...TWO DAYS.., FRIDAY and SATURDAY $2.00 . 98c $1.98 $2.98 $1.19 $2.50 . 15c FREE GOODS With every purchase of $I.{HForover ARMY & NAVY STORE Hip Boots Wool Scarfs Wool Vest Big Coat Sweaters Sweaters Sweater Vest Stove Pipe Good Farms For Sale I have several good farms in fine state of cultivation with good building aud outhouses in good communities for sale cheap. See S. A. Newell Louisburg, N. C. Best Service For The Least Money % , ,1 J A R V I S J STORAGE BATTERIES Made in North Carolina ? ' 18 Months Unconditional Guarantee REDUCED PRICES Batteries Recharged and Repaired ALLEN MACHINE COMPANY OARAGE, Louisburg, N. 0. Day Phone 295-J Night Phone 280-L PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP - Cord and Fabric Casings 'Ton-Tested" Tube FREE with every casing Lost or Stolen! White sad yallow spotted female Beagle hound about 20 Inches high. On* Bar has been split open about an Inch Ions- Stolen Xmaa Ere, Dec. 34. . 1 will give a $26.00 gold watch tor an? Information leading to where aha la. L. w. parribh, 1-6. tf . Loulsburg, N. C. rOR SALE Ona slightly used Home Comfort Raafa. Apply to ' J. A. qjJPTON, l-6-4t Yy Toun*arllio, N. C. > ii ? ' i Hi i ? '? 9* ' '? i' ILLS RATS aad nlc? ? that'* RAT.BHAP, tke nU reliable roiMt iwlraytr. Coin la cake* ? ?lilaj with other foo4 Tsar money back If It (alls. S&e .alae (1 eaka) mmtk fori Paatry, IHctn or Ollar. Me ?fae (I eakea) far Xkletn H on?f, coop*, or amall kalMlan. *1 .25 *l?e (4 eakea) enough far all farm and oat-balldtaffa, ?U>r?K? balldlaipi, or faetarjr baOdlaga. Hold aad gaaraateed by CAHH OBOOKBT * HABKET To Ulu>* HAY cootfh medk heating the A box SALVE U Cram la HAYES* 1 should 1 of ehUdi gSl Umi Quick HONEY* a i the cou{h by O-PEK-TBATE Head Cold* and jrnrr bottle of The sabre and throat I a Gold or Ooop. ItafTk tb? Rr-^ for HAYES' NOTICE OP LAND SATJS Under and by Virtue ot authority contained In a certain Deed of Trust, executed to me, U>e undersigned trns (M,?B ?W 25th day ot Marrh 1M1. by P. S. Herring and wile "and D. L, Herrin* and wife, which said deed of truat la duly recorded In the offices ot tbe Register of Deeda ot Franklin county in Book 232 page 336, default having been made in the payment ot the debt secured thereby, and demand having been made upon me tor tore, closure, I will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12.. 1928 at about the hour of 12 o'clock M. at the court house door, at Loulsburg, N. C. sell to the highest bidder tor c?sh, to satisfy the said lndcbtedaeea, the following described tracts of laad. lying and being In YoungsvtUo town ship, Franklin county, N. C. First Tract: Beginning in the Loulsburg And Raleigh road, at a White Oak oh the west side ot the road, the Altord corner In the Perry line, thense S 86 E 62 polea 23 links to a Spanish Oak, J. E. Tharrlngton's corner In Perry's line, thence S 3 1_2 W 33 poles to a rock and pointers, thence S 88 1-2 E 65 1-5 polea to a large Pine, Roland's corner In Thar rlngton's line, thence S 2 1-2 W 26 1-2 poles to 6 rock, White Oak and Soar wood pointers on & branch, the Baldy Pearce corner, thence S 83 W 170 poles 20 links to a Sweet Gum, N. M. May's corner in Pearce's line, tnence N 22 E 78 poles to the center of the Lools. burg and Raleigh road, N. M. May's corner oa the East side of the road, thence down said road In an Easterly direction to the beginning. Contain ing 158 1-2 acres, more or less. Being | a part of the tract deeded to Jordan 'May by Rosa Parham as will appear by rpferphoa tn Rook, of Deeds 82 pages ,443 andiifNnthe Register of Deeds office ot FranKlHsxounty. Second Tract: Being toe tract con veyed by T. W. Bickett, Cdm'sr. to J. E. May by deed datea'Jon. 1, 1900, 'and recorded In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county in Book 150 page 130, and bounded on "tfce North by_the lands of Jordan May, on the East by the lands of E. W. Timber lake and on the south and west by the lands of Jordan May. Containing 13 1-2 acres, more or less. The two tracts being adjoining and making one tract of 173 acres. This Jan. 10th, 1923. l-12-5t S. A. NEWELL, Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of of the estate of E. S. Green, Sr., de ceased, late of Franklin County, no. tlce fs hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1924, or this notice' will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settle ment. This Jan. 11th, 1923. T. W. WATSON, Admr. W. H. & T. W. Ruffin, Attys. l-12-6t The Qataine that Does^ot Afleet The Bead Because of Its tonic maa laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BKOMO QUININEfTablets} can be taken by anyone without caosiu nrrveuanem or rtnllnS in the bead. E. W . GROWLS sffaatare oa fca. Mi, NOTICB | Having ualifled as administrator ot the estate of Addle M. Wilder, de ceased late of Ffanklln Cbunty, no tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of December, 1923 or this notice will be plead In bar of their reoovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement. This Dec. 21st, 1922. 12-22-6t ? S.'F. WILDER, Admr. NOTICE . Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lucy A. Murphy, de-' ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settle ment. This Jan. lltB, 1923. !-?