REMEMBER OUR 1923 MOTTO "Look Everywhere Else, Then ( ( onie-to See Us" And you will find out how much we can save you. ' -/ Best Grade Granulated Sugar1 _ Prices may be lower when you come, if so you will be given the benefit. / Toilet Soaps All grades, 10 cent soap, at 5c, including Colgates and Palm Olive. This price is only good on Sat urday and Monday. v - The Hudson Store Co, NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisburg, N. C. - ? REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers National Bank At Loulsburg, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on | December 29, 1922. ? RESOURCES Loans and discounts, Including "rediscounts, accep tances of other banks, and foreign bills of ex change or drafts sold v^lth Indorsement of this ?ank i. $ 120,288.32 Overdrafts, unsecured I . 538.47 Deposited to secure circulation (D. 8. bonds par value) 50,000.00 All other United States Government securities 300.00 50.300.00 Othor bonds, stocks, securities, etc. 1,800.00 Furniture and fixtures 1 8,168.12 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 6.256.64 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks - - 3,977.70 Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies In the United States 4,368.00 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank 1,191.42 Total Of Items 9, 10, 11, 12 and IS? 9,537.12 Miscellaneous cash Items - 11,016.41 Redemption fund with U. 8. Trees, and due from U. 8. Treas 746.00 Total i _ | 203,651.08 LIABILITIES pttal stock paid In plus fond divided profits correct expenses, Interest and taxes' pald_ notes outstanding 4*76.30 4,026.00 lount due to Federal Reserve Bank (deferred credits) -titled checks outstanding ihier'g checks outstanding tal~ of Items 21, 22, 22, 24 and 25 1,825.40 IMdual deposits subject to check rtlflcates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 8. Government securities borrowed ? . Koten and bills redlscounted, Including acceptance* of other banks -~d foreign hU!n of exchange or drafts sold with Indorsement of l? bank Total I of North Carolina, County of Franklin, ss: . i B. M. Stoyall, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that] i abois statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. M. BTOVALL, Cashier. Correct ? Attest: P. B. GRIFFIN, K. K. ALLEN, J. If. ALLEN, - ( OlrMtors. | sworn to before me this 8th day of Jan. ,^923.' BON, Notary Public. ' ~ , ^spires March 17, 1?24. " NOTICE OF SALE OP VALUABlf LAND Under and by virtue of the powar contained In tbat certain deed of trust executed by J. Henfy Smith and wife to E. H. Malone, Trustee, dated Mar. 8, 1922, and duly recorded In Book 224 page 569, Registry of Franklin Coun ty, default baying been made In the payment of the notes secured thereby and demand having been made upon me to foreclose said deed of Crust .^1, the undersigned Trustee, will oSjr for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in Franklin County, State of North Carolina, at or about the hottr of noon on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1923 / the following described property: r i_ A certain lot or parcel of land situ ate In Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded an the .North by the lands of Dunham Taylor and the old Nashville road, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Chalrty Person, on the South by the New Nashville road', and on me West by the lands of Russell P. Harris, and being the lot whereon the said parties of the first part now reside, and being the lot of land conveyed to the s4M J. Henry Smith by W. H. Perry, St. containing one acre, more or less.' This the 6th day of Jan., 1923, l-12-st E. H. MALONE, Trustee^ NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power qf sale contained In eertaln Deed of Trust from Hose* Roger* knd wife to the undersigned P. B. Rlchardnoo, Trustee, recorded in Book 241 page 138, Franklin County Registry, de fault having been made In the paj? m?nt of the Indebtedness thereby se cured, at the request of the holders of the notes therein mentioned, the un dersigned trustee, will at or about the hour of two o'clock P- m. on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1923 offer for sale at the court house door In Loulsbnrg, N. C., at public auctlo> for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing described real estate, to- wit: One tract of land deeded by J. H, Weathersby and wife, Cleo Weather%. by. to Mosee Rogers, February it, 1*17, containing 10 acres, recorded in Book 213 page 481 and 462, Franklin County Registry, reference to which is hereby made and a tract of land deeded by J. R. Weathersby and Wife. Cleo Weathersby, to Moses Rogers, re corded In Book 170 page. 487, Frank lin County Registry, containing 190 acres, reference to which