SENSATIONAL ?YES! 200 PAIR LADIES FINE SHOES $6.00 to $10.00 Values ? Knttnn Hp-Ii um an< 1 LowssHi't'l, Large As sortment R?.1p Prirp $9 QFi Everyones Coming Read A bout-Em ? Then Come hiuI Get- Km $2.50 Middy Blouses 4>c 75c Ladies Vests and Pants ... S8c $3.00 Outi:ig Gowns, full cut .. #1.63 50c Dress Gingham. many pat terns. Yd 19c Red Star Diaper Cloth. 27-in. . .#1.95 35c Curtain Scrim, all colors. Yd. .15c SANKRUPTGY Would Be Our Fate Were We To Continue ~ THIS SALE FOR AN INDEflNATE TIME Buyers Get Busy ~ Time Short 150 PAIR MEN'S WORK SHOES Heavy All Leather $6.00 to $8.00 Values Sale Price $1.95 Men buy a years supply. You hi.'vit bought shoos at this prion Everything Going Tlfe Sale Everybody Is Talking Off 40c Men's Fine Dress Hose 19c 35c Childrens Heavy Ribbed Hose 15c $7.50 Boys Fine Suits, Serges. Cheviot and Worsted $3.95 $2.00 Men and Boys Wool Caps ? Asst. 8&C $5.00. Men's Derby Hats, Asst. Colors, All Sizes 9Sc 14.00 Men's Blue Buckle Heavy . Overalls, all sizes .... Ttsy THIS SAtETHC TALK OF THE ENTIRE TRADE TERRITORY CHANCE SINCE 1914 $4.50 Misses School Shoes. Just the ? Kluw fur mei.i daj wear, ftll leoth ' er and sizes SALE PRICE $1.00 Children's Shoe>. lace, buttons, kid and cloth tops, all leather SALE PRICE ** $3.50 Women s Heavy Work Shoes. Just what you want for hard wear SALE PRICE *1 A* $6.00 Ladies Fine Shoes. Lace. But tons. Kid and Cloth Tops SALE PRICE fSe $7.50 Ladies Fine Shoes, High Tops, Lace and Button, Kid and Cloth top SALE PRICE *2.?a $1.00 Table Linen. <>4-!n. L&dleB do not fail to see this Bargain SALE PRICE Yard $12.00 Ladies High Top line Dress I ? Shiwi Tan, nnlv. Blacks. Drown and Gray * SALE PRICE# M.9G 18.00 Mens Work Shoes, Tugh Hide. The shoe for heavy work SALE PRICE W ?i 114.50 Mens Fine Dress Shoes, Blacfc and Tans SALE PRICE t'M $4.00 Mens Heavy Work Shoes. At this price buy a year's supply SALE PRICE ?t.9i $5.00 Boys Fine Shoes. All Kind Lea thers, Button and Lace ^ SALE PRICE |1.?6 $3.50 Counter Pants, Full size, Vari ety Patterns ? SPECIAL C1J6 $?2.00 I .ailics Silk Host* $3.50 Ladies ( 'orsi-t*, K.ibos Thompson 8ai? Piicw 98c m J frV>.f)(t Hals Trimmed in ni^u ovi Vel6urs, -etc. Sale Price $3.9&> ? $2.00 Ladies Silk Gloves, Brown, Black and Gray Sale Price 37c $15.00 Serge' Suits for Boys High Grade Sale Price $7.95 40c Dress Gingham, Big As sortment Sale Price 12 l-2c 75c Ladies Lisle Hose, 3 colors Sale Price 29c HOT S MASHizAfc?APlES READY TO- WEAR " $29.50 Ladies Wool Suits, Special big Ht'lfrlinnfl and Vuluaw ?o poll Do^uot miss seeing this lot SALE PRICE $3.9.-, trnttPS^ Long Coats'," Nary, and Brown, Plain, Plush and Fur Collars SALE PRICE *19.?> $2.00 Ladles Voile Waists, Asst. big lot. slightly soiled SALE PRICE' 49c $12\00 Childrens Warm Winter Coats well made, dressy line and Values you cannot pass ' J SALE PRICE $4.00 Ladieg Wool Skirts, many to select from, all sizes in this lot saCe PKICE ?I.?i 16.00 I^adles Wool Sweaters, you can find what you want In this lot HALE PRICE # I.#.', $17.50 Ladies Serge and Mohair Dres bus. wall minlc and "trimmed. ? real values at this price SALE PRICE $o,95 $30.00 Ladles Silk Dresses, large va riety and trims, high classy line SALE PRICE ?H.9i ' $29.50 Cape Coats A.sst\ colors, Ve ? ' lours and Poplins ? SALE PUK E 111.9* $29.50 Ladles Winter Coats, Velours, Serge, etc. Plain and Fur trimmed You will be surprised al values SALE PRICE $ir.9i $7.00 Georgette Silk Waists, all col ors and trims SPECIAL ?2.9i> $2.00 Childrfens Hats, all sizes, al kinds assorted SALE PRICE 98c Heedless of Cost or Values - - Delay Spells Disaster for You LACE SALE 35 (,Vnt Cluny ami Ton-lion many ili'siim* Sale Prig^ 05c per yard IjRilics t ) i is i> tlu1 i-luiiu'c to buy at giveaway |tri<'cs. CANDLER-CROWELL GO. Satisfaction Guaranteed Louisburg, N. C. SPOOL COTTON l>rk* 0. V T ill Slim *; .50 RI.ANKKTS Knll 81** Wool ^np SAI.E PRICK M^5 RKMNANTS l>n not fMI l/i y|?lt this Cornitrr 1-2 PRICE ham: $:{.()() Orcpp I >??( Ui in<>, .'Mi-in all colors Sale Price $1.65 $:!.<)<> (Jcor^cHc Cropo, .'Ui-in in nil colors $1.65 $:i.00 Tuffc-tus, Satins, 36 in in all colors .... $1.26