OUR BUSINESS THE PAST FALL V WAS THE BEST We Have Had Yet / Audi we thank each and everyone of yor; who contributed to our success through jour liberal patronage. Therefore we extend to you the season's best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Wj will continue our Half -Price Sale cn Musiral instrumente until they Eire olos . q out. Our Motto in 1923 will be "Look Everywhere Else Then Come and Let Us Save \ou Money." ' . ? An-'ouncehient about our change in business will be made later. In the mean time ge* a bargain while we are cleaning o; t. ? We extend a hearty Welcome to every new comer to Louisburg during 1923, mer chants included. - __ Don't get worried about Sugar. We expect to have by Saturday, best granulat ed sugar at $7.65. ^ <_ j ii* The same low prices will be found here the coming year. Come in and let 6s save you money. x The Hudson Store Co. ^ y NEXT D0(5R ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS B^NK Louisburg, IM. C. FORECLOSURE OF MINERAL SPRING, LOUISBURG LOT By virtue of the [ower of sale con tained In that cert n deed of trust ? made by J. B. Davis to Wm. H. Ruf ? fin, Trustee, dated August 13, 1917, and recorded IE the Registry of Franklin County in Book 210, page 277 r default having been made in the payment of the intobtedness thereby secured and demand for. foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of the debt secured, the undersigned will on * MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, lij23 at or about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door iQ Loulsburg, N. C. offer tor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the property in said deed of trust conveyed and here described as follows: Adjoining the lands of Mineral Spring Park, Richard P. Danston and others, and bounded as follows; viz: On the East by Mineral Spring Park, on the North by Lot No. 9, on the South by the Street and on the West by Richard P. Dunston's lot, being six-tenths of an acre cut ofl from Lot No. 10, accord ing to the plan and division of the lands of Mrs. Mary M. Hllllard, made by W. N. Puller and the same being conveyed to the party of the first part by A. C. Ellis heir at law of O. ,L. Ellis and conveyed to O. L. Ellis by Jno. H. Williamson and wife by deed recorded In Book 100 page 195, This January 6th, 1923. l_5-5t WM. H. RUT-FIN, Trustee. TUB FRANKLIN TIMES $160 Per Year In Advance. HENESy , VWEt^T YCW CONNECTED UPTVAT H.OCR LAMP YET ? nT" I sou don't NEED to USE AU-?H= ?VTi??*ON ?!t WRE OkXbWT TO BE ENOUGH LEFT TO F\Xr WELLVO WHYWT YOU TEU. ME? NOW 1 SUPPOSE I GOTTA 00 IT ALL OVER I ? ACbAli-1 1?, The Average Person Can Save Monet c~ 5 t ? The average person can save money by keeping well the chiropractic wajl. rThe usual method, based on pal I knowledge of curative effort, has bee to resort to drugs. This gives teS porary r&lief at the expense of dla- 1 trlbutlng the stomach and Intestinal tract, but doe* not remove the causa of the disease, which Is disturbance of normal transmission or mental lm pulses over spinal nerve lines. By taking the chiropractic way to health, the sufferer avoids expert mentlng and goes straight to thf cause. Nearly every case of chronic disease corrected by chiropractic hafe a history of having expended hundred! of dollars In fees and lost time beforh coming to the chiropractor, only to find that he had the key to the con rection of their trouble all the tlmatj Chiropractic spinal adjustments re move the aause of disease In ailmenta of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungjd, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowelk an3 lower organs. Dr. Charles R. Brimner CHIROPRACTOR HE5DFR80H, Worth Carolina! . . A'l FOR SALE Overland 90 B 1919 model, Ave pas senger automobile, has four new tires. In good condition. See W. DALTON LEONARD,^ 1-S-tf at Riffs Jewelry Stora. ? '? j ? FARM? RENT OR BELL Good dwellings, barns and stable, 1.2 mil* from Ingleslde known ail Wertar Hayes farm. Flat rent pr*? ferred . Bargain tor the right rnut. Apply to J. C, TUCKER. mati ANNOUNCEMENT Having had quite a few peopt4 Irotn Lonlstrarg and vlclnty to expreaa] their desire to take Chiropractic ad justment, but not being convenient for them to come to Henderson, I will be In Loulsburg at Franklin Hotel, Tuesday afternoon Jainany 9th, from 2 to 5 o'clock. Thosa who are Inter, puled In their health are invited gleet me at the Hotal batweon tbesa oars'. I expect to arrange to visit Loola burg regularly every Tuesday and Friday afternoons between the houra of 2 and 6 o'clock. -? C. R. BREMNER, . 