Is also made. This 1st day of Jan., 1023. P. B. RICHARDSON, Trustee. Austin A Daren port, Attys. Nashville, N. C. l-12-4t i ?L , - - - , DONT ? r. -s? FOBOBT u ? TO 8 KND ADVERTISING fc COPY W EAKLY -HK-aAi.R nr vai.hari.f LAMDtftj Under and by ^rtrtue of yower | conferred upon me Id that certain deed of trust executed by R. H. Griffin and wife to tie undersigned trustoe on Feb. 12, 1916, recorded In Book 210, Page 69 In the Registry o* Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., derailtt~hav lng been tnt^de In the payment of the Indebtedness secured thereby and de mand for foreclosure having ? been made upon me by the holder of said indebtedness, said lands having been previously offered for sale, but no conflrmatl6n having been made of said sate and the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County having directed a fe-sale, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C.. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all that cer tain tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin County , Uuld Mine Township State of North Carolina and describ ed as follows: Beginning in the Hal ifax road, Gupton's corner; thence along said road. Northeast 263 poles to a stake, formerly P. G. Alston's corner, S lid E along the old P. Q. Alston and J. P. Qupton line 178 poles to Oupton's corner; thence N 88 1.2d W 75 poles to a stake, corner for Mrs .^Qupton; thence S 3d W 32 poles 8 links to an oak stump, 3 4d E 17 poles 5 links to a white oak, J. B. Gupton's corner; thence S 14 l-2d E 44 poles 23 links to a white oak; thence S 1 l-2d W 31 poles to a Maple; thence S 85d E 32 poles 5 links, J. R. and J. B. Gupton's corner; thence S 3 3-4d W 151 poles to pointers on Sandy Creek; thence up said creek as It me anders 338 poles to a forked gum, J. J. Foster's corner; thence N 9 3-4d E 7 1-2 poles to Willow oak; thence N 12 l-2d W 80' 1-2 poles to a pine; thence N 7 l-2d E 24 poles 18 links to a -pine; thence N 4 3-4d W 15 1-2 poles to a Maple; thence N 3? 1-Zd W 12 poles 6 links to a white oak; thence W 2 1-2 poles to a hornbeam, Foster's eorner on branch; thence up the course of said branch 138 poles 20 links to a-peplar stump, J. Gupton's corner; thence along "Gupton's line 20 l-4d W 18 poles to a rock; N 3 l-2d E 38 poles 7 links to a poplar; N 2 l-2d W 17 poles to the beginning, contain ing Five Hundred and Thirty-Six (536) acres, less (2) two acres conveyed by R. H. Griffin and wife to the County Board of Education, Franklin County, said tract of 536 acres oelng formed by several tracts conveyed to the said R. H. Griffin by deeds recorded as follows, to-wlt: Deed of N. F. Al ston in Bo9k 80, page 98, deed of W. H. Nicholson and wife In Book 124 page 107, deed of P. G. Alston In Book 132 page 50, deed of J. D. Al ston and wife In Book 190 page 23. In the office of the Registry of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, ref erence to alt-of which records is here mad? for a further description of the tract hereby conveyed. From the lands conveyed by deed from N. F. Alston (10) ten acres have been cut off and sold and are not Included In lEe 636 acre jtract above described. From the* above described tract of land there is excepted the timber con veyed to R. D. Grilfin by R, H. Grif fin and wife by deed dated Marcn 11th, 1920, recorded in Book 236. page 412,'! Registry of Franklin County, togeth er -with all rights, privileges and eas ments granted to the said R. D. Grlf^ fin In said deed. This the 6th day of Jan., 1923. l-12_5t E. H. MALONE, Trustee. * ? SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that deed oi trust executed by A. W. Perry, Jr. and wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, which 1b duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 241 at page 588, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the Indebtedness thereby se cured and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in the town of Louisburg, sell at public auction, to the highest blddar, for cash, the following real estate sit uate in Cedar Rock township. Frank lin county. North Carolina, viz: Be ing a one-half undivided interest In and to the two following tracts! First Tract: Beginning In the cen ter of the new Loulsbuig road, a rock on the north Bide Bobbitt and Del bridge corner, thence by survey of 1897 South 1, W 146 poles to a rock on Little Cypress creek, Derbrldge corn er, thence down said creek as It me anders 142 poles to black gum corner In Timror ftted place, thence N 3 W 73 poles 6 links to a r?uK and holly, corner to twenty acres, called Lester Land, thence S 84 1-2 E 9 poles 6 links by a ne# survey to a rock, a new made corner, thence N 3 1-2 E (new survey) 186 poles 20 links to a ro?k; thence N 88 1-2 W 9 poles 5 links to the center of the