de for foreclosure having; been . on said trustee by the holder ot ?aid Indebtedness, the undersigned will *m MONDAY,. FEBRUABY 6, 1923 at or' tkoat the bQur of noon at the Court BMot door in Louhsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction tp the klckeat bidder for caah. two certain tracts or parcels of land, situate In Franklin county, N. C. and described 11 Mini, j First Tract. Lot No. 2 in the di vision of the Mary A. Strickland land, bounded as follows: Beginning at a Jock in Timberlake's ' line, corner of No. 1, thence N 1-2 W 166 poles to a ?take, corner of No. 1 In Clifton's line, thence N 86 1-2 W 47 poles 15 links to a Red Oak pointers In Clifton's line, Corner for No. 3, thence B 2 W 166 riles to a stoke, corner for No. 3 in imberlake's line, thence S 86 E 60 poles 20 links to the beginning con ~ tainlng 53 . 36 acres, more or less . It being the land allotUed to W. H. Bed dlngfleld, life tenant, under the Will Of Mary A. Strickland, and his child ren, remaindermen, in a mutual parti tion of said land by deed, dated Nov. 7. 1912, and duly recorded In the Regis ter of Franklin Co. In book 1S2 page US, reference to which Is hereby made for further description. It also be ing the land conveyed to Leona L. Ruffln, by deed dated July 22, 1919 by Wv H. Beddingfleld et al duly record ed Id Book 236 page 213 reference to which Is hereby made. Seebnd Tract. Beginning at a stake corner for No. 2inC. E. Timberlake's line, thence N 2 E 166 poles to a red oak pointers to Clifton's Hue, corner for Mn. 8, thanre N 8? 1.2 W 60 poles IS links to a rock. Clifton's corner, thence along C. M. Cooke's line S 3 1-2 ? W 164 poles to a stake and pointers, Cooke's corner In Timberlake line, thence S 86 E 54 poles 16 links to the becoming, containing 64.16 acres more or less. It being the land al lotted to Mary A . Cooper and her chil dren, in partition of the Mary 'A. Strickland land above refered to in de scription of Tract 1. It also belug tbe land conveyed to Leona L. Ruffin Mary A. Cooper et at by deed dat J?ly 23, 1919, duly recorded 1 Book 233 page 81, Franklin Registry, and by -a later deed of N. B. Hed^peth, Com ntlaatanor, reference to all of which deeds la hereby made for a full des cription. Both of said tracts being the land conveyed to Edmond Johnson Dy T. W. Ruffin and wife, this deed of trust being given tfl secure purchase price for the same. This January 3, 1923. l-6-5t WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE TOWN LOTS AND LAND By virtue of the power of sale con. tainsd In that certain dead of trust made by H. A. Williams and wife to Wm. H. Pace, Trustee, dated April 15, 1918 and recorded in the Registry of Franklin county in Book 194, page 389 .default having been made In the of the debt thereby secured atd demand for foreclosure ty&ving been made by the holder or the debts so secured upon the undersigned trus tee, the Tin der signed will, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1923 ?t about the hoar of noon at the CMnknn door in Loutsburg, N. C., offer for sale >t public auction, to the hfclNtt bidder tor OBSh the property In MM dw4 of traat conveyed and there described as follows : First Tract. Lot No. 42 described ?ad oontainod In a certain Map made by Pool Tacker, C. B., which map Is Mfhterri in the Register of Deeds of IM of Franklin Comity in Book , pagn reference to which Is here Stnade tar farther description . Be rn ng at a point om the North side pf Charth Street M feet West of the intersection of Marsh Street and Chereh Street, and runs thence N 150 (Wt| thence E 64.3 feet; thence Sooth 14N feet; theaoe West 46 feet to the ^ilK of . Trmot No. All th? rlglit, title. In tent, claim and demand of every kind Ml nature whatsoever in and to that SSrtShi tract of land lying Southeast from -the Town Of Youngsv?Ile, N. O. Ohd ea the road leading from said Tow* of Youngsvlile to Oak Orove Onrok, bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of H.. B. Preddy, on the ltMt by the lands of R. C. Underwood and B. H. Winston's es lata, oa the Strath by the lands of talj A Patterson and -on the West by the lands of Perry A Patterson and othefs, InoWti and designated as tie "Oahdacfe Will lame Home Place." W\ HoMen's oornf?44 feet from the MWr?mn R. R. tra?k aM 17 link* ISv<ll'? ?ot*>d nwi theaea N IHJI V n. M ehajtas totka ceatar of tfta WaHs rarest road leading oat from Yonnjsrllle, marirad by a stake oatfce Vast Ma; tbanee ?Mss said, MM tMMt ? * ? ?.? CTiaSna to the <MMMr ?t On road marked by a state ObHfca Mat aMe, ooraer of No,' J; N Ml tt.M chains to a 4UM? aernar ?