OHLI ?!?*? ru I1AM r Of UTUCI A- f. JOHNSON, EilUr iW laugtr THE COUNTY, THE BATE, THE U1T10H LOCISBCKG, N. C, ? JILT H. lttL VOLIMN L. DEMPSEY KNOCKS OUT CARPENTIER IN 4TH ROUND RINGSIDE, July "2. ? Geor m-s Canx-nti.-r finis!?"'1 flnt "" liis face, his legs and arms out stretched in the fourth round at .Ti-rs<'v Pitv ? ? .lark Deoiptwv. the world's entier took a count of nine before springing to his feet where the grim, detennin ed JJempsey measured hi in with a punch to the chin which end nl the battle. Dempsev stood > fallen Preach idet mr j he count was finished and u. :? tenderly picked up the hh-t ! ns* dazed Frenchman and drat-i-vd him to hi? corner. Klrvl Koand They were sent away at S:iS. Car pentier landed a light left and clinch ed. Carpentier landed a right. They fought at close range In a "TttTirtn Dempsev was shoit with a leYt to the head. l iupontiop missed a light ftm Con nected with a left hook. Dempsev punished him, -beating him unmerci fully. ~ Carpentier was groggy and I>!ee3ins at the nose. Deinpsey miss ed a right swing but beat Carpentier as they clinched. Carpentier fell through the ropes trying To avoid a punch. He__flegL-lnla_JDempiey w&en he crawled back into ring and landed several blows on the champion's body of the round. Second Round ? Carpentier miaaed ^wtth a teH~and cltou-hed. Carpentier backed away and Dempsey hooked him with a right to the jaw. Dempsey followed after him. beat ing him around the head with rights. Carpenter was short ?[ith a left hook Hut he staggered the champion with six rights and lefts to the jaw. Demp sev staggered back and' split the FrencEinan**- left eye witn a hook. The cnt waa under the eye. Carpentier mimed a right swing Dempsey missed a right swing. They exchanged body blows in the clinch and the bell rang. Third Baud Carpentier ducked a left. Dempsejr knocked htm into tha* ropes and hit him with a short right. Carpentier landed two upper cats to the body in a clinch. As they clinched Dempsey punished the invader In the body. Car pentier nearly (ell down when he miss ed a right swing. They missed lefts to the head, and Dempsey punished Carpentier viciously in the Jaw. Dempsey land a left and right to the head without a return. They ex changed left hooka to the chin. Carpentler's right swing was short And Dempsey clubbed him on the paw with left hooks in the clinch. Demp sey battered Carpentier into a corner with rights and lefts at the bell. The l-ell saved Carpentier from a knock on t. Koartk Keand Dempsey rushed Carpentier to the ropes and a left to the body made him wince. CarpentMr landed a right tp the head and tried to hang on Jack missed. Carpentier floored Dempsey wins. Pre'iailaaiies In accordance with the New Jersey boxing law no decision was rendered by the referee at the end of the tlrst preliminary between Johnny Curtln and Mickey Delmont. featherweights, but Curtln was generally conceded to have outpointed Delmont. The crowd was extraordinarily quiet for a fight audience. During the first bout there was hardly a sound bat the rlang of the gong and the thud of blows. There wan a sigh as or%relief as the I. diit ended. The crowd arose and stretched after its first taster. The second bout between Packy OC.atti and Fran key Burns, bantam - weights, followed Immediately Begins To Hpriakle. Between rounds there encircled the ring a plump lad of some 180 pounds with the benign features of a cherub In white ducks. He bore aloft a nlgn (Continued on Pape Right) K*d Cr^s EMfrrfir; >ft4. The local Red Cross Chapter k??j earnestly tried lo meet al! the calls j for assistance that hare come from worthy sources, and during the past yair a lemi sum haj Uigu stwm 111 helping the helpless sick in oar ttwa Ty 'j Recently there has come an anas I uaiiy "h?Ty cattr aud we aif asking every