SUPPLEMENT ONLY $l.iO PEB VKA B ?a mt?tK WATCH LABEL OB TOOK PAPER?Sead la Bracwal Before TIm Ex Urea. A. V. JOU.\SONS Editor and Manager THR COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UH10H SUBSCRIPTION tU* Per Tm *V?I.UMH L. " LOC1SBDBC. H. C. 1 RIDA1. DICE if BEE X. 1? MJBRE 44 SALE OP REAL ESTATE l"tiller and by virtue of the power 1 ' mil In a dibit! nf trimt nremted io mc by Solon Alston and wife Mary AL " )!i? and duly recorded In the of 1- ,.t ri.if.nt l.V.mfr r_ ounty in book 234, page 140, and lipmi demand of the holder of the I'o'.es secured therelri, I 'wllt on MONDAY. JANUARY- 9, m2 f .il'jut the hour of, noon, sell at pub- ' lie auction at the Courthouse door In I '.l uUhurg. N. C., to the highest bidder ' f r cash, a certain tract or parcel of ; uituate in Franklin Oownty, Hay- I ille township. State of North Caro '? I :i. .'?11 mwt'illiwl as tollowui Hounded on the North by the lands <11 I,co rirooks, on the East by the 1 : :u's of George T. Whitaker, on the ! it :i hv the lands of John Dun^ton, I :il oil the West hy the lftiidB Uf Na-' i ..iii Perrv. and Eliza Cannady. and I r ming 103 acres, and -wt'iitg?the : i r:ic of land whereon the said Solon i Alston and wile Mary Alston now re-| J Me. _ - TTTTs the 8ib day of Dec., 1921. W. H. YARBOROUGH, - | 12-5-r.t Trustee. . NOTICE Having qualified as Admtniisi rator of the rstaie of A. M. Jones, deceased, ! >f Franklin County, K. C., notice j 1- li i '-'by given ?U _B?rr.onp holding j r!:.i:ns against Ills estate t J present laiuj lo the undersigned on or <>o'"i o | ?Ik- 1 '1th day of December, till'! or LUIb j notice will be pltad in bar of their re cowry. All persons indented to said (state will please come tor yard arid make immediate settlement. This] 12-l?-6t F. J. BEASLEY, Adat'r. ] i MOTinBt This Is to notify aH persons that I ? have sold my entlro Interest in the business of Edwards & Woodlief, to Mr. J. R. Edwards. All persons owe iug said firm will settle .with hlns. All persons having claims against said fit m will be paid-by J. R. Edwards. This 12th day of Dec., 1921. MRS. C. C. WOODLIEF. -lS-l?-4t ? _JYoungsville, N. C. Notice ~ Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Mrs. Bettle Harper, deceas-1 eil, late of Franklin_cnuntv. nnTTrelg: hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present] them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of December, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons inq^bted to said estate will please come forward and taoko i ni mediate?settlement. This l:cc. 22nd, 1921. : 12-23-6t J. B. GLASGOW, Extr. DISSOLUTION. . The copartnership heretofore ex isting between G~-B. Conn and L. L. Oupton trading as The White Lev^l Grocery Co., located at Sturdlvants crossing. Franklin County, N. C. has est of G. B. Conn being purchased by 1/. L. Gupton and P. L. Collins. The said G. B. Conn having transferred ail his Interests in sala ousiness in cluding accounts, and is, not respon sible for any indebtedness that may accrue against said firm. This Nov. 2Sth, 1921. G. B. CONN. I wish to express my gratitude and appreciations for the business of my friends In the past ana having pur i based the Wood Drug Store, at Wood, would appreciate your trade In t his line. ? . 12-2-5t O. B. CONN. mortoage sale of valuable DESIRABLE DWELLING AND STORE AT LAURBi,, ft. C, By virtue of th^ power ot sate con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Mrs. Mattie E. Wlllipma, Hod Kie Williams and W. K. a. Williams, to Wm. H. RulTIn, Trustee, dated March 26, 1917, and recorded in Frank lin Registry in Book 210, page 221, de fault having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured, and de mand tor foreclosure having been made by the holder of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1921, n t about the hour of noon, at the Court house door In Loulsbnrf;, N. C., ofTer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, the property In iinld deed of trait conveyod and there described as follows: Situate in Sandy Creek Township, at Laurel and more particularly de nned as follow?: Beginning at a Poet oak on the West tide of Laurel and CauterrllU road; thence along eald road 110 yard* to a stake; tnenoe in a Southwest direction 250 yards to a Whlteoak, Church corner; thence along Church line to the beginning, contain ing I 1-2 acre?, more or les*, upoh whlcB there I* STtu&te a dwelling house and outhousee, and a store hullding. i Thla November 25, 1921. 