The Frani A. P. JO* 5 SOX, THE COUNTY, THJ tolwc* u UMT NtES tbis wiu JJ IT. il'SE 19, IHI. Times DISASTROUS ROOD AT PUEBLO ( LOl'DBl'mST IUTI UUI KITES UTEES City laaadatrd WIU TrmMns ,L??.n ?( Pitnlj (Ml LtJf ? lafcv "lb1* te Estimate Lmi at T*h TIm. en Central Colorado today surrayu the havoc of O* mo?t flood In the history of the West. An accurate estimate of the loa* of Ufa ??l yrop Wlth morrow cro?d<< to ??rlonri. hospitals l?i?l?g - f 11? T? to impro vised -p?U*< ?t?ttoa?. an* thousand; homeless, or suffering trocn exposure. every eftort today vu being directed toward the alleviation of suffering. le aving the work of surrey and the plana for rehabilitation tor the at tention of outside forces an route to the almost prostrate conuanurty. Restoration of the city to even an approach to normal conditions is a matter of weeks. L?ve?s must IW ic paired before the business section can be cleared of water. am ia He>pitaN ? it seemed early today thai all dan ger ot a repetition of the flood had pas sed. barring another cloudburst The local Red Cross placed tae number ot !<odies found at approximately 100. b asing its estimate on reports of per- I . ? :i 1 Investigation of thy devastated] 'e number of persons tn tempora _ yitals was placed at ?o0 by J E. TTT (lead. " secmarr ? TO ? Gtnn iki; Sin - Typhoid fever, pneumonia. dvmh.ria and one or two cases of tn sanity wtrv found atuon^ tnese paU CLtS. A complete field hospital unit was 01 tiered here from Fort Logan. At a conference today of military;" city and state officials, in which Gov met Shoup took pars, repair ot me It' lets was decided upou as one i >f the " fiYTf pTublnnj tu be met. ? U ? i i run-. sltiered possible that aid of the federal Kovernment would be sought. Railroad Yard- Wrecked Floods of lesser magnitude were re ported today by several l^vn lh Kitt sas. All are along the coarse of the Ar kansas river. which over flowed its heie. !7*raf njc aud OwiUift Katisas. reported sweeping floods and all towns in the Arkansas Valley have teeu warned of the rising ^<ver. Las Animas. Colo., early today re ported the Atchison. Topefa and Santa Ft railroad shops at La Jualta under five feet of water, the railroad yards vreeked. and two hundred freight cars swept away. A score of lives were be lieved to have been lost. Two hand i td residences, ir- Las Animas went un der three feet of water Us* night. 16 nabitantS' fled to public buildings and to the highlands. Hkk water at Beaver The Platte river broke its banks at Ptnver shortly after midnight, inun dating several blocks of the westside residential section. Mm watch' people fled their home, taking refuge in. the city hall. Red Crass stations cared for the homeless, last reports from Denver early this morning said that the river was within one foot of the bridge structures la the business sec tion and still rising Three times yesterday came a re newal of the >ood here. At four o'clock in the morning water rose se veral feet when the crest of the lood. breaking ot the Strattou Park Dam near Colorado Sprites- tiki Pue blo. In the middle of the afternoon, breaking of the Skagway i iki ?utr and Buuver Dam Mr Wtor. <oupled with a heavy downpour or rain in the Arkaasus rlv# watershed and tn Pue blo caused "another rise. Again las* night followed another tmvy rain storm. In none of the londi of yes terday. however, did the waters reach the level of Friday night The signal of railway Hues lead- 1 tag to the lih iy area mated n mi acing sitnttfcm to he oroteue today Food suppBes In PueMo were esttm ted by Red Dross ollrtnh as being leas j than ?alk<eat tor three days Ram to the city are impassable tor miles | around. Kfforts are being madi to transport feed from surrounding tuu as by air plane Sveral machines haee already been sent out ?K? blankets and me ical supplies. A virtual iu>?nu oa all ship to l*uehlo has tem aftttid hy all railroads entering the city The only drinking water available I today Is from a llthia taring oa a hill ] at the outskirts at the city A heavy downpour of rain coattnu- | rd all