one who cam. to contribute to a fund to be uafid.lo. r imnrtiuii* ^ sislahc* te a family in our towc where nurses! and supplies of every kind, are badly needed. We are us ing this means to let you know ym yam help. as fTpr?Mit a desire to give something, and any th.ng given through the Red Cross Chapter will be used to the best ad vantage in helping where it will do most good. Contributions may be sent to Mrs. \L S. Clifton. Treasurer, or Mrs J. A. Turner. Chairman. Frank listen Cenplete* Its Water wtris Syvtest. Franklinton. July 2- ? The people of Franklin ton were glad to learn that the water system which has been UB der way for a number of months, has at last been, completed ? All the ky d rants in town have been tested and the pie&Hiue found iorceful enough to ! throw water 70 feet in the air. A vol ; unteer fire company has been organ 1 ixed and in rase of fire the houses are * positively sure to be saved from des truction. A number or dwelling have 'already connected with the water line LKI Jartrx ' The following is a list of Jurors j drawn for the August term of Frank ly ^npprinr ( Vmrl^ FIRST WEEK: | Dunns ? O. B. Gay. Lonnie Pearce. ?J. K. Mhfte.T. E_ weathers, J L. J. Pearce. F. S- Prarre j Franklinton J. A. Brown. I Hayesrille ? X. A Pernell. { Sandy Creek? C. G. Cash. { Gold _ ! Cedar Rock? C C. Brewer, tt 2C Colttns. J. W. Wheless. j ? Cyptess Click Q. S. P? C i Louis burg ? A. S- Moore. C W. Ed : wards. J. W. Perdue. J. M. Young. PFmvn yrrfc" - I. Dunns ? J. L Allord. Zoilie Jote | son. J. M. Furgurson. Harris ? A L Vonny W T. Hiilnw Franklinton? A. B. Wester. Jr.. B. W. Home. Hayesrille ? C. C. Dement Sandy Creek ? S. H Dicker-son. J. K I Jojroer. Gold Mine ? W I. Harris. Cedar Rock ? G. W. Bartholomew-. W. W Boirden. G. Lcbuni. - Cypress Creek ? L. F. Inscoe. Louisburp ? J. E. Nelms. W JL Freeman. O. D. Duke. Paakin OHfT. Sir. Editor: I am writing this tet ter to iar? myself and too too. TV | last time I was at Popes Bob and JtK ( 'on vers, two old "members of the club, told me that if I didn't write some more Pnnkin letters, that they would hare me impeached and etact another President, and >woald also stop jour paper. So tow should ap preciate this letter more than any I hare written. Pnnkin Center is now quite a lively summer resort- TV boys hare their tents pitched am the old Injun camping ground near the Injun College, and are tiring lajm in regular Injun fashion. They say they are having a greasy nut time The skeetera are also having a picnic, ami say that fellow Raffs is the jKint morsel they ever stack their Mils h to But when they tackle Pete Par ham and Maurice CUtta* they have to go to the grind stone to ^arpm their Mils The Honey Bottles are nMal having n jolly time at Pnnkin Cina.i bench. The water has been very law and did not run over the dnsa far sense time, nnd It got so sneet it ateaat roped. Bnt the Mg rats cnne sad washed It all away, so taint sml now aa only the boys hnvn been h H. bat they will soon have tt inset agate The Honey Bottles have had me em the coals for not hnvtng thnt wire dressing room rendy for them, nnd I'm mighty sorry I ronld not bnv* I rendy In time, bnt the troahie was I could not Snd any wire tunise i anas h Hog wire Is entirely too Ine. ss they will need plenty of light snd air white dressing 1 shall have to make a special order for this wire. I want some with twelve Inrh mesh, thin will give them plenty of fresh sir sad light, and jast as soon as It rrimi n I will put It up I am making this or der for Frank MrKinae i special ben e?t as he sent me word by Jattee Rowser that he had only one eye Presiiliat P. S Dr Progg says the people should thank him for this rain, as It took a lot of hollering to bring It Pres. One half the world dnenat know how th^" other half Mivs Maine Mi