THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. P. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager x-TAS DROPS? ? Cotton Bold for 27 1-2 cafits a pound In Louisburg yesterday, ? The work on changing the -Star Theatre into a store room Is rapidly progressing. ??Mr. W. L. Beasley Is preparing to open a garage In t:ie cotton seed, storage house on the South side of the bildge. ? Mr. R. L. Peoples has purchased the grocery business of Mr. O. H. Harris located under the Farmers Lnion Warehouse. ? Eras Brame, colored of Louisburg wus displaying a line looking water melon weighing 19% pounds on the ng s. id Avenue in a Si iulK.'iy direction 1-2 i *. t to an iron ?iako, G. H. Cooper's col nor, thence in an Easterly rtsiection rloiipt - ? said t oop r's l.iiO 1-r :', t to all iron stake. Cooper's comer. thenen in a Northerly direct !in, rai.iilei wild the ftrst course t>3 1.2 feci ;o an ir<:i ? stake in Factory sire< r, ??once along ?Hid Fqcloly Street 2j* I?ot in a Wesley direction to the 1. ginning, and being known r.s the K. A. Perry Homo P'.acc in the of, LiSuis bmtc. N'. C. 2nd Tract. ThM cevia'lu lot or par cel of land in the t Own of Youngs ville. X. C. which consprrsra lois No*. ? 5. C and 7 as shown on map or plot made by Pool and Tucker, E., which is duly registered, tile same bar ing described as follows: Bcgiuuiug at the intersection oi Mam and Vross Streets, thence along the Eastern boun . dary line of Main Hlrcc; 'n an Ea^'cy ly -rkrectton 75 teitt to a stake, thence North line pttntlt^l with* Cross Street 100 feet, thence West a line parallel with Main Street to Cross Street 75 feot, tlience SAtitJ* along the Eastern boundary lino of Cross Street 100 feet to the point of beginning, and being the lot upon wh'eh there" Is a large brick building. 3rd Tract. Onk Store house and lot of land lying and being in tjie town of Yoimgsville beginning at a rock in X. F. Mitchell's corner, tUcnce nenrly North 100 feet to a roek, tlienco East CO feet. to an iron staRe. S. A. L. Ry. corner, tlience South 100 feet to a railroad Iron stake or slab on Main Street, tlience with Said Street In tlio beginning, containing 1-3 or an acre more or less. 'This the 17th day of Jnn., 1023. l-19-5t BEN T. HOLIIKN. Trustee. .NOTICE OF SALE 4:.VDKt eXBC4r TION * _ North Carolina, la the Fruuklln Couuty. Superior Court Merchants Grocery Cue Y?. J. H. Kearney. By virtue of an" execution directed |to the undersigned from the Clerk fit ? the Superior Court of Grapville Coun ty In the above entitled action. I will on MONDAY. MARCH 5, 1923 at 12 o'clock Noon, at the court house door of Frauklin county, sell to the highest bidder'for cash, lo satisfy said execution, all the light title and in terest, which the said J. H. Kearney, the defendant has lu the following de scribed real estate. to.)vit: The L. C. Kearney place in Frank linton township, Franklin c-'Unty, ad joining Leo Burt Kearney, C. R. Sand^ ling. W. W. Green and, Jim Ta'yboru, containing 37 acres. This- January 18th, 1923. H . A. "KEARNEY, Sheriff, l-19-7t of Franklin County." SALK OF VALUABLE LANDS l?nder and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that cer tain deed of trust executed by W. O. Stone to Ben T._ Holden, Trustee on the 25th day o"t November, 1919. and duly registered in Book 236 at page .167 and 168, office of Register of Deeds of Franklin county, default hav ins teen made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and de mand made upon me by the holder thereof to foreclose, I, th^ undersign td?Trustee, will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1923 at ,12 o'clock M. at the court bouse [ door- of Franklin county, in the town !of Louisburft. N. C., sell a* public auc tion to the highest bi(it;6r for cash all that tract or parcel of land situate ' a i. <1 being in the County of Franklin, ' Cedar