~ V" . . . i! ;y Febo 2 ? Seven Tiv.ii'*>?. y ? nnrtrr. Feb. 3--Sandv 1 re?>k . Friday Feb. 4 ? Burnt. S*. .:>? Tiinl.t. Fob. 5? Louisl.uri.' ? Hi.i. L.L-i'l Ui: UALi: i-'AllM r,A:'*T>S , w ? i* Slio i .?\ver of sale ?. ui f".i:vd in that cc rutin 4?e^- of trust, TTl.i.ll- itV Wl tUMl Dunston wil?- to ? Li- ? Trustee. dated F>b. Mh. IMS. ami recorded in Franklin Urvistry. Book 224. page 62, default having been made* in the payment oi the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on s?'.id trustee by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the undersigned will ?;i Monday, February 28, 1921, at, the noon recess of Court, at the Coujt House door in Louisburg. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, that tract of land in Dunns Township, part of the Fowler land and in said deed of trust convey ed and described as -follows: f\ certain tract or parcel of land sit uated in Dunns Township. Franklin County. North Carolina, known and designated as farm Nos. 3, 4 and "? on plot of .property formerly owned by the Fowler heirs and known as the Dr. Fowler Place as surveyed and plotted by Joseph T. Inscoe, Survey* or. which said plot or map is rec^riU ed In Book 192, page 550 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Frariklin County. The said three farm lota containing la the aggregate 97 and . S3-lr0p acr^tl. and being the trafct of land conveyed by D. F. McKinne and wife and MalCOim McKinne and wife to C. N. >erry by deed bearing date Nov. 20. 1913, which is registered in (look 202. page 459. office of the Reg Ister of DeedB for Franklin County to all of which records reference Ib hereby made* for a fuller description of said lands. This Jan. 28th, 1921. BEN J. B. 8YKE8, Trustee W.M. H ft THOS. W. RUFFIN. I Attorneys 1 -28-6t NOTICE OF ACTION TO DEFEND ANT. North Carolina In Superior Conrt Franklin Co. Before the Clerk J. 8 MORRIS, Vs. AMELIA LEVI8TER. Amelia Levister, defendant above nacned. will take retire th*t an action or mpeclal proceeding* entitled a? sbove has t>enn commenced in the Su perior Court of Franklin County, No rth Carolina, for the purpose of hav ing a sale of the dower tract allotted to l?Hla l^vlstfer in the lands of the late Fenner I^TlBter. which land is fully described Ift aaid flower prcdtyfefc Inga In Book of Orders and Derrrjee No. 7 at page 436 et seq . reference 'to which is hereby expressly made foV full description, mild land befnlc sold for partition, the defendant having ih berited a one fourth undivided Ini^r *?st In said land from her fafffHt, KVr^ ner I^evister. And the defendant will farther take notice that she Is required- in npp?f*r before the Clerk of the SAperfor (%H urt of Franklin Co. at his office In I>oulnburK. N. C. on Feb. 28, lf?21 and answer or demur to the co'nv plaint and petition of plaintiff In natd proceedlnirs. or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for relief demXnrlekf In said complaint and petition, to-wltl home dmohstkatiow ? I* DifiimjT. ? ?????????? The iueetlngs the past week to ma i ke plans tor Improving the school gr , ounda ikiid to Install piay^tvund eq ulpment under the direction of Mr. 'John Blair. Director of School House , Planning. State Department of Edu cation. were well attended consider-. 1 On Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Blair talked to the school at Maplevllle. He suggested plan to Include founda tion planting, evergreens and places for simple playground equipment. On ? Wednesday uwnilng fre spoke to tW school and * community of Bunn. Ah- I out 250 people were In attendance at] .this meeting . After this he talked to! the high school pupils and' Woman's . Club on Interior decoration. ImrneJ 'diately rollowlng this he met "wltE tht [trustees to discuss Titims for an addh "on to the building. The Woman's <-iue taett meFwHh htnrto-mafce ptamT for laying out the grounds. They de elded to put lattice around the founda> tlon. lay out?*? drive way. plant out shrubbery and Install se-saws. etc. -'or the smaller children, as thu work ? thin ye&r-, ? ?? ? Wednesday after ? noon quite a number of the Roberts people came out with tools to' work bunas the ground was frozen so hard no outside work could be done. Mr. I Blair told stories and Illustrated them on the blackboard for the ehililrep The trustees and Woman a Clnh met | with? him to make plana for improv iugThe grounds. In spite of the gr. uuud being frozen stx ? inches ? deep quite a crowd gathered at Seven (Paths to_wtrk. The men filled in washes laid off the boundaries, etc.. while the children had a Jolly time playing ga mes and hearing plans made for theli Playground equipment. The high school pupils and trustees itiet with Mr. Blair at Justice. An interesting meeting was held at Cedar Rock.