THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Xui|?r ?TAR DROPS? ? Cotton sold lor 29 ccnta a pound In Loulsburg yesterday. ? McKlnne Brothers are placing material for' rebuilding their store rooms on Main street. ? Mr. J. S. Howell Informs us he will build an addition to tils storage house this spring, doubting Its capac ity, and will Install a sprinkler outfit for Are protection. RECORDER'S COIKT Judge G. M. Beam, or Franklin County's Recorder's Court, disposed of cases as follows during Monday's retting: State vs Wash, Evans, adw, contin ued under formor order. State vs John Closs operating still, guilty, $50 fine and costs. State vs Furney Strother, gambling guilty, fined $10 and cosvs. State vs P. L. and C. D. Snow, op erating still, called and tailed, judg ment nl si sclfa capias ana continued. State vs Joe Green, disulllng, guilty 12 flsonths In Jail to be hired to C. M. Lawrence, to pay $25 one nnd costs. State vs Percy Mitchell, non-support continued. State vs Henry Perry, ? and r, trans 'ferred to Juvenile Court. State vs Joe N. Wilder, 1 and r. guilty, 30 days in Jail to be hired to 0. C. Hill to pay costs. State vs Willis Minor, distilling, guilty, 4 months on roads. Appeal. State vs Zeb Collins, i and r, guilty 12 months on roads. State vs John Stone distilling, guilty 12 months in Jail to be hired to Jack Lancaster to pay (60 aijd costs. State vs Haywood Perry, adw, nol pros. State vs A. F. Warren, ecw, guilty Judgment suspended upqn payment of costs. . c ' ? TO CLOSE COTTON POOL ABOUT MARCH 1ST Raleigh, Jan. 22. ? Cotton continues to be delivered to"the North Carolina Cotton co-operatives at the rate df about twelve hundred bates weekly, according t*r announcement from the headquarters Here. W IS expected that all-pools 'will be closed arrrnna^March 1st, and it Is ex pect&d_'th?t ngunbers will complete their deliveries before that time. More than 130,000. bales "of cotton have been Classed by expert graders, and It Is believed that the association will get at-hiMHen t&ovsasd bales more beforti^H^ season cloirae. With the efceptlBft'& the Mississippi long iSfcMterMmtoMOPv tM? 401 be the !lnrrp?t niimlmr nf-taicg . _1wwUsbS._Jix fllirjwuijatfw -aWPctRrgm tto aea* ij >Tci?eck? totaling $2,766,000 been j; wnt to members for the aec6hd ad-, vince of $26 per bale on all cotton de livered prior to December 1st, accord ing to General Manager !>.' D. Bla lock, who Btates the first distribution Was been practically completed. Mem bers receive an advance of fifty dol lars per bale when cotton Js delivered. ^ Preparatory" to, beginning an active campaign ofofganltatlbii of -Commun ity locals in every cowon growing ctounty In the State, county meetings ate being held at county seats . Selec tion of Improved seed and methods or combatting the boll weevil are among the Important Bubjeets to receive at tention . WANT tO RENT A good one-horse tobacco farm within two or three miles of Loulsburg for cash rent. 1-26-lt W. F. BEASLEY. FOR SALE One Jersey cow, will be fresh in a few days, " - J. A. MUNFORD, 1-26-lt R 6, Loulsburg, N. C. ?Sulphur Spray for Fruit Trees. 1-26-lt L. P. HICKS. FOR SALE ' Pure brfcd Polled Hereford Bull, five years old, weight about 1200 lbs, finely marked. A tried bull. All calves from this bull have white faces and. no horns. Will sell at a bargain, TAR RIVER STOCK FARM, l-26-2t Frankllnton, N. C. A-MONG THE VISITORS SOME l'Ol' KNOW AND SOME YOB DO NOT KNOW. Pergonal Itemg About Folks And Their Friends Who .Travel Here And There. ?