The Fordson Tractor has been reduced to $3i>o.00 t. o. b. Detroit, Michigan. This greatly reduced price puts the Fordson in reach of every Farmer, and ^ ill mean more >? to the Farmers than anything tlmf^has happened for a long time. Prmie in to see us and let usgtalk Tractors with you. Louisburg Motor Company COOP HFAITH OF CHILDREN FROM RICH BLOOD Health, Strength and Tlpr Billi L p Bj G lie's Ptpto-Xtigu ?uu u??.co mc oomc c. other. lyiTWaya^its & difrere YoU see one child strong and ro bust; another child pale and thin. One eats practically the same foods and takes the same exercise as the "SUTerenc? "erenee in the qual ity of the" blood. The strong child has rich, red blood and plenty of It. You lote to see him eat so heartily. 11 your bil d Is thin and weak, glre tam Gude'B Pepto-Mangan to bviM up the blood and see the difference be tween a sickly, unhappy ehltdiioo* . anda bouncing, healthy childhood. Get Oude's Pepto-M&ngan at your druggist's In liquid or tablet form. Bel Its the genuine. AdTertisement. MU C.t* fiBOW (*TT?> DESPITE BOLL WXtTIL These roles h*Te won for others aad ?TO ?lafor yo?. I. Grow oae-third to use kill less acreage per plow. 1. Select htg. open fields??*v from woods. 4. Apply more fertiliser at plant lug ume: CTben T5 Tex HW powsds of Xitrste of Sod* J?st Mora aqaarei show.) 5. Cse pore-bred seed of beat ?ar ly fruiting varieties. ?S_PUnt early. 7. Plant more seva to ibulnti; insure CO111. (Fanners report tkis tacrtu jWd 25 to KM per cent.) S. Gin tast. shallow cmknadoa? keep cotton free tram weeds. 10. *^>ck cotxx o as tast as it U SAIJS OP LAND. and by Ttrtaa of lA paro la m c*rUI> M at txnat tO I. O. Mills. TrulM. Iron J. T. Wllaon and wife, which aaM M of trust la raeordad In tka odea of tka Ragister of Daada of Franklin Cootj te Book m. paca *S. daCsalt karta* mada In t ha pnj laual of tka notaa by aatd tat of tnal. I -sDi at tka Oaart ' tn tka town at M. 0. at 1S:M M. on MONDAY. MARCH C. IMS. tka following ilwBTftid tract at ^ ... if Is ?? 3uwl Harris, r??) n" Jot Tome. J. T. IBw u4 _ mad Ww Lt 1? n. ?d to W. B. Ttmberlake by a. TUs IW Zlat *mj et J 1-?-? J. O. HILLS. ' | 14 - Grow *11 feed lad forage !lm so.*t oa.ti? t>m. I lS~. R?g? *11 tmar it ftjud y?w* * Pnrt I)U?-? ^rr '>* stalks, ad trig la m?d mod He lai iTiin r i after cocoa is packed. Grt iimi CotMy MvK, f* Agrieml tsral College. or tli* Pi n Infimiil A??i of tbe Seaboard Air Umt Rall V B P ?iauswi imK. IBM T1STT rtnts is s?m fiMuwi Jta iloak at Washington apples be Sortfc CnUUL_ Bit s ta a fart; tkN(k tkat ataxe k a fairly prodac amattij A Mnr recem? by one at oar rttitnn tram a relator* r ?ITffl TkT v?^". Wash.. apples. Tfe?-y cost, in 5-box iocs at RxhnoDd, Ya.. $3.17 a box atd a box contains between 113 and ?M agpir^ CmiwiMtUT. after iliov iLf costs aad losses, one can scarcely ret o?t even to sell for less than 3 Crxts t^ece. Bat. rich t bere In *o*n apples retail at 3 cents each.?Port Asnlis N>* i. i'ask. | Os* Btcqrk* V.xi alccbol i or more. Wc-^: i-ads for stJI ?ere.?Syracuse P:*?--; ADjflN 1STRATORS XOTm: ! Har-,^5 <;sa]ifter*' ' tie ?C2Te of J. Brake Perry dec*i*- I eo. i*:e oi Frankiin Connty. North Car j c :ixi tia is to Dod^j aii persons fear-1 % flii? against the estate of saM eased to eihilft tbesn to the ?r?ier nrsed at WikeSeld. X. C- R. F. D No. L oa or before the 3rd day of Feb ruary iy^3L or t k is notlre will be pleaatert7 coMaM tm ?hat M of m< >m*>l fcy J. Tltaij rbo*. t: t to Ua T. Homh. Trasr. ??? is . *mj at ftuitw 191?. v? -3 Clbf i?w?