THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHMSON, Editer aad luijir ?ae Iwi ... fl.W Eight Month. 1.00 8b Months ,7S r?v lealtl M (Foreign Advertletnu Representative 1 THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ' Entered at the Post Office at Louls fcurg, N. C., as second class matter. ? "the House passed a bill Wednesday x appropriating fifteen tnriion dollars (or road construction . The second payment on Tobacco brought smiles to the races of a large dumber of Franklin County citizens Monday. ? The fellow who said the first ad vance was all the members of the to bacco and cotton associations would ever get will now have to find another means of misrepresentation. In the- death of Capt. Arch Perry, who served so long as a member of the Board of Education. Pranktla County "has lost a most valuable citt . sen and the school children of the County a loyal friend. J The lower houBe of the United States Congress has passed a resolu tion to amend the Constitution so as to do away *rith the issuing of tax free securities. This is ? lust aid lair action and it is to be hoped will be passed by the Senate and then rati fied by all the States. The bill introduced In the Legisla ture to require all Judges of the Su perior Court to remain In the county seat the tail length of each term, and to hear clvU cases after the criminal cases had been disposed of and other wise to be at Chambers tor any sub ject to be brought before him. Is one of the best pieces of legislation we have Been suggested. L So CdMerftSS K *. rs iMIMdAl HAYES* SANpY CHEEK ITM8 The many trWads of Mrs. Asberry Dennis regret to learn of tier suiter. Inn from pa stuck of appendicitis . Muter Lonnle Bunrette and Miss Nona Burnett*, who hare been suffer ing from pneumonia are Improving. We hope they will soon back In school . Mrs. O. C. OuptonH visiting her daughter Mrs. 8. N. Nelms. Miss Annie Mae Qupiou. of Hender son, spent the week end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gupton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. West and Mr. and Mrs. Auburn Allen and Mies Alice Allen visited Mi^ and Mrs. Caleb Al len. of Wake Forest, Sunday. Mrs. Caleb Allen, Jr., ts sick at her home with influenza. A number of our young people at tended the play Unacquainted^ with Work, at Cedar Rock last Thursday night. They reported a very enjoy able time. We are very sorry that Mr. Clinton Nelms went to Cedar Rock to the play last Thursday night and had his mo tor meter stolen off his Ford. Miss Bet tie Burnette and Miss QUI and Mr. John Woodlief, ot? Kittrell, were pleasant visitors in our commua lty recently. Mr. Percy Winston from Rocky Mount was a pleasant visitor in the community Sunday. Miss Annie Mae Gupton visited her sister, Mrs. Bnnis Lancaster Sunday afternoon . Jan. 9, Mr. S. N. Velms passed a way at his home following a few days suffering with pneumonia. Mr. Nelms w6s a faithful member or sandy Creek church. He leaves to mourn their 1088 a widow, who was Miss Lela Gup ton, before marriage, und one sister, Mrs. Collins, of Henderson, and three brothers, Messrs. G. W. Nelms, D. N. Nelms and Cm G. Nelms. G. TO Jf Elf BEES OF COTTON A8S0CIA. TIOJI All members of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Association in Frank It!r?ounty who have not received their second advance will take their dupli cate certificates of delivery and call on Mr. J. S. Howell, who will get the matter straightened out at once. Mr. Howell has assumed this respon sibility and we are sure he can give you quick and efficient service. The tabulation of the card teporta i shows that there were 14,063 .bales of cotton,- counting round as half bales, ginned In Franklin county, from the crop- of 1922 prior to January 1, 1923, as compared with 11.248 bales ginned to January 1, 1922. ? .? ? . COW FOR BALE One flue. 'cow for sale/apply to v " MRS. J. H. SLEDGE. 