11-26-St WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. T&ft above sale was continued b> rnnssnt of the mskars ahrt holders, to Monlay, January Mb, 1*22. at 13 o'clock. Wl H. RUFTIN, Trustee. s, You hn<l belter dee INS. A REALTY CO. gat your mon form at insur GRK AT CLOl'PS VOLCANIC ASHES IN ARGENTINA. Beunos Aires, Dec. 19.?Vast clouds o f volcanic ashes from the erupting In thn 'MiiIph nrr ftwf.tmlng across Argentina, obstmring the sun in many sections. Carried bya.iomh w'eat-wintt froth a point m the Andes range at about latitude 41. where the eruptions are supposed to be occur ring, ashes are reported to have (alien at places nearly 10 degrees ot latitude farther north and from the Andes to the Atlantic Qce&i^. The flrst ash clouds reached the city uf Lu Plain [hilly-live miles southeast ot this city at ? o'clock yesterday af ternoon. Weather bureau observers also reported a slight film ot dust over Ueiuios Aires, although it ??as not no ticed by the inhabitants. Volcanic dust becomes liner as the distance from Its origin increases. In the town o( Lincoln, two hundred miles west of here, fine ashes fell yes terday afternoon; tire sua was obse cured by clouds resembling a fog and objects 700 feel away were invisible. No alarm is fell in this section, as the fall has not been heavy enough to do any damage, but It is feaTUd thai live stock in the territory to the southwest is in danger through the ashes cover- | ing the grazing lands. J "Tlgp'ofTs^'ntfiTuTToTie received from , remote villages along the Argentine | western border of earth shocks and subterranean thunder, together with the renewed falling of volcanic ash- ? es. A correspondent telegraphing from San Martin Delos, In the Andes territory of Nuequen, says the sun was obscured by all asfl could, while the houses Of the village and the sur- I rounding forests presented a curious ' aspect unaer tneir asnett blanket. ?Miss Lorene Wilder, of Castalia. ] returned Dec. 19, 19:i, from Fairfax j Hall, Basic, Va., where she has been attending college during the last tew months. - l HONOR ROLL The following is an Honor Roll for PI ire Rlrtga-aehnol _f or third month: First Grade?Blonnye Mae Baker, - Perry- Moody, Ruby Maiien, Harold T..Uuir, Fn+nk Lee Poole. ? Second Grade?John Henry Perker son, James Pace, Johnnie Pierce, Ruby Perry. Kathryn Griffin, Hycianth Weathersby, Erdeane Richardson. Rudell Tleddlngfleld, Racnel Cone. Third Grade?Hazel Perry, Claude Perry, Annie Lee Bullock. Fourth Grade?rnni? I nn Richardson, Kenneth Perry, Phil Grif fin, Estelle Beddingfteid, Gertrude Hinnant, Hue Thomas Moody, Bayard Griffin, Victoria Taut, Pattie Lou Avent. i Fifth Qrade?Reba Pierce, Louise 'Pace, Bruce Pace, Annie Williams. Pauline Beddingfleld. Sherman Pierce, Diilard Tant, Ira Pierle. Sixth Grade?Evelyn Hrewer, Nfary Uray Pace, Charlie Richardson, L. G. Mullen, Luther Mullen, Lo:s Bedding field, Mozelle WHIiams, ueairlce Will iams, Annie Louise Richardson. Ruth ?Moody. Seventh Grade?Milton Pierce. Mary Pierce, Ic^a Mae Moody, Malcolm Bed dingfleld, Bruce Perry, Edgar Mullen. Gi'lffin Dodd, Mozell Pac?, Ruby Pace. Helen Hinnant, Earl Mullen. Rlbert Avent, Eugene Griffin. "LIGHTHOUSE NAN." Pine Ridge presents the p'ay "Light house Nan" at Cedar Rock Academy. Wednesday evening, January 4th. -Everybody come for there Is lots <f funn in store for all. N. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that my son. Rom Hicks, 17 years old, lias left my home without cause or my consent., Therefor? all persons aro hereby for bidden hiring him or otherwise har boring him under pennlty of law. This Dec. 23rd, 1921. 