Farmers National Bank Louisburg, N. C. Capital and Surplus J. M. ALLEN, President T. H. DICKENS, Vice-President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier "A Bank Tfiat You Will Like" MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAlft)S Terms: First Mortgage $1000 and up to 50 per cent otappralsed value, Time: 6 to 33 yearB. Do not have to Join aoy association or take stock. Fxpenses: (a) No commissions. Application (ee ot $20.00. (b) Appraisal expenses by Bank's appraisers. (c) Determination ot title. Including abstract. (d) Title Insurance at $2.60 per $1000. (e) Fire Insurance. Recording mortgage. NO OTHEB EXPENSES OF LOAN Payments: 6 per cent and 1 per cent on principal, or 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually May 1, and Not. 1, will pay off loan In 3S years, or alter five years any part of principal or all ot It may be paid at option ot borrower. The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank, of Columbia, S. C. WM. H. & THOS. W. BUFFIN, Local Counsel. Now is the Time To apply Dormant Spray to your fruit trees. A'time ly application causes the perfection of fruit, increase of yield which means a more valuable harvest for * those who use our DRY LIME SULPHUR SPRAY. r- , , ? We Have Just Received a tresh supply in 1 lb. packages, 5 lb. packages, 10 1b. packages. Also sprayers that will do the work with a saving of time and labor. I_. P. HICKS SALE OF VALUABLE RKA1. ESTATE Under and by virtue ana authority coutatned in the Deed ur Trust execu ted and delivered by W. H. Yarbor ?>ugh and wife, Eloisu H. Arborough to G. M. Beam, Trustee, dated De cember 1. 1920, and recorded In the oBlce of the Register vt Deeds for Franklin County In lioo* 234 at page 1C3, and default having been made -In tb^ payment of tbe.notes tuereby se cured, and upon demand and request of the holder .of the Bald notes des cribed therein, I will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1923 at or near the hour of 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door of Franklin -County. In Loulsburg. N. C., offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, ?all ? the following^ described tracts or lots of land situate In Frank lln County, Loulsburg and Sandy Creek Townships, State of North Car? Ciina ; "First Tract: Situated :n Louls burg Township, known as the Shelly Brown farm, adjoining the lands of Jno. It. Williams, Ernest Hoe and tthers, containing 155 acres, more\or | less, and being the tract of land con veyed to Eloise H. Yarborough i>y Shelly T. Brown and wire. "Second Tract: Situated in Louls burg Township, known as the. Wheless Tract, adjoining said miesiy Brown Tract. H. J. Hayes and others, con taining 49 acres, more or less, and be ing the tract of land conveyeS to Eloise H. Yarborough by J. M. & W. fi, Allen. "Third Tract: Situated partly In Louisburg Township anu partly In Sandy Creek Township, known as the Hight Farnv-adjolning the lands of Henry Cottrell. C. S. Merrdtt and others, containing 1T0 acres, more or less,-?n<l-being the tract of land con veyed to Eloise H . Yarworough, 13)' Mary W. Yarborough and Edith T. " The three above described tracts of land are subject to three prior encum brances, one in favor of The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., which amounts to $8,000, and which may be paid off under the Amortization Plan of $572.00 per year; one In favor of J. M. Allen and W. H. Allen In the wtttti nf $750 and one In favor of J. J. Barrow in the sum of $847. bs; an of which said encumbrances will first be paid off out of the proceeds of this sale In order to give a clear title to the purchaser. "Fourt Tract: Also, one lot In the Town of Loulsburg, said county and state, bounded on the North by Noble Street; on the East by Main Street; on the South by the lands of Mrs. J. E. Malohe; and on the West by Church Street; containing about one acre, and upon which the parties of the first part now reside." The above described lot of Jand is subject to two prior encumbrances, one In favor of Annie Lee Hoffman In the sum of $3,500; and one In favor of W. H. Allen In the 6ura of $3,000; both of which will first he paid off out of the proceeds of this sale In order to give a clear title to the purchaser. The above tracts or lota of land will first be sold in separate tracts and then as a whole, the highest total bid. ders or bidder being declared the pur chasers or purchaser. This the 3rd day of Jan., 1923. l-5-5t G. M. BEAM, Trustee. ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST AD1 THE COPY FOB HIS AD EARLY HAVE YOU EVEB NOTICED TBAT THE MERCHANT >VHO SENDS IN (So Worms Iff a neajthy ChUd All children troubled with /Worms have an un healthy color, which indicMpea poor blood, and as a rule, there ur-more or l/6s stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASITLKS^hill TONIC given regularly for two or three woc>1l wU1 enrich the blood, im prove the digestion/ and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to tha whole systeco. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms. antlUieChlld wiii be In perfect health. Pleasant to take. 80c per bottle. TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deedpf trust, made on Sept. 30, 1921, by W. W. Shearon and wife, Kattie MrSbcaron, to Thos. W. Ruffin, Trustee, and re corded in Book 234, page 313, Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein seiured, and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned will on MONDAY. JANUARY 22, 1S23 at Or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the Jrlgffest Mdder for cash; -a certain tract dr parcel of land, situate In Franklin County. Frankllnton town ship, North Carolina, and described as follows: Adjoining the land 6T~ii. j. cneai ham, C. B. Kittle. Mrs. J. C. May and others: Lying and netng on the South side of the right of way of the Loulsburg branch of the S. A. L. Rail road In the town of Frankllnton, N. C. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on said right of way, Northwest corner for the E. J. Cheatham lot, thence In an Easterly direction along thellne of B. J. Cheatham lot to a point where the said Cheatham line Inter sects the line of C. B. Kittle lot; thence In a Northerly direction along the C. B. Kittle line, to the North west corner of said C. B. Kittle lot In the line of the lot hereby conveyed, thence along the Northern boundary line of (he said C. 8. Kittle lot In an Easterly direction to point where said Kittle line lntersectk line of Mrs. J. C. May lot; thence In a Northerly di rection th? Western boundary line of Mrs. J. C. May's lot and R. D. Col lins' lot to the right of' way of said Loulsburg branch of-S. A. L. rail road; thence In a Southwesterly dl. rectlon along said right of way to tfie point of beginning, oontalnlng by estimation Two and One Half acres (2 1-2) more or le#a-. it being the land conveyed by, Francis Winston, single to W. W. Shearon by deed dated 8ept. 12, 1917, duly recorded in the Registry of Franklin County In Book 217 page 302, reference to which Is hereby expressly made for full de scription- nt the name. This Dec. 19, 1922. THOS. W. RITFFlfs', 12-22-Gt Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Times' SAM'S HEADEASV For Sale by Aycock Drug Co., F.""Mt. Pleasants, Beasiey Bros., Bunn Drtug Co., W. E. Murphy, Henry Ayscue? TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con- \ tained In that certain deed of trust, [made on Sept. 30, 1921, by W. W. Shearon and wife. Kattic M. Shearon, to Thos. W. Ruffin, Trustee, and re corded in Book 234, page 314. Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness therein secured, and demand for foreclosure having been made, on cald trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1923 at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door In Loulsbuig, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash,, a certai.i tract or parcel of land, situate in Franklin County, Franklinton town ship. N.'jrth Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded on the North by Front Street, on the East, "by McGhee-Joyner Warehouse lot, on the South by the S. A. L. Railroad, and on .the West b> the Sterling Store Co. warehouse lot. It being a: lot in the Town of Franklinton.. N. 0. on which is situ ate a warehouse building; and being W. Shearon by deed ot C. S. YY ll I lams and wife, dated 0?t. 1, 1919, duly recorded in Franklin Registry in Book 127. page 442 and deed of I. H. Rear, ney and wife, also duly recorded in Franklin Registry, referenfis to all of which deeds Is hereby made for' a full description of the same. This -Dec. 19. 