1-6-it Chiropractor^, | a Subscribe to The Franklin Times \ Soft WftUf Saves Soap Red Seal Lye U ta excellent water softener and a won . derful rlotniir. Washing clothe* in hard water U a waste of time and loap. Clothes cannot be thoroughly cleansed in hard water. The water must first be softened. If you would have your clothes snowy white, clean and sweet smelling, ? add one teaspopnful of Red Seal Lye to ever^ihfee gallons of wash ing water; This is true soap cconomy. Another great saving may be realised by making your own soap "with Red Se?rCye: OrU large (in ? of Red Seal Lye will make twenty cakes of pure soap, at a cost of less than one cent per cake. Mix ac cording to the directions in the can. If you prefer washing fluid, one can of Red Seal Lye will make enough fluid for thirty-two wash boilers of clothes. This goes further than anything else l6t washing purposes. Many other uses of Red Seal Lye are mentioned on the direction sheet in the can. If the drain runs slowly, sprinkle a litye Red Seal Lye down it and watch how quickly it frees the pipes. Red Seal Lye is a powerful disinfectant. It kills germs and does awaj with unpleasant odors. The Red Seal Booklet explains many houaehold uses with recipes. Be sure and ask jrour dealer for the old reliable (emu lated Red Seal Lye, and take no substitute. Send us a postal and we will mail you the Red Seal Booklet free of charge. Write ? ?? P. C TOMSON & CO. Soi&wirk P. 0. Pkiladelpkia, P*. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue and authority contained in the Deed or Trust execu ted and delivered hy, W. H. Yarbor ough and tfife, Eloise H. Yarborough to G. M. Beam, Trustee, dated De cember 1, 1920, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County in Boofc 234 at page 153, and default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby se cured, and upon demand and request of the holder of the said notes des cribed therein, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 at or near the hour of IS o'clock~M. at the CtHirt House door of Franklin County, in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described tracts or lots of land situate in Frank lin County, Louisburg and Sandy Creek Townships, State of North Car. clina: "First Tract: Situated sn Louis burg Township, known as the Shelly Brown farm, adjoining the lands of J no. R. Williams, Ernest Roe and ethers, containing 155 acres, more or less, and being the tract ft land con veyed to Eloise H. Yarborough by Shelly T. Brown and wlte. r "Second Tract: Situaied in Louis burg Township, known as the Wheles3 Tract, adjoining said Biie:iy Brown Tract, H. J. Hayes and others, con taining 49 acres, more or less, and be ing the tract of land conveyed to Eloise H\ Yarborough by J. M. & W. H. Allen .\ "Third Tract: Situated partly In Louisburg Township anu partly in Sandy Creek Township, known as the Hlght Farm, adjoining the Janda of Henrys Cottrell, C. S. Merrett and others, containing 170 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land con veyed to Eloise H. Y ar?orougli, by Mary W . Yarborough and Edith T. Yarborough." The three above described tracts of land are subject to three prior encum brances, one In favor of The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., which amounts to $8,000, and which may be paid ofT under the Amortization Plan of 1572.00 per year; ope In favor of J. M. Allen and W- H. Allen in the sum of $750 and one in favor of J. J. Barrow In the sum of $847.88; all of which said encumbrances will first be paid off out of the proceeds of this sale in order to give a clear title to the purchaser. "Fourt Tract: Also, one lot in the Town of Louisburg, said county and state, bounded on the North by Noble Street; on the Eas\ by Main Street; on the South by the lands of Mrs. J. IT. MaTone; and on the West by Church Street; containing about one acre, and upon which the parties of the first part how reside." The above described lot of land is subject to encumbrances, one in favor, M Anhle Lee Hoffman In the sum of $3,500 ; and one In favor of W. H. Allen In ttxs Mm of $3,000; both at which vrtll flfst be paid oft out of the proceeds of this sale In order to give a clear title to tne purchaser. The