through last night and the ear ly morning today v i re handicapped hy the Me streets and darfcnena the city's | electric service Mali out of commission since earty Friday I evening? and the unreieattag dnwn | pour Stories IN *? ?a . Hundreds of pmplt living In h irgs in the vicinity of the dtsrrVt nl by Friday's Aumr were re cut of bed at sae e'rlack thm mor . as a r?s?lt of |?nn<l? wfaiti ?f| another ?ood. Many remainder^ of the night and a few of litem returned before daylight, They soagkt shelter In churches and the cuarthouse Reports received here today from Lake Charles, IS miles south, told of rh? prfJtaMe rtrowntnff or ? harmtr v bo had II red for years in the cave on tbe high baulks of the St, Charles rlv er It was neer lhe same spot. L-ake Charles reports said, thai a woman' and tour children were drowned. After two nights jl nd moot of two days marooned on a small island In tbe A Hiss? p slwsr funr miles bulaw HwWo. Ed Harriaon of Dtaier and P. L). Sptoar. ol l*?ebio. managedto attfect attention and were readied by fnlnrtita marfamw. Harriaon was a passenneron a? Den Ter and Rk> Grande train which was wracked by the flood in the railroad >arda eaily * I Mar Bight- He manag ed m escape from m toach and swain tp a Boattag toe. to Wlrtih he'elmg bb tll be tras cast apon tne Island. Kartr FTrWay morning Splcer's home was torn from its foundations and the cottage, with Spicer ft ding on its loof. was sent spinning down llSFTor rent to be lodged against the same small island upon which Harrison al ready had been marooned. All persons h?Te been kept from the streets since Satuday evening Loot* ing has been held to a minimum. No one is permitted to enter the city ex cept the military. Red Cross workers land state and other officials. Belief Work With the restoration of telegraphic communication early Sunday, the suf - ferine community learned of relief measures undertaken by cities throu ghout the middle west. r.nd sweaters arrived yesterday from thy Red Cross in Colorado Springs. Hundreds of persons applied to the Red Cross yesterday and Saturday for ?nLmedi'*?' relief. All were fed and clothed. A carload of b?et was commandeered from the j railroad yards and cooked to prevent Lils spoiling Dearer. Kansas City. St. .Louis, and S tne other large cities closest the flood | eu area, have offered material aid inv | mediately. but are unable to gel their mfilW wi ittr nwuiuuitf toumse of jihe demoralized transportation COTUfT^ t lions. ] Hie hasemem of every building in .the down town Section is filled with ; uaier nuU mud. ? W.uduwa of the baao 1 arents went crushed in by the flood and officials say thafe bodies may i h,. n d h>r? Ulor whon it has ; l?een found possible to pump out the j basements and shovel out the mud. IWrters .Visifr Tall Fourteeu doctors and 25 nurses ar rived here last night from Colorado ^ Kiftec i) e^Akbal oi^rs ? & rri?P(1. from Denver and sixteen from Colora do Springs. Officials attribute much of the flood to the blocking of the nrghwaters by railroad right of ways in one section built entirely of slag With the excep tk?n of a small hole under the tracks, the slag withstood the inrush of the flood and the waters bacxed up to the city, washing out the levees and leav ing the lower part of Pueblo at the mercy of the waters. rHy Separated Pueblo. Cok>-. June i-r(VU Colora do Springs I ? The south stde of Pueblo isolated from the remainder of the city by flood waters today, was taking stock of its losses and anxiously a xraitinc restoration of comn?unication with the city proper that the full ex tent of the disaster Pueblo Has suffer ed may be realized When the flood struck the city, the south side was separated from the re mainder of the city by a gulf, of churn ing water There was no official estimate this it o ruing off the number of casualties or the property loss in this part of tewm. Fk?rence and Canon City, fears for the safety of which had been expreee eo by officials on this stde earty today, reported they were unharmed. At Fort load. Colorado, however, flood wa If rs pat the