THE FRANKLIN TIMES A->. JOKIMX, ?-*? - ?aths M ? U?? S ASSOCIATION Richard. Croker, the one time ?UJ Boa*, died at his hnme_in lr?- j land the past week. The primary a drawing near and as jet we hare ??? bo pressara brought to hear on the Legislative candidates to Kake plain their stand on certain public qnetrtcna Mr. A. P. Strickland, of aear Hick cry Rock, and a resident of Loulibui tojkddp, wishes as to call attention to Che tact that he Is not Use Axtiuw Strickland that I* running for County ?at is the man of the Cypress Creek town thlp. It is being suggested tint the Ctmn ty Commissioners let each ot the County offices oat to the lowest bid der on next Monday, requiring the sac oessful bidder, ot coarse, to gtve m sat isfactory bond for the faithful perform uce of the duties of the office. The advocate* ot this plan say that even though it might not be legal it would result in a big saving for the County. The County Commissioners are re ceiving lastly deeerred congratula tions for their actions in ordering the collection of penalties on taxes dis continued and the return of those collected- We never hare though: the law constitutional, and the best excuse we hare ever seen for Its ex istence is to delay the collection of taxes. There is a time m: for the ImI settlement for the collection o(, taxes and eiei J body shoold be requir ed to settle by that time or foreclose. The penalty is only a system of loan ing money by the Ctounty at excessive interest. Those citizens who are so eager to tear down the entire structure of our government in order to satisfy an unwholesome desre to save a few dol lars in taxes forget the fact, when they are so urgent in their demands on candidates, that there is a large ?umber of people in the county who pre willing to pay a little extra tax to continue to go forward, and have no desire to lump an honest obligation. Although this class is saying little it h a power that the candidates can well take into consideration. Right will eventually prevail, even though it may be forced to the rear for awhile. The merchants, and the people in directly, of Franklin County should el ow their appreciations for the ac tions ot the Board of Commissioners when on Monday they refused to low er the prohibitive license on paddlers tc- let In a class of people who ride through a community taking advan tage of an uninformed public and dodging the jest taxes on their busi ness. They took the position that no man should be allowed to enter the County and take business, that the merchants, who pay taxes for the sup port of the government, are entitled to, without contributing a reasonable *Ti to the public treasury. TKU8CIT S1TIW CERTIFICATES "More money was Invested in the ?rw offering of Treasury Savings Cer tificates in the Fifth Federal Reserve District in March than in either Jan uary or February, as a result of tbo nation-wide campaign oh the part of the Post Office and Treasury Depart meats to protect the savings of the American people from unsafe invest ?tAtt." say postmaster R B. Davis, of the Lxw -burg jost ofLxe, A lettu to the postmaster from Howard T. Cree. Gormstn: direc tor ot savings in this district, state* that the recent advance la the pricei Liberty Bonds Is making govern secaiHtea more popular and th< in Interest rates generally li making Tisasuij Stilaci OertMcatea parties la rtv attractive. The demand for piv:nir.n< t-vwiUts h-s results ed la larger sales o< Lueae o rtiflcatet than at aay time since they wee* phtid oa the BarUrt . Treasury Bar top Certificates to the amount 01 |MUi>. Kia value, were pur rhnsi ij la this district la March largely through the efforts of th? feature) yim 4 1-5 JU4XTH BIMBIIIT Tk* HeaJLfc ?| tk? FNfb ?| Z Ommtj, W?rU I Mr ittwtb*. We are having a suaeeesful cam palgn Id cleaning up Mr town. The citizens slT~ cleaning op thalr back yards and having everything hauled oat. We are getting ail of the hors* stable manure hauled out on the land of farmers. We detroyed by Are all Uifi_"unsanltary" conditions on Town hill, also ihat on the Ull b?lt!ud the jStfc_We are gelling HMUiy l"o~put on r- campaign of vaccination against Typhoid Fever. This work will be carried on In every district In th? eounty and the people will be vacci nated free of cost? the county paying S 1-3 cents a head to our own Doc tors. Placee and datee will be pub lished and printed on slip and sent all over the county telling the people where the Doctor, will come to do -the work. If we can have vaccination against Typhoid Fever as we had (?gainst smallpox we will be *ery much gratified. The beat i*??t successful piece of work we ever did In the. CQtuyy. Get ready and be ready to me*t us to u?e you and yours from haring Typhoid F?*?. Th? town and county are both eajojint good health at preeeot. Let as keep (he good work going on. o MISSION STIUI The Mission Study Circle of the Bap> Ust Woman'! Missionary Society met Monday afternoon with Mrs. J. 8. Howell. The attendance was good and one new member, Mrs. Cranford joined the class. The lesson from "A Wandering Jew in Brazil," was about the influence of the? Bible, tracts^ and other Christian littiratuf J" ^e fTangellzatlon of Lizzie Stuart. After the lesson the hostess served delightful chicken salad with mayou aise. pickle, wafers, followed by bon bons . o (POLITICAL ADVERTISING) FOR AUDITOR To the Voters of Frajiklin County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Auditor of FYanklln County, subject to the Democratic prliimiy to be held June Srd. 1922. &-5-51 HUGH W. PERRY. He's a Distance Chair? pion GUT CLARK. JR., 3 years old, of Watertown, M&m., is champ lor kVtVrtVr car racer ? at least for distsnne He disappeared from hii home recently and was crone all day. At sundown he was found 12 miles from home and still pushing away on his Kiddie car. ? QUALITY KNITTED BATHING SUITS ^REFERRED BY THOSE WHO KNOW AOOORDIN& to the calendar, id iWpittoe will Boon be realization to thoee looking forward to the iimnn at swimming and eee-bathlng. Why not forestall the nsoal plea of regret. "1 have no bathing salt," by preparing aforetime. It wee remarked at the eee-eoaat winter reaorta thta season. that the plain lii(b quality knitted bathing nit ni prime faTorlte. Of coorae there were many novelty creations which l In reality beach costumes of the elaborate sort. If one la not a water fan. this sort of outfit I* rtiermlngiy In accord with tha flrtrfc. bat when It coatee to real sport, grn atae healthy hearty plnytiig Ike wares, ar professional swimming. nothing Clvee tlie satlafactlon of the kaKtM bathing salt. It la, however, good eeofcouy ta bay oaJy the beat. There ar* certain stand art Wakes which guarantee test eo?or Ol enduring shapellaaaa. It la' a warn of mooay to Invest ts any other. Koate of &e new knitted salts ar* ?aat attractlTely d?slpn?ll aa verified hi the aCcoospaaylat ptttssa. Ida wM U U be had la rvry Interesting Mht naMsitlat, sack as pay with that style and becotnlngnesa has bean ] thought oat by the deal gner down to the slightest di'nlL Tli- inched fall akirt la baited ?-<1 bordered, In a way which add* It the general attractlveneea. The reftni-iaen: of thla salt la one of It* characters* tlca. It la JnSt as eoeerVal to weir ?<: rec ti re correct acce"-orlae wiib ihe bath In* suit, aa witl? one'* 'IrcHHleet co? tome. r.mhluc cap* are becoming mllllmy achlorementa tbrac days. IT" rubber flower cape nre great ta v< .rites. For Instance an ocaan blue . *f> la entirely cohered with white petalled rubber daisies. Roman stripe bandanna cap* era Immensely becom ing and It iirrlsa oat a color mode which lx fnnhlonahle throughout dreaa acc