*? D. Li. Herring, of Clinton, was In town one day this week. Mrs. Thos. W. Ruffln and little daughter are Yts^Jng In Winston-Sa lem. ? Mrs. L. W. Choate, of Wilson, Is visiting her sister Mrs. M. C. Pleas ants. Mr. R. M. Person, of Charlotte, was a visitor to Loulsburg the past week. Mrs. J. E. Perry, of Baltimore, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. H. H. Jchnson. Miss Katherine Bobbltt, of Meredith College, was at home for a bhort stay this week. Mr. Wm. H. Ruffln Is attending the Episcopal Convocation at Warren ton this week. Mr. Wm. H. Ruffln, Jr., of Dur ham, spent the week-end with his rel atives last week. Messrs. C. C. Hudson and J. P. Tlmberlake returned Wednesday from a trip to Baltimore. Supt. E. C. Perry attended the State Convention of Superintendents of Public Welfare In. Raleigh Wednes day. Messrs. Julius P. Tlmberlake, Jr. and Henry G. Ruffln came from the Iniverslty to spend the week-end at their homes last "week. MIbs Mary Malone Best has return ed from the hospital atrRocky Mount. While still far from well, her condi tion Is much Improved. " Miss Hattle Edwards, Field Secre tary of the Thomasville Orphanage, was In Loulsburg Saturday looking after the Mother's Aid Work. Col. and Mrs. W. T. Wilder, of St. Paul, Minnesota, who are wintering at Southern Pines, spent a portion of this week with relatves in Loulsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Petty, of Union Levels Ya., were visitors at the college this week. Their daughter, Miss Sallfe Petty ot the Music faculty has been 111 for several weeks. Mr. W. 'L. Beasley and Miss Annie Laurie Macon took William Lee Jr. over to Henderson. Saturday tor a ton sil Mid adenoid operation. The little felloe 1* getting, along nicely. Dr'. H. H. "Johnson accompanied -Mrs. H. Q. Perry and little son, Dor. jaLL-to-Bocky. Mttuat, where tfce.-UUU fcoy w4H-T?ee4Te- treatment. "Their many friends will be glad to know he (p-'ImproTtss. Dr. R. F. Yarbo rough, accompan ied ,J>y his wife, went to Philadelphia last week tor examination and treat ment at the Polyclinic hospital. Mrs. Varborough returned SuiMjAy. MrB T. W-r Blckett, of RalelgfirTemalned with tho children during their moth er's absence. ^ UNCLE HAta Ther?'&. a lot young fellers who - ceem to think that a marriage certio rate 1? a secret of how to pall b live rabbit out of an empty hat. SLAUGHTERED Prices on our entire atockjof Army & Navy Goods. Come Set first choice. Nothing reserved- Everything must e sold. MOjM Traielr Coat* ?1? 60 JfBTy Arm 7 Mackinaw* Sheep?kln* _-s t&M Army Blanket* . .... IMS Wool Ho*e ... 8 t?r |1jD0 WJM> 8weaUri ARMY & NAVY STORE LOUISBDRO, N. C. Jan I to amt pd J C Jonea welfare officer ... 'AD 2 to *mt pd Paulino Smith home dem art - ? Jan t to amt pd Henry Pbrtls Janitor .....i 'an t to amt pd 8 C Holdeo making abstracts Stat* etc an i to amt pd 8lmon Printer^ Inc rubber stamps. _ an i to amt pd Franklin Times aoct Died an J to amt pd U>c(L and W Co light and water.. 'an t Hi amt pd Sou Stamp A Stat Co acct Sheriff off % to amt pd Edwards and Broti(hton acct CSC 'H* Perry Umber for coal house ? . ' P Hick* acct for C H ? Jau 2 to amt pd J C Tucked acct tor Jail ? 66.20 Jan 2 to amt pd Allen Bros Co s^ove and pipe for Jail * 31.50 Jr.n 2 to tint pd H A Kearney capturing still 20.00 Jan 2 to amt pd J G Tucker acct for Jail Nov 27.50 Jan 2 to amt pd Aycock Drug Co acct filed 1.85 Jan 2 to tmt pd Home Tel Co acct 8her Q Nor & Dec 15.40 Jan 2 to amt pd J L Marshall capturing (till 10. 00 Jan 2 to amt pd S E Thomas capturing 2 stills. 20.80 Jan 2 to. ami pd B T Holden Fees for special services 400.00 Jan 2 to amt pd A\J Joyneer 2 days with Hof.H 8.00 Jan 2 to amt pd E L, Best 2 days with B of H 8.00 Jan 3 by amt dep*shop rent H C Taylor Jan 5 b> amt dep by Sherftf (taxes) _ Jan 5 by amt dep by CSC Jury tax and Sten fees 10.00 2,500.00 7.60 Jan 31 by amt overdraft carried forward to Feb. 8,087.81 12,517.60 6,570.21 8,087.81 $8,087.81 Feb 1 to amt overdraft brght ford from Jan t Feb 6 to amt pd J J Barrgw Judge Juvenile courtlll" Feb 6 to amt pd H W Perry auditor Feb 6 lo amt pd Pauline Smith home ~d~em agtllll! Feu 6. to amt pd-J C Jones welfare officer Feb 0 to amt pd J C Tucker Jail keeper Ftb 6 to amt pd Dr J E Malone quar officer. """"" Feb 6 to imt pd Henry Portly Janitor Feb 6 to amt pd J J