light plant out of commis sion Rlrr^fcee Sledge, At the home of bride's mother. Mra. W. A. Parrish. near Louisburg on Wed iniay at high noon. Miss Irene Sledge became the hrtde of Mr O F Rlggs bee. In a beautiful and Impressive ring ceremoay. Chaplain It F Black, offle ntiag The hall and the parlors had beea beautifully decorated with flow ers aad the parlors being darkened was lighted with many randies sup ported by the many branenes of sev eral tree* that formed part of the dec orat&oas To the strains of the beau tiful aad Impressive wedding march the Wide aad groom with their maids aad groomsman Miss .nnta Rankin and Mr T I Cheek, entered and as little Sherrpd Sledge brought forth the riag the ceremony pronoun ced. TVe bride is one of Franklin Coun ty"* falreat yoaag women who has maax frieads that regret to see her leave The groom Is a promising yo aac hMlatm aaa popular among a host of frWads TV ?xtf in popularity of the rou pie waa attested by the large number beaattfal aad coatly prevents to n# Fraaklta Tteea BRIDGES TO ? BE CONTRACTED lyw vsmp kojtd ttjh BEPDKTS CALLED FOB Andlter Retjalre* to lake XoatMj KrHrt ( out; I'luiw CnAbl ? Orfcn BrMbtf Dtanit Krlkn4 ?f ? tiwiw Tn: ? The Board of County Commission ers met In regular session on Moaday wtUi all members present- The meet ing was opened wtln prayar isj Raw. O. F. Smith, after which the minutes jrere read and approved and hiiala? jHfltfyiTWtew; Edward uettient was before the Board asking that he be relieved of County license tax as he bad to pay state and town-Ueenae. His r-equeat was granted. On motion ot Hudson and seconded by Wilder the salary of the Janitor was reduced from $40 to 525 per month. . The committee composed of Fuller and Tlmberlake to see tr a suitable place coutd be proTlded for a" public cotton platform reported that they had not completed their work but were pursuing tome propositions. On m? tloa of Hudson the committee w-aa granted further time' and attorney Ben T. Holden added thereto, with the re quest that the committee take the matter up with the town Commission ers seeking co-operation. It was ordered that H. W. Perry." County Auditor get the best prices on one 70-foot span bridge for a 12-foot drive way and oHler Mine lor UriF' I fin's bridge across Sandy ('reek I The report ot J J. Holdeo. Suoer | Intendent-of County Home was recei* ed and filed. He reports S white and 111 colored inmates. Madison llranch 'having died since last r-poi I Report of I>r. J. E.-^fc?tone was re ceived and filed . Report or .Miss famine Smith. Ho m e Demonstration Agent, was recelr i il. rem! ?nd filed. ? ? ' Report of -J. r :-inn? -;..p.Tintf >v(. cnt of Public Welfare, was -received and filed. On motion of Hudson and seconded -by -Ettilar an appropriation -ot ? 4W* I was made to ihe Combat Train Nation I at Guard, stationed at T<i>?f?lll?, , It "--IS orvK' r P<1 that all hridtrfts _tu I be built in the County shall be let to jthe highest bidder, with the exception jof Cypress Creek bridge which is now under construction. * On motion ot Wilder seconded by Fuller the Hoard congratulated Com ' nifs^tniiFr Hudson for ni? wonaertut improvements and repairs he had made to the Courthouse. The report of the Louisburg Graded School election was recetved as fol lows: Registration 72S. For 277. Against 191. The Board ordered the issuance of Notes to the amount of 125,000 00 to tide over the present stringent times, and to take up paper for Board of Ed ucation. pending the settlement of 1?J0 taxes. It was ordered (hat the Auditor make a statement ot the County finan ces to the Board the first ot each month. Also that the Auditor get ir. touch with the Boards of Road Trus tees of each township, and have them report to him the total amount ot bon ded indebtedness of their tewnship to gether with the amount of the sinking funds provided to retire said bond? and to make such report to the Boanl of County Commissioners. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to its next regular meeting. lUnf* frm. Beautiful In its simplicity was the marriage of Miss Mamie Perrt to Mr R C. Barnes, which too-x place at th*? home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W Perry of this city on Tuesday. Jnne 7th at hl*h noon. Dr W R. Burrer* offk-tatinjt The parlor and hall was heautifulb j decorated in daisies and fern Jus' I prior to the ceremony Miss Sallie T Williams sang in her most charminc way "At Dawning" by Cadrnan At the strains of the "Bridal Cboms" from Lohengrin the bride and froont entered the parlor, where Dr Burrell In his beautiful yet simple way ut tered the Onal tows. The bride wis handsomely attired In a suit of nav> blue tricotine with tcresurlwi to mat ch and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and fern Immediately after the cero | mony Mr and Mrs Barnes left for Henderson, where they took the train for Ashexille and other points of in terest They will be at some aflc June "iOth. -4 Houch Are. Bergley. Vfl Mrs Karnes is one of Ixnaisburc ? most popular voum ladles and for th? past two years has made oof of Prank lin C ounty's most pmalsint teach ers. Mr Barnes Is a young man of sterling qualities and holds a promi nent position with the Noift>lt an?l Southern Railroed Mr tmrUrs Bar nes hare the con cratnlat Ions of their [i.vahv frMl In and aroand litwii* burg I The- ftut-of town gvesl* were: Mr J S: A I ford. from Spring Hope. Mrs Addle and Mr C C. Ranm. of boro. Miss Margaret Williams, oi | Warrenton. and Mr Stephenson, of Henderson 1 BATTERY HEAVY ARTILLERY I E!> l> LOIISBI RC, 15 THIRTY HOI R.S Mr. M?(th Wi Perry. Captala, ?T?* *1? Mrr*jrtk la Bocart Tl?? ? ?lf?t t? I* fTil?liet Hurt W. Perry In organ - a Battery of Heavy Artillery for baa.. In thirty working hours, established a precectfnt never be known In the Qm4i ice in North Carolina, nor possi the United States. received his commission on the t^oo fly Friday^ nlglrt the mall from w^Cli Is~ opened about f : 30 -o'clock mI began his work witn the result tfctt he had the require fifty-one ap= plications by Monday night and made Mi report Immediately to the Adjutant Gtneral's office at Kmeigh. This is i "Ite a distinction to Captain Perry 1 will, no doubt, place him at the ' id of the list in recruiting in thej lonal Guard for the State. Also it luite a compliment to the men wh cf led and the County for the patriot It spirit It bespeaks. However Capt. Vlrry is not content with the number 9?~appt1cKtfons he "has. but wants tn ft* the Company up to Its full maxl jmm strength, which is ninety-one. Tills branch of the service, we under stand peys about one-fourth regular pay while on drill and In camp. It ^li^iven fifteen days encampment each The equipment that will be furnish th> Dattery-that Is trroc sTaTTonelT iftfl I?uisburg is as follows: 1 motor joi ; 1 reconnaisance car, t* motorcv rd b Willi side curs. 14 Ilve^Ton trucks, i W. 0- Cargo trucks. 1 F. W. D. Ar tfl ery Supply truck. 1 three-quarter O rgo truck. 1 light repair truck. 1 nil and art. 1 machine gun. I Anti Air Q ift trailer. 1 kitchen trailer. 1 wa uailes. 1 blcyoUi. 4 loo-Millimeter i tiers. 12 caisson bodies 155 m. m. Hilt Air flrajt Mm-hipa gupn. latffc rifles, pistols for the members STINTS COimiTI SERVICE -rhfclnl? lUraUii IUutW. Ttoe Board of Education met in reg ular session on Monday with all mem bers except Green present. Business was disposed \}f r'?ll<v,i-t ftftnr ?hn minutes had been read and approved. N. H. Wheeler requested that he be transferred from the Justice to the? Wilder district. He was instructed to get a permit from the* Justice Trus tees. The Board adopted the State plan for carrying on the Community Ser (vice work in the County. According jto this plan the County Board of Edu- , cation must assume full administra tive charge make all agreements andi1 contracts with Directors. Mechanic.* etc., and become responsible to the State Board of Education for the op- . e rating unit which is loaned to them, j All of this, of course. Is with the ap proval of the State Board of Education. I The County is also responsible for an amount equal to the sum that should I be realised on the total school census1 on the 10 cent admission basis ? this j neans that if the average attendance I for all the centers equals the school | ensfcs. whatever is lacking in meet ing the expense will be given by the | state, but the County must provide : any deficit that may occur until the j attendance for the year at these n*eet-| ings roaches the sch??ol census Miss Violet Alexander was unani- j ?noualy elected the Director for the . year beginning July 1st. Mr. Robert | 11 Laidlaw was uanimouslv elected ;nechanic. r Report of J C. Jones mas read and ordered filed. After allowing a number of ac ounta the Board adjourned to meet . igaln on the first Monday fii July Baseball Yoonssville. June 7. ? The Youngs >ille Club of the Bright Leaf llase Bull Association was defeated by the Smith field (Mm on the latters grounds Frl day June 3rd by the score of 3 to 2. Yonngsvllle iron today from Wen del! In a ten inning game by score 9 : to S, overcoming a four run lead and driTlnf "Smokey" Smith out of the bo\ in thn 4th inning. Features of this k'?me being the pitching of Floyd and < bard hitting of the entire Youngsville team. We play Wendell at Wendell Friday. Zebulon ( Double-header > at Zebulon ' Tueadav; and Zebulon at Youngsville. I week i Come out and see the game your at tendance will be appreciated Baptlsl rhurrh, Sunday, Junr l*th. ! "Hie pastor Rev W R lturr*ll will praach at both services- Morning sub ject: "The price of n birthright." Kv ??ninn: "The Cross It's ft lory and l*oweT " Sunday School with classes for all *ga s at 9:45 a m j Everybody welcome. NEGRO ffOJU^T KILLED In RiDMnaj o-m Vftil Strict *ond*y ? Other* k<tr?p? UJirj. Aj the reauTfc of a. .nost serious run away on Ukm Main ftreetn or Louisburg mm nj>| Angy Perry, an aged r-otoT**t woman, lost bar* life. The M6rs? hRchtxH lo ^ tW9 fcorse wagon beraJtp frtftoOfhefT'h'eaT" the old color ed cemetery. on South Mam Street and driver, Mr. Herman Kemp, * ho after one? o^. the reins broke, made hla es cape fVo m the wagon without any se rious injury and when the team reach ed the depot hill the T?nm?n attempt ed to jump out her head_sjrlking the ; i"ii blag ~aTTd tractming'her skull from which injury she died a- few hour^la^ ter? A? little Dilvei UUjLVaa ou the wagon and ?uocoedo4 ~tfcr gettHig off without aerioua In jury. The horaos itopped-lp .front 6t the Court House by Sam 'Hargrove who was thrown in the air by his daring catch, but holding faat to the running ani flials he succeeded in stopping them before any serious damage was done n little eight-year-old colored girl who had remained in the wagon thro ugh the treacherous ride. The horses are owned by Mr. E. A. Kemp and we could ascer tain. received no Injury. CoL Olds at LoHNbanc. Col. Fred A. Olds, of Raleigh, who I entertains children and grown folks | so well will put on a "Children's Hour entertainment'-^ at the graded school jFrtday morning. June 10th at 10 | They will thoroughly enjoy his stories and dew fly IftVfl hia "Dolls of UM i World." - Grown-ups too are invited. Following the stories and doll pa : service motion picture program, mission 10 cents. Ad I>r. liurrell at Winston-Salem. ulurling ja meeting with tUe Waughtown Bup |tist church Winston-Salem, returned rinesrlay !flr tfte Wadding or' Mtss .ua jinie Perry to jMi\ B. C. Barnes. Mr. | Hurrell reports splendid meeting at U:ere were thirty-eight additions to tiiu draw " tsurrell returned to continue die meeting Cor a few days "snawQlY'rpewn with wnrmi&e drnre | thlH'Ugh om ne dvruc autumolu]**. Tom Parrish Escape*. Tom Pa rrish who was sentenced to the* for 1" m?nth? ? fur nelling [whiokey by judge Connor at the fe-l I cent term of Court, made good his^es j;ape from the chain gang on Monday I ; while at work near the old Sto?kade: | Tom had tried being crazy to break j I jail and other methods to save himself i (from road work, and failing in* these | he. so we learn devised his plan of es cape. with which he succeeded, except that the rest of the gang did not get I off as planned. He is still at large as ; this is being written. Important >'otlo*. Smallpox is -on the increase in the I County and I now give warning that j | j>eople ought to be vaccinated. I have | the fresh points and any doctor will vaccinate any who want it. Some [have failed to report it and it is spr eading. Eeveral more cases of Tv iphoid Fever have been reported. You | hadbetter be vaccinated against both of these diseases. Health Officer. School Extension Program. The people of the several Communi ty Centers next week In tne School tension program are to have the plea sure of listening to a good speaker at the regular motion picture programs. Mr. W. W. Shay, in charge of the of fice of Service Extenslpn will be >?ith us from Tuesday. June 14th through Friday, June l?th and will make in teresting short talks at New Hope. Youngsville. Mt. Grove and Wood. Throughout the next week we shall have Mr. E. C\ Blair whose subject is "Soil Fertility and Soil Improvement". Mr Blair expects to talk iu each of our ten centers, five during the day and five at our night meetings. So you aae thdt another treat for the commentty oanters will be a summer1 short Jovtt tor farmers along with some fiiiC Ba sure to take advantage of this opportunity and attend the r ^etlngs. Do not miss a single speak ? Othera will be announced later. Watch the FRANKLIN TIM KS. scneduie Monday. June 13 Popes. I Tuesday. June 14 - Mr. Shav. Ne>r HoP\ W?lnesday. June IS Mr. Shay, Yo ungsraia. Thu^day, Juno in Mr. Shay. Mt. Grove. Friday. June 17 ? Mr. Shay, Wood. Saturday. June 18- White Level. Monday. June 20 ? Mr. fllalr. Tuesday. June 21- Mr. Hlalr. Cedar Rock t Wednesday?* June 22 Mr Hlalr. Se ven Paths. Thursday. June 23 Mr Hlalr. San dy ("reek. Friday. June 24 ? Mr Blair. Bunn. Saturday. June 27? SEVENTH GRAPE ^ ? COM^EKCEfiifr held n tonwlc^r.roAr^t ^T^Z2?lm< 0B *? %Fz!7?T rtaas wEo^^|v?7^,^B ^KSfie On account of the duO}t dlpk,"??a ^.^S?S?TlC w?r? Collins Of wfk:r?rB , ^'T Tn,u *> address. He mad* J * eliver?d tbe eerh takTmr o u? 1 6Xcell?oj u> mely adrfce to both ^ ^H*-u' ?'as well taken ?,,j younS and 0ld to enjoy to the utml.T*0 ?ne se*me<l U>e addreaa Mr Co nnTiKm'nUt<> ot friends In Franklin r- many always gl,*^*"? ?U"ty wh? *"> midst. AAer^hr^Hme him to U,?"' nest delivered ' etZ'"^ E' L members of the ?r,H. .? 3 to the other feature of *?duatin? class. An presentatlon of the'jSn^8^!,."" the SJ?titlcatea by Miss Viol., S . nsh,p rpspprti vch- TI.iii ..>. " gnl1' grades Icates do not tained quite so something at '-MnT^-n ? wlu> ?he Seventh Grade ? Count^ ? *? ? ? mencement will hT? Louaty C6m^ | * Permanent, an support and* *hefr , r>SE^?^ZoeieT?,ern HfeVU Harris. Jones Wilson Mabel Csh?'5' Jassamine Cheatham uara r,?"' mne G?tr B rerr>"- ^'ton Pearce" nn' Sher^r?U|JerCeMW'lrt0n- ;M" Rav. Berrv P?rr! u aye- Su3i? tt^rs ssssr ^irjrie Gupton Mvrtl.-A p ? Gupton. ?"*?> Bartholomew", iuL ?en" <?r. Bonnie Le* r?^T^ t^^i^rew "vtte. Bernlcf smllh p., tUlah Bur mmM Taut. Edna Mit hfn Alf?rd. Nellie Grace White Marv E ?Dlce Mullen. Mabel ^pn,ainln Dickenson. ?na F'erry1 t^'^er^!^,^- ?<* Wins-' r^dingfleld. Virginia Horton' Gy^S .ta.rurk ~ "old. Mae l hamkip, Br?"ks A ??r.pwcssafir- junior c,u Curtis Gupton, Gar vice fan \# r y;-f ?.srs S: ?on. Jr., John w Klnr Jr i I Kr7Iwr'",",ni W>bb ^"ben S^T w;y Wlleon. ?.,?: ? o Louishnnr Kai^n tjuola. ^ Mr Edwin H Ma lone, manager of the drive for the Louisourg quota qf the Methodist Educational MortlNit informs the TIMKS man that this charge reached its rutl quota ot 000 00 before the time for services o? last Sunday morning The drtv* begun on Sunday morning. May 29th at the morning service when something over eight thousand dollars was sub scribed before the day was *on<K LMtjr iug the week the remainder was ntatfc up and Louisburg put above on this important drive. u MV. Malone was very compliwaeet^gy to tin* people who were so liber?)ptfc their donations statins: that tm &Sffi the times their liberality was flMMt Dor< Weet Virginia fpper Silesia? Toledo Ttliifc wonderful. * \

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