12-30-41 P. P. HICKS. NOTICE OK SALE OF REAL. PROP ERTY. Under and by Tlrtue of the powers contained In a certain Deed of Trust from J. T. Alford and i?ire. Marls Alford, to the undersign?* Trustee, of date May 31st, 1920, and recorded In Book 233 at page 223 In the office qf the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., and default having been made In the payment of said note or notes, the undersigned Trus tee will offer for sale, to trie highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, In Louts burg, N. C., on - MONDAY. JANUARY SO. 1922 at It o'clock noon, th* following des cribed property: flltuate In Dnnns Township, Frank lin County, N. C. Beginning at a light wood Itake, Oeorge Taylor*? cor ner ; thence N 37d W M pi a to th* cen ter of the road In Oeorge Taylor'? IIm, corner of lot No, S; thane* along th* 1 rout N 10d W 1? pl? N ?7 ?I? and 15 Ik?, N 8 l-2d W 7? pi? to a ?take, cor ner of lot No. ( In Sid Alford'? Una; thence aloog this line 8 M 1-44 B Tt pla and SO Ik? tor a pin? stamp. Od Alford'? corner; thence about S 4 S-4d 117 pi? and II Iks to tne beginning, r< ntalnlng fifty (BO) acre?, mor* or' ThU December ?3rd, 11?. m. D. BAKTUEtT, Trutee. ..i ji GOV. THOMAS WALTER BICKETT DEAD Body Interred in Louis burg Yesterday Death Came at His Home in Ral eigh After Stroke of Paral ysis?J-ar?e Crowds Attend Funeral. Thomas Walter Bickett. Governor of jXofiliCaroiiua?fiuui i>n to laii.died at his home In Hayes Barton yeserday 'aorntng at ?ris. a iittie mor? Uim>[ twelve hours after he had been strick en with paralysis Tuesday evenin*. He 'o-eo without regaining ?oancrtiiteaf u with atr members of his ramlly at his bedsidee except his sister, Jfrs. F. B. I Ashcraft. of Monro? who reached Kal- j [Sigh two hours later. | Tho going of Um war oovernor was ' peaceful. Throughout the night he struggled for each breath, out toward morning the flickering pulse grew w?*k j I er, tht labored breath fainter. From tht | moment they reached him physican held out no hapt and as dawn drew on [the family realized that he won Id not ? live. At nint o'clock tht breathing was almost imperceptible, the pulse was al most gont. Presently ht cease? to strug gle- North Carolina's belovtd citixen a"# frfcnd was dead. | The funeral which was held in Louis burg ytsterday was possibly the larg rtsl atttnded i BILL TO BE ESTITLED AS ACT TO Ml'BXIT TO A VOTE THE | Ql'ESTIO> OF SALARIES OF OFFICER* OF FRANKLIN conn. The General Assembly of North C*r-j olina do enact: ? Section i That ?t the next gener al election to be Held m the year One ; two there shall be submitted to the ! voters of Franklin County the ques tion "Shall the Officers of Franklin ? County continue upon Salaries or stall they be put upon a ree basis." At the said election eacn roter who shall favor compensating the officers of j-fanklin <<H?ntv wrH. murin tn iccordanre with the present provis ions of law shall vote a oallot oni which shall be written or printed the words " For Salaries"; and each voter . v. ho shall favor the abolition of said salary and the placing of the County officers of Franklin County on a fee .basis shall vote a ballot on which] : shall be written or printed the words ! "Against Salaries." The said <. lection 1 "shall be held at ihe same Ume tkat the general election is hen: In the year Cne Thousand Nine Honored and Twenty-two and shall be held and . conducted under laws applying to gen eral elections. Section 2. That if a majority of the votes cast in said election shall; be "For Salaries" then the existent provisions of law relating to the com ? prnsntion of the officers of Franklin County and their depnties shall re [ main In force and effect. But it a ' majority of the votes cast tn said elec tion shall be "Against Salaries- then the salaries of said officers of Frank lin County and their depnties shall be abolished from and after the first i Monday