The Franklin Times p WATCH LA |I A. F. J0HH80H, E Altar ??! laufu THE COUNTY, THE STATU, THE UNION SUMCmiM tLM TOLCKI LI. L0C18BCB0, *. C, FBIDAI, J| >E ?, 1M2 DONATES $350 TO BATTERY B a 8. EAEP RESIGNS KOAD TRUS TEE Ko4*rr-? Asks f?r Publication State ment Harris TowUklp Koad Puis ? Defers AdTertlsla* Property Fer Tun. met in -egular session on Monday with all present except Tlmberlake. After leading and approving minutes of previous meeting the following busi ness was transacted: j On motion of Hudson and seconded by Fuller the Clerk was Instructed to purchase tickets for all Old Soldiers who will attend reunion in Richmond from JCranklin County. On motion of Hudson and seconded by Fuller that resignation of O. S. Earp be received and filed. The report of Miss Pauline Smith, Home Demonstration Agent, was re ceived and filed. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, County Health Officer, was received and filed. Report of Cypress Creelc township was received and ordered to be turned ever to the County Auditor for his au dit and report. On motion of Hudson and seconded by Wilder that the County do not pur chase any dog tags. The report of Sandy Creek township v. :.s received and ordered turned over u v.e County Auditor for his audit and it; "s : report of the Grand Jury was rect: vd and filed. It \.as ordered that W. D. Fuller and W. C. Wilder be appointed a com mittee to have the necessary repair made at County Home. Mr. R. Hudson, State Farm Dem onstration Agent, was before the Board in regard to an Agent -for Franklin County, but the matter was deferred at present. On motion of Hudson, seconded by Fuller that the Sheriff be instructed not to advertise any property for 30 days . On motion of Fuller, seconded by Hudson, the County appropriated $350 to Capt. H. W. Perry for Battery B 117th Field Artillery ? On motion of Hudson, seconded by Fuller the County renewed Its ninety day $10,000 note for six months. Mr. Rodgers was before the Board and asked that a public statement be published for "Harris township and to have new members appoplnted. On motion of Hudson the matter was de ferred to next regular meeting. On motion of Hudson, seconded by Wilder, Francis Wortham was allowed $4.00 for immediate relief and to be placed on outside pauper list. On motion of Hudson, seconded by Wilder, that Taylor Boone be appoint ed a member of Cedar Rock township Road Trustees to fill the unexpired term of G. S. Earp. * The report of J. C. Jones, Supt. of Public Welfare, was received and or dered filed. It was ordered that Wiley Porter be placed on outside pauper list at $2.60 per month. On motion of Hudson and seconded by Wilder that the Town stop all work ?on County property until further no tified. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to its next regu lar meeting. SrHOOI, KXTKNSinn TO rONTlvn? ANOTHER WVVT Instead o( closing on Saturday, June 10th as announced In the Frank lin Times last week the School Ex tension meetings will continue through Friday night, June 16th. The follow ing Meetings are to be held before the tlose of the year: Thursday, June 8 ? Mt. GroTB. Friday, June 9 ? Wood. Saturday, June 10 ? Mapleville. Special* Wednesday, June 14? Seven Paths. Thursday, June 15 ? Laurel. Friday. June 16 ? Wood. Complete arrangements have not been Qiade at present for Monday and Tuesday nights but plans are on foot for very special meetings on these nights. ? ? The communities generally are sign ing up well for another year's work and are looking forward to the tnwu* lng meetings In September. ? ? 