.A TONIC Or%v?*? Tuttku chill Tonic real urea Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood When you feci its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is .simply Inm am, I ffriinintt ?nspeniit*1 in tynifi S?> pleasant even children likeT*. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening. In vigor ating Effect. 60c. Hence Those Tears. ? Visitor (cora fnrtinyr Tommy, who hag- upset h kHr tie of tnk on the new carpet) ? Never mind, my boy; no use to -cry over spilled milk . ? Tommy (indignantly) ? Any dunce would know ttjat. If it's milk that's spilled all you have to do is to c&ll the cat an' she'll lick it up cleaner'n u ii % tiling . ? Hm iliitt ain't milk, ? mar mother'll do the lickln' la what alia me. ? Music a la Mode. ? Fritz Krelsler, | our favorite violinist. ^iaa been fid dling in Detroit recently and this is bow the Detroit News sizes up the situation: The Spaniards Jota Navara is spr ightly enough and the nippy allspice i ot virtuosity. left-?ha.nded pizzicato ] saltato bowing. wed the rest, is not j becoming. We shall never forgive oui selves for having failed to. be there. If th { ere is anything we dote on it 13 Sill tato bowing. As to the left-handed I pizzicato we would not venture, as I we never have tasted the southpaxr-f variety . i Exceeding Instructions, ? Employer ? George, 1 want to speak to you re garding your attentions to Miss Sweetly during office hours . ~I en ~~ gaged you as billing clerk. No coo ing was mentioned. That's all (or the present. ' : To Cure a Cold in Ooc Day Tafc* LAXATIVE DnOMO QUWOT (.Tmhlmt \ It stops the Cotxtfh and H<*?d?ch* aod works off the Cofci. ? & w. URQVES ? tgrvriir* r>r? ? i>h Jftr j ^S^erXjesAXmz On All ? = ~ Box Stationery We receive fresh shipment - of BLOCK'S Candy Weekly Beaslev Brothers Company . SPRUILL BUILDING " LODISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA ATTENTION POLICY HOLDERS! This Atrencv appreciates your business, and lias been 4>uilt by srvicc. This is a time we must all pull together. If I can be of service to you in any way, in ? ?unection with your Insurance matters, please advise. Remember your In.-'irnnci- Policy is oni: of your" best fri'-nds. C. E. Mitchell "UNCLE BUD" YOUNGSVILLE, - - North Carolina "HEMEMBEB" We Insure everything Insurable, -flmT appreciate your business. ANNOUNCEMENT! I take this method of announcing to my many friends and former customers in Louisburg and vicinity that I have returned to Louisburg and purchased the stock of General Merchandise of Mr. R. H. Strickland and will conduct an up to date General Mercantile business in the store room next to the Moving Picture Show formerly occu pied by Mr. Strickland I shall be glad to have you call in whenever it is convenient to vou and I assure you that I will do all in my power to giva you the most goods for your money and prompt and efficient service. A. S. WIGGS THE SAO BROWNIE. When the girl and the boy were adventuring along tiie load thejr br^-an ~ to get a v?ry flue opinion of them selves ? and not only that, tliey didn't act In [he lar boy and girl, but they acted as though . wo I II You'll hear for yourselves bow they acted 1 "Ah." said the girl, "this road Is very buni|j>, ? but then It la Inter esting. Tam coif stnntly seeing all -sella of nnntnt The Luncheon. things, curious little creatures. funny tittle plants, and, too. It sqems ? me that the shicea down luor.e brightly upon this road tlian_ upoiL Uie_Btnid-Co?imof>ptnce-whTcE we took once by mistake." "I suy we have some food," satd the boy after a few minutes. "Yes," said the girl, "for we had quite an -escltlng time In the woods when we found we almost -went tli? wrong way, and I'm very hungry." So the boy took his knapsack from his back and they undid the luncheon. It was extremely good. There were delicious sandwiches and some jam and some good, cool brook water which had been put In a crystal bottle. There was also some candy. "I hope It Isn't magic candy, which can disappear when It wants to," said the boy. "What a horrible thought," said the girl. "Why did you have to think up such a terrible thougBt about the can dy? It would