Free ? / ' We arc going to give away $1 65.00 in ? Cash Prizes for securing subscriptions to THE DEARBORN " INDEPENDENT HENRY FORD'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, AND THE BEST ONE PUBLISHED. = In addition, to the Cash prizes we will give yon 50c for every yearly subscription obtained. yhe contest will start at once and end ApriTl6th. 4:00 P. M. ~ The prizes will be as follows. The one securing the largest amount of yearly subscriptions to the DEARBORN INDEPENDENT at $1.50 per year will receive: THE FIRST PRIZE OF $75.00 IB" CASH " SECOND HIGHEST 50.00 " " I " THIRD " 25.00 " 'V " FOURTH " 10.00 " ? FIFTH " 5.00 " " "i This contest is open to everybody. School teaeb ers this is your chance to make you some easy extra money. No one employed by the Louisburg Motor Co. will be al owed to enter this contest. Come to our office and get the necessary supplies and start at once. Everybody is assured a square and fair deal. Every contestant's standing will be kept strict ly confidential. Yours very truly, Motor Co. W> pih '>*? V ** P. S. & K. K. Allen, Owners. 'Tor tiro months I mtw w?nt In oar oallar. tearing a ret. On* night in bed I entailed fir?. Bur* >wuh the rat had been nibbling *t the m&taeh ee. It I hadat acted' promptly our booM woald have b?u burned. La ter we found the dead rat. RAT SNAP killed It. It'a great stuff." Three alaea. 36c, 66c, 41.16. Soldi guaranteed by Cash -Grocery Market. NOnc* Olf gALE Under and by virtue of i contained In ? ?eertalB -deed of C executed to at on the 24th day1.. April, 1921, by S. R. Boone and jwlfe Annie Boone, which said d?d of Trust Is recorded In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county, In Book 1ST page 367, the debt therein secured be? Ing past due and demand having beta' made upon me for'-feracloaore, I will SATURDAY, JANUARY IS, 1913 at about the hour of noon, at tMF J court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, those certain tracts of lying and being in Cedar Rock town-, J ship, Franklin county. North Cartv | llna, described aa follows: S First Trsct: Bounded on the West by the landa of J. A. Ooppedge, oiv the East by the lands of the W. M? Boone estate, on the North by th# lands of Howell Wood, St. Anna Jones and the W. M. Boone ? 'rcry and on the South by the landa of W B. Cop podge and the Louleburg aai Nashville road. Containing 67 8-+ acres and being the same- land cm. veyed to 8. R. Boone by F. N, Bger ton by deed duly recorded to the 'Of fice of the Register of Deeds of B>anklln county la Book 114, page J7fc? Second TS-act: A one-sixth nndlV Tided Interest in the following des cribed land. Bounded on the W*t by the lands of Jack Mancum, on the I East by the lands of Jeff Sykes, on the North by the lands of Mrs. B. F. Gardner and on the South by i au landa ot J. T. Inscoe. Containing 92 acres, more or leas. "F This Dee. 11, 1911. ^ _ 12-1 B-Bt 8. A. NBWKEL,1vnateer The above sale was contlneud i to Saturday, January 27, 1?M, at aboat the hour of noon, by consent of an parties concerned. This Jan. 13 19a, 1 1-19 Jt S. A. NEWELL, Trustee^ SALE OF' ?.amt? ^ Under and by virtue ot the power and authority contained in that- d^d 0: trust executed by A. W. Parry, Jr. and Wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, which Is duly registered In the otlH of the Register of Deeds ot Fianklin county In Book 241 at page 688, de fault having been made in the pay ment ot the Indebtedness thereby se cured and demand made upon ma to foreclose, I will on a MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1J23' * at 12 o'clock M. at the court hotme door in the town of Lonlaburg, aell at public auction, to tha highest bidder 'flTV'/ 'oHowln* r eal estate ?lt uate In Cedar Rock township, Vento lin county, North Carolina, vi?: Bsc ing a one-half undivided Interest Ik and to the two following tracts: ? First Tract: Beginning In tha cas ter -of the new Loulsbtn-g road, a rqok on the north side Bobbltt "ill D?l comer, thence by survey o< 1897 South 1, W 146 poles to a rock on Little Cypress creek, Delbrldg* corn er, thence down aald ereek as K me anders 142 poles to black -gum