1-26.31; V Mapleville, N. C. Good Soap at less than lc a Cake A Powerful Cleanser for Kitchen and Laundry Ea?y to Make with Red Seal Lye -Here is the way to true soap will free them immediately, economy. Why buy expensive TolUtt ?nd link. .houM b? frequently laundry soap when an excellent disinfected with Red Sol Lye. It killa pure soap may be made with Red th* *?*** . . .. T VJ. a fr.,,;An ?r I? there an old lamp in the hotiM that Jse4l_ ? . w need* cleaning? Red 8eal Lye will make cost? One can of Red Seal Lye it ehine in a jiffy. will make 20 cakes of pure soap, Scour that dirty skillet with Red Seal {or %%^?s^.tk!!,uk.n,,l jnoney saver. If the drains show signs of clogging, a little Red Seal Lye sifted into the pipes Red Seal Lye la put up in neat round cana and ia ac companied by complete in structions. Write ua today for a frae copy of the Red JLyal Book let which explaina all of itft many usca. Insist on the genuino granulated Red Seal Lye. Take no substitute. P. C. TOMSON & COMPANY, Southw.rk P. O., Philadelphia, Pa. AANTAL STATEMENT Showing the Receipts and Disbursements of the General Fond of Franklin County, From December 1st, HOI P Timberlake 4th qr Com & mileage 26. 00 To amt Cr by error to Q P fund, due Sal fund (Dec 1920 330,00 Dec 5 to amt pd C C Hudson 4th qur Com 25.00 Dec 5 to amt pd W D Fuller 4th qr Com and mileage ? 43.00 Dec 5 to amt pd W C Wilder 4th qr Com and mileage.. 30.60 Dec 5 to amt pd S,C Holden stamps ex and telgrams 9.65 Dec 5 to amt pd_ Franklin Hotel dinner for Jurors 10.50 Dec 6 to amt pd Henry Wiggins 1 load wood Nov eourt _ 4.00 Dec 5 to amt pd McKinne Bros Co stove pipe and lock " .2.46 Dec 6 to amt pd Mrs H W Perry 11 days Court 8 ten 110.00 ? Dec 5 to amt pd Lbg L & W Co 1 and w C H and Jail? 14.50 1 Dei 6 to amt pd H A Kearney acct rendered -- 79.00 Dec 5 to amt pd Joe L, Seawell costs Williams ts ComB 13. OS Doc 5 to amt ifd P J King capturing still ! 20.00 Doc 5 to amt pd Edwards and Broughton acct CSC ? " 7.21 Dec 5 to amt pd Edwards and Broughton for Fee book ;i' 32< 19 4 Dec 5 to amt pd J J Barrow CSC costs J M Allen v Com 10,00 Dec 5 to amt pd J A. Marshall capturing still 20.00 Dec Bo amt pd H A Kearney 1 J tor col 1921 taxes 675 . 00 Dec 6 by "nt dep by CSC Jury tAX and Sten fees _ 22.80 Dec 8. by amt depyhop rentitC Tayler ... ? 10. 00 To voucher pd O W Dobbin Wma v Com* yeft off Nov) 85.00 * 9.484.M ? Pec 31 by amt overdraft carried forward to Jan ? $,96d.84 > % >,484.64 IM84.64 i?2 - v . ?. Jan 1 to amt overdraft brght forward from Dec , 6,9S1j<84 ,, Jan 2 to amt pd J J Barrow Judge Juvenile court , n , ,36.00 ,, ? : Jan J to amt pd'H W Perry' salary auditor ' 126.00 ) >+ ? _ Jan 2 to arat pd Dr J'B Malone quar officer. _ 56 .{00 ,5. ? Jan 2,to amt pd J C Tucker Jajl keeper , '?$*> ? ' ' N OTICE - To Members of the Tobacco and Cotton Growers i ?? ? * J ; Co-operative Associations Our dealings with the members of the Co-operative Association has been satisfac ' > tory for 1922 and to further show -our confidence in the Association we are willing to furnish the members supplies tf-they merit credit, so far as we are able, for 1923. We are taking this position NOW in order that the membership may know that they can deal with us and still deliver their tobacco and cotton t^ their respective As sociation. Spring Hope Supply Co., Supplies. Spivey and Matthews, Supplies, Davis and Joyner, Supplies. The Citizens Bank of Spring Hope. ? ' I (The First National Bank of Spring Hope J. M. Sykes, Cash Grocer. Spring Hope Drug Co. . Citizens -Drug Co. Spring Hope Grocery Co . , "Wholesale . O. B. Bainees, Hardware. r . Tant and Baines, Cash Grocers. H. E. Edwards, Cash Grooer. Bunn and Luper, Dry Goods. R. S. Coppedge, Cash Grocer. Bell's Cash Grocery . Spring Hope Cafe . ? L. E. Markham, Plumbing Contractor. Geo. W. Bunn, Dry Goods and Notions. E. CrBullock, Cash Grocer . J. A. Tunuell, Cash Grocer. J. C. Brantley, M . D . J' F. G. Chamblee, D. D. S. . South side Pharmacy, Druggists. Pitts Motor Co., Ford Sales and Service. M. L. St&llings, Barbecue Stand . I. B. Gardner, Live Stock and Vehicle*. H. Brantley, M. D. * Tha % C. May Co.; Geueral Merchants . Spring Hope, N. C.