have-been better If you had thought tt about the sandwiches, though for that matter the sandwiches are what I most want at the momenj. I'm so extremely hungry." They sat down and ate their lunch eon and peeked Into the basket and saw three other packages, one with a card attached which said : -"Tin supper this eve ntttjt,"? and the second package sal<J : "For breakfast? tomorrow morning." i And there was a third package which was marked, "Extra goodies for extra times." Tht9 had all been fixed for the adventurers by Mrs. Wood Elf. "She wa.s nice, was Mrs. Woofl?Elf." said the girl. "I nm going to ne very careful to like only nice people and I'm uri+ne to think of thing* and not hphnve-fn.n foollr-h Wi>r. "Why. I'm even going to fcnjov things when they're hard, for I'll be 'feeling they are doing me great good." "Maybe we ^vill find the llmse of Secrets that way sooner," agreed the boy. "Well, let's be off." said the girl a little later, as she wiped her mouth with one of Mrs. Wood Elf's leaf nap kins. "You are through, aren't you?" "All through," said the boy. Just then they heard a sobbing. It sounded very near. They walked along a little way, looking in the directing from which the sobbing came. "Oh, it's a poor little creanire, a little bit of a brownie, or something of the sort," said the girl. "See, he Is hidden behind this stone." "I'm bidden' because you marie me ho small." said the little brownie. "You aren't behaving like a regular boy or a regular girl at all. arid It breaks my heart!" "What in the world was, or Is, the matter with you?" "Tto you always stay behind that stone where we found yon ?nd so never k elt a chance to grow, hut "make folks wait on you ami *poll you like >> It tie gnome we r>nce met?" asked rhe girl. "No," said the brownie, "I'm no relation to that gnome at all." "We're having adventures." said the hoy, "and we're going to the House of Se crets. I hope you're feeling bet ter now. little sir. Hc'i Hidden. We really must be off If you haven't anything special to nsk us. You've dried your i<-ara, I see, ho you must feel better." "Oh dear! Oh rlear'. Oli ^earl" sobbed the brownie again, and burst Into fresh tenrs. "Tills Is a nulsnnre," said t !?'? boy. "A perfect bother." said th<* girl. "I do believe he Is Just doing that be cause we said we were going on n* he had dried his tenrs " "No," said the browple. "only I've grown srnnll beeause you'u- tnlked hs If you didn't want to he joyous. That's one of The most Important things In life, and what's more, do things that nre hijrd hernus* you won't let them get the beat of yon ? not l>ecnn?e it mnkes yon feel so proud of youT*lvea' I'll grow hi# ftgnlii tf you become natnraL" Which he did I GENUINE BULL" DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for Thpy Went? IJarling. I've made HE my rnfnd to stay at home. Too late, George ? I've made up my laciLia _ko_c at. Trouble Ahead. ? Of coarse,? it Is ntyie of our business, but whom will the Republicans lay the blame on when they can no longer lay it on the Democrats ? SIT DOWN A 2MSLTE _ AM) THINK Site I'p Your Condition. Look At the Facts Sqoarelj IT? PAYS TO HAVE GOOD HEALTH Most Illnesses Are Prerented by a Good Supply of Ricb, Red Blood Take Pepto-Man^ran, the Bed Blood Builder | Either you are in good health or you are not. There's no half way. You may think nothing of being a little run down. It may not worry you it you look pale. You may think you'll be all right tomorrow or next day. But Jfill you? . Certain it is when you do not feel just right, you are not right. There is probably something *he matter tb your blood. And while you ca'n get around and do your work you are leaving yo'ursetf-riiiRn tn'flhy of Hie* diseases that are always waiting to take possession of run down people. When you are pale and easily tired, when you cannot enjoy your meals, wnen you lose eiuhuslasiirryour 1)1ood" needs attention. I Take Pepto-Mangan for awhile. It lie a great ? toniy. It ? will hnild ? u p your resistance to disease, and you I ! will soon feel stronger. The little] red corpuscles are. fighters. They battfg with ? diseasf '&rrms and ? win n:it wlifi) thrrp ;irt- i-no nirh nf thf?ni Keep your system well supplied. Then you will keep well and you will1 enjoy life. ? But be certain you get the genuine IVptn-Mangan . Ask for it bv the full name ? "Gude's Pepto-Mangan." St me people take it in tablet form. It is so convenient. The liquid and the tablets have the same medicinal value. Look for the name "Gude's" on the package. Advertisement Irving Bacheiler This accomplished literary artist Arrows mora secure as the years roll by in his' place among America's fore most men of letters. Success came to \ him about twenty years ago with his inimitable "Eben Holden." In all he has turned out some eighteen novels, not one of which was cheap, meretri cious or written to catch a fleeting public fancy. He has profited by good work, conscientiously done and probably in greater, certainly more enduring degree, than those who chased the vulgar dollars of the un thinking mob. Winning charm and delicately quaint humor are the most prominent attributes ' of his work. We are pleased to announce the se curing of his latest story, "The Prodigal Village," for serial repro duct'on in these columns. Starting <oon. You must not miss it. Pile* Cured In 6 to 14 Diy^ r^fond mooer ff PAZO OINTMENT fall* to car? Itching. Hind, Blooding or Protruding Pile*. Instenthr relieves Itching Plle?t and yoa can g?t reetful deep after tha first aooJlcatkn. Price 60c. On Thursday. March 3. 1921. jit about, lh.e hour of noon* at Uie store for uierly occupied by The McUrayer Clothing Company, in the town of Louisburg. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, all accounts due The McUrayer nothing Company remaining unpaid A list of tile debtors I shod prospective indite" Lit the tin*? ana plfice of siile. D. F. McKIXNE, Receiver, for j The McBrayer Clothing Com . .8Lan>'? in*' ? ? ftrft-fyti Tnlfrnnm ? Owing- in fact that Dr. Bell has experienced 110 unpleasantness during his stay over here, it is thought that the American NOTICE North Carolina. In the Wh tiki In Co. Superior Court CritTlS WHEELER. v? OSCAR WHEKI.fln Th? defendant above named will take notice (hat an action entitled us above has been commenced In the Su perior Court of Franklin County for absolute divorce upon the grounds stated in the complaint herein tiled and the said defendant will further laRi' IHUlit1 thai he In roquirod to itp pear at the ofTice of the Clerk of the Superior i 'part on Monday the 2Sth (lav of March. 1921 and answer or de mnmlaint inimld action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 16th day of Feb., 1921. 2-lS-4t J. J. BARROW, C. S. C. Habitual Constipation Cured In 1 4 to 21 Days ? ? \ r,~r~" Vr'STH te-fl ^ > i Ht?y ~ ? prepare J Syrup Tonic-Laxative (or Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regular*"* Very Hleasrillt 10 TftKft.* KIR* par haute "" HARDWARE Farming Tools, PlowHarness,. Galvanized Roofing 5~^T CRIMP, Rubber Roofing 12 and 3-PLY, Cook Stoves and Ranges. Everything- Very Cheap If you can't afford to buy an automobile buy an Oxford "Chase" Buggy. They give no trouble, cost nothing to operate, the quality isAway up in a class by itself. Compare my] prices with the mail order house. H. C. TAYLOR hardware harness ??? T ? Suit Cases and Traveling ==EE ? Bags Weed a suit case or traveling bag ? if so, buy now ? there is a most enticing state of luggage price affairs today ? we saved in tb" buying of many lines of most dependable suit cases and traveling bags, and we give you the opportunity to do likewise ? you expect to take a trip sooner or later ? anticipate your needs now in these lines ? you can make a great saving. W. E. White Furniture Company Louisburg, N. C. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS Perry & Pearce Youngsville, N. C. R. F. Fuller 50 Horin and Mule*. .Al*o |Ja7 and OaL. Hnffgl. and Harneng for *?!<-, ?r tb? right wm "V,d.at th' rl?ht prleea "el1 'or ca?h or part ca*h or on approvod Oecnrltjr. |f your horge or mule dor* not ?nlt jon vom# In and ??? It Ton ronld not make n trad* f?t what jon want Coaio nnd ??e whether yon hoy orf not. R. F. FULLER Iionlabara, If. C.

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