patch. / T#?? < fKykfrx The Boiird of Town Commissioners mec in regular session on Friday zught ail Bfmbm present The j minute- of previous meeting were ap ! proved. * j The report o t A. W Aision. Clerk I and tax collector was received and i ocdeted died I The report of D C. High. Chief of J Ptrflce was received and filed. | A aoOoe to appoint a committee to [took into rraiier erf allowing the Tex jas Co. to erect an additional tank ? carried" Mayor Joyner appointed -FOrd. Hicks and Willuiawn j The Board instructed Mr -V S. Da ' vis to get in touch with State Board of I Health and Gilbert c * rule and go over bice prints and see what addi \ liuml ?oj ie?s have to be made and i make sarae and to ascertain whether or not some new an <2 more economical device approved by the State -Board Health cag_ 3b? unfiled. report this estimate of the cost of labor and ma jtertal for the ccmstructJon of purifi cation plant approved bv State Board of Health L poa ,n>oooc the following officers vtre elected frw the ensuing two.y^ars with salaries stated: (X C Hill Superintendent of Light and Water. Fire Chief and with po lice authority. $175 per month. W J. Shesarin engineer. $25 per Harkins. engineer. $Co par High. Chief of IVIke and -Saa-4 irtary Inspector. $1W per month, r ? JVrry. Xight Police. $100 ptr 1 A_ W Alston. Clerk. $34 per wee?T , After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to its Lake Xferktefr Destroyed. r.ight broke the new dam at Lake il ifkiaer oaesmt the lake to run off j v j-hittr ?? trees large enough for saw anil lor*; and doing a damage es i2UMudbt>r*ts and erf ^t-.w rk daiu^e The water after S of Cedar Rock toanship was in the TIMES of fice IbMrtay with a sample of cotton ?fcay aftenoDc on his farm, stating that Bflriisg mmci twice in his fields kiliimg spaces about twenty feet Cml ' By (TwftiN la FTMkl?T?L July 1^-Gr?l damage to ci uf - property wa? done in the !to*? aa< Mir bere by a clondbnrst ! bere tea night. Water was two feet I dee* an J O. Green's garage, mack daatage being done to tbe cars. New ! cc arret e pillars were washed from u _ across SaiZy Kearney i creek. gar ea4 of tbe structure being I din in i to the grownd 1 TW dam to C &. Williams' large fisk pond brake, and &any tsbermen in tU> MtiM are ta distress At places the water tu over tbe railroad, some thing that ku sent happened before. The IBtcthrf lake, a pond corerlag over a kaadred acre*. was alao brok en by the floods A W I Mil w til IL T. Br Clrn By ?!???? ri?k. v ; Ob Tkar>*>r air* Jalr ike l?h. a ?.!??? kt Ikr V?ai'? rlib At rifkt ? " ~ ~ " ??ti 1 1 1 of tkr W and SSe. after will be aoM. r>>> 1 He knM I rat to ten the reader* ! ?: I fee PVAMXIX TlXBS IIM tow I dak ia anta? aad hi h tfee teat few mtkv We . the I ia tfee nanmttr reta atrk. | tw ctnh Ukw * ?!*!? ttwir to take j ii?n i a?d rm aW to [ to iWm We feel (Ut oor Home DtwuiniM acevt I Mm Pa aline Setilk ? 4> s?i iff*. W* of credit for i * kit ik? dak ? darn* a* or- 1 rauiei ?<. Oar < lur? n>?-r4c Thar* j ?fca v after iW foartk Sanfl*r in ?arh ' bmM VcaM ?* clad to hare mem Wr* <4 < 1*K? to come and see ' aftAt ai'iiavAia f*1 n>Miafi we hare. : ?K>r* ifc* aeit liaae 1 write I will be a Me to tell ?W reader* ?be exact t iMMni i4 monn o4 Woman's (lob | Oa*rai! W<*^d arfrijes teaching the rtrivoam <*ed*w>ce to law and order, mill ifcrc take fMtcradaat# maraes n Omthi iHlahcma or We*t Yincto k* Ow?iiDe, S C. Piedmont ABANDON CEDAR BOCK ROAD AS?> STATE TO TAKE HALIFAX _ ROAD. M4?in*. Ttmrt CnulttN T*ka Af^nl Birfn >ifcu< t? trHgi ?wi S?ih (ml WB4?f Aab Tkat V?tf bf nw??<. Tie Board of County Commission er* B" ?? refiUr malon Mocaaj with all ncBtoa pi nssnt except Tim bering The meeting ?.?* prgX?