Rock township, N. C. and be- . !lng lot-farm No. -2 of plat of land for merly owned by Dr. E. H. Bohbitt. ^lat of which is duly recorded ill Li .ok of Maps 1 pa^e is, office ot Reg ? iMcr of Deeds for Franklin couuty, 'described as follows: I Beginning at a stake mi the Ivey, or 1 UHleigh t o nl, \V. O. Stone's corner, 'and running thence N S!) V.', 2S00 feet I to a stake, thence S in 3-S W :;>9 feet to a slake, th nee S SS 3-4' W 20S feet thence N W \Y Mil fe? t io a stake, thence S 30 E 1270 foet. thence S X E . :'SOO feet to a st:'ke in Jhf Ivev ci? UjiI icwli, thence n'ontr said road in I an K.. ri^ di. cei'on r?;'.4 f- ei^ to thcr j begiilii - *, c, inlailiiug X2jyacr. ' -This 17th day of Jan., 192.!. j -I i'.l.N T. c. Report cf the Condition uf 1 Ti: 1HNX BANKING fOMIM NY ! At Kunn. In the State of North Cat"" ? ellifci. : t t\o c'ofe of badness on D. . mi el" !'!>. 1: -'2. Ri*4oyi;2 Irate:! S; I ?? an.l J.:i, i".y B ul ls 400.00 l-ai\:iimv M',d riwres 2,2'jl' . 70 I 'a-li in vault and net anus due from B:iu';s, BauK , its mid Trust Com I panics ? 2'.i.|l24.07 ? C'liuckb for clearing -- -- '3J?17.0-S ! Total 5 &0.'>S1.4-J LIABILITIES .Capital Stock paid in .. $10,000.00 J , L*nulficled Profits, *Jcss * | current expenses and i taxes paicl 2.10:1.951 Deposits subject to check 57, 704. 11 j Time Certificates of De posit, Due in Less Than Days 20,10S.&2| )(^ti44H*r,9 Checks outstan 1 344-. SSl j Total 90.6S1 . 4(5 j State of North Caroliua ? County of | il Franklin, hs: I, M. E. Shambur/jer, Jr., Cashier .gf tho above named Bank, do solemnly [swear that the above statement is (true to the best of my knowledgo and belief; M. E. SHAMBVRGEI^ JR., ~~ # Cashier*. Correct ? Attest: J. X. PERRY, J. G. BUNN, J.' A. PIPPIN, Di recto rsT jthis 8th day of Jan. 102.1. BENJAMIN M . MULLEN, N^tapy Public. jMy C'CminlHsion expires Mnyf>, 1023. | SUMMARY Tax Funds of Franklin County, January 1st, 1923. ?* GENE lt \ I. ITIU'OSE H'NI> $14,807,141 viiluo ? 10c - . * 14.S07.14 4,009 Prlls ----*} ? 2.004.50 , - $ 1B.S11.64I Paid Into this Fun-1 Dee. 5. 1#22 2--. 3.500.00 Paid into tli is Fund Jan'y. 3. l!i2P. 1,500.00 CommkipJnnH, Errors and OvcrciiMrp's 1,176.00 0.176.00 $ 10.6311.64 TUUIM.K l'IM> $14,807111 vnluf So ........ * 11,815.71 Paid Into this Fund, H'22 TiixIh . .. 2,">00. 00 Pnld littn thl? Fund, Jnn'y. 3. 192'* . .. . l.OOO.OO Krrorn, OverchoiRoa, otc. - 829.00 4,:>2lV00 ? . ? ^ $ 7,."i 1 G 71 ! # The amount of j'lcs :nnl ronmuVdnrs. or ., that " ill bo pnld Into Raliify Fund nut of Sheriff'.* OITIrr will ^ bo approximately . ... .. ... * >.500.00 Pnld J.-ni'y . S, js?2? _. - l.r.liO'OO 17. 00., 00 T - B. 000. 00 TIipiv It mi it > i>i rif ?2.0"0 no v j> -)i :? l.f f-ulu ;???? ?? ium! t by local ! hanks. " ' . . ?? W.* HHOWN. Andltor. J DEATH TO GERMS Here i? the best way to keep your house free from disease Few people _ realise the ^erm danger lurking in unsanitary links, drains, closet bowls sn tlie highest J>Mder for cash, at Lku t'oiirr. House door in Louisbnrg, N. n:; mil r>.\\ of di:< r.ji jar. 12 Noon, s nljj ?: ci to e tilrm: * by the Refer-, o ten ? ? r $.!.?*. wlth-| oir r.-'tii*'-. 1 1 . o ? f> 11 " 'iViT iv"- rib*?d 1 ?\M est at--: Trr.ei N-?, 1 ? ^ ?).: ? i lio lands' of T. L; G'.tvii . nd ??!:???/ i: ? inning ,.c a roc k Si.'-rniin's < ? r in U ^orh's : ihanc '^.atoKg S:,? . liii.j, X ? V" "3 p'Vt ? to a i n: ? corner in*Si:- rm '. " '.it : : ..c*> 22 ]?: v4 pale? 1" li . ? i.V nfs t re k r i ?i:an S!'?k ? eaak i tl M.-ssor.i's e i ? :* l ; i ; He. ^ce do.v-.i i he I ! M creek a s it niwi: .'.To ri : : c ~>2 ' \ o!f-s 10 1 ir.Ks t oi* tin iron ..sialic ;r jl'rl'igu Gaoch's cornc-r; liicucc G ?>:>?_ '."3 line South 2 11 W poles 1! links t t ie btoginn?:::;'. (*omainia;< 1.1 acr-v . See Book 1 iO, papo C>7S, kiv-tttor iJCvds o.Yice (;? Franklin county. Tract Xo% 2 ? Adjoining th.