'"'X & ? ^ ' v * ? a~>M |lin Times f rmi i - ? L' lug MAKES ? MOCKERY OF EQUALITY SAYS MAXWELL OT WATTS | Member of Former Tu Com mission In Vigorous State ment On Tobacoo Order. hkhati: to Tomrco TBU8T VIOLATES ALL ' INTEHT OJF STATUTES I American Tobaec* Co. aat Ugfttt u< Myers Co. Oct Their ri*|M>J Oa Books at 60 Par Ceat of Ta'ae While Other Companies Voiaatarfly 8ab m It ted Book Valaes-t Says Oeaeral Assembly Had ,N? Intention of Au-. thorlilaa BetioacUiaTtiiallaalniat of Tax Values *?d Watts Order Ought To Be Beseiaded; Watt* Says It Is County Bnsiaess. , "A mockery of any pretense of equal I treatment In the administration of our | tax laws, and ought to bo rescinded," declares Corporation Commissioner A, J. Maxwell on the action of Revenue^ Commissioner A. D. Watts In order ing an aggregate retroactive redaction of $12,733,450 In the assessment of the property owned Dy Liggett & Myers, and the American Tobacco Company ir Durham. Mr. Maxwell's statement was the : : expression that has come from i . since the administration of the i l . o laws of the State was taken by k Oatlve action from the Tax Com!T...isioq, of which Be was a mem enue Commissioner, and A. D. Watts appointed by Governor Cameron Mor rison to fill the office. The Duke properties In Durham were assessed by the same standards which applied to the Reynolds inter ests in Winston-Salem, and other les interacts throughout. the State. Mr. Maxwell says, and from thls-the Bakes excepted. Their ex ceptions have won the approval of the RtWnueToMTnisBioner, almost to tfle ilnll ir of the value plarfirl hy.themspl ves on thei^own property. ' ? Stjtfei Loses HMMfO 4,1- By tug trunsarttorrranJ^Sfre-Burhan; ? '..iiny general expense tuod loses $28, 013.50. The tax on the disputed val uation had beon held In abeyance, and was not paid when tne taxes were col let ted In Durham county last tall. Under the commissioner's order, the tax will not be paid by the companies to which the reductions were given. The city tax rate in Durham for last year is not known here. Book values were the standards us ed by the Tax Commission during the value of tobacco in warehouses. Book vsiue was taken as the original cost of the leaf tobacco bought on ware honse Hoors, plUH B Image and redry ing costs. The Reynolds company re turned its property on tills basis at ap proximately fifty niUlOB dollars, and the same standard of values was ap plied to all tobacco companies In the State. Dissatisfied with the values placed by the Tax Commission, the American and Liggett & Myetp companies lodged protest, which was overruled by the commissioners, and the assessment certified to Durham county for the le vying of the tax ratp tor 1920. Fur ther exception was taken to the val ues placed, and late in April, a few days beftfte the Revenue Commission er took over the duties or the Tax Commission, formal exception was 111 orl hv the two commuiles. So Law For It Mr. Maxwell 1b not disposed to crit icise or discuss the administration of present ta$ laws by the Revenue Com missioner, but takes the disturbing of the work of the Tax commission for last year to be a "gratuitous Impeach ment ot tbe State Tax Com mi salon in a matter which had been rally heard amlTletermined by It," and "without authority or contemplation of law ard .Ought to be reversed." While approving thoroughly tho ac tion of the Oeneral Assembly in re cownisiinK changed economic ? oondl t'ons, and providing for the adjustment of tax values to moet them, Mr. Max well takes the position that there waa no Intention on the part of the Oener al Assembly to provide for re-adjust ment of value*- that were established last year, and approved by the Gener al Assembly. "If valuations finally determined up on by tbe Btate Tax Commlaslon are to be reviewed and revised retroactive ly for the reer 1M0 for some of these great Industries which make large pro f ts In good times or bad, it ought also to be done lqr other like industries, and for the produce r? of tobacco who before the close of IttO were hauling their ungraded tobacco oat Into the fields and dumping It for fertiliser be csuse it weal* sot pay t*s expense of grading and marketttC" . Rebate ea Taxes ( Persistence and patience has won for the IXubttk Tobacco Compact lee favorable OnilltWIhm tf a fight that began 11 SMttM atfb*. The old Tax Commission beard them at various EIGHTT-ONE PS* CBHT IK R0BIS05 8IBH COHTBACT8 ..LwWrtn, Aug. n tlfUf. ecptjifUe ' !?i cditr ?r tbe lltata, have 1%B e4 c? ?H??Ut? auitttiir cm tx?ete, aad they mons. complaint, answer and affida vits filed, with foregoing and appeal bond, shall constitute cord for Supreme Cosif. Eden ton. N. C. Aug. ?. mi. ~ W. M BOND. Jadg jxTWO HODRED IETEU5S AUITE FOB l!