DEAR FRIEND : WE EXTEND YOU THE SEASON'S GREET INGS AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR MOST LIBER AL PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS THE COMING YEAR, AND WUjL ENDEAVOR TO GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST SERVICE. OUR TOBACCO MARKET OPENS ON MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1923. WITH BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR, WE ARE, YOUR FRIENDS, CHEATHAM BROS., YOUNGSVILLE, N. C. ' MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS Terms: First- Mortgage }1000 and up to 60 per cent ofappralsed value. Time: 6 to 83 years. Do not have to Join any association or take stock. Fxpenses: (a) No commissions. Application fee of 120.00. (b) Appraisal expenses by Bank's appraisers. (c) Determination of title, Including abstract. (d) Title Insurance at $2.50 per $1000. (e) Fire Insurance. Recording mortgage. NO OTHEB EXPENSES OF LOAN __ Payments: 6 per cent and 1 per cent on principal, or 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually May 1, and Nor. 1, will pay off loan In 33 years, or after five years any part of principal or all of It may be paid at option of borrower. The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank, of Colombia, S. C. WJL H. A THOS. Vf. BtTFFIN, Local Counsel. TO MEMBERS OF TOBACCO GROWERS CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION We want you to have a HAPPY CHRISTMAS. We will take pleasure in loaning as much as your first advance at any time prior to second payment, upon assignment of your participation receipts. Farmers National Bank Louisburg, N. C. J. M. ALLEN, H. M. STOVALL, President Cashier 2 Men's Bicycles, were $35.00 How $15.00 3 Men's Bicycles, were $60.00 Now $35.00 5 Boys' Bicycles, At $32<00 (Columbias) ' ALL SIZES BICYCLE TIRES J'f T*' V * 1 ; Mew stock just arrived. The oldest Bicycle Store in Franklin County. BICYCLES v? . : I ;>? . I R. HICKS * i fc-. ? *.? m~ k ;? " ? ? TRU8TEES SALE OF LAND By rlrtue of the power of salo con tained. in that certain deed of trust, made on Sept. 80, 1921, ^jy W. W. Shearon and wife, Kattie M. Shearon, to Thos. W.vKulTln, TruBtee, and re corded in Book 234, page 314, Registry of Franklin County, X. C., default having been mado In the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, and demand for foreclosure having been ir.ade on oaid trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1923 al or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certala tract or parcel of land, situate In Franklin County, Frankllnton town ship, North Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded on the North by Front Street, on the East by McGhee-Joyner Warehouse lot, on the South by the S. A. L. Railroad, and^on the West by the Sterling Store Co*, warehouse lot. It being a lot In the Town of F-ranklintoon-N- G. -on wbleh Is situ ate a warehouse building; and being the identical property conreyed to W. W. Shearon by deed of C. S. Will iams and wife, dated Oct. 1, 1^19, duly recorded in Franklin Registry In Book ?27, page 442 ana deed of I. H. Hear, ney and wife, also duly recorded in Franklin Registry, reference to all of which deeds is hereby made for a full description of the same. This Dec. 19, 1922, THOS. W. RUFFIN, 12-22-5t Trustee. No Worms in a nealtby Cbttd All children troubled with Wgfms bar? an un healthy color, which Indicate^ poor blood, and aa a rule, then la tnoje or le?a stomach diatorbanca. ' GROVE'S TASTELESS elrtll TONIC ?lren renlaily (or two or thre^ Veekjr will enrich the blood. Im prove the dl?eatlon/*nd act aa a General Stretuth enlng Toole tjthrfwhole tyftem. Nature will then throw off or dlapel the worm*, and the Child will be k> perfect health. Pleaaant to take. 60c per bottle. TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust, mado on Sept. 30, 1921, by W. W. Shearon and wife, Kattle M. Shcaron, to Thos . W. Ruffln, Trustee, and re corded In Book 234, page 313, Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness therein secured, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on _ . MONDAY. JANUARY 22, 1S23 at or about the hour, of noon at the Courthouse door In Loulaburg, N. C. of er for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land, situate In Franklin County. Frankllnton town ahlp, North Carolina, and described as follows: Adjoining the land of E. J. Cheat ham, C. B. Kittle, Mrs. J. C. May and others: X.ylng and Delng on the South side of the right of way of the Loulaburg branch of the S. A. L. Rail road In the town of Franklinton, N. C. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on said right of way. Northwest corner for the E. J. Cheatham lot, thence In an Easterly direction along the line of E. J. Cheatham lot to a point where the said Cheatham line Inter sects the line of C. B. Kittle lot; thence, In a Northerly direction along the C. B. Kittle line to^ the North west corner of said C. B. Kittle lot In the line of the lot hereby conveyed, thence along the fiorthern boundary line of the said C. B. Kittle lot In an Easterly direction to point where said Kittle line intersects line of Mrs. J. C. May lot; thence in a Northerly di rection the Western boundary line of Mrs. J. C. May's lot and R. D. Col lins' lot to the right of way of said Louisburg branch of 8. A. L. rail-, road; thence In a Southwesterly di rection along said right of way to the point of beginning, containing by estimation Two and One Half acres (2 1-2) more or less, it being the land conveyed, by Francis Winston, single to W. W. Shearon by deed dated Sept. 12, 1917, duly recorded in the Registry of Franklin County in .Book 217 page 302, rof^rence to which Is hereby expressly maae for full de scription of the same. This Dec. 19, 1922. THOS. W. RUFFIN", 12-22-fit Trustee.' FORECLOSURE SALE OF TOWN DWELLING LOT By virtue of the power of sale con tained In tbnt certain deed of -trust made bv J. B. Davlg to Wm. H. Ruf fln, Trustee, dated October 16th, 1917. and recorded In Book 210, page 292, Franklin Registry, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for tore, closure having been made on said trustee by the holder ot the debt bo secured, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1923 at the court house door In Louisburg, N. C. at about the hour of noon, of fer tor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, that lot and dwelling In said deed of trust coirrey ed and there described as follows. Situate In the Town ot Louisburg, bounded as follows: Beginning at the corner of Main street and the Riv er Road In the said town, thence along Main street In a Southerly direction to Zollte Williams corner in Main St thence Iq a Westerly drectlon along Zollle Williams line to Wllklns' cor ner In J. M. Allen's line; thence at right angle* to the last line In a North erly direction, a straight line to the River Rriad, j. M. Allen's corner; thence In a Northeasterly direction along the River Road to the beginning, containing about one.!) fth ot an aero, and being the land oonveyed by J. M. Allen to L. B. Wilcox by deed duly ?ecorded In Franklin Registry In Book 191, page 48, and by L. B. Wil cox and wife sold to J. B. Debnam on Oct. 84, 1911, which deed is recorded In Book 198 page SO, reference to which Is hereby made for a full description of said lot. And bOIng by said Deb nam sold to J. B, Davis, this deed be ing to secun the purchase money. Ifhis December 8th, 1932. 18-S-M Wm. H. RUFF IN, Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by Clifton Dickerson and wife to Wm. H. Ruftln, Trustee, dated Dec 13, 1H21, and recorded In Franklin Reg. ir-lry in Hook S'agt ?51, del&n't having been nade 1:. the pr/mer' of the (loot thereby ((cured and demand foe fciedosure t?.-' iig bee c mad) ?n suld l.'jilee by itij bolder o. t lie Oebt so socu.'d, the 'iu Men's Shoes, Half Sole<