RUB IT ON E Z I T HEADACHE, _ TOOTHACHE^ lftinn * T WT 4 li EXJRALGXA, ~ PAINS, t ? Apply with brush or rub it" on j affected parts. Sold and guaranteed by AYCOCK DRUG CO. Your Money back without questions if you are not satisfied. Manufactured by Person Remedy Co. Charlotte, N. C. ? FOR SALE Froit Pruof Cabbage Plants. 500 $1 .60, 1000 $2.50 postpaid. 1000 $2.00, 10,000 $1.50 per 1000 Express Collect. -tHN9fi?-TPHOEES3EE~ PTXNT CO. 1 -14-3t Valdosta, GoorgidT WOfH*- NEWS - Mumpo-i-At* Hi* omy now^ gomjF ttF Wood now . Every day we possess a new case but. we are very thankful tl isn't tiny worse. Mr. Major Gupton has been" seriously 111 but is improv ing so rite. ? Mesisro. Arthur, 3teplieu and Eddii Gupton made a call to see some of tht noon" ~ 7 ~ and Mrs. P. C. Ludford have nuueil iu Plymouth. ? We were very sorry to see Mr. Her bert Lancaster leave for hospital, but 7>ro~ gTaa fo ngar tins "getting uri very nicely Messrs. R. D. Griffin and W. P. Leonard and Misses .Lilla Lanier and Hattte- (jriffin made a call to see so me friends at Moore's pond Sunday, afternoon . The most enjoyable time spent in Wood in a long time was the tacky party carried out so well at Mr. St. Leonard's Saturday night. Jan. 15th. Games ot all kinds was started about 7:30 after which Music was so beau tifully rendered on piano by Miss Pearle Gupton followed by three co urses of refreshments. Then Messrs. Stephen Gupton. Morris Griffin and I Johnnie Lancaster were elected as jud 1 seyr 'They decided to pr^ent. the prize for being the tackiest to Miss Lenna Fleetwood which was a nice little bottle of "Hovte's Cologne." And Miss Pearle Gupton received the prize for being the best looking which was in such a pretty box a "Pig's Tail." The crowd then made a mo tion to adjourn about 11:30. J We were very sorry the weather was so bari the moving pictures ?wasn't able to get here last Friday night but hope the weather will be W U'6n*t' get disappointed next time. Yours to the last bubble BTIX* Seven Cows for One Just as an example of the time and money the LALLEY LIGHT will sav^ you: A milking machine operated by the pozver from the L.A.LL.E Y zvill milk seven totvs in the time it takes you to milk one by hand. We could go right on down the line and show you how the LALLEY Plant is a money making plant, as well as a lighting plant For instance: It supplies power in plenty to pump water, heat the irons, run the washing machines, sewing machine, vacuum sweeper, cream separator, churn, fanning mill, grind stone, emery wheel, etc, etc. So, if the old saying, "time is money" is true ? if this old "saw" means anything, the LALLEY LIGHT means real dollars and cents in your pocket And we want to impress upon your mind the fact, that the LALLEY LIGHT does all this money-saving work better because it has been tested and perfected through ten year's of actual owner use. We want the opportunity to show you personally Just how and why tha LALLEY "Does More- Does it Better." We know that If we could demonstrate to you these facts there never fould be any doubt In your mind as to "Which Plant." Come In ? malt* 1 a point to Be Sure ? See the LALLEY Ftnt R I. MITCHELL LOCAL DEALER BUKN, N. 0. 16799 DIED. tkid ?ey trouble last year. Don't allow ejecting pains and aches. Guard . gainst this fmiihli- hy taV;rY The ft-orM s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and one Ktd trouble*. Holland's national remedy since 1896. All druggists, three aixe* ? Gwmmtwed. leolr fee til* Cold Medal ae every b*x and accept no isititioe HONOR ROLL. The following is an Honor Roll for the fourth month of Cedar Rock School : 3rd Grade ? Addie Marshall, Beatr ice Smith. ? 4th Grade ? Burt May, Eugene Sy kes, Clinton Glasgow. _ 5th Grade ? Elizabeth Glasgow. Jos-i eph Inscoe. When Mistake Is Fatal. Flatbush ? Do you think a man pro fits by his mistakes? Bensonhurst? Not if he marries the wrong woman he doesn't.? Youkera Statesman . ? ? To Core a CoW itr Ooc Day Talc LAXATIVE BROHO QUWIHE Mm.) It Move the Coralh mod Headache and weeks off the Coid. E. W. GROVE'S signature oc each tor 30c. So lone a-a you think that a* you rail against misrule, y*t fall Ui ilvfurt ? yuur d?Jc r!|talK-?o loui ~ as you believe that your Influence la not needed, and that without you there will be a majority sufficient to 'prevail f or the many, the .few shall continue to dra? ua Into the < tie ? Herbert Kaufman. SEASONABLE QOOD THINGS. When ehestnuta are plentiful and potatoes are selllnf at high prices, try: Meek Mashed Potato, i. ? Oook one pound at chqgaau for a quarter of an hoar, peel them and cook in one quart of milk un til aoft Add two lablespooofuls of batter, one teaspoon ful of suRtir, and one teaspoonful of salt Rub through a sieve and serve the same as mashed potatoes. The advantage of serving this dish Is that It may be eaten by those who an da Died potatoes. Curried Cheetnots. ? Shell and blanch a pound of chestnuts, stew tn stock until tender. Melt two table spoonfuls of butter In a saucapaa, fry In It one small sliced onion, one t hopped apple, and a tablespoon ful of carry powder and a teaspoonful of awaat chutney; moisten