(!trU UFXW5 AT trUAI Durham. Aag. 23. Two ha ad red veterans in already twrv tor Ikt u nu] mnlon of >Uck optu at TH?- ' Ity Collage tomorrow afteraooa a>4 ' continues through Tharedaj. Gair-i al James I. Metts. r r ? ? 1 ll ? at tkt| North Carolina division, also aiilied . tonight . TV city t* all teM and pmnts a fall* innonup The TKermlu will be fill p coined tomorrow afternoon at es li^Cnra Memorial Hall, greesman Charlea M. Sted Greensboro, will detlvar tM addreaa In Craven ha The Dnnchtera of the today threw down a Ka Klax Klan. which la I a hi* rally Wedneec petition with the lei eythm to hn i . *a tor the veterana oC TiinMj Ckllan. Mr*, f. Uon committee, and Mrs tT? Cheek, president at tha Jntmn 8. Can Chapter 0. DrC. Klax Klan." mya tha U this ia a fair aee any reason ?I'UKMTK 1WULT ?31 1AH AT WIUOT i Wilson. A or *1.? W. T. night watchman at the ton on mill, was tonnd ha an actons condition In a poa| at early thia morning, ha atrnck with an Iran pip found nearby. Hn the retlef watchman shsnt | and aeat to a local the motive as fiM that ha his persofl and- a i ?**r to i cw oflntT-iiM. he OteRTrr as j^aarting TW?r i* first trials of the ZR-2 a of the put dirigible to dereloaed aad that an inspec ted the fact that certain gir beai aad Lhat lattice nit kled BBOrr min . Re?n ? laktkwUM at of the hHK woct Mikity kagtk. the stractaral trcmaie. asserted, the ZR-: had I fr eaa ?t onaUe. coeaosacded the ZR-i. It is assumed her* " is >xu: Uem. Har - American radio officer n r ? that at lemsf sir sar-rt picked a p. om of (bra Jer. ana ooe severely Ats ? Vivt depfcs am brisc inforsM of of the cmgible ZR-i eipressw? '? I icaes w*r* aboard Ikr its froaa lite airship ' colous at smoke, aid *U adi d for hamdreds of the sartare of the water. ] ?w at least foir a? tha h?rnia|t 'airship by uHnastw Macon. (J*. Aug ZS.? Work of ex ??m Lba I ill? of Hre Br IIWB IlBaMi *Uck na ramptetely destQBgred by ft* at an fmrty ko?r Ikk naming and wbfrr nn tku a doaea bodies are down loaifht. Building !??? !l??l?a (>?^ Fire. A coroner's jury rennM this after aoon that aa explosion^rt escaping gas in tbe basement of the Brunner Drug O? M "he fire. The eiplo sam cat a bole throagh the hotel from the baiMMBt to tbe roof, tore out the stairways and wrecked the el era tor af ter driving it upward. Ftfe escapes V lln >w- hni'^ff wer>> envel oped in flames an instant Utn ? and 6 re also was bursting from every win ?* * ' big brick jtruclait. thaLtae State Are marshal will arrive here tomorrow to aid in the investigation ma: is under ;w*y Tracts obtained by city and coun ty officials and the State Ore marshal will be laid before the K3D county grand jury at its next session through Solicitor General Charles H. Garrett. I hi Phi ' ? Bart Wben work of exploring the reins of i the bamed hotel stopper for the night foar bodies lay in a lot-al und.'i taking establishment. only three of which had hren identified. jiersons were iltal suffering from barns and~ERJ**n tbe fire and at Others leas seriously bur; were tended by private physicians. Tbe list of missing moc^ted tonight | to seven, and there were many inquir ies from all parts of Georgia for per ?jl.j ahojj it is f;artd were In ? tbe hotel. Krci>tfr DfstrtjH Horace Wecms. son of tiie proprie tor of the Brown House, said there were more >han Ane hundred guests at the hotel last night . The hotel reg- | ister was destroyed in tUe fire and much difficulty is beijig experienced in checking the missing. Only a small secton of the original buildinc. buiit long before the Ciril I War. remained intact tonight with I floors still clinging to the side walls It was in exploring one mt these led ges this morning that Bremen came upon t*?.bodies. one of which was identified as Harry Turalpseed. a rail itad employe. The other body, which lay oaly a foot away, with hands clasp ed and outstretched, has not been MevtilM . Firemen aorked continuously on iag until Kate In the afternoon. They were recalled at 7:M o'clock when tames broke out again In the ruins. It was the beat which caused the ffre, RaiMfag rnspcrtor Bishop stated, that MWfaX thy sbuHton iuiM of the mrrk for bodies toninht. WWW EXHIBIT. Charlotte. A*. 