road 14 links N to a large white oak, thence N 8 E (survey 1897) 19 poles to a stake and hickory pointers on the north side of the Tjouisburg road, thence along said road N 60 E 29 poles; N 44 1J E 49 poles 10 links to the beginning, containing 61 acres, more or less. But H Is expressly agreed that from the land above boun ded there has been sold to R. L. Del bridge eleven acres, and tne same has been deeded to htm, and this Is axclud ed from this conveyance, making the number of acres hereby conveyed fif ty acres. Second Tract: Also another tract or parcel of land in Cedar Rock town ship, known as the "uope Place," bought from-G, W. Ford and describ ed as follows: Beginning at a black gum on Cypress creek. Deans corner, thence 8 72 1-2 W ll poles 9 links to a stake and sweet gum, thence N 19 1-2 W 24 poles to a rock, thence N 1 E 50 poles 18 links to the old path a large pine and sweet gum pointers, to Thos. H. Murray corner, thence N. 81 1-2 E 6 poles to cypress Creek, thsnce down said crsek as It meanders 10 poles 22 links to the fork of the Creek, thence up the East /prong as It meanders lit 1-2 poles to state form erly white oak; thence B 4 poles to a large pine stump, Mary Ann Bobbin's comer, thence 8 71 E 40 1-2 poles Uj a stake Bot)biU'a corner, thenc^J) 7 "W '.??lijo'-ie" (M Louisburg's Biggest and Best Store - Offers. V Exceptional Values For Stimulator LADIES and MISSES DRESSES Poiret Twill, Serges and Tricotines, Navy and Brown . .1. $9.95 GINGHAM DRESSES Pretty plaids trimmed with organdy . 77 . $1.95 to $2.45 COATS Bolivia, Velour and Broadcloth, Brown, Navy and Black $9.95-$24.95 . *? "? CHILDREN'S COATS Very stylish and attractive models $3.95 to $9.98 . SWEATERS College Sweaters, Navy, Maroon, Brown and White . . . .| 7 $4.95 Tuexedoes and Slipovers $2.45 to $6.95 BLOUSES Silk pongee blouses $3.95 Mercerised pongee blouse .98c Dainty Voile blouses ....:. 98c-$1.98 15c value Curtain Scrim, fancy borders lOo 19c value 36-in. Bleeching, good quality , 15c 15c value Sheeting, good quality ...... . . 10c 19c value LL Sheeting, very best . .|. . . . . . 777. . 15<5 25c value Cortone, 36-inch 7 .?>/, ?... 19c 65c value Sewfast Draperies 49c $1.25 value Bungalow Aprons 98c $2.25 value House Dresses $1.89 L Kline & Co. When Advertised or Seen Elsewhere It's Always ? Cheapest Here LOUMBTOO, WORTH CAXOLWJ T 15 poles 11 links to ft stake Bobbltt's corner; thence 8 88 HI 63 poles fi links to a rock, corner No. 4 In Bobbltt line; thence 8 1 1-2 W 46 poles to a rock and pointer, corner No. 8 In line of No. 4; thence W #2 poles to a rock and pointers, corner No. 8; thence N 37 W 83 poles to a rock and pointers, Deafi* Tine; thence N BTW 42 poles to the beginning, containing eighty-eight seres. This the 10th day of Jail. 1923. l-12-5t BEN T. HOLDEN, Trustee . SALE OF VALUABLE RltAL E8TATE Under and by virtue of th? power conferred opon nle lb a /certain Deed of Trust executed to me by J. W. Mangum and duly recorded In the of fice of Register of Deeds of Franklin county In book 233, pages 102' and 103, default haytOi been made In the pay ment of th? notes secured therein, and at the request of the holder of said notes, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1928 at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, yell at public auction at the Court House door In Loulsbnrg, N. C. to the highest bid tor for cash all that certain lot or paroel of land well known as the Willis M. Boons Old Home Place, situate In Cedar Rock I Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows by adjoining owners: On the North by the. Loulsburg add Nashrllle road; on the East by the Ricks R. Boone tract; on the Booth by ft. I. Stalllngs and on the West by W. B. Coppedge, and more particularly defined aa follows : Beginning at a Red Oak In the W. B. Coppedge line; thence alone the Louis burg and Nasbfllle road Easterly M poles to a Post oak stump; thence ? Southerly direction 166 1-8 pole* to a Pine; thence a Westerly direction along R. R. Boone's line 66 poles (on land bought ot Wm. InscOe) to ft Red Oak in W. B. Coppedge' s line; thence 169 poles along W. B. Coppedge's Mne In a Northerly direction to the Red Oak named as the beginning, contain' ing sixty acres, more or less, It being the tract of land conveyed to J. W . Mangum by P. 8. 4k K. K. Allen by deed dateT September 9th, 1919. This 3rd day ot January, 1928. l-6-6t O. M. BEAM, Trustee. STRAYS? One black male shoat with '(TWO feet and white spot in foretead and weighs about 100 pounds, strayed from my home the latter part ot December. Kinder will be rewardea by returning same, or notifying A. L>. Hicks, or 1-li-lt r J. H. HICKS, ? ? ? I ? ? ? II TOR KIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 388

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