<- >1 HH Mr Tetgm, af SiTi the minutes of the previous roeeti: r were rfopfl and business dimicimI as follows : On motion of llndaoei and seconded b y duller that Mr. Edward Dement be Instructed to pay Connty Plumbing tax as others. Commissioner Wilder requested that his vote on the question of the Ap proprlition tor the Ooehet Train of Youcsrille be chanced fiurn the af firatUir to the negative. On motion it was ordered that all the accounts be allowed which has been checked and audited bjr the County Auditor. Ob motion Herbert McGhee wai ppntly reUeied of poll ua ? be an in ra lid. lepon of J. J. liuldeu. Super it of rnniitT Home, was re and Sled- He reports S white r colored inmates. The report of Miss Pauline Smith. . How Demonstration Agent, was re cetind and M. " On motion of Hudson and seconded by Wilder, the Commissioners took 'matt a delegation In the Courthouse ' to Mar the dtacnsnkm of chimin the Iron* from Lotlsbnrg to Nnahvflle. fc the ^ooisburg to Centerrtlle road fat M. healing the road question la art nam. wherein, a petitioa about SOO names was presented r that the road M not changed ol tewing ran elation. ? Fullei ' (Cpnded by W. C. Wilder wv by a ran call as follows: Aye .-.JMISiCi fib. OT a IK Tgg < ounty as ttHio?'d! I ?' abandon the road from Louisburg tc I County Hn? n?ar -Casta tiaaira In lieu thereof to for construction Lh* road from Lou is burg to Centerviile: an?i that the State Highway Comiuis sa:d road from Centerviile to Wood and on to the t ounty line, so as tc conn act with a road to nalifax." JDie Ctrmm?s>ior>er-s returned tc their room and' took up business as follows: Report of Dr J E. Maione. Super int'.r.deat of Health, was. received and filed it ie reports County Home and Ijeil in good condition On motion of Wilder and seconded | Hudson that the salary ,?f trie Janitor to TFTe^Coarthouse Ke raised from $25 to $ ?5 per month * On motion of Fuller seconded by Huisoa the Sheriff was instructed to ex:ead the taxes for another 30 days to those who had paid 50 per cent of their taxes. On motion of Puller and seconded by Hi an appropriation was rra: led the Battery B Field Artillery o# vmisbnn: Said voucher not to be presented to the Treasurer within 30 days. The return of the road Bond election of Saady Creek township were receiv ed as follow*; Registered ?$S. For W Vgainst S? On motion of Fuller and seconded by wilder, that Rer J. H. Harper be in st -acted to more his machinery and n*"-fial to Sandy Creek bridge and fini-h said bridge which has been un" der >~oB9tnKik>n With the assistance of the Sheriff the Board drew the jury for the An I rv-i term of Franklin Superior Court. The following notice of appeal sign ed sy Joe. T lascoe. G S. Harp. G. B H >talHaxa. of Cedar Rock township, frp-n the decision of the Commission er? in the matter of the change of the Stare Highway was presented the Pwl l^whWnc. V Jnly 4th. 1521 To the Board of County Commission ers for Franklin County* We the com ir iT*ee appointed by the Mass meet inr held in the Court house in U>uis burc. X. C this day. hereby appeal to th* >tate Highway Commissioner frott th* ?ctioe taken by yoer Board in the n:?"?r of diaeontinuing or abandon Inr the road from Ixmisbnrg X. C to Pa- *Ua and substituting therefor the nv.l from l^ouisburg. X, r to Center ed' * f*leese keep the record in this muter in order so that ume can be tak -n ep with the Commissioner The l*]*-k to yoer B**ard is requested to f?o?:f? the OmmiiSKfipr c?f {ftfs appeal ! in f aak that be se* a day for the b? iag of this appeal, and that the, t?uk ic be notified as reieW la tha cnmmnnifj ? ^^Tf heard splendid talks hy-tnree men from the N. C Agricultural Experi ment Station. The Experiment Sta tion with ir?