( No. S la the Hne of R?. Oa.; tttsaae along Sf-^ay .boat N ? W ?.M ohalns^Jo the beglnnlng^MMaiyg ' (LEGAL ADVERTISING) FORECLOSURE OF MINERAL. SPRING, LOUISBURQ LOT By virtue of the power ot Bale con tained tn that certain deed 'of trust made by J. B. Davis to Win. H. ftuf fln. Trustee, dated August 15. 1917, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin County la Book 210, page 277, default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured antl demand tor foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder ot the debt secured, the undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 11-28 at or about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C.> offer lor sale at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, the property In said d^ed of trust conveyed and here described a? follows: Adjoining -the lands of Mineral spring Park, Richard P. Dunston and others, and bounded as follows; viz: On the East by Mineral Spring Park, on the North by Lot No. 9, on the South by the Street and on- the^Test by Richard P. Dunston'a lot, being six-tenths of an acre cut oil from Lot No. 10, accord ing to the plan and division of the] lands of Mrs. Mary M. Hllliard, made by ,W . N. Fuller and the same being conVeyed to the party of the llrst part by A. C. Ellis heir at law of-?v~L. Ellis and conveyed to O. L. Ellis by Jno. H. ?Williamson and wife by deed recorded in Book 100 page 195. This January 6th, 1923. 1.5-5t WM. H. RUFF1N, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by J. P. Hill to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated March 17, 1914, and re corded In Book 199 page 2S2, Frank lin Registry, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure hav ing been made hy the homer of the debt so secured on said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 at or about the hour of noon at the Court House door In Louiaburg. N C . offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for -cash, the land in said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: t Lot No. 4 in the partition of the P. A. Davis lands as surveyed by Jos. T. Inscoe, Surveyor, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a small Dogwood on the North side of the Ransom's Bridge road, a corner of No. 6; thenca N 35 1-2 E 133 1-2 poles to a stake In tie path. Isaac Davis' corner; :hence N 13 W 120 poles to a stake near a t-ianch, Isaac Davis Corner and cor ner for No. 2; thence N 75 1-2 W 93 poles to a stake, corner for the House t:act, called No. 3; ttience S 19 1-4 W It 9 poles to the center of me Ransom's Bridge road, a stake, corner for No. 3; thence along the said road Southeast ward about 135 poles to the beginning, containing 167 acres more or less. This January 5, 1923; l-5-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trusteo. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue of the power conferred npon me in that certain deed of trust executed by R. H. Griffin and' wife to the undersigned trustee on Feb. 12, 1916, recorded in Book 210, page 60 in the Registry o? Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., default hay ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and de mand for foreclosure having been made upon me by the holder of said indebtedness, said lands haying been previously offered for sale, but no confirmation having been made of said sale and the Clerk of superior Court of Franklin County having directed a re-sale, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 at or about the hour of nbon, at the courthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, all that cer tain tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin County, Gold Mine Township State of North Carolina and describ ed as follows: Beginning In the Hal ifax road, Gupton's comer; thence along said road. Northeast 263 poles to a stake, formerly P . G . Alston's corner, S lid E along the old P. G. Alston and i. P. Gupton line 178 poles to Gupton's corner; thence