< It |kt oT)r? ? ' ?I of r* i*> of rYa?>- . ??-t' *24 w SH fca.-fi 4t ia tk 1MB-: - of tb* r tVuVi ?t* Ikt ?rrs ^4 ~r ftnt'i. I ?1H tell at pq k to tb* *WJ?r tnr at 11? f omkMK tor J > rukfia Ofatr. ?? KuXIMY. FBKCART M. 1WJ 12 * '?s Kar, !Mw aad TkrMt , KaVurfc. Xartfc Canllu j vu: &? Lntatart ca Tfcuradaj laf ?ck ?nt OEk? over Scoalas JlkTii' ?K. K. F. IlKW>KO(?H rk5?kta> mad S?nna LwlsWrf. V C. OJic? ta Bkttu ud Y*rton>o(t Baikttas OSkv rtuoe a? Residenec Pt on? M ?m. W. K. BOKTCr Ex mirtitat Oflfcce te Boul SaOdtag *? i iWH? umu. U>w. berg. S. C Ptsooe I? DC.:? ia First Nuioul Hjmk Buiidinj I ?iiii ta adris? itj patieots and th< r-ubUc (?Ccni^ tiat tOer the 1st oi ~.p?a?ber bit bu&iaess will be on a Ciii boss vb?a tori is cccipieted. 1?. AKTUUR HVXES IXEMLNj Ucurs II a. a. to 1 p. m, and 4 to *?. W. K. ?1SS. U?isku& X. C. * gr.a.-^i Hoes aad Pt-t? (Sic? aad Hocpital al K. F. ?tUMt Stasia. Calls au?tn4 day or Ptoses Da~ M NirM U. H. 6. RUT ?a ?. a. Masses * CMDcc? A*oock Drag Co. TtleQhoftcs: . Daj 1ST Xi^fct 1? ?a j. a aiuiL j. a siwtu. a. a LnMn. X - Offica !a FtrsJ \uioul Buk BaOdia* Daj P*??? 1? ? Xtsbt Pboa* !?-: c. a UU Attarary-at Law Li* 5. C. nr oM Tar Hirer Dnt On. TW CITY L? m. e. Si 'tec t AUTO FOR DiSE 6. R. UPCHUKfl. TAKS NOfTOt By ?trt?? of powar in ? M of trrut by W. K. KMm?r, Joly ltth 19M. of Rmm4 In Fraaklln County In book m at M* M I ?111 Mil it tha UMiUxnn door In Handaraon, N. C.. Ota Monday. Fab. Mtb. ltn, at twalra o'clock, to tha btgbaat blddar tor caah Uw thraa tracts of land tharaln daa rrtbed. b*tn| locmtad In vanca and Franklin LuunUaa adjotnlnt tha land? of William Dtekarwm. W. H Rmlthw Fanny Stalabaek. Jana Rmtth and J., W. Had??path rontalnln? Jointly >1.8S acraa. aaa daada raoordad book lit p*S* m. Franklin Onuty. This l(th day of January, lilt. 1-lMt J. O. K1TTRBLU TnuU4< '*Purina ** Made the Difference! J7QUAL, in laying sbLlliy. Bet the hen on the right was fed a mmmn grem ratioa wtale the other -was fed Parina Chicken Chowder and Purina Hen Chow. Grains have lots ctf iimIwm! for yolks, fctrt far tco Bale for whites. As they can't lay yolks only, gran-fed hens lay fewer egg*. Poultry Chows form m complete ration, contab hg mttwkl (or an tqctl iwrJwt O# whit?* and yolk*. Thty th? mort oat of yoar f Ifcttcroey - Chic- m Chow.Lir s^d Chow, M m (finctad, don't pro irisk-a. v.'lijr ^inulii yon pot off a trial wtrj tan aha An d*? FrrJi L. P. HICKS OH THE CORNER rrnrDAi. pcgrpvr SYSTEM V BANKS Iku-k of tli*- Federal Rosetorn of Bank is HVN PREDS of MILLOXS of DOLLARS in gold. Each r>istrk*t Federal Reserve Bar k has always millions on Land. Beinsr ? Member Bank w e can take our securities to "ir IV'ri" R?^r1-^ Bank and pvt. money when we want it. "When your money is\n onr Bank it is guarded by the strongest financial system in the world?and you can always get TTwhen you want lL "We invite your Banking busmenssr Oome in. WE WiLiL "WELCOME YOTJ. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOUISBURG, N. C. Member of the Federal Reserve System F. B. McKimie, President FTjrBMSBy, CasWer Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits 185,000.00 Farmers National Bank Louisburg, N. C. ^ "A GOOD PLACE TO BANK" Member of the Federal Reserve System, and under the Supervision of the United States Government. ^ Capital and Bnrplas $6Q,OOOAC *T? . "4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS" J. ML ALLEN. H. M. STOVALL, Presvknt Cashier R. F. Fuller M l?W M? S W Um rigM wm^ tw ?MI * rffi ???* hn