-?? "J. O. MURPHY, Admr. PRAHKXJH nig. * REALTY CO. L01K8 A1CD Hf SURAH CK |7-21tf ( 4 Days CwnmrtMh ILX'kfcH'S C A F E Mala Street LOUISBURG, K. C. l"h?T# Jo at opened a first class Cafe In the old Nwl tralldlnc ?ad am prepare* to farnUta meala at all bonra. and tbs beat the market affords. Ice Cream i cents a cone. Soft Drinks, eto. Prices reasonable, serrlce 'the best. y. C. TUCKER Proprietor THAT DULL ACHING Don't urn; and ?oropl?tn ilwil &. bad back. Get rid or It! For w*?k kMneys, lame and achy back*, your aoUtiborn recommend Doan's Kid nay PUla. Aik your neighbor! Mr*. C. O. Oakley, Loutsburg. says: 'My back gave me trouble and morn ted there waa a steady, d*U m leery through my kldneya. which bothered me men aa the day wor* on The doll pains acroee my back tlrad me oat easily; It fell like ? weight tied about my waist pul king me dawn. Nervous, dull headaches were com mon and when I straightened attar ?tooplag. dark specks appeared be fore my ayea. On reading about Doan's Kidney Pill* I decided to try them. The ftrat box relieved me and I kept on with Dean's until I waa entirely rid of the trouble. I hare bad no return of It." Price 60?, at all dealer*. Deal simply aak for a kidney remedy ? get Doan's Kidney Pills ? the same that Mr*. Oakley had. Foster-Mil burn Co, Mfr*., Buffalo, N. T. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND , By virtue of the power of sale con. talned In that certain deed of truBt made by J. P. Mill to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated March 17, 1914, and re corded In Book 199 page 282, Frank lin Registry, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure hav lng been made by -the homer of ? the debt so secured on said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 at or about thje hour of noon at the Court House door In Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, the land In said deed of trust conveyed and there dtscrlbed as follows: Lot No. 4 In the partition of the P. A. Davis lands as surveyed by Jos. T. Tnscoe, Surveyor, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a small Dogwood on the North side of the" Ransom's Bridge road, a corner of No. 6; thence N 35 1-2 E 133 1-2 poles to a stake in tLe path, Isaac Davis' corner; thence N 13 W 120 poles to a stake near a branch, Isaac Davis Corner and cor ner for No. 2; thence N 75 1-2 W 93 poles to a stake, corner for the House tiact, called No. 3; thence S 19 1-4 W 119 poles to the center of the Ransom's Bridge road, a stake, corner for No. 3; thence along the said road Southeast. \rard about 135 poles to the beginning, containing 167 acres more or less. This January 5, 1923. l-6-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Times 11.50 Per Year In Advance. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed by D. B. Kearney and wife to E. H. Malone, Trustee, on the 20tU day of January 1921, duly reg istered in the office of the Register of Deed for Franklin Co. in Book 224 at l>age 479, default having been made in the payment' of the notes secured thereby and demand made upon ma to foreclose in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof, I, the undersigned Trustee, will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Frank lln County, N. C. on MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1923 at 12 o'clock M, the following describ ed real estate: _ A certain tract or parcel w>f land situate In Frankllnton Township, Franklin County, State of North Car olina, described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of J. A.' Kelly estate and B. B. Tomllnson, on the East by the lands of J. F. Tom llnson, on the South by the lands of Mrs. Annie E. Mitchell and J. F. Tomllnson, and on the West by the lands of lib. Annie E. Mitchell, con taining twenty-alx acres, more or less and being a part of the E. P. Black ley tract (originally Mitchell land) and conveyed to D. B. Kearney by deeds of recent date, duly recorded In the Registry of Franklin County. This the 23rd day of Dec., 1922. 12-2?~it E. H. MALONE. Trustee. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 GUARDING THE EYESIGHT o ONE CHILD out of aw? four of school age has defective eyesight and must hare help or tall ba blnd la hla clasaes. PABFHT8 A1TD TEACHERS If they deal re that their children get tha moat out of the Incoming school year, will do well to have their arm looked after before the echool opena. DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT canaea mora fallttraa among school children than any othar ona thing. AI.M08T ALL HEADACHES are caosaf by defective eyesight, and panoanent relief can be had only by properly fitted glasses. W. B. MORTON ETE SPECIALIST We hope EVERYBODY HAD A Happy Christmas and that the ? New Year will be filled with Happiness and Prosperity. Start 'Right? open an acconnt with us. SAFEST FOR SAVINGS ? Thoney Ourbank means FREEDOM BMW BOOK We have purchased a supply of the famous LIBERTY BELL SAVIN OS BANKS as shown above which we are going to give absolutely FREE to each and every one opening a new savings account with $5.00 or more. r dome in now and start a bank account and add to it regularly by the use of this - WONDERFUL LITTLE BELL BANE * THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK LOUISBDRO, V. C. \ ^

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