- Nc. definite work could be done there as the ground Is still covered with tim ber and brick from the new building. Mr. Blaif was especially interested in thJe school as the plan for the "new building came from his office. He, *JJ11--Vlslt the community later Ir. IqjJ ocrrhe grounds when the building is^ completed. Meetings were held on Friday at Ingleside. Mt. Grove and Wood. The last meeting was held at Mcralton-Hayes on Saturday morning. The men of the community spent Sev- , eral hours digging stumps and level- I ing the grounds. The small boys did' the"- bit by piling up timber ami hriM. lert from the new building. Each" principal will be sent a blue print to follow in carrying out the plans sug Rested by Mr. Blair and the Agent, 1...0 blue iJiinTsr-or t n-5? Ttnv~gFmrinr* equipment. $25.00 worth of shrubs' wrtl lie given to. the school that makes lilt; Itinsl Imprnvumwnt in itn'wrniimlu; &ln 00-\vorth for thft KfM'ftinl luifil, ain'i tm-additlonal prize tn each school thai install the playground equipment. Dr ? Brooks, state Superintendent of Pub lie Instruction, says Franklin County is taking the lead in Ahis ground i in provement ?wk . Lets make e ich school ground so protl.v that Frank lin will l>e noted for its attractive s>.Luu1a ami ulwr t'oinwiei will miun ? the c-xaniple we have set. :.rst of l)v . Barrel's illustrated I leitm . Kivt-li ,il Hickory Hm-k ? on i- rulav night . The souvenirs shT own twrc nf aiULii iuieie.s:. L-w|ii'L l:i)lv ; the costumes. Dr. Burrell imperson ated an Arabian sheik and Mrs. Ins coe. a Japanese princess. About 200' people were present. This lecture will be given at Bunn on Friday ni- ! ght. th<j 28th. I The following report of the. meet- ; ing of the Sandy Creek Womans Club comes from Mrs. D. N. Nelms: '*On Wednesday. January 19th. the Woman's Club met with the largest number present since its organization Miss Pauline Smith liaving to at- ; tend a special meeting elsewhere, co- I uld not.be with us. Miss Aycock was I asked to act in her place, which she! very readily consented to do. Several were asked to tell what the- I se meetings mean? or should mean to us. Some very interesting thoughts were brought out and we wish mors' of the girls and women could have been there to have heard the splendid i Jalk made by Miss Aycock. She al ways knows just the 'right thing to say to be of help to some one. After the discussion, indoor games were played which were enjoyed by all. . Refresehm^nts were served bv i the girls of the 6th and 7th grades. The club then adjourned to meet Wednesday after the first Sunday In ! February. Each member being ask ed to get as many new ones as possi ble to meet with them next time " Bean or Pea Croquettes? 1 cup ma shed potatoes, 1 cup mashed peas or beans. 2 tablespoons flour, 1 table- - spoon drippings, 1-2. cup milk, salt and pepper. Melt the drippings, add onions and cook to a golden brown; add flour, and when blended, the milk Cook until heavy enough to drop from the spoon. Combine with other In gredlents.. allow to stand 2 or 3 hours then ashape into balls or croquetten Dip In egg apd crumbs and fry in deep fat. 1 I ea or Beam Salad ? 2 cups peas oi . beans (cooked), X cup shredded cab page, 2 or 3 sprigs parsley, 1 grated (jnlbrt, salt and pepper, ^rertch drte sing, cookted dressing, or iriayoimaise may be served with this salad?^ I , Baked Beans? 1 quart beans, 1 on ion, 1-4 pound bacon, 2 teaspoons salt |1 teaspoon mustard, 1-2 cup molasses 3, cap tothato sauce, 2 tablespoons C'hlll saiice. Soak the beans two or tllree hours and when the skins are "loose, rub them until they are remoV 'ed. Then pour Cold water through thorn and put them In the pot with the onion, tomato sauce and Chill Sauce. Bury the pork in the, beans, add boil ing water In the mustard, salt and molasses sufficient to cover tha be :??!? aml keep them covered until the |la*t Hour of cooking. Then lift thb j.frve#t to the top and brown. I IsaJe of aald land for partition. I Thin Jan. 24. 1A21 I 1 J L. PAI.WER, Deputy, Clerk of the Superior (fcrort. ? Wty.H. & THOS. W RUPTXM. 1 " Attorney for plaintiff, r . * LoulaburR, 6l . C. T-28-BI r The lower prices you've- been torn prices on SUITS and OVERCOATS. The- final cat, not in February or MarcrIT7~but NOW- We need the money and space for our new Spring stock, that's why we are offer ing ^uch wonderful ^values at such low prices. 4 Come take a look for yourself. McBrayer Cloiteng ?<h - "Everything for Daddy and the Boys" PHONE 80 LOUISBURG, N. C. A GOOD PLACE TG BANK" 4 Per Cent Interest on > & i -m. - Savings Account Start an Account Now and Save Something Each Week Farmers National Bank J. M. ALLEN, T. H. DICKJENS, President * , Vice President H. M. STOV^LL, Cashier Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $10,000.00 Louisburg, North C&roliii*

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