above tracts or lota of land frill first be told In separate tracts and then an a whole, the hlgnewt total bid. ders or bidder being declared the pur chasers or pur&hanr. This the 3rd day of Jan., 1923. l-6-5t " ' O. M. BEAM, Trustee. NOTICE Having qaallled as Administratrix c t a, of the estate of Willis W . Alston, deceased late ot Franklin county, all persons" holding clalifw against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of January, 1924, or this notice will be plead in Mr of their re covery. All persons Indebted -to said estate will pleaae come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Jan, 4th, 1922. MISSOURI A . PLEASANTS, r - UMt Admrx. DR. i. HERBERT FITZGERALD - Ire, Ear, Hose, Throat WUl be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office In Louisburg every first Monday. En. gagemenU should be made as far in advance as possible. . 91.(0 Per Year In Advance Louisburg's Biggest and Best Store Offers . Exceptional Values For January T rade Stimulator LADIES and MISSES DRESSES Poiret TWtil, Serges and Tricotines, Navy . and Brown . .j $9.95 GINGHAM DRESSES Pretty plaids trimmed with organdy .... $1.95 to $2.45 COATS Bolivia, Velour and Broadcloth, Brown, Navy and Black . . $9.95-$24.95 CHILDREN'S COATS Very stylish and attractive models $3.95 to $9,98 SWEATERS College Sweaters, Navy, Maroon, Brown and White $4.95 Tuexedoes and Slipover? . . . . $2.45 to $6.95 BLOUSES Silk pongee blolises . $3.95 Mercerized pongee blouse 98c Dainty Voile blouses 98c-$1.98 15c value Curtain Scrim, fancy borders 10c 19c value 36-in. Bleeching, good quality . 15c 15c value Sheeting, good quality . . . . i 10c 19c value LL Sheeting, very best . . . .| 15c 25c value Cortone, 36-inch 19c 65c value Sewfast Draperies 49c $1.25 -value Bun jjalow^prons 98c $2.25 value Houie Dresses $1.89 / L. Kline & Co. When Advertised or Seen Else-where It's Always Cheapest Here LOUISBURG, ~ NORTH CAROLINA SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me In u certain deed of trust executed to me as trustee by Moses Rogers and wife on th? SlCl'day of Marod, 1921, and duly recorded In the office of the reg ister of deeds of Franklin county in Book 23 page 246, I will on SATURDAY, JANUAXT 20, 1928 at the hour of Noon, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door of Frank lin county in Loulsburg, N. C. to. the highest bidder for cash the following desoiThed teal estate ? \ Trtose two tracts or parcels of land lying, beta; and situate In Franklin County, Dunn toVnshfp, State of North Carolina, descHbe<* as follows: First Tract: Beginning at an iron stake on the new road to Bunn, Moses Rodgers corner and runs thence North 88 l-2d West 90 poles 20 links to a ?take in Rodger* line, thence with his line North Id West IB pole* 10 links to a poplar in Taylor's rtne, Rodgers corner, thence South 89d Bast 88 poles arid 5 links to a stake in the new road tb Bunn, thence with said road South i2 l-2d East 5 poles, thence with said road 6 l-2d East 15 (K>les 10 links to the beginning, "Containing 10 acres. For further dMcslfttlan see deed re corded in book 218 page 481. , , Second Tract: -Beginning at a stftk* and pointer* J. R. W eatheraby corner In Ransom Dodd's line; thence N 3 1-2 E 282 poles to a white oak on Crooked Creek, Satter?rhit?!a corner, thence up the said creek to stake, M. A. Munga corner, thence B 2 1-2 W 161 poles 16 links to a stake and pointers, J. R'., Weathersby corner In Taylor's line) thence 8 89 E 80 poles 6 links to the center of the new road to twnn, thenCe along the said road Q 39 E 5 poles 8 9 3-4 E 16 poles 3 ljjiks to center ot road a stake on Kant side, thence S 89 E 63 poles 16 links to the beginning, containing 199 acres. This is a re-sale ordered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Frart lln County, the highest bid made at the sale on Die. 23, 1922 having been raised as allowed by law. This the 4th day of Jan., 1923. l-5-3t 8. C. HOMJBN, Trustee. HTOCKHOIJJERU MBETINQ The annual meeting ot . the stock holders of The First National Bftpk ot Loulaburg, N. C., for the election Ot Directors and such other business fcs may properly como befon the aM U Ing will be held In th? banking foo^ at noon on Tuesday, January 9, 188$. 1-6-lt F. J. BEA8LET, Cashier. , i >i ?li , ? yin i 1 8ub*ribe to Tho Franklin Time* ?1.60 Per Year lp Advance ;f-j

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