THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ?TAR DROPS? ? Cotton sold tor 26 eeuts a pound in Louiaburg yeaterday . ? Mr. uud Mrs. Fred Frazier have moved to Louisburg, occupying rooms at Mr. J. A. Boone's. ? Dr. H. G . Perry nag moved Ilia ramiiy into ibe residence or Mr. E. Furgurson on CHUieli street lor iiierly occupied by Mr. W. B. Bur row. wlio has moved to the E. S. Ureen residence on Main street. Bit; HOGS Mr. Z. L. C'heaves of Harris town ship, has the distinction ul having raised possibly the largest hog ever-, raised in Franklin county. The hog, which has been attracting much at tention, was"killed Tuesday anfl weigh ed S>46 pounds. He killed others weighing 306 and 51S. Mr. S . M. Parrlsh. of Sandy Creek killed three weighing iro, a05. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Oecd of Trust, executed to me, the undersigned trus lee. on the 2.r)lh tliiv nf M:.n.h, in ?> l , hv P. S. Herring and wile and I). L. Herring and wife, which Bald deed of trust is duly recorded in the ofliccc of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county iu Book 232 page 836, default having been made in the payment of the debt secured thereby, n:ul doinand naving neen made upon mc for fore, closure, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1923 at about the hour of 12 o'clock M. at the court house door, at Louiaburg, N . C. selHo the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the said indebtedness, the following described tracts of land, lying and being in Youngsvllle town ship, Franklin county, N. r. First Tract: Beginning iu the Louisburg and Raleigh road, at a White . Oak on the west side of the road, the Alford corner in the Perry line, tliense S 86 E 62 poles 23 links ' tc a Spanish Oak, J. E. Tharrington's corner In Perry's line, thence S 2 1.2 W 33 poles to a* rock and pointers, thence S SS 1-2 E 65 1-5 poles to a Icrge I'iue, Roland's corner In Thar rington's line, thence S 2 1-: W 26 1-2 poles to a rock, White On:c and Sour wood pointers on a brnncii, the Baldy Pearce corner, thence S 83 W 170 poles 20 links to a Sweet. Gum, N. M, May's corner In Pearce's line, tnence N 22 E 78 poles to the center of the Louis, burg and Raleigh road, N. M. May's corner oh the East side of the road, thence down said road in au Easterly direction to the beginning. Contain ing 159 1-2 acres, more or less. Being a part of the tract deeded to Jordan May by Rosa Parham as will appear by reference to Book of Deeds 82 pages 443 and 444 In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county. Second Tract: Being the tract con veyed by T. Wv BIckett, Com'sr. to J. E. May by deed dateu Jan. 1, 1900, and recorded InJ-he Register of Deeds olflce of Franklin county in Book 150 page 130, And bounded on the North by the lands of Jordan May, on the East by the lands of E. W. Timber lake and 09 the south and west by the lands of Jordan May. Containing 13 1-2 acres, more or less. The two tracts being adjoining and making one tract of 173 acres. This Jan. 10th, 1923. l-12-5t S. A. NEWELL, Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. Bird- Murphy, de ceased, late of Franklin Ctfunty, no tice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settle ment .. This .Jan. 11th, 1923. i-TJ-et J. G. MURPHY, Admr. ? NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of of the estate of E. S. Green, Sr., de ceased, late of Franklin County, no. tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate ftrr-jrt-e sent them to the underslgned'oti or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1924. or this notice w'ILJj[R>^|oad In bar of their recovery. ATT jersMS" Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settle ment. This Jan. 11th, 1923. T. W. WATSON, Admr. W. H. & T. W. Ruffln, Attys. ) l-12-6t NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of W. A., Mitchell, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no. tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing-claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1824, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery . All persons Indebted tov said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settle ment. This Jan. 11th, 1923. MRS. IDA F. MITCHELL., l-12-6t Extrx. COMMISSIONER'S SALE By virtue of nn order of the Super, ior Court of Franklin County made In a special proceeding entitled Richard Pearce et als Ex parte, appointing the undersigned eomi'nlssloner for the pur pose, I will sell at publlo auction, for oash, op the 11th day of February, 1923 at 12 q'clock M. on the promises In the Town of Youngsville, N. C.? the following described lot of land. Bounded on tho north by t&c lands of Richard Weathers on tho east by the Knitting Mill, on the noil til by the lands of J. T. Wilson and on the weat by the Seaboard Air Line Railway. ? Jan. 10, 1923. ? N. Y. OtfLLEY, 1-12-Bt ' Commissioner. 