- land-? ? f Mrs. Rebecca Sherman and oih. 's On the North" by the i:::ids no*v- ow.j- . oi formerly owned by A. Gria.Vo:.;( the I"r*t !/ l.uuls of Mrs.. 1-.C: Sherman, the S ;uth by Mrs. Ren. Sherman and Jaiaes Wright and ? the WVst by tha lands or A. W. \V;. son, con tain In;; f?2 1-2 acres more ? less. See deed in Book 1 US, ii:r ^ _? ;'7. Register or Dicds offico of Frank!::', county. _ ? . ? - ? ?* *i Bennett ii. rr.Ttnv, Trustee in bankruptcy of ?J. A. 15. Falkner, Bankrupi. November, 1022. 12-1.2: The above"' sale was continued t > - Monday, January Sth, li'28 fit r.!' i noon, by call so lit of all parties." Ti.i . I?cc. 11th, 1!j22, 12-15-4r B. ir. PERRY, Trustee. Tlie above sale was continued* ? Monday, January 29th, 11*23. at abon' ; nooh, by consent of all prrrttus. Thi ;. Jan. >th, l-l--3t li. II. PERRY, T r\%*te*. TRUSTEEE'S SALE TOWN LOT f By virtue of the power of sale cor.-| tnined in that certain deed of tnw 1 made by O. Y, Yarboro to Wro. II. ; RufTin, Trustee, rfnd recorded in F*ran lin RoRistry Book 210, page 264, d?*.| fault having been mfule iu the pay-, nient of the 4ebt thereby secured and, demand for foreclosure Tiavlng be ?' made by tho holder of said debt up^" said trustee, tho undersfgned will, ?> MONDAY, DECEMBFJt IS, 1022 at about the hour of 'noon, at f h ? Court htTbse' door, in Loumburg, N. r, j offer for sale at public auction, to tii highest bidder for cash the lot of Ititi .1 ? in ?ald deed of t^*i?t conveyed an : j there descrlbeTl as follows: Sltuat-: on tho West side of Elm Street in tb" town of Louisburg. and inbre partiin- l larly defined an follows: Beginning at tho corner of Mrs. It. /. Egorton'-* | on Elm Street (formerly Bob Yarbor ough's corner) and corner for l^t h re I in conveyed; thence WestwAydfy al-'nig J Mrs, Egerton's lino, the old Boh V n - i horo line. ^22 feet more or !e*s t corner for Mrs. R. Z.Hgerton, K. N.J Egerton and tho lot Herein convey d: I thence Southwardly along F. N. I *?r i erton's line li:; 1 feet, more or lesji i > his corner: tlienco Eastwardly .i; m his lifio 22 feet, more or less to I'bn Street; theneo Northwardly along I,'- ? Street 11.^ f?Tt, more or less, to ti ?? beginning. This Nov. 15, ti'22. WSI. H Rt'rriN', Trn ' The above s^le wns continued . ? .\V>li<'ay, jlj'nuary 1 sir 102:'. by < o: <'f* 4II pnr':?*R eollccrnwl, Thi; i' ,j?. |<12? I2-Z:vil WM. 11. rtl KVI.W. Tm?: ^*l:'e above s.J'e ^ '? ) ?]on ?:?y, ,Ianii:;ry 8th. lOiiH. *?>/ (\-.f p-rti -p i-'-".icorn?'d. Thi-', 11 r ; y Isj., j '. '2? , wm. n. Rt*; Fix. t ?? ? TJ>e al*oVe# P.ii vv:i*x c.ui'i:ri'- i il^iulriy, January 2^1 h. 1! 2 '? Ment 1 f fU i>arl leg \ oncortied . T1;i 5 Jfinttai y ' 8tb. 1023. 4.12-1 1 WM. II. Ill TFIX, Trustee. . i2 $1 65.00 ' We are going to give away $1 65.00 in | ? Cash Prizes for securing . subscriptions to THE DEARBORN - * *s INDEPENDENT ? i HENRY FORD S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, AND THE BEST ONE PUBLISHED. In ^dition to the Cash prizes we will give ^ you j 50c for every ytarly subscription obtained. /* The contest will start at one o and end April 16ch. ; 4:00 P. M. > The prizes will be as follows. -The one securing ihe largest amount ol yearly subscriptions to the -DEARBORN -INDEPENDENT at $1.50 per yej^r will receive: . TEE FIRST, PRIZE OF S75.00 IN CASH " SECOND HIGHEST 50.00 " " _ THIRD _ " 25.00 " " FOURTH " 10.00 " " FIFTH " 5.00 " ,,,r * This contest is open to everybody. School teach ers this is your chance to make you some easy extra money. No one employed by the Louisburg Motor Co. will be al owed to enter this contest. Come to our office and get the necessary supplies and start at once. Everybody is assured a square and fair deal. Every contestant's standing will be kept strict ly confidential. .? Yours very truly, 9 Louisburg Motor Co. , # ' ; P. S. & K. K. Allen, Owners. , ?