N 88 l-2d W 75 poles to a stake, corner for Mrs. Gupton; thence S 3d W 32 poles 8 links to an oak stump, S 4d E 17 poles 6 links to a white oak. J. B.. Gupton's corner; thence 8 14 l-2d E 14 pole* 23 link* to a white oak; thencd S X 1-2(1 W 31 pole* to a Maple; thence 3>85d E 32 poles 5 links. J. R. and J. B. Gupton's corner; thence 8 3 3-4d W 161 poles to pointers on Sandy Creek; thence np said creek as It me anders 338 poles to a forked gam, J. i. Foster's corner; thence N 9 3-4d E 7 1-2 poles to Willow Oak; thence N 12 >-2d W 80 1-2 poles to a pine; thence N 7 L2d E 24 poles 18 links to a pine; thence N 4 3-4d W15 1-2 poles 4^ a- tlwioo M j| * y/f 47 poles 4 links to a white oak; thence W 2 1-2 polos to a hornbeam, Foster's corner on branch; thence np the coarse of said branch 138 poles 20 links to a poplar stomp. 1. Gupton's corner; thence along Gupton's line 1-44 W 18 poles to a rock; N 3 l-2d I <! 28 poles 7 links to a poplar; N 2 1 -2d W 17 pole* to the beginning, contain ing Five Hundred and Thirty_Hlx (634) acres, less (2) two acres conveyed by R. H. QrHltn and wife to the County Board of Education, Franklin County, ?aM tract of 6M acre* mA| formed fcy several tracts conveyed to the said H. Hr OMffln by deeds recorded as follows, to- wit: Deed of N. F. Al ston In Book 80, page #8, deed of W. H. Nicholson and wife In Book 124 pnge 1*7, deed of P. G. Alston In Rook 132 page 60. deed of 1. D. Al ston and wife In Book 1M page St, In the office of the Registry of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, ref erence to all of which records 1a here made for a further description of the VW 1MM9 From the lands conveyed by deed from N. F. Alston (Ml ten acres have been cut tttf *nd sold and are not Included la the BS? acre tract above described. From the above described tract of land there ts excepted the timber con veyed to R. D. Ctrl* in by R. M. Orif tn and wife by deed dated March 11th, (LiKUALi ADVERTISING) ISM. recorded in Book 138, pace 4 IX' Registry of Franklin County, togeth er with all righta, privileges and tu ments granted to the said R. D. Grit, fin In aald deed. " This the Sth day of Jan., 1923. 1-12.^ B. H. MAL.ONE, Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by rlrtaa of the power conferred upon me In a certain Deed ot Trust executed to me by J. W. Mangnm and duly recorded fa tfce of fice of Register ot Deeda of Franklin county In book 233, p&gee 102- and 103, default having been made hi UM pay c>eht of the note* secured therein, an A at the request of the holder ot said notes, 1 will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1928 at or about the hoar of twelve o'clock; noon, sell at public auction at tha Court House door in Louisburg, N. C. to tha highest bidder for cask all tykat certain lot or parcel of land well I known as the Willis M. Boone Old Home Placed situate in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows by adjoining owners: On tne North by the Louisburg and Nashville road; on the East by the Ricks R> Boone tract; on the South by R. I. Stall luge and on the West by W. B. Coppedfe, and more particularly defined as follows; Beginning at a Red Oak In the W/B. Coppedge line; thenoe along the Loala burg and Nashville road Easterly 68 poles to a Post oak stump; thence a Southerly direction 156 1-3 poles to a Pine; thence a Westerly direction along R. R. Boone's line 56 poles (on land bought of Wm. Inscoe) to a Red , Oak in W. B. Coppedge's line; thence 169 poles along W. B. Coppedge's line in a Northerly direction to the Red Oak named as the beginning, contain ing sixty acres, more or less, it being tlie tract of land conveyed to J. W. Mangum by P. S. & K. K. Allen by deed dated September 9th, 1919. ^ This 3rd day of January. 