4th ANNIVERSARY January 6th, 1919? One Store? January 6th, 1923 ? 113 Stores PENDERS YELLOW FRONT ECONOMY GROCERY 4th ANNIVERSARY Look For the Yellow Front MAIN STREET LOLISBURG, N. C. Some Pew of our Many-Wonderful 4th -Anniversary Bargains -4th For the week of January 8th, 1Q23 PALACE PATENT 12- poung Bag .... 50c 24-pound Dag . ? 99c 48-pound Bag .... $1.95 - 98-pound Bag.-. . . $3.75 PILLSBURY'S PANCAKE FLOUR l^-lb. pk ?>. . . 12i/2c PILLSBURY'S BUCKWHEAT FOUR l^-lb. pk 14c - SAVE TROUBLE SELF-RISING 12-pouhd Bag 03c 48-povnc Bag .... Si. 99 24-pound Bag. . ,7'"S1'.00 OS- pouffcTEag "7 S3J35 PILLSBURY'S~WHEAT CEREAL, package 21c PILLSBURY'S BRAN", package" .777^ 777. . . 17c D. F. VANILLA OR LEMON EXTRACT, 2-oz. bottle 25c DELMONTE SEEDED OR SEEDLESS RAISINS, Pkg^: ! 12i/2c i BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, Vi-lb Cake 10c i/2-lb Cake 19c INSTANT POSTUM, Small Can 23c Large Can /. 38c POSTUM CEREAL, Small pkg ! 12c Large pkg 22c BIG 4TH ANNIVERSARY BARGAINS AT ALL OUR YELLOW FRONT STORES / Four years ago, on January 6th, we celebrated the owning' of our first chain store. To celebrate our Fourth Anniversary we are this week offering tremendous bargains. We have opened mofe stores in the first four years of our existence than any othr chain of stores in the world, apd our wonderful success shows that our kind of stores were needed. We are deeply grateful for your patronage and want ta as sure our many friends of our continued effort to please them. Only best quality of merchandise at real economy prices. Every article sold in our stores is sold under condition that it must be absolutely satisfactory from every "Standpoint or your money cheerfully refunded. FRESH WHOLE COCOA.NUTS, Each . . 7c FANCY CALIFORNIA LEMONS,' Dozen -25c BAKER S COCOA, 1 5-lb . Can 10c Vi-lb. Can 20c PRINCINE BAKING POWDER, V-i-lb. Can 15c. Pound Can 27c CAPE COD CRANBERRIES, qt 15c BEST WHOLE HEAD RICE, lb 6c Best Salt Pork Plates, lb. 1 2\z Best Salt Pork Rib Bellies, lb. 1 5c ROYAL SCARLETYRUIT SALAD, No. 2Vi can 45c WAGNER'S PORK & BEANS !S /..Can 89 SWIFT'S PREMIUM HAMS, pound 28c SWIFT'S PICNIC HAJMS, pound ; 18c ARMOUR'S BREAKFAST BACON, p&IIHd 18c BEST TUB BUTTER, pound 55c BEST AMERICAN CHEESE, pound . : 34c BROOKFIELD BUTTER, y4 lb. cubes, pound 59c KINGAN'S CORNED B-EF HASH, 2-lb. can 15c GOVT. CORNED BEEF HASH, 1 lb. can 3 for 25c WILSON'S CORNED BEEF, 6 lb. can 75c GOVT. ROAST BEEF, 6-lb. can 75c 4th ANNIVERSARY Pender's Bread 1c I Pender's Cake, ?5c Full 16-Ounce Loaf M ' T ,u Layer, Raisin or Plain, lb. Fenders Yellow Front Coffee 9f\p One ponng sealed package, Roasted and ground fresh dally In our own plant, an^ sold nodei* the pos- j |^| |^| Itlve guarantee to be equal to ntfl' coffee sold at from thirty-five to forty cents at other store*. 4th ANNIVERSARY D. P. SCOOTERS FREE ? Wlthjtie return of ten empty Colfeo Ba?s of either D. P. Blend, Yellow Front, or (I olden Blend. NOTICE OF 9 ALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned mortgagees by that certain mortgage deed execut ed by J. C. Brantley and recordedin the Registry of Franklin County, In Book 242, on page 529, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured, wo will offer for sale to the highest bidder for fiftSh on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1923 at or about twelve o'clocw noon. In front of the courthouse door In the town of Loulsburg, N. O the follow ing described real estate: One tract of land lying and being In Dunn's township, Franklin county, N. C. known^as the Jones land, contain ing and 3-4 acres more or lies, bounded on the east by the lands of J...C. Brantley, on tlje south by Kannom Dodd, on bhe west by Kansom Dodd and on the north by J. C. JJiantley lend. Xlils Jan. 11th. 1923. SPRINO HOPE SUITLY CO., O. H. Moss, Mortgagees, Attorney. 1-12-51 TIIK FRAMHMN TRIES should I* In yoor home. If yon are not n sub scriber, be one. Send In yonr sub scription and help ns to boost for a better community. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL F9TATE Under authority of and pursuant to an order of Jos. B. Cheshire, Jr., U. 8. Iteforee In Bankruptcy, In the mat ter ot J. A. B. Falkner, bankrupt, made at Raleigh, N. C. on the 6th day of November, 1922. I will offer for Bale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at tho Court House door In Loulsburg, N. C. on . 11th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1922 at 12 Noon, subject to confirmation by the Referee ten days after saie, With- j out notice, the following described I real estate: Tract No. 1 ? Adjoining tho lands of ! T. L. Gooch and others. Beglnnlnc at a rock Shorman's corner In Gooc h '* j line; thence along Hhermnn'j linn N I #8 W 58 poles to a small Poplar, Grl? som'a corner In Sherman's line; thenre N 22 E 34 poles 10 links to Lyon's Crock an Iron stake on South bank Grlssom's cornor; thence down the said creek as It meanders about r>2 poles 18 links to an Iron stflke at bridge Oooch's comer; thenco Gooch's lino South 2 1-2 W 26 poles 11 links In tho/beglnnlng. Containing t..8 acres See Book 146, page G78, Register of "Deedd office- of Franklin county. Tract No. 2? Adjoining tho lands of Mrs. Rebecca Sherman and others. On TKe North by tho lands now owned or formerly owned by A. Grissom. on the East by lands of Mrs. Rebecca Sherman, the South by Mrs. Rebecca ?Sherman and James Wright and on the West by the lands. or A. W. Wil son, containing 92 1-2 acres more or less. See deed In Book 128, page 37, HeglBter of Deeds office of Franklin , county . ~ TTENNETT IT. TERRY. 1 Trustee In Bankruptcy of J. A. 11. Falkner, Bankrupt. N'orember, 1922. ^ 12-1. 2t The above sale was continued to Monday, January 8th. 1923 at about noon, by consent of all parties. This Deo. 11th, 1922. 12-15-4t B. If. TERRY, Trustee. The above sale wns continued t< ? Monday. January 29th, 1923, at about noon, by consent of all parties. This J Jan. Sth. 1923. 1-12-31 U. H. PERRY, Trustee I When yen run nn ad in The TIMES we krnin Hint you want a good nd. nicely displayed. Thnt Is the only kind of no nd we witnt lo glut jn'u, hut It takes n !!!?'? Mme to set good nds ? so get out of that habit of wnltlng un til (he Inst day before even thinking about jour ad- E K TRUSTEEES SALE TOWN LOT By virtue of the power of Bale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by O. Y. Y-i(fboro to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, and recorded In Frank' lin Registry in Book 210, page 26*. de fault having been made in the pay men^ of the debt thereby secured and | demand for foreclosure having been t made T)y the holder of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1922 at aboftt the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door. In Loulsburg, N. O. Y?ffer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash the lot of land in said deed of trust conveyed and [there described as follows: Situate on the Went side of Elm 8treet In the town of Loulsburg, and more particu larly defined as follows: ftcginning at the corner of Mrs. R. Z. JSgerton's on Elm Street (formerly Rob Yarbor ough's comef) and corner for lot hero in conveyed; tKence Westwardly along Mrs. Egorton's line, the old Bob Y(ir boro line. 222 feet more or less lo corner for Mrs. R. Z.Egerton, F. N. Egerton and the lot herein conveyed; thence Southwardly along P. N. Eg. erton'ft line 1131 feet, more or less to his corner; thence Enstwardly along his line 22 feet, more or less to Elm Street; thence Northwardly along Elm Street 113 feet, more or less. to. the beginning- This Nov. 15, 1922. ll-17-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued -to Monday, January 1st, 1923, by consent of all parties concerned ? This Dec. iH 1922 ~? l?-22-2t WM, H. RUFFIN, Trustee . The above gale was continued to Mrrmfety; Jtnnrary STB, 1323, Dy C5H4eut of aU parties concerned. This Jan uary 1st. 1923. 1-5-lt WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday. January 29th, 1923, toy con sent of all parties concerned? This January Sth, 1923. 1.12-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator for the estate of John Alford, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned rs or beforo tne "22 nd. day of December, 1923- or this notice will bo plead In bar of their fStWfSry. All persons Indebted to said estate iffll please come for ward and make Immediate settlement. This Dec. Slat, 1923. l2.22-6t J. M. 8TAJULIN08, Adm r.