I'KDAH HOCK HEWS The opening exercises of the Cedar Hock High School on Sept, 5. were uti usually good, and were wall attended by the patrons. Mr. Sledge, the Prtnctpal. commen ted on the Bible selection which sug gests a book. He pointed out the help fulness of one's taking tbe following books: mwaru. uutward and upward. Itward ? considering one's own possi bilities . Outward ? the apprecl ??*??? surroundings - wed eunronmeaU. I'pwurd? making Christ the center and gujde of life's activities. Mr. J. T. Inscoe told In a moat beau Aiful and effective way. /if hla malting with an old gentleman trained In the <'ld Cedar Rock school. This geatle-' man refused to sell to a second party, offering more money for a tract of land, because he had promised If to Inscoe urged the continuance of such a policy because "An honest man is ih? noblest work of God." " Mr. G. B. H. Stalllngs being called upon to speak, replied mat he was so lull of emotions, that he waa unable io express hlmaelf. The aniUflnra than ll?t?n?i1 patlMlt - \u Mr 0 Sledge-, enthuslqtlc and happy, review sketches of Cedar kocks proud history. The future of the school, declared he, depends largely upon the actions, of the present. . Hla =Hiimiii .Mini's ii i * spiring. After singing America, Rev. E. Lee Fox In a few well chosen words, dis tinguished very clearly the difference in meaning of wisdom and understand ing. He spoke very hopefully of the State's efTorts along educational lines. The teachers, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Sledge. Miss Beulah B. Stalllngs, and Miss Ruth Lambert have begun the session's work, encouraged because of ihe splendid enrollment and hopeful outloMT for a good High SchootT f\? ? Mrs. Keach Tells How She Cot to Know Rat-Snap. "Have always feared rats. Lately noticed many op my farm. A neigh bor said he Just got rid or croves with RAT-SNAP. This started me thlnlf ? rrrtr. ? Tiled RAT^SNAP myself. H killed 17 and scared the rest away." RAT-SNAP comes in three sizes, 35c, t'-c. Jl. 25. Sold and guaranteed by .Mien Bros. Co. n and wife being one, It is not to ?ide'-et at ?"* sc n.aiiy i?"?,r"Vd ?ve tnemseiveg. TUCKER'S C A I- t Main Street LOUISBDRG,_ N. C. I have just opened a first class ~mrnatirr -furnigh meals at all hours, and the best the market affords. Ice Cream 5 cents a cone. Soft Drinks, etc. Prices reasonable, service the best. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor Colds Cause LAXATIVE BROIIO cause. Tb*r? is E.W. GROVE S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power conferred on me in a certain deed of trust executed by J. W. Mullen and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County In Book 236 at page 396, and upon demand of the holders of the cotes secured In said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday the 1st day of October, 1921 at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction at the Court h dodr In Loulsburg, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, two certain tracts or parcels of land situated in Dunns township. Franklin county. North Carolina, near the Toiwn of Dunn, and described Ah follows: Farms Nob. 4 and 5 as shown on Map recorded in Book of Maps, Register of Deeds office of Franklin County, page 105, Farm No. 4 containing 8 acres and Farm No. 5 containing 8.67 acres, and lying between the farms of Mrs. 0. L. Tant and B; B. Sykes. This Aug. 24th, 1921. R. 1.1 HUFFINES, Trustee. XV. M. Yarborough, Atty.i 8-26-6t NOTICE OP" BALE OF: LAND. Under and by virtue of the power of authority contained in that deed of trust executed by R. M. Staunton and wife. Bailie A. Staunton and W. H. Staunton to R. H. Malono, Trustee, dated May 19th, 1921 and recorded in Book 224 at page S24, Office of the Roglster of Deeds for Franklin Coun ty, N. C. default having been made In the payment of debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on the said Trustee by the holder of s*id lndobtedneaa, the undur signed will, oil Monday the 19th day of September, at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door In tiouis burg. N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the h'ghest bidder for cash a certain tract or parcel of land situ ate In Hayesville Township, Franklin County. State of North Carolina and described as follows. Beginning at a rock In the road, corner for tract de vised by I. G. Staunton to A. R. Per ry and children, running Southward to Davis lino; thence along said line to Hedgepeth line; tbenoe along Hedge peth line to a rock In the brfcnch; thence Eastward to the beginning, containing 175 acres, more or less, be ing the tract of land devised to R. M. Staunton and children by Item 4 of will of I. O. Staunton recorded in Book of Wills "U", page 368 In the of fice of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County, N. C. This 19th day of August. 1921, E. H. MALONB. Trustee. The Interest to be sold hereunder Is the life estate of R. M. Staunton and the undivided In'orest of W. H. Staunton, 8-26-4t NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Met* C. Cannady, de ceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before tho 19th day of August, 1922, or this notice will be pload In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estato will pleas* come forward and make Immediate settlement.} This August 18th, 1921. MRS. MARY C. HENLEY, 8-19-6t Administratrix ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hiring qualified as administrator C. T. A. of the estate of Lucy T. Freeman, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons haying claims against said es tate to present the same to tho under signed on or before the 19th day of July, 1922, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This July 19th. 1921. W. P. EDWARDS. Adm'r. C. T. A. of l>uey T. Freeman. T T. & Edison T. Hicks, Attys. 8-R-6t NOTICE Having a contract with Wlnfiold Ea ton for the year 1921 an?l he having left my employ without cause or con sent I hereby forbid anyone hiring or otherwise harboring him under penal ty of Statutes provided. This August 16th, 1921. 8-19-4t O. P. MOORE. M Hi i af i To Stop a Cjbugh Quick take HAYES' HfiALING HONEY. ? cough medicine whlih stops tho cougb by hoaJXBg the Inflamed end irritated, tilsuea. a W of groves O-BEN-TRATE SAI.VE foe Chest Colds. [Mad Golds and Crounls enclosed with-' every bottle of H AYES' HEALJNQ ilONEY. The salve should be rubtarl on the chest and throat of chlldtan suffering from ? Cold or Croup, TkekesUx* tlfcot at Bar**' Haelloi (loner U> th? aUoiiotm stops ? otugb ft,?"? Just ask your druggist far HAYES' MEALING HONEY. GENUINE BULL" DURHAM < - I , t , / tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for iOc We want you to have tho boot paper tor "BULL." So now you oan rooehra wtthoaoh package a book of 14 loaves ol ? tho very llnoat cigarette papar In tho world. ?& ? The Refiner takes on a new Responsibility EPRFSFNT A'l'lVFA r>f t [w automotive JJEPRESE *7- ? W J that much of the task of instructing mo torists as to the proper functioning of auto mobiles must fall upon the manufacturers of motor fuel and lubricating oils. The Standard Qil< Company (New Jersey) had long before gladly assumed its share of this responsibility. It realized that the auto mobile builders had little opportunity, after the sale had been nyade, to advise with ibn?>^ whobought engine*, trucks or pleas ure cars. Branch service stations furnished" their only point of contact with users of lipment. Refiners of gasoline, oil the other~handv " have almost daily dealings with motorists and chauffeurs. Gasoline engines have been so far developed that fiwl quality has become almost more of a problem than mechanical perfection in the motor. Accurate understanding of the many deli catp considerations involved in the making of a 1 :?< -mjir