12.? The task or oncufahii aa exhibit (tr the Made-ln ~ ~ ~ It ion. whirh will be IS to B. t? show the Is heinic rapidly ?I conclusion by C. C. Hbok. of this city, former |I1MI|?I o* the State Pede-stion of Yam's H.h. Mrs Hook 'has i hai at this work for the Charlotte fMMit Clsh. wUrk has andertaken sot uhh*. ?m?rti< to require sboat l.tw Mat (tlMr spire A aaahir of exhibitors already kaee iUui 4 matrarts fV>T partkipa !>w ia 1Mb exhibit, and details tnci " to a ImWcki 03 the part at oth ers are Mint wt rkrt oat by coi i mm pimMim. aaU Mrs Hook She be tas this eflort shoot tea days ap. and seid "I feel eery ainrh eaooarajred by the IIIHII ?Uck has raat so earty." Both wsall aad tit* iadleMaal c * hMts sre hi iaj. It laded in this dis play. aillH M taawifat for taana fartarers at article* >4 particular in li i * York. Mr W. H. Ruff tn vfcfltad Nashville on Mr. W. M. Parson paid Kdantoa ? business Tlstt Men day . f Mr. W. R. Towns returned the j Mr. P. S. Allan returned this ?? tr?ig> a ui? ts Hat Springs, Arte. a visitor to Loelsbut* Saturday . - Prof. W. R. Taylor, of Auborn, is visiting tals parents in Loalsbaajp. Mr. Francis Yates, of Canada, ts an a visit to his mother here this ??* Mr. and Mrs. *". J. Brasiay return ed the past week from a ihut to Asbo - rtlle. Mrs. J. A* Tucker, of Newberne. Is visiting relatives In and near Louis bnrg. Misses. Mattle and Lhcy Allen rtt tumed home Saturday from a visit to Hyiacauga, Ala. Mrs. O. L. Daniels, of Philadelphia, is visiting friends and relatives In and near Loulsburg. Mr. K. P. Hill and son, John Bart Hill, of Raleigh, were visitors to Louis burg the past week. Messrs.' A. "J. Harris and r! Y . McAden. of Henderson, were visitors i to Louisburg Monday. Miss Florence Silver, of Groensbo -ro,Ja. Tlsiilnt her aunt. Miss Mary Spencer, at Oakharsf. Mr. Jamas Coppedge and Mr. John hS . Cnppwlse. nf Ralclga to Louisburg this week. Senator F. B. McKinne and wife left this week for a trip to Winston Salem and Wilkesboro. h Sir. F. N. Egerton, Jr.. of CoTum ibia University. New York, is visitinp jhis 'people in Lmniabarg. | Mr. W. W. Webb and daughter. rKltiabeth. returned home Sunday from | a trip to Blackstone. Va. Mr. Nathan Clarke left Sunday fpr Raleigh, where he will take a position ? '**? >w- "" 1 " ' 1 " --j'ftf i . y T^? j Tiifit *y "ifY jui > u i 17. Li . jxfj uci tnnr nil . ir; Vi I King went over to Raleigh Wednes i day to witness the ball game. i Miss Francis Scott, of Wilmington, and Miss Betlie Burt Hill, of Raleigh. aie limiting Miss Temple Williams Mr. L. Kline left this week for Bal timore and New York where; be will purchase the fall stock for his Arm. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hawkes I turned the past week froth a visit to I friends and relatives near Winston i Salem . Mr. J. J. Barrow, Clerk Hi the Su perior Court, and Mrs. of' Swin dell returned Tuesday from a trip to 'Durham. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Person and children, of Enfield, passed through Louisburg Saturday en route to Wake Forest to visit his mother. Mrs. W. H. Ruffin. Mr. P. R. White Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Egerton went orer to Oxford the past week to at tend the Taylor-White woddlng. Mr. W. G. Daniel and wile, of Mbnt gomery, W, ,Va , were visitors to Louisburg the past week, guests of her brother. Mr. H. M. Stovall. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, and chil dren. Sam and Kate, and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas returnee Monday Drool a motor trip to Wrightsvillo Beach. Supt. O. C. Hill returned the post weak from Durham, where he notlt ed treatment. His many friends art glad to know that he is Improving. Messrs. L. P. Hicks and H. C. Taylor returned the past week hrott a trip to Richmond, where they attend - ed a meeting of the Southern Retail Merchants Association. Mr. Jim Allen left til* past we?k for Farmwille, to finjsh the rest of the ball season with the team of that place We notice that Jtm won his first game against Plymouth by the score of in tot. ?" Commissioners J. P. Timber lake. C. C. Hudson. Attorneys Ben T. Hol den. W. H. Tar borough. Register of Deeds S. C Holden. and Auditor 11. W . Perry it-turned Monday night from a trip to Kdenton. Mr. E. W. day from panted M W. Fnrgnrson and son. who trip to Washington. D. Cambridge. Md.. to visit