1922. THOS. W. RUFFIN, 12-22-5t Trustee. Ston that Hsadache with SAM'S HEADEAST. SALE OF VALABLE ACCOUNTS, NOTES AND JUDGMENTS Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Franklin coun ty, the undersigned Administrator will on Friday, the 26th day of Jan uary, 1923, at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction in front of the storehouse recently occupied by J. M. White and Sons tn the town of Bunn, N. C., all the remaining ac counts, notes, Judgmon'ts and other evidences of debt belonging to the es tate of J. M. White, deceased. List of which is exhibited, at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court. Terms of sale ? Cash. This January 3rd, 1923. J. R. WHITE, Administrator of l-6_3r J. M. White, deceased. AT-SNAP KILLS RATS Also mice. Absolutely prevents odors from carcass. One package proves this. BAT-SNAP comes In cakes ? no mixing with other food. Guaranteed. ST>c .size (1 cake) enough .for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 6.">c size (2 cakes) for .Thicken Moose, coops, or small buildings. $1.25 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-bulldlngs, storage buildings or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by CASH GROCERY & MARKET President harmhg sends SHOES TO COBBLER Ladies Shoes, Half Soled. oc. Sewed on Men's Shoes, Half SoletCf ftfl Sewed on fl.W Every Job Guaranteed * Best Leather Used Any kind of Harnes made to order. LOtriSBURC) REPAIR SHOP Julias Lehman. Proprietor Habitual Const V In 14 to ?LAX-'rOSI pr?par?l Syrap T< Constipation. should be taken to Induce reguli Regulates. V] per bottle. (Ion Cured Days ? IN" Is 4 specially Laxative for Habitual relieves promptly but guiariy for 14 to 21 days :lon. It Stimulates and nt to Take.* 60o LOUf SBtdRG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With a Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of* specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. Health Record Unsurpassed. Home-like Atmosphere. ? Social Life Carefully Guarded. Athletics. In addlt'on to the regular college courses. Classical and Literary, attention is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics. Music (Piano, Voles. Violin. Theory, ctc.), and Religious Education. " " ' " ? Rates as low as consistent with good strrlce. Send for free Catalog. For further Information write, A. W. Mohn, President, Louisburg, N. C. REDUCED PRICES You can greatly reduce your grocery bills by trading with us, as we have eut our already low prices. ~ : ? Here are some real bargains:"! Monogram Tomatoes, No. 3 can l?c Monogram Tomatoes, No. 2 can 12Hc Mnnnffi-HTTI rnrn, Ko. ?> rnn 12Hc Morris Supreme Tripe, can 27c Morris Supreme Brains, can 27e Susquehana Herring Roe. No. 2 can - Sic Sunmald Seeded Raisins per lb. 20c Sunmald Seedless Raisins, per lb. ISc Kelloggs Corn Flakes, pfer pkg. 9c Post Toastles, per pkg l>c Cream ol Wheat, per pkg. Sic Shredded Wheat, per pkg. 14c Small Vanilla Wafers per pkg. 6c Small Graham Crackers per pkg. 6c I.emon Snaps, per ;ikg 6f Barnum Animals, per pkg. 6c Large Graham Crackers per pkg. 12Hc Uneeda Blsctflts per pkg 7c Lneeda Lunch Biscuits, per pkg. i 7c Oysterettes, per pkg. 7c Je:io, per pkg. 12*4c Shenandoah Belle Snperlrt tlre Patent Floor 9S lb. Sacks @ #3.75 4S lb. Sacks #1.90 2* lb. Sacks 3 *1.00 12 lb. Sacks Ig ,"?3c Self Rising Flour lb. Sacks ??&30 4:J lb. Sack ? S2JM> 2* lb. Sacks @ $1.05 1- lb Sacks . @ 55e Fat Backs 14c lb Ture Vegetable Shortening - ? 16c lb CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES Sealsweet Oranges size 176 i @ 45c dox Tangerines @ 45c do? Fancy Winesap Apples <S> 80c doi No. 1 California Walnuts @ 40c lb ? No. 1 Imported Walnuts *' @ 30c lk No. 1 Brazil Nuts . & 30c lb Malaga Grapes @ 30c lb Large Cocoanuts @> 10c each ' A Large Shipment of Candy at Special Prices All Orders Filled Promptly. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. We Appreciate t We appreciate the business given ns during the past year and will appreciate a continuance during the year 1923. Ay cock . Drug Co. Incorporated TUB FRANKLIN TIMES itiftnld be In jonr home. If J o? are aot ? ??!> srrltrf r, be ono. 8<n<i In jronr ?ob Rrrtptlon and Kelp aa to boost for a bolter eoaunnnltj. Subaerlb* |o ?tpf"r - THE FRANKLIN TOTS A *1.80 Pm Tw fa UMN i

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