7 SMITH WICK-JOHJf^OS Invitations reading as follows have been receivevd by friends In Louts burg: "Mr. and Mrs. James R. Johnson request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Dor othy Lee, to Mr . Robert Walter Smitk-? wick, on Wednesday evening, Jyu* die twenty-eighth, one thousand nine hua ared and twenty-two, at half after eight o'clock., St. Luke's Church, Wlntervllle. North Carolina." Miss Johnson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnson, one of Win tsrville's most prominent families and a relative of Mr. A. F. Johnson, edi tor of the TIMES. She has endeared herself to a large number of Frank lin County people during the years she taught at Ingleslde Academy and the past year jvhila teaching at Louis burg, Graded School. She is an ac complished young lady who Is held In high esteenl among tier hosts of 'friends at home and abroad. Mr. Smlthwick is the popular Man ager of the five and ten cent store here and Is a young man of exceptional ability. He is the son of Dr. D. T. Smithwlck, one of the States leading dentists. Their many friends are extending hearty congratulations. U. I). C. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter of the U. D. C. will meet on next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock wltn Mrs. W. B. Morton. All members are request ed to <>6 present. Mrs. C. K. Cooke, Pres. Miss Loulia Jarman, Sec"y. SPEAKING AT EPSOM A big public speaking in the inter est of the Cotton and Tobacco Co-op erative Marketing Associations has been announced for Epaom for next Tuesday night, June 13th, to which everybody is cordially Invited and urg ed to attend. At least the messages Dr. Doyle transmits from the dead are as au thentic as those Mr. Tumulty gets from the living. ? New York Tribune. Russia Is howling foT the same treatment that other nations are re ceiving. The first thing she know* she's going to get It. ? Manila Bulletin. NO WONDER THEY FIGHT YOU! These figure? show what tour North Carolina liave cost the farmers In the last three years : , "*? Pounds Market Year Sold WILSON 1919 32,000,000 1920 50,000,000 1921 36,000.000 "auction" markets Warehouse Charges $590,000 475.000 350,000 Average Price $50.75 21.36 28.64 $1,325,000 GREHNV I IJL.K ? jL .. 1919 27,000,000 425,000 53.22 1920 34,000,000 340.000 20.66 1921 20,000,000 225,000 28.7* $990,00# KIN8TON 1919 23,000,000 350,000 50.71 1920 26,000,00* 260.000 18.80 1921 20,000,000 . 200,000 23.54 $610,000 ROCKY MOUNT 1919 20.000.000 300,000 51.12 1920 24,000,000 240,000 18. 7? 1921 14,000,000 160,000 25.00 $700,000 These figures ar ? conservative estimates, aooordlng to experien ced warsaonsemen of the bright belt, and do not Include charges from plnhookers and rehandled tobacco. By Co operative Vsrketlng, farmers can save none/ eaeb year rnd own the warehrmes within five years. The abn r amounts represents money paid by tho maoufactar ers, b?t not received by the farmers, a big portion of which Co-oper stive Marketing expects to save to the farmer, along with other Items. ? " i VIRGIL CHAPMAN SPEAKS ? ??? (BO WD IS ? LOl'ISBUBO "= FTO5IT GItm First Hud Iaformation of The " Entire Sstl?fartlon of Ue Kentucky Jarmers,- With The Association. Mr. Virgil Chapman, of Kent-tcky, spoke to quite a large number of Franklin County citizens In the Court House here Friday afternoon In th? Interest of the Tobacco and Cotton Growers Co-operative Marketing As sociations. He pictured their coming to the South as the greatest blessing to be isiven a peopl^Slnce the winning of the World Wpf for humanity and Christianity, rfp satisfied his hearer* with the thorough practicability of the Associations and gave to them many thp Kantiirky farmeri ? H?~sald thla benefit wai so evident that more than nine thousand people had signed the contracts since the market opened. The speaker was full of enthusiasm throughout and c6upled with his splen did oratory his speech was conceded to be the best heard here in some time. Mr. Chapman went from Loulsburg to Raleigh Friday night and from there to the western portion of North Car olina. MBS. GOODWTS. Mrs. Eugenia Littlejohn Goodwyn, widow ot the late Capt. Junius A. Goodwyn, died at her home In Norfolk, Va., on May 10th. She was the eld est daughter ot Dr. George Felld and Mrs. Frances Blount (Littlejohn) Felld, and is survived by three daugh ters, Misses Fannie and Bettle Good wyn, of Norfolk, and Mrs. G. L. Ay cock, of Loulsburg, and three sons, Junius A. and E. Ashton Goodwyn, of Norfolk, and George Goodwyn, of Bal timore. She also leaves three broth ers, T. L. Felld, of London, England, B. S. Feild, of Statesville, and Alex J. Feild, ot New York, and one sister Mrs. W. R. McLelland, of Raleigh. The funeral was held from St. Luke's Episcopal church. Rev. D. W. How ard and R?v. E. P. Miner, officiating, and the interment was In beautiful Elmwood cemetery. She was a true consecrated Christian, an SOME TOli DO NOT KfOW. Personal Itrmn A boot Folks All TheU^ Friends Who Trmiel H?re Aid Tber*. Miss Mary Taylor, at Oxford, rtstN ed Miss Sallie Taylor this week. - t t { Miss Lillie Crudup, of Wake Forest, cam<; home Saturday to rote. ; t Mr. J. R. Collie, of Raleigh, wag In touisburg Saturday attending the primaries. Mr. Joe Nash, of Shelby, was a rls ltor to Louisburg Wednesday. y t X / Miss Dorothy Johnson, o i Winter* vllle, larisitttig friends In to\ i . t t Miss Beverla Pearce returned home the pitst week from the Teachers Training School at Greenville. t t Mr. John P. Winston, of Wendell, was i risltor to Louisburg Wednes day. Mrs. E. W. Tlmberlake, of Wake Forest, is visiting at Mrs. A. M. Halls. t t Mrs. Julia Scott 1? spending this week In Richmond. t t Miss Florence Egerton spent sever al days this week In Richmond shop ping. t t Mr. and Mrs. MuGrady and child ren. and Mr. Clayton High, of Ral eigh, spont Sunday with their parents. t t Dr. Arch Perry, who is taking a medical course in Baltimore is home for the vacation. t t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Austin, of Hick ory, are spending the week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Cran ford. They came down to be present at the Dowdy-Cranford nuptials. t t Mrs. Jamie White. o? Washington City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. 1). Kgerton. I t Mrs. G. S. Baker and little son, George, of Goldsboro, spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Wingate Under bill. t t Mr. Lawrence Wilson, of Fairniojit. visited Mr. Leslie Perry Sunday and Monday of this week. < : t Miss Janle Brown, sister of Mr. Joe Erown, of Raleigh, is the guest of Mrs. G. F. Smith. t t Miss Geraldine Smith is attending g? a vj ?4 co ?? * -j ? mm ? Arerr * ? U M a .) o St. 7 *. w M w w ? W-. tc ?^Mooo??k90i^e>3^ en 30 CC 3 M o M o ^ M ?J ^ m u M M to M ii y to a *. ?. -j -j -J M ac a. -j so o to _ 7- -r ? *- ? Cooper - - ? ft a ?j * to I j ? !)1 e * t ? o -o j Stone ? , -?> U - - I Whitfield ^ I X ?? I* ? ' f- *4 ^ 3C 1 '.gf SO OP OP M ~ -J 31 gT ? ^1 W " ro ? ? to ? ? PC M g> M CT M ?j C* CO -J -4 to ?? ? ? a m w a m n c ? ? >> ct jc x a ^ *? M M M ?? %S IO to _ CO CI a x a a c? ?p o Kearney Justice Wilder Barro? 1 i ? ? ^lYoung ? m a t a to ? *? to ?j to, A U y M OI * y M w d -J O 5* ^ 30 c? a gr? to R. C. Perry B. B. Perry A. J. Perry m|oio^9?^mm?om Holden 0% 0000*W30M57*?e.^--^ .'.U a 1 M m N 9) U ?to i N to 30 Jl ? 30 lUpchurch I Perry Ifi ?j o> Brown ^ 01 ?? ^ to to o? -o ? 1 CO to ? ?? SA ? 91 O M 9k ? *. M 00 ? gi ? u -o r * M ?- w M M ooomw^J-moi 5 w Mallei CO ?-? M M M (4 w W * O OI M M 9B M O M ? M M Q? a? M e< M (O N M M JCodltn s ? a? a -o s s ~ 2 3 J J 2 8 5 5 5 s -*- to ?-* to ?-? ?-* M M U m m SM?a??wM5f? -jmImmovSa -I M ?-? __ -J MMWWM^-CMMO CO I CO ? >1 M $ M ? M * " Earp House Wilder 2 a s Jones Johnson Rodgers Harris S tailings Pace Jones Green o *? to ?-? " ? cn co *> 91 CO ? v MM"" ?? to *-*?-? to -? 00 MNOMO*WM - 1 -I M -I M CO -*?. 009* 6 o _| ic M to to to 9> <*??-* 0? ** 6Jj ?o to? ? CO ?-? *-* I o -I 7* V M 9> ?) M M MM"OwaaJ a| ? o $ *-* ? a f ? y 8 9> V * M 9? CO O M M M #J ?D <0 -4 ~J 9? ? OT Williams 5peed Leonard Fuller ? Dean Wheless Hudson Vaughan Strickland o "n 3Z! 3o V _ s> > 2 D S ? a ^ Q > 3 3 O ^ S< dH J m > a -?i 3* g* .?<1 go yo CO K> K>