eomer in line of Rled place, thence N 8 W 73 poles 6 links to a rock a&d holly, comer to twenty acres, called beater Land, thence S 86 1-2 E 9 poles 6 links by a new survey to a rock, a new-made corner, thence N 3 1-2 E (new survey) 18? poles 20 links to a roefc; thence N 86 1-2 W 9 poles 6 links to the center 1 of the road 14 link* N to a large white oak, thence NIB (?ur>ey 18J7) l?i poles to a stake and Uekory polntera on the north aide of tha Ijoutsburg 'road, thence along aald road N 60 B 39 poles ; N 44 1J E 48 poles 10 Hut, to the beginning, containing 61 acres, more or less. But It la expressly agreed that -from the land above boun ded there has been sold to R. L. Del bridge eleven acres, and the same has been deeded to him, and this Is exclud ed from this conveyance, making the number of acres hereby conveyed fif ty acres. Second Tract: Also another tract or parcel of land In Cedar Rock town ship, known aa the "Oops Place," bought from O, W. Ford and describ ed aa follows: Beginning at a'black ?um on Cypress creek. Duns oomer, thence S 72 1-2 W 11 pole* ? links to a stake and sweet gum, thence N 1? 1-2 W 24 poles to a rock, thence NIB 60 poles 18 Hnka to the old path a large pine and aweet guns pointers, to Thos. H. Murray corner, thence N. 31 1-2 B 6 poles to eypreas Creek, thence down said creek aa ft meanders poles 22 links to- the fork ot the creek, thence hp the Bast prong aa It meander* 112 1-2 poles to stake form erly white oak; thence ? 4 poles to a large pine rtump, Mary Ann Bobbin's corner, thence 8 71 B 40 1-2 poles to a stake Bobbin's corner, thence 8 7 W 14- poles 11 links to a stake -BebbMtfs cofner; thence 8 88 B 63 poles I links to a rock, corner No. 4 In BohMtt line; thence 8 1 1-2 W 44 poise to a roe* sad pointepr-eernev No. 3 la 11ns of No. 4; thence W 43 poles to a rock and pointers, earner No. S?thaaM>e N 1 37 W 83 poles to a rock and pointers. Ujeawe Itnr thence" NTT W 43 poles to the beginning, containing elghty-elgbt acres. This the 10th day of Jan. 1413 ji-12-Bt BEN ?. HOLOKN.^m.S; MOTICB ?* Hsrlif tuallfted as stminlstrator nf the aetata of W, Bird 1 Mnrphy, ? ceased, late of Franklin County na. tlce is kn^ glin r ? -srhsll ing claims against aald eaUU to pre sent them to the undersigned on or fbatoe tha 13th day- of Janaury, l?34, for this notice will be plead In bar of MbeLr reoovery. All persons Indebted to Mid wtate 'Will please come for 1 ward and make Immediate settle iaient.. This Jan. -Uth? 1?23. |?ll-4t J. CM HOirHT, Admr, ?ANNOUNCEMENT DttChas. Bremner wishes to announce that he will? be Louiaburg at the Franklin Hotel every TUESDAY and FRIDAY afternoons from 2 to 5 P. M., for the practice of CHIROPRACTIC. If "you have tried everything else without re sults take Chiropractic and get well. DR. OtAS. BREMNER HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA We take this method of announcing to the morchan| ofRranklin and adjoining counties that we have open? an exclusively wholesale business in Louisburg in tK building formerly occupied by P." A. Reavis, and will i| all times be in position and pleased to take care of you needB in our line. In fact we hope to fill your every ne?Sj Botk omr Kr. Xe. X. Firgvrws ui Mr. N. C. Phillips, are exp? bteei wholesale ud rM raffleientljr familiar with this class 4 tuhnt to nUtllM rn tha beat anrrli.* nnH ?? h- ?>-' 1 the beet serrlce and prices to be had. Wehope to be accorded "?'liberal share of your patronage. COMB IN AMD 8 EE US, OR CALL PHONE NO. 337. z Louisburg Grocery Co. ? (INCORPORATED) * LOUISBURG, North Carolina SALE OF FRANKLINTON LOT By virtue of the power of sals con tained la- that -oertalo deed of trust mad* by W. W. Shearon and wife to Wm. H. Baffin, Trustee, Hated Sept. 23th, 1921, and recorded In the Reg istry of Fra&kltn County In Book 234, pace >11, default having been made In the payment of the ^detrt thereby se cured and demand tor i foreclosure having been- made by the holder of thr debt so secured upon said trustee, the undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY IB, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the hlghr qfciMMar tor>Mnuig|i ?l