with one capful of stock and one tablespoonful at (lea flour that has been smoothly blended. Cook until the Ingredients are aoft then pat through a sieve; add a squeeze of lemon Juice and simmer the chestnuts In this an til they her* ab sorbed the flsvor. Serve with plenty of plain boiled rice, very hot Chestnut Cakes. ? Shell and blaach some good chestnuts then cook In bail ing water until tender. Bab through a sieve and to every half cvpful of cheat nut palp add the yolk of an egg. salt, white pepper, celery salt, onion Jslrt and Wnraawterahlre mm to aaaaen rather highly. Make Mo neat lttOe cafcaa, brush with beatsn egg. rait ta One crumbs snd fry In deep hot fat Serve ss s garnish around roast tor kay. ^Manhann 'DareMtt-iMalt in halt poaod ?f cheese over a pas of hoT?? ter. Turn a pint ran of tomato soup Into a separate Heat and sea son thoroughly with paprika Tura the melted cbeeae into the hot soap and beat Have ready rounds of toasted breed. Turn the rarebit *aaa fcng ?nr the bread and serve with crisp celery and hot coffee. FORECLOSURE SALE FARM LANDS . By virtue of thp miwer of s:ile t un . tallied In that certain" deed or trust, datitd Nov. 3. 1919, and recorded lu Book 2X4, page 280, Franklin Regis try. made by J. F. Mullen and wife to J. G Bimn ?Tni.t... .Iafi.ll" h iv- - in* been made In the payment ot the debt thereby Becun'U. nud demand tur foreclosure having been , mad^jmi- said _ truataa by tho holder of tin.' iL.lii thr - reby eecured, the undersigned will on Monday, February 2&th. 1921, at ab out the lium uf um^ur I'etaas ul luuri It hclnp- the M.inritiit nf lh,. DeCOIUl - week ot Franklin Superior Court, at the Courthouse door in. Louisbirrj;. -N ? C . . offer for sale at public auction, to the hlgTieStTrtdder, for cash, the lundi. In said deed ot trust conveyed and there defined as follows: In Dunns Township, bounded as IoIIowb: Beginning at a pine stump on the Hillsboro and- Tarboro Road, thence S 76d E 81 1-2 poles to a sta ke, the W. A. Mlnga corner; thence N Id E 93 poles to a stake; thence West 8 poles to a stake; thence X Id E 103 poles to a stake; t hence West 40 poles to a stake; thence West 3b 1-2 poles to a stake; thence South 218 poles to the beginning, containing NINETY SIX (96) acres, more oi less by survey. , _ - , THls Jan.^28th, 1921. J. G. BUNN, Trustee. WM. H. & THOS. W. RUFFIN, Attorneys l-E8-5t Winers to Help Ont. Pegasus was ^ke winged horse. He should have been good over hur dl?a. -i YOU CAJIT IJODGE IT Once In Awhile Tour Blood flops and THEN TAKE PEPTO-XANGAN You'll Plcfc Cp Ami I II gtilctl) With Plenty w-artHllMil corpuscles Physicians nowadays lake a ETood test when you are run down. They count ^tbe red'corpuscles in your bl ood. If these are too few they give you a tonic for your blood. It hap Pftns right nlnng They arq alwnyn on the lookout tor indications of weak blood. Why? Because they know when your blood la weak your leslstanue tir disease In lpw. Ynnr vitality htii! m, ergy quickly run down. You can tell when your blood is You cc.:\ get more c~gs and make more" money by feeding hens more material for making whites of eggs. No grain feed con tains anything like enough white-making material (piotjir). f^TTr?-rl ;~i tK~ Kcr a result, many yolks are PnyinsL "Pooiltry Chows fed together, malic mere egga because they supply the ocientific balance of all the elements a hen requires to produce the highest number of whites and yolks of wivi^h ehc incapable. under an iron-bound guaran tee of More Egss or Money Back. Sold kii ^iiGCrtGY board Bugy Only by C7 P. fllCKS Corner Main & Nash Sts. weak. You look pale, feel tired. Ynu nrp nnt ill, Imt ynn flpri'r feel ri? [ 'ght. You don't want tp do things, i That is the time to take the well known tonic, Pepto-Mangan. ' FopttTMangnn builds red blood coH I r)U9Cles . Physicians hav<> pgeaClihedJ lit for thirty years. Pepto-Mangan is sold in liquid and j Louisburg, N. C. tablet form. The medicinal value U Hip Bump Talrp plfhpr IHntl you prefer. "But "be sure you get the genuine Pepto-Mangan ? "Gude'e." The full name, "Gude'a Pepto-Man ^;ah," should be on 41hi paoKngo. Advertisement. ' $1.50 Per Year In Advance. It's a cinch to figure why Camels sell! You should know why Camete are so unusual, so refreshing, so satisfying, First, quality ? socond, Camels expert blend of choice Ttirkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight ! Camels blend makes possibl? that wonderful mellow mildness? yet-all tho desirable body is there I And, Gamels never tire your taste ! You'll appreciate Camels ^atedom from any unpleasant cigaretty rafter taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor ! For your own satisfaction compare C&mels puff by puff with arty ciga rette in the world at arty price I Cam-I * am ?<??/<?/ 9Vr>rywhvrn in rfimntifleally aoalmd par kttfra of 20 r 1(1* :?(fv or t*n packojtt* * 200 cifarmttma) In ? tf laiatn*. p*p#r- novwr*</ VV?? ?tror>t}lv ffHommnirf f/i/i c?rfon for thn homm or offlc* ? fy >*/i?n you travel K. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wintton-StWi. N. C.

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