> Rrtqaioa Departments is at the service ol the farmers of [the state. Franklin? county should have its share. Read what the Agron omy Division has done in Community Results of the community cotton im provement work. The community cotton improvement work has been conducted tn S8 coun ties of 2? cotton growing counties. These counties are distributed throu gtout the Coastal Plain section and on the South extends as far West as Lin coln county. Taking all of the community work since 1514 only two tailed to secure ? variety of cotton higher in yield and better in quality than the generally ? grown ta the The~average increase in all ties, due to the introduction of im proved cotton seed has amounted to I2S.9? per acre. Since this work was begun in 1914 by the Division of Agronomy of N*. C. Service, sat bmfcdi of im duced as a direct result of^the com munity cotton variety tests. More than 311 bushels have been mtroduc .ed through publicity and furnishing in formation to growers in sections sot Ire presented^ by the community tests. I In all of the Communities where im rn.i.l >??vi | there has been further spread to ad joining tocilitis: ? ft- mould be safe , to say that the improved strain of cot [ton have been established on more ZT oi j improved cotton seed, eighteen frow 'ers hare be*~i established m the se -4?ction of their see-d e^ch year These growers Are located in nine counties i and are to be usee as ?>urces of good i seed in different sectwu? of the state. 1 The results of this wcri are includ i *H1 in Cirvata: I?>v ? PreTiared by Dt . vision "7>T Ak:uw. Agriculture in tension Service.. State College Station Raleigh. The people of the communities are urged to hear Dr Foe talk on "Co-op It rati ve Market. " in L^ouisburg Satur day July >th. at 11 o'clock. This As sociation is the big opportunity for the farmers of the South. Schedule Friday. July Sth ? Buns, f Mr Park er,) . . . Saturday. July Mh ? lugleslue Monday. July 11th ? l*opes. Tuesday. July lith ? New Hope Wednesday. July 13th ? Thursday. July 14th ? Mt_ Grov*. Friday. July l*th ? Wood. 'br r. Plate l.lav*. Wlndaw. In attempting to tarn an automobile around to park it on the right side of Court street MomBy ergot. Mr W G. Kiddle ran backwards into the east front plate -glass window of Mr Fred A. Riff* s jewelry store smashing it in many piece? and wrecking the wood work. Mr Riddle says that the clutch caught after putting it m reverse and he could not stop the car He was required to appear before Vayor Joy ner Tuesday wbo after bearing the ev- | idence required him to pay a fine of ! $19 W and repair the damages Wamaa IBM ij Light a lac. Darinrnke heavy rtom on Sunday afternoon Annse Thomas, colored, was killed by ligbtaiag. at tne botne of George Raffia o#ar tbe Southern lim its of the town A Mj w*s sk afire | also but extinguished | One of the bkwI dHichirt]) fvwts in I t'i*n tills week ?*? llw "ft? U*>rHher" ?*cial of tkuraber$ aM rrtond* of rKe RftptM Jwrfe. *terfc took place 1 ' the Nwmd; of The caiTrh on Wed it. at A rcx^tr riuraber ?ere pr?eot and IhorDvcbrr enjoyed the spIeiMftkl repuui. t>roTMe by the ladies a f?itnre of *hJ? was a erem!nt sahject of l>r W K Harrell. at the Umwharr rharrh aeit S?rd*r In the ereninc be will preach on "An En trancing view ~ All are tnrlted to at tend CHANGE STATE UK* NAY IN FRANKLIN H FATOB ?r " TTl.I.K r-r? on Monday night previous had voted tour to one in rsrorT don' nit the Nashville road tro? hiirw-?o "?? u ? Tmir ?ad substituting therefor the road ; from Louisburg to Centrevflle. m|t la the Court room at 2 o'clock b I a fge number of :itizens ga protest or protect the action of Board. Although not ajivurfiaji' ^ the purpoae the objeet ox the meeting | tad been scattered broadcast and ful *y three hundred people gathered In the Court room to look on or take j>art in the meeting. The meeting waa callea to order by Chairman Joyner and Mr. Ben T. Hol den was asked to state the object which waa to "hear the citizens of ; franklin County