Barrow CSC fees Jan CUalWd? "r,e? 5 t0 amt Pd H A Kearney Sher fees Jan C (sal f) Feb 6 to amt pd A W Alston J P fees. Feb 6 to amt pd G S Earp J P fees III Feb 6 to amt pd L L Joyner Mayor fees Feb 6 to amt pd D C High Const fees ""I Feb 6 to amt pd E C Perry fees Jan Court Feb 6 to amt pd E P Cameal Mayor fees ... Feb 6 to amt pd D E Cone J P fees "II Feb 6 to amt pd P E Dean Const fees Fob 6 to amt pd P J King Const fees Feb 6 to amt pd D B Harrison, Sheriff fees. Feb 6 to amt pd H E Norrls Solicitor fees Feb 6 to amt pd J R Pearce J P fees Feb 6 to amt pd T J Taylor Const' fees IIIIIIIZII" Feb 6 to amt pd J E Thomas Const fees Feb 6 to amt pd J S Flpch Const fees -?IIIIIIII Feb 6 to amt pd J B Young Const fees Feb 6 to amt pd 8 C Ford J P fees., ^--IIIIIIIII Feb 6 to amt pd E H Evans Const fees : Feb 6 to amt p.d J O Amnios Sheriff fees ... Feb-6-to-amt i>d J B Land Const fees Feb 6 to amt pd J J Cooper J P fees Feb ? to amt pd O N Stell Const fees "*" Feb 6 to amt pd R L Stokes J P fees I Feb 6 to amt pd HL Stokes Const fees Feb 6 to amt pd J O Sledge J P feee Feb 6 to amt tfd W B Morton J P fees II? II Feb 6 to amt pd Burton Jones witness fees II Feb 6 co -amt pd Susie Hester witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Joe Hester witness fees Feb 6 to omt pd Reuben Downey witness fees Feb 6 t.?4mt pd Willie Burgeron witness fees Feb 6 to pd J W Ayscue witness fees Feb 6 to tmt pd Thos Farrah witness fees Feb 8 to amt pd P C Carrell witness fees I Eeh.8~to amt pd R T Tharrlngton witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd W C S tailings witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Willie Solomon wltnkSs'f^es Feb 6 to amt pd Mary Chamblee witness fees Feb fi.'to amt pd K D Hawkins witness ftees Feb 6 to amt pd W H Faulkner witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd C B Barham witness fees - Feb 6 to amt pd W M Alford witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd G L Cooke witness ifises _ Feb 6 to amt pd O H Hamm witness sees. Feb 6 to amt pd E J Cheatham witness fees. Feb 6 to amt pd W. W Shearln witness tees. Feb 6 to amt pd Ernest Pyultt wltne Feb 6 to amt pd J D Speed witness f4 Feb 6 to amt pd A O Perry witness Feb 6 to amt pd J D Speed witness * Feb 6 to. amt pd J L Marshall witness Feb 6 to amt pd E T TharTlngton'wItn^aa fees?, Feb 6 to amt pd J W Whltalcer witness fees -? Feb 6 t j amt pd P G King witness fees ? Feb 6 to amt pd J E Barnett witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd H C Ayscue witness fees. Feb 6 to amt pd W G Kearney witness fees. Feb 6 to amt pd Grace R Kearney witness fees Feb6 to amt pd Aloqza Hagwood witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Porker Loyd witness fees Feb 6 to amt j>d Early Dunston witness fees >$V>b 6 to amt pd R'W Hudson witness fees , Feb 6 to amt pd W S Tharrlngton witness fees . Feb 6 to amt pd W H Batton witness feee? Feb 6 to amt pd C A Batton witness feee t Feb 6 to amt pd Leon Foot witness /pea Fob 6 to amt pd J D Huff witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd M T Meade witness fees I Feb. 6 to amt pd N P Moye witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd L W Marks witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Lee Burin witness fees Feb 6 to amt. pd Deck Boze witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd C M Watklns witness fees Feb 6 to amt-pd Stanley Hill witness fees Fob 6 to amt pd R A Jennings witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd A M Jennings witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Junius Harris witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd C H Dean witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Coy Mullen witness feee ? Feb 6 to pd O C Medlin witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Bud Wlnstead witness fees.. Feb 6 to amt pd Eugene Champion witness fbes Feb 6 to amt pd Johnnie Fergurson witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd J B Nowell witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Lee McKnight witness fees Feb 6 to ?tmt pd Bell Plummer witness fees [Feb 6 to amt pd Moses Whitley witness fees Ifreb 6 to amt pd Thos Debnam witness fees Feb & to. amt pd S L Parrlsh witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Jim Wester witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd J T Wester witness fees ^ Fob 6 to amt pd J B Wester witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Mary Perry witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Betty Perry witness fees : Feb 6 to amt pd Matthew Perry witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd DallaB Blount witness tees Feb 6 to amt pd Son Alston witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd J S Place witness fee# Feb A to amt pd Charlie Gay witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd J G Strickland wliaeis feesi._. Feb 8 to amt pd E B 8111s witness fees Feb t to amt pd T J Averette witness fees Feb 6 to amt pd Letta Harris witness fees Feb 8 to amt pd Thos Young witness tees - Feb 8 to amt pd W C Young witness feee Feb 8 to amt pd T D Dlckefton witness fees Feb 8 to amt pd Jessie Jackson witness tees Feb 8 to amt pd E O Orlssom witness fees Feb 8 to amt pd L H Grlssom witness tees Feb 8 to amt pd T C Gill witness fee* ... .?. Feb 8 to amt pd I L Fuller witness feee Fen 8 to amt pd ft R 8 peed witness feee Feb 8 to amt pd J S Marshall witness feee feb 8 to amt pd Hubert Utley wltne* fees ? Feb 8 to amt pd Mrs T C Header witness feee ' Feb 8 to amt pd Ruth Jones witness ,feee ? Feb 8 te amt pd Mrs 'Louella Perry witness fees Feb 8 to amt pd K L Perry witness feee Feb 8 to amt pd Cyrus Sledge witness fee* Feb 8 to amt pd B H Meadows witness fees.. Feb 8 to amt pd Jas H HoUoway 2000 dogs tags ? . ? Feb 8 to amt pd Home Tel Co phone aoct Sher ft ? Fob 8 to amt pd Listing and Cotnp unlisted tax Feb 8 amt pd Ponred and Moon record boelu Feb 8 to amt pd P J King officer to grand Jury Feb 8 to amt pd P E Dean officer to court.. Feb 8 to amt pd J J Lancaster olf|py to coi|rt , Feb ? tc amt pd E A Rogers 19 JtlVwve pip*. Feb 8 to amt pd H A Kearney ex Met Johtf"Spiv?y ? Feb 8 to Mat pd J E Thomas captjpflL-T?-t ? ? ? - Feb 8 to amt pd W E and Cog 2 record books j C Feb 8 to amt pd Q 8 Earp Coronops inquest ? ,?--X Feb 8 to amt pd R H Utley 1 day On Jury? ^ ? - 4 fS*b 8 to-arot pd H F HwrU 1 daFt 4* >1*7- ? P* JUt*?KO? 1 4?I*H?Jury 6,670.21 25.00 125.00 58.33 75.00 ? 25.00 35.00 35.00 182.92 69.75 31.42 2.90 18.47 11.65 1.55 .97 21.35 6.35 2.25 1.50 171.00 10.02 6.16 13.80 21.15 12.55 14.30 35.00 1.50 I.35 3.50 10.05 4.00 3.90 2.12 9.40 5.29 4.90 2.95 3.95 3.85 3.65 4.95 4.25 il.75 3.10 6.60 7.85 4.90 X. 20 3.80 6.45 2.10 2.10 ? ,2 . 60 1.56 1.65 4.10 I.55 4.60 1.55 3.10 1.05 1.65 4.65 4.95 2.05 2.15 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.10 5.20 6.10 10.60 II.30 8.80 11.60 8.30 10.10 10.80 5.30 5.50 5.10 11.10 * 5.10 " 5.50 11.60 9.40 II.60 9.00 4.90 4.20 3.20 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 2.60 3.65 3.15 1.65 .3.10 3.10 3.10 1.56 1 6.10 6.10 3.10 2.70 3.60 4.10 3.40 3.70 4. SO 1. 60 4.10 3.60 3.60 *.55 3.55 1.10 2.10 2.10 1.20 1.25 1.20 1.20 1.45 2.40 60.00 8. 75 156.64 50.60 12.00 83.00 33.00 5.70 28.45 20.00 105.00 18. 00 1.50 1.60 ? -!.?? Fob 6 to amt pd F M Parrlsh l day Cor Jury Feb S u> &mt pd R R Speed 1 day Cor Jury Fob 6 to amt pd W A Sbearon 1 day Cor Jury Feb 6 to amt pd J L Marshall serving subpoenas Feb 6 to amt pd H S Wiggins 4 loads wood Feb 6 to amt pd H A Kearney capturing still ! Feb 6 to amt pd H C Taylor acct (or shop Feb ? to amt pd Franklin Times acct filed Feb 6 to. amt pd Eutrlct Hazel wood work at Jail Feb 6 to amt p ? i Mar 81 to amt on deposit carried ford to April ? ? MS: f 8,544.20 (TO BE CONTINUED- NtfXT WEEK) Jj J&*? -X i 'l vtii ? -v * . > zT.*"*r;" '"1^'