192S. 1.6-6t Q. M. BEAM, Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE LANb Under and by virtue of the power< contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. Henry Smith and wife to E. H. Mafone, Trustee, dated Iter. S, 1922. and duly recorder tn Book 2241 page 569, Registry of Franklin Coun ty* default having been made in thei payment of the notes secured thereby and demand having been made upon me to foreclose said deed of trust, I, the undersigned Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in Franklin County, State of North Carolina, at or about the hour of noon on ?MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1923 the following described property: A certain lot or parcel ot land situ ate In Loulsburg Township. Franklin County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of Dunham Taylor and the old Nashville road, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Chatrty Ferson, on the ?South by the New Nashville road, and on me "West by the lands of Russell P. Harris, and being the lot whereon the said parties of the first part now reside, and being the lot of land conveyed to the said J. Henry Smith by W. H. Perry, Jr. ci5B taining one acre, more or leu. This the 6th day of Jai)., 1923. * < 1-12. 5t E. H. MALONE, Trustee. FORECLOSURE SALE OP FRANK LJNTGN LOT ? By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed oj^tuist made by W. W. Shearcru and wlte, Kate M. Shearon to Thos. W. Rot. Bn, Trustee, dated May 3, 192?, and re-; corded In the Registry of Franklin County In Book No. 234, page 266, de fault haying been JUide In the pay ment- of the debta thereby secured, and demand for foreclosure haying been made on said trustee t>y the hol der of the debt so secured, theAinder slgned will, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door In Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash the property In saM deed of traet conveyed and there described aa follow*: Adjoining the Home Place of Mrs. Kate M. Bhoaron, J. S. Roberson and others, bounded aa follows: On the North by Mrs. Kate M. Shearon, on the East by Winston Street, on the Sottth by W. W. Shearon vacant lot and on the West by J. 8. Roberaon. Said lot running 80 feet North and South and 171 feet Bast and West and being the lot upon which n housa Is now situate; It being also the North ern portion of the lo! c_aveyed by Frances H. Winston to W. W. Shear on by deed dated Jaa . it, 1921, duly recorded In Frnuklln Registry In Book 229, page 124 to which reference ?s hereby mmttm tar description at en^ tire lot. This January 6th, 1823. THOB. W. RUFFTK, Trustee. NOTICE M flaring qualified aa BtetutrK of tile estate of W. A. Mitchell, de ceased, late of franklin County, bo. tlce la hereby given all persons hold* ln( claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaory, 1924, or this notice Will he plead In bar of their recovery . All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settle-' ment. This Jan. 11th, 1>2S. mm. ida r. irrrcmcLu l-12-et tCxtrx. NOTICE Having qoallled aa Administratrix I c t a, or tbe estate of Willis W. Alston, decensed lit? of Franklin connty, all i persons holding claims against said" estate srs hereby notified to prsaent; them to 8m imiltrrslriM on or before the 5th day of inmnr. IfM, or this rot ice win M plead tta bar of their re crretT. All MMBs Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. 'This Jan. <th, JIM. MlMOmtl A. PLRA8ANTS, l.Wt AOsprx. ILHM. MIIHWIHI > ii ii .?>-?' ;r? it ? in ii ? feALE OP VALUABLJE REAL ESTATE Under and by Virtue and authority contained. In the Deed or Trait execu ted and deliver** by W. H. Yarbar ough and wl to, Boise H. Tarlirwa? fc to O. M. Beam. Trustee, data* De cember 1. 1920. and recoMed la the office of the Register of Dm4> tor PraakUa County in Book 134 at pace 1GB, and default baring been made In tbto payment of the note* thereby te wed, and upon demand and request of the holder of the said notes des cribed therein, I will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1923 at or near the hour of IS o'clock M. at the Court House door ol Franklin County, la Loutabar*. N. C.. offtr for ?ate and nil to tin hltfiast bidder tor cash, all the following described tracts or lots of land situate in Frank Ha County, Louliburg and Sandy Creek Townships, State of North Car. ettna ; "First Tract: Situated m Louis Ixttk Township, known a* t He Shelly Btown farm, adjoining the lands of J no. R. Williams, Ernest Roe and ethers, containing 155 acres, more qr teas, and being the tract of land con veyed to Elolse H. Yar borough by Shelly T. Brown and wife. "Second Tract: Situated In Louis burg Township, known as the Wheleaa Tract, adjoining said craeiiy Brown Tract, H. J. Hayes and others, con taining 49 acres, more or less, And be ing the tract of land conveyed to Bloