The Franklin Times i^? A. F. JOHftSO*. ww in ?HUM I ^ ,,, , THE COUXTY, TH* ipTATK, THE UHIOH SrBSCUPTIOT ILU TOLl'lCK L. EIGHT PAWSWS WEEK LOCISETK, X. G? Jl XE iKL Wash I agios City New*. (Special Correspondence. ) Washington. 13. e., Jaae-15.? Extrav agance in appropriation ft, lack of a programme and the failure to make good election promises are the chief characteristics of the Republican let Islailve situation here at this writing. The charges are: The Republicans promised to reduce | Federal taxeeTbui aie luciusela They promised to make s speedy 1 technical peace, but the yeace sltmrti- J on Is up in the air. They promised to revive business, but there has been a constant decline in foretea-trerto anil continued depres sion of ? > rnrltie* They promised a reversal o( ADiei ? ican foreign policies. bn* have adher- _ ed strictly to the policies uf-the for?? | er administration. ? _ ? ar^ piiQi** and the | proof furnished in large part by Re publicans. Take, for instance, the statement of Senator Borah (Hep., Ida bo,) in discussing the Army Supply Bill. He said. "I wish to ask our Republican frien ds on this side of the Chamber what are you going to do about the question of economy? What is your program me? What is your plan? There is no provision anywhere for- reducing ex penses or reducing taxes. There is no programme to that effect, . . 1 should like to know, in view of the con c>at^ ^'icnflfiifMT^of ^he question upon the part of Republican leaders that the taxes arg~~irow unbearable and that they must be reduced, when and where" r.i th?y f^ng to reduce them? Where ? The programme? - ~ nator King iDem., Utah.) inter-] r :ed to say; . ..c senior Senator from Utah (Mr. Pi"P ) stated that there would | be : r. increase, so Isay to~my _j> ,, I ml from Til II III I Mi l III i i.ot oa.y will not reduce taxation audi not produce economies, but increase | taxation and will increase the expen ses of -the- Government." "That is not the kInd~of do^fcewv^-L jw anted to hear, but I am afraid it is | i.ue. ruiJlllil L' . luitur-iiurajL FillMTTon I'fOfe. ? ? On the failure to keep the party's rrnmisp to make a speeay peace, Sen ator Borah saia: "Not only have we failed to esU'.b- I lish a technical state of peace, but we ' B5TI HAllli ll.?l h i nil in n^y j"dgment.1 unless we surely and speeauy remedy I cur course, was most unfortunate. We i started to do it and then have failed. | It' there was any one distinct pledge I made to the people of the United Stat thtk Iflf* campaign which was ' clear and simple in its sul Lenient, ilv comprehended, and whlcli appar ently a vast majority of tne people un derstood and indorsed, it was that as soon as the party asking for power should be admitted to power it would establish a state of peace. The Pres ident in his speech of acceptance stat ed. in substance, that a state of peace would be established as soon as the Republican Congress could pass upon it and he could attach his signature to it "I venture to say that there Ts not a man in this Chamber or in the House who went before the people for dec-, tion who did not give tnem to under stand that one of the first and speed iest acts of the Republic&n Party would be to establish a state or peace. ^%e have an overwhelming majori ty in the House and an overwhelming majority in the Senate, and the execu tive department is Republican from turret to foundation stone; and yet we stand before the country, we stand be^ fore the world, as unable to pass a simple resolution establishing a state of peece. We have not only been crit icised by the opposition press, but we are now being apologized for by our own press, and we have become the subject and butt of ridicule by the foreign press The Congress of the United States Is unable to formulate a proposition which restores by law that mhieh In fact exists. KMX KesstvtSo* Bead. The Knox resolution to repeal the rirclarmtlofi of war In dead, and the Bo rah resolution for a conference of the chief aaral powers to reotice arma ments la apparently on Its death -bed. For the Borah resolution there has been substituted a resolution by the House approving of a plan President Harding is supposed to hare calling a general international conference for reduction on land as woii as on sea. Such a plan as is pointed out by peo ple, who know the military situation in Kurope can get nowhere as France a lone, which will not disarm under any < :rcu instances. could block It. With out reduction of armament the United States, of course, must continue to spend 93 cents of every dollar It takes ii, on wars past, present and future. ? ? ? riay Pslltlex flitk Inrflfi ReUtloav. The House substitute for the Knox resolution declares first for a techni cal state of peace, and then reserves nil the rights of the United States un der the Versailles treaty, which so far we have refused to ratify. This resolution, it is asserted, was drafted af a star chamber meetlnaof the House Foreign Affairs commlttw. the Demo cratic members not being called in un til the Republican members had fully agreed upon It This is said to be the first time an Importrnt question bear ing upon foreign relations has b^en I made a party question fty the foreign I HOSETCCTT BO>D I* TWO I' ASKS IS FOBTT TBOOOB* A_ J. Honeycult. wealthy N??sc mm*t i chant. Monday was sentenced to wrre I five years In the Atlanta prtsoa and | pay a One of SS.OOO tor conspiracy tn I the robbefy'TST-ttitf Mtiiai i-gine at . the Vaiisfi ataUvg and rwtm?j goods stolen by Ocil and Hubert Pearc* 1 self-confessed robbers. Hooeycwtt. I through Ills counsel, promptly 5**?i notice of an appeal and his boad was IrnM-tt* HWM.. JLL m-,-- ^ - s s ? The judgment pronounced Moaday' >"? "*"1 fyacor tc Federal 1 Court la the secoafr iigatsz Tluue i - ' cutt growing out o I the soi?aB?u'$ prosecution In nuMEB *TtK ? tSri iyalamitlC robbery of railroad frets at | cars last summer. The total jade ? i ment hanging against him ?o? ts tee j years In prison and iU W of fines. His bond to cover both cues aaouts to *40.000. In giving his judgment. Judge Coa nor referred to the gravity of the of fenses committed a)nitt>. the railroad j and spoke of the importance of pro tecting the railroads which provide a I vital link in the country* sy^tesc of j commerce. Y??F'?U1? ( ??pail Bj Federal la ? . Npeeila*. la" Traln^ Ca pt K_ L. ITadeTwooA. ?3?t inandlng. at Youngsvilte. -a<=sed mas ter before the inspevtcsrrot the r?W?l States Army during the *?t aai Hilii n it i r' " f among ;ge re?yaned pany has three officers aad 35 erlsst td men. First Loeoteaaat iYiri J Timberlake is second is: with Second Lieiitenast J. G. Ashe- as jimlrte The company 5 ? aill l:\ouim howitzers, and is oae ci the llianUlUUt Uf jhi? I. hi ? ? ?>??? ccrporvtfed in ttu- restateei of artillerx to be commanded by 0>k>ae? J. W. Hcrrelson. of State fal'MjN. l&s^ect r ..nil ... | n-,. ^..^r -Y Ik. appearance of the oSicers asd =ee -1..- ... If we get any rishts oa Taj*. let It be understood that there ? to Se no S25.000.000 ioroe-b<*ck ? -Tuleto News Bee. =V^ Affairs Commute Hann Kb 191? \-%m. Despite his deanacuuott >t a lirre "Scctiou of the press and Wir Mothers and doughboy ?>rcii:no<*5. Ambassador Hanrey has mc re tuked nor recalled for iss Pllcrims' Society dinner speech tn wi?ci fee said we entered the war ?slIt to save oar c wn skins. Perhaps to criti cism has been directed at 3tr. Harvey than is coulaifled tn a ttUa.w fnw him to President Wilson o? Ajcil 1917. the day following tie Afiiwy of the President's war messj^y x? mh>cfc the President said: "The challenge is tt> all mi&kuii . Our object now. as tWx U to eradicate the principles of peace lasi jsstky is the life of the worKi as against and autocratic power and to set up anion pc the really free >e?f goreraed peoples of the work! a concert of purpose and of actio* *=? ie?ce forth insure the ofcsei tance of tire* i principles. . . Tie *wV4 scst W made safe for deaatx-racy , . . ?f ] hare no selBsh ends to <ecc* . - . We are but one of tie (laapooe cf tie rights of mankind, etc.. nr Mr Harvey's telegram of ornmtt- ! lation to President Wib?? tW aert ; day was as follows: "A treat messate of putrk^m. m- j dencing masterful fctnd | upon mutaal faiti tW Priai*ini tn hh country aad of the i n^ali.i la to j President. 1 was raaftd could be. bat erea so I pared for so sp the nation. It Is hwptrtef. for lie PttcaM ? ? ? By a coalite of Deaaocrats and Re publicans, aostlv pocMwiu-. tie Sm 1 ate manaiced to keep tie <tw of tie regular Army aa^r y>oTiiwa ?f tie Army Appropriation Mil K? IRMl but eren at tiat ?W Senate sppeif I nitons are $ Ms?9*JM* auce *>.?? tn ti~ Mouse bill. 1 TW Tart* Ml Mi. II horins l*? Inefc k? if tb* AwtW 11 ! wool (rrow^rt, wh*? <ri? nupth wool oil Sftt <Wf to Vo^r a wl | of HboddY ? ?UI katy to vt? for any rttwf mx? a ' tariff scM*k TV tariff * *< tW <?r definite T of ?!fce ?*?? ? Oattic ' (ration, bat *>tvk <^rwt a ?, ?nar by rvui**>n of t W Tyf^ml tx?w o^*r I ho w?*4 <kViAil* A tiltfhr ! Bchwltale ( K ? *w irj.*? W a f wl ? ommittw h^'.fvi by !b* v< %.mi ^>? jamdrvm of h?*l* bill ?W noy. wbkh onh rv??lt?<l A a #fm inent. and tfe? <Ut? Tartf I ommltslon ban b**? t? draw up that P>x- tW tariff Mil j This, It to ?aH will ?al* fnm tfcm w j *ir w<M?kX with tW wtibt.' of a ' Ionic drbnt* wl? tbw IBl to fr?w4 j MASONIC MS- 1 T1BCT HEETIN6 TO BE HELD WITB JOH> R. SILLS JILT UTH. lttt. gjj^l trrrnur^ Fik ?! ti >? IwbWt L?t Wtg - hiVtiT Wiwr I; Wtfc>i? Lm KWrr I ihi. la accordance with H".^r I II 1 llf Masoaic Birtrki of ?wtk CapoUm frtxn Distract Deputy Grand NUsUr H A. .\<?ga. of Henderson, detagataa pithMTvi in Lansbcr? on Wednesday, hmr ;th at i j* ?? ritm tn rintimliHi itTUf^oWi for a District^ meeting of Mucins to he beld tn the Dear fu ture la the >1 * *_s decided to botd the Disnti meet raj with the John H Mills Lodge at Epson, on the Second Wednesday in July and the following; tentatlTe program was ar ranged. At 11 a m ail lodges are reqae^ted to present their officers for the ensuing Masonic year to be jointly installed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master. J Bailey Owens, oC Heatersoa The afternoon hour will he tamed owr to Dts*riet Deputy Grand Mutw H A. Newell for work in the interest of the Fraternity in the District. In the evening the Hen dereon Lodge will exemplify the work in the Third degree. District Deputy Oi .n.l >1. .1 ir V.u- W.-irshipful Master E. X. Williams of The John H Mills?Lodge were *in?ointed a com-; dittee to arrange the details of the programme aad entertainment. Bar ihd iffaacheoc for the?iw? The following lodges compose the Nineteenth Dtstrkt: .fohnsoo-CasweU. No If, W.<rreu ica. St([4*s E. Burrvwighs. \V M ; K. 5. & W Greeaw^y, W Si.; Frank Untoo No. Fnnklinton R D t oiifh^ ^ ? . UMit--Kun; .vg ? rrs LoaisittTg, S. F B-vWk \T. V : San <iy Cre^L No ls^. Louishu rjr, R_ ti, J. P Oatts. W M.. Royal Hin Xo. 4?7. Littletoa. Dr J. H W. M.: Giry. W >i ; Star, No. SSS, tto. J M. Wine. W. 3t: tVdai Bwt Xu .m. IjL^.jInLrg 11 I. jtK>. T 1* Sew W. XL; Vittftia Xo. ^ Vau^ii iB. W R_ Vi^iuc. W M. ; Ionic Xo SST. KittrWL E. O- Yoonc. W. M : Job* H Kills Xo C4 Epsom. E. X Williams. W 3i: Youagsrllle Xo. 37? >fanrrrilk t' ?^J<lrg-N W. XL ; Xoriiaa Xo Xorliaa . X. D. Mor ton. W M Prior to tiw dmi&i: the delegate? ??stertai**>i at a most delightful KarWow diarer at the Fair grounds by tbe oikw a?sd Past masters o f L*>utsbcra: | jn&f* The rue was fine aad pl?ty was. cacfe enjoyed by tfce tui; fceMl S^iBoe the ac>>?mment of the above oe-etiBg Mr ^ P Boddie. Worshipful etived a cv^eziMckatkMi from Distric: I>pttj Graod Master H X Xewell of He?ders*>c.- statu** that it would b* for the Most Worshipfu' Grand Master Owft& to be with then o? that day o*icj: to previously mad-'j et tracers* nts. therefore the date ha-* beea ckiBK^i to FYfrday. July 15th in stead o* the 5><ot?d We?dne*?day in J?ly. i> order to fcirr Grafid Master Owe?s with threes l*ie< Kari t* OM Maal Mr L P Hkis who ha? been cor dwtlE* his nmaatilf business in the ?hore reo?a atjoiaiajc the stables (?I Mr 01 Y. Yar*c*x? sa?oe the fir** ah? a* t?? afro, while having his store ca the comer of Main &?d Sash streets rv^atred. has had his WiMiac ro?f4ete<d and mov--<; teti to his oM ftt?4 The atte?tk*a *4 tWw of omr read crs who ar* lUemM la Macacines is ?W ilwtljianil in as. . ether of Mr iao W. Kiur an> i wactw Wt H^attloas I/iok it up aW jtirr hiaa a ran leow-altr Traa Wla? Twa t^aaar^ At YaMprlla. iaar 11- TV Yoonc *iiv fc*s*??al1 chab c4 the Rrftrfc t Lea' X^vulhNt wwa a dc*ob?e heavier otv ihf Zefeakxt t?? today cm the latter < grvaii'. FViiam <4 the c??f w*re haav> btttat of (W satire V<*ant*rill* tear>> r 9-4 of RoSerrs atnj FV?yd f.? >reacsxitkr S.w raa* by Perry ar-i i rUham F^r*t r?w* R H K \.xact?:v as.^ a ii ii 1 kiaiM #aa aae a a r pya. r ii v v , r " aaa aar a ; 4 ? f<Mm aaa ^ a a 5 ?? , \ hrta^nr M*m tbf^f t * ' r*aa?s n for FViday the it ?*4 >eMaif^ beinc ' w of the Wott?r<t f^Jtmes of |? :|e ma<xa 5^or?al i-naffTnertts Nf-*? made to Jxryvi?imrWI aa extr.ijl ?rtt amiaher c? taatS as it ts eT|?e< t? ) j h^t aaaay iliiMl will U present |: ^ fii*> Te H< K??4 Irft) v Wf the members of t he Commuee at the FrukUn Couty | Magll Ajapclatioa. Bad R than JSOO.O ? ? lo defray the e_. connected with the barUl o t o?r ?o?- j World War. Belierlnc every - . child In Franklin Cwrnty will desire j to-rto tribute something to this tud w* ir* f?qttwunf iui ? mmua he UiT in each. chmrh for thla perpoAe ?otn- time during this month or as ?nrly m Jiljr u poasibtei ?d to Mrs. J. W Maoo- Tr**snrer Uoui-sbur*. N. C. >W uur appreciation of ? hat thev ?nd their fellow soldiers hare dose as by attending, to '*?" matter = iinvrn pMSiM* at the drst &tf~ m yoor church after rat read notice,- ; ? t '? ?^RS. F. B. McKlrrce. OiatTCann Red fr?w IrtM ??i ?r? f^blbhiii Urn wch k "V dMilu of- the r?Ut( work Mar W out by lb* Red Cross u P?t _ Colo., and rtctaltf. *k?i* the ?ood which occurred on Jaae 4 caua mi such (ml loss o t life ud property The Manajcer of tb? $outh*?a?rs Division. A. R. C- Mr J?3- I. FV~er *1 rived in Pueblo on the Tth :nst. "hav >>C been preceded by &n assistant on tfce day prertous. and will conduct the wlltl operations in html FV>it? aatelv I here was already orgaaiaed a ttnwt and efficient disaster prepar ??lu>'v. uiuiuiiim in the Paut^i' t'hap tcr which had taken care of tbe emer B?iu> up till the trriiai otxsetside aid. News of the disaster was carried frotu Pueblo to Colorado Springs by to our Nationir K^aiSqiUUlcii - aluUi ld>nu !iatelv made an appropriation of S50.000. followed woo thereafter b> another appropriation of equal Isise IVi Th.i ijTh in?f . r-t >w?- lVj. Pry-si. dtr.i of the I'uitcd States asd the Got iarnor ot Colorado tssae^ proclamau oc< caliiag on the pu&itc rvv nr-aacial ?ic. and desisnat&g flte^TaniKau BU-d Cross as the proper adsanistra "Yve agency. It is not lieeaaed wise at bis time to send sappnesL It is ?s ImatedTlhat the sum rvvjulrv>* *y T3lf ted Cxosa tor the rehabilitation ?( ? - IKI . L i U1 1 j. ? ? '.g'j-BiCBin- ran that will be needed lo rv^-e^aMisi: in :ustri^s and rebuild 7<xXk works We feel sure there Are =axy in Lou i>burg and Franklin vVu-ty wbo wish to contribute to tins IV? not ? mitate to <<nvi Aa\>c;t because it is smalt for wfette there are- Ufcose wlw can i and should '*:re likenllr. it i< the small contnbixtio? frwes tie many that will help ruotj-c. Sead All donau ons to Mrs. J. A Tfcrcec. Ouurman. Iiooisburg Chapter. A. K. O iaJ tbey will be sent at once to Skvstifm Diris ;on Headquarters trt Ataxia ^and for warded through tats odTWe to the Pue Mo sufferers, la tiles way exery cent c*otributed by you wttfi ?io effective work in helpin* ties* strVfcen peo : le. lft?* j! ! * a* ?i'u cire today. New Hope people w*l2 xjofte Thai :h ? ir raeetinc wtLivfc was svfcedtled for 1 uesday. June 14 will V J?e?d os Sat urday. June -Stii Mr $kty K^fes to ^>eet with you then. IV xnm miss NTr shay. He can tell yen m>s tu o*h ? xperience as a fararec ?ow to make ? be largest , amount o? f??t at the smallest cost per poari. a?4 be tells vo? in a way that yva wfH like Mr. Biairs ?tbj*v: ts j?st as inter ?stinf. "Soil Fertility a?4 S?y1 Inpn^ vcment" He cvoeets h> tbe county June 20th throuxh tfce ZUi Tkis is a spieo<?:d opportunity to ?pend a pleasant and pce<&tAb>e even ing. Come to the ine?rt!Ji?i nwt with your friends. <ee a |w tx^e profrtm and list em u> ax aTfrtstins helpful shv>rt talk. Monday, June !5-l\*?es Tuesday. June \4 ? Nr? Boje. ? Ra o?t? W^aessdiv June 15 ? Yeuf^rilK < Mr. Shay ? ? Ttarsdav June K-Vt tirove, (Mr FYtday . June IT ? 1\mI * Mr $%av \ Saturday. Jttae 15- l">?e l^rvel Monday. June > iMr Blair > T^esdav Jurt* il *>wr R vk <Mr Flair) Wtdiliidiy. Jurw Se^y-a T*ths. ? Mr. Blair ? Tfc?rs?b*. Jute ."-J *>or?. ? Mr Blair I FViday June :. * HJtxt. i Mt Islair ? Saturday Juue .V.V* ?Vr Sbay ) Ut. \ j?? T? rMjwV. Rer W K l^t*V r?a*To- of I'OuisburK Bajrtrcst eVsfv^. wbi"? *i1? rreBch at ?b^ rtiinh in Monroe n%?\t Siansfci.* and ct ?ninf. inmNtiuvs r.wt T>^ K T Vila, lorater o?? Verwlith College. KalvijcH. yoearV at tbr Raptist churvh Wfe K>t>: morrjiTic and -*?uiac IV \ van its a snronc ar>d fi-reeful speaker aa?d will ^e Klad to Vint ?ft!k ikrtu ?cair. Tbe pubttc ?s. ivHhuRx itixitwl to attend UM U ?fi Roerq MnM, N. C-. Jiu 13. ? Kt>r ?rr Ltntnut-Ocnrwir El is ha U .Daurhtrtdee. 59. ?( this city, died at til* home her* mtIj Sunday following WWW< ?n?h?' M? > ? pM cation of iUmum Mr Danghtiidgvj ???< m Hwtmiit KOTernor during] the irtminntratton a t Goreruor Locke tVaijc and letiied from office in 1S17. I He was defeated for Gorernor in 1316 bT Thomas W. Bickett. Mr. Daughtridge. who Wad one ur the most prominent buaiaesa men in , 1-astern North Carolina aarrad u ;prwirtant ri the .Vort^^aroBaa Agrl cultural society for oo? Urm and wta nee preataem 01 mat orgmumUou at .the time of his death. In 1913 \fr Taught ndge vu a member of the 1 commission sent to Europe by Presi dent Wilson to study agriculture and credits, and. it is said, the report made i by this commission resulted ia . the creation of the Federal Land bank. Bar led Meadaj. | Rocky Mount, N. C? June**lS. ? The j ; funeral of former Lieutenant Gorer nor Elisha L. Daughtridge. who died | at his home here early Sunday morn tag following an Ulness or several j ; moaths. was held here at 4 o'clock this I afternoon. The services were con ducted by Rev R. C. t'in<fc. of Ql ford, assisted by Rer James Cannon. Ill, rm^tor of the First Methodist ch lurch of this city. The body will be] ] buried in the family plot in Pine View , cemetery. ; The third annual meeting tnc i ! stock holders of The Fisheries Pro- 1 Uucts Company was held ar St_ Phil lips. Wilmington. N. C.. June S. 1921. - Tfee old officer* were reelected as follows: Thos. H. Hayes. President and Gen eral Manage , Treasurer. H. E. Goodwin. Secretary. Directors of the Company were] elected as follows: Thos. H. Hayes. New Tor*. N. Y. KUno Hiuau. Xi w York. V V. W R i^apehart. Awa. N C K. J Anderton. New York. N Y. In addition. F B. McKinne. Presi dent -'of the First National Bank. Lou- ; isburc. N C.. and l_ H. Wilson. Vic*- 1 -JV*t?ulen: of the Bank of Cross An- , cbor Fross Anrhrr. S O.. were atso elected directors b The two new members of the direc torate are very prominent in the bus- | mess life of their respective states. I The financial report showed a very ! successful year with quite a large sur- | plus. Prospects for further development 1 ar.d continued success appear very l.right >er*ice> at >1. Paufs tliraeh. On Sunday next the ?rric? at St. Paul s church will be administration of the Holy Communion at 7:30 A. M. Sunday School and Bit>:e Hass at 10 A NT. and Morning: Prayer with ser mon at 11 A M . Rev N. Collin Hugh es. rector, officiating. A cordial welcome ro all services is extended. ( ?????hi siari?c. We are requested to state that there "wtl! be a Community Singing held at Ml Gilcad church on Sunday afternoon June l??:h Everybody is invited to pro out and join in the exercises of the dav. t Ura P*wfll ; Just as the sun was sinking on June l^il the death anget visited the home of Mr and Mm. John Powell, of I^aurel. and took from them their only i daughter. lx*ra PoweJl Her death was not unexpected, because she had been a great sufferer for many years. esj?ecially during the last three weeks of ber life | She gave her heart to Jesus at tw efve mrs of age. and Joined Trinity ) | church wb*re sb* was a faithful mem j ber as lose as she was able to attend I She m as fbrty-two years of age, and ? f-?r twenty vears she was unable to1 ? All her suffering was borne j r rtlv She was always cheerful. I b- ;cht. and had a smile ror everyone. l>ora is gone, and w*? wtts* her. but we feel sure she has gone to a better | land where there mill be no more v?ain and suffering Sh?* leaves an ased mother and"~f* ther and a host of friends to mourn She was laid to rest at Trinity church m herr Rev G. F Smith inducted bu rial jaervioe-s The floral tribute was beaatttuL | l>et not vour heart N'-^^lronhled : ye j believe in God. believe a'co in ra*> ** ? a friend I Vnder the beneficial rule of self- 1 <Vt termination, a small nation can do | anything a larce nation wants ti to | do - Cleveland News SaadBw Srhtol CraTntlN. '? : Sunday School workers of rnuk lia County will bold convention <B tlx Baptist C sure ? of Ljouiatmrg. N. C, OB T1T7 nTi i >iliT Tt" i* it 1 1 1 lily)) and 29th. This meeting la srraaced tor all Sunday Schoot workers of mil denominations In the county. ' Tfo Orst session of the convention wfll be held on Tuesday night, Jane 2Mi at 8 :00 o'clock. Three sessions Win be held on Wednesday, morning, after aaow and night, alaflag wi? the Wed nesday night session. ' ' * AtTaagements for this " ron Petition were made several days ago when Mr D W. SI ma, General Superintendent of the North Carolina Sunday School Association, visited Loulsburg. and W-a conferrnrawitk LZ* paataST San (lay School superintendents and many of the Sunday School leaders. Sunday School workers from all parts 61 the county are Invited to atteTETUTe sessions. ? " ' " The principal speakers will be Miss Flora Davis, Assistant Superintendent of the XortE Caroitna Sunday School Association, and Mr. D. W. Sims. Gen eral Superintendent of the North Car olina Sunday School Associatiour Roth Miss Davis and Mr. Sims are re cognized leaders in Suhday School work, not only In this state, but other states. Mr. Sims haa recently taken u g the work in North Carolina as General Superintendent of the State Sunday School Association. Under Mr. Sims' leadership the N'orth Carolina Sunday School Association is__planning to do liroKressiva-Sunday School work th roughout the state. Similar meetings to the one arranged for Franklin Co unty nrc being held in a number ? of other counties of the state during the summer . . Kindred County- Conventi ons have been held in the past few months in Raleigh. Greensboro, Win Charlotte. Gaston la, Asheville and Burlington. In Its work the North Carolina Sunday School Association is interdenominational, for in its con ventions and institutes leaders from But lu results it is denominational for it a worker puts into use me methods discussed in these conventions he Ui craaasa the efficiency or n;s own de mwllHl ional Sunday School. The officers of the Association are among the leading Christian Business men of Ihe Stale l'tve president at the As isociation is Mr. Gilbert T. Stephenson rof Wlnston-SMIvlM: Mr. Joseph Q. Br !i?wn. Raleigh. Vin Pi eslilenl . ? Mi. E. B. Crow. Raleigh. Treasurer; Mr. J. M. Broughtou. Raleigb. Chairman Ex ecutive Committee. The following citizens of Louisburg were appointed as a local committee On Arrangements for the convention : <3. M. Deum. - Chairman-}- J. -C. Jones. Mrs. F B. McKinne. Mrs. Bobbitt, J I. Palmer. W. H. Ruffin. Mrs. W. E. White and Mrs. T W. Watson. Hail Storm*. The section of Franklin County fr om Mitchiners through by Mr Frank lin Freeman s w:is visited bv quite a heavy hail siorm on Tuesday after noon, doing much damage to young rmpy i ml ttws: ~Tn many places, the reports say. the hail stones tell so thick that they could be gathered up by the double hand fulls. V < art! of Thanks. We take this method of extending our thanks to the people of our com munity for their wonderful help and loving assistance in the srckness and burial of our daughter. Agaes Bell and especially to those who contributed such nice flowers. The memory [their loving kindness will forever re ? n ain fresh in our hearts and minds. Mr. and Mrs. Clee Pearce. Bobbitt-^upton. | Miss Fannie Belle Gu'pton and Mr. James F Bobbitt were happily marri ed at the home of Dr. W. B. Morton on ! Wednesday afternoon In the presence | of only a few friends. Rev. Dr. Morton 1 officiating. The bride is one of Frank | tin Countvs most popular and accom plished young ladles, while the groom lis a successful railroad man of Nor 1;ml Their many friends extend con j gratulations. I>enth. j At his home near Perry's mill thd ? death angel came May the 20th and U ok from us our loving friend, Mr. J |T. Cooper, age 41 years. He was a good husband and a kind fatner, a no ble citizen, a true Christian and ft true friend to all. He leaves to mourn tb eir loss a wife and five children,, fath er. mother, two brothers and twp sis ters. His loving face is absent, his wsl corned voice is still, a place is vacant in our home that never, can be filled. It grieves us to see him go and oof have him with us here but tie has gone j^bave where all is love, whers there is no pain or tear !>?rd bo merciful to the be reavftd aftri help us understand that all is dotoa tor the best by thy providential hM||fc' And when our day's of toll and onr long days work is dot* nay we by thy loving kindness mtlt hint one by one^ A. Friend. Tf we don't stop that lns?ffe4ife#f *n West Virginia Mexico may withhold r*o??:nition from u*. ? Dallas Nsw*.

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