on the Question of ! abandoning the Nashville road and to accept the Halifax project. rvimnilsslaner Hudsnn iiiubl ? stated that he made it a part of his platnwTa.mil Winnie riprasent 0? | people in all parts of ih? connly anil '*ill stands on that platrorm. He waa open la his endorsement of the N'ash *Ule rand an the gnxinus that the road was selected aad made a part of the law providing the state highway, it was accepted by tile Board of Com I misaioners on the "flrst Monday In May alter 11 had been: ikibum] ill ? ffie Courthouse, because it is a natural | highway and divides the County about , half and supplies one of the most pro gressive sections in the County, and lis a road over which a laige percent at the cuuubmto of Jlie-eotmty^a 'transported. He stated he did not enj , ilnnit* The anion ul ih<- nonr<| on [Monday night before and reques3d 'that the matter be postponed. H^elt t like the matter had been setuunn fa vor of the Nashville road, r 1 Qglrni.m Jujner uiok. exception to ^ Bjrt^ment of Com. Hudson that {ha i wanting Hnttdny lisfaf wa "cut Md drted." denying that he had made any ; as reemeii 1 whatever. SuOStaTSTlie .thought was in the interest of the people and reaffirmed his position as being willing to do what the majority of the people want done, that he re fused to sigli the resolution and re ?luecnni .Mr Holdon lo notu'y th? peo ple of meeting. Mr. Hudson then ?tai.er? that he meant nothing personal, but said that he asked for the vote to be deferred land it was not granted. ! Commissioner Fuller explained the hasty action of the Commissioners by stating that the Nashville road had i been on the map for State highway ; maintenance several years but never been maintained. He read a . "'P.v of ? letter of June 23rd. from the < ommission refusing to accept the Cedar Rock road. Therefore the Com missioners decided to take the Hali fax road. Mr. S. C. Holden read a petition ask ing that the Nashville road be contin ued. signed by about three hundred citizens. ' ( Capt. P G. Alston requested his name to be erased from the petition stating that he did not understand the question. Mr. Gray R. King, of Nashville, but a tax payer in Franklin, made the main argument for the people of Ce dar Rock. At the beginning he read a petition from a Mass meeting ask ing that the Nashville road be contin ued. He pointed out that traditional ly this has always been a highway, through by Fr&nklinton. I?uisburg. Casta lia. Rocky Mount. Tarboro and on east. He argued that it was the right road tor the State highway as it carried three times the traffic of the cither roads, and that it waa the only road to Nashville, a county seat, ex - ?-ept by Oetonring many utiles out of the way. He contended that the road had been legally flxeo and read the law to substantiate his argument, aad laid stress upon the provision giving authority to change a road, "except wh*re B disconnects COUiity seats." Mr Kings argument wa? clear and convincing j \Tr. & A. Newell followed fthOWln? |n?any advantages of the Nashville road iover the Halifax road and appealed in 'the interest of the publ;c thai the road he not abandoned for ?ny other road Mr J O Sledge made quite an later fstrat talk showing how much Cedar Rock was interested in its npigbfcor icg township by having tnconvettleri red itself to provide six thousand dol lars to assist in giving tnem a good road in the Federal Aid project that was not worth much to Cedar Rock, and stated that his neighbors did not. feel that Sandy Creek and Gold Mice was show ing them any nppdfc iatioa by trying to get the llttfe State aid they would hav*? in the highway. |Kr*-: Sledge called for a rising vote whftMl resalted unanimously favorable toC* dar Rock with the exception of vote He also stated that there ate (Continued on Page Four)