In December One Nine Hundred and Twenty-two. ! ter Forty-five Public Local Laws 1*21. : Chapter Six Hundred ana Ninety om Public Local Laws 1915 and Acts nmendatory thereto shall he no 'on >lter in forre and effect am the olVti s or Franklin Connty and tnetr ties shall receive their Irom fees in accordance with the pro visions of law. | Section 3. That this Act shaP he ' in force from and after its rat) ; STOLEN? Ono Hackney top | rubber tired, stolen rrom mj hose near Justice. Friday night aio-it 3 o'clock. A liberal rewsrd win bt paid for information leading to m i [ recovery. HKTTIK ilARKI.S. R S. Spring. Hope, N. C. lI-3?-Jt ROOMS FOR RK.V, -I hate rooms for rent for light ] Also revet al pigs asd hog* MRS. K L OGBU1W 12-JO-St FOR 8ALE AT ACrTlON Oa I j day afternoon at S o'clock. Ja , 7th. IMS. at the court square la 1 ] burg I will offer my Ford automobile 1*1? modal, to tfci highest bidder. This car Is ka gmm \ condition A. W. MACON | II-SO-It. STRAYED OR 8TOLBM hooe on Thursday little ~ iU. bl name of "Spot. bo raid for ?- Dl C. oi tke Jmi? j i. DnH Chapter C. D a *tU be faaM am Tmm daj. iaaurr Xrd. at J o ooa at tbr American Uegioa Rooat. A lu|< at tendance is desired. MRS- C. K COOKS. Pra?. MISS LOUOA J ARMAS. Sec y. Fadeless Flowers paper Spe ud that add to the ud CM ?i tka of tin in igmtl a 11? that fcs also far the Iliac The tnhml sxi !? point and a I less bios??. I SAXJ f "Tager i SALE OF ggrtnt _ u4 b* rats* at t ha f ? rrntaiaed ii a rerun hit of DM ax | ???t?d to me by Otis Bail I and daly recorded ta tke i Register ct Deeds of Fl-aakHa C?Q in Book 21 pace M, deCamlt ha viae Kn sad? is tke p*Jmet of tka t? !debtedttes?_tkerrio^?r?ia^^g^jtte ! the holder t&ered I vOL oa | MONDAY, DECEMBER SC. US1 | at atyoat tke kov of lie aactioa at ike jLoaisbarg. X. C-. ,iWr for lot land sina i FraaUiB Coaaty. State ot North Car o'ioa. aad des^rfked aa hOe< -m tie i-y tka ixn<s? C. R Ca-JerkiU. oa t?? Saat by tka [lands of J. 3f. aad W. H I the Soatk by Cedar Creak. I West by tke taads of G It I teen acm aad bata? tke tract at li vkenoa tka saH Oct* Ball aad a tow reside. This tka TTad day of Nov.. UH 11 -S-St W. H. TAHBCHtOCGH. Tka ?b-n v> ?n pts^rW *<y aary Xad. 1903. at 11 o e !i 1WL D. TATLOR. i tka was* mm m aBa? m tka ?i?ii Vnel* ttevpad oat i* tar Hwlf," ??! ftris ?ta ktn not ta tba ranks of win it ?iti wTliei it and Tmrlrnta buttons and avaiM by tk* mt tka Treasury Da ta th* Army by ImOBcat la on* aai future pro at Cael? Sun's Army to round to B IM Iff" Clrta ?m lttni Um mrj of thrift la th?ir rlC ikeu b* enoour tkmj km btnMd ct tt la FAST AT To li By Tho BttiM.Vkkl certificate* twenty centa a jnonth. that at the 11.000 certificates 52. a month. Lik? War Savings Srampa Ui^r~??rUf: -teates- iff?- redeemable at their toll tace valu? upon maturity; that la la : St* years from the year of purchaae. WHY ARE MOLES BLIND? They Have No Eyes. Ara You Using Your Eye a Or Are You Blind To The Advantage Offered Buy Government S*vlBgsS?cttrltle?? ? They Pay Good 1mm ust w Hal? You Save. DON'T BE A MOLE cA 1Decorative Ten For the writing desk or as a com panion piece to the guest book, a pen with a feather quill for a handle makes a beautiful gift. Natural feath ~bj are as marreloug and beautiful In their markings as flowers and those In neutral colors can be tinted if aae wishes to brighten them. Many kinds of feathers, including those of the irp ircftrt ffrr the^e .|ncn,r? pens and they make a gift suitefftw? ?rery grown-up. Oil Cloth Table Sets No housewife will fall to enjoy the new table seta of oilcloth with their cheerful borders of gay flowers and fruits. They are much handsomei than the stenciled pieces and. many women nsa them for the dinner as well as th* breakfast table. These sets consist of a centerpiece, plat? doUies and smaller dollies. The fruits and flowers In the set pictured ara la their natural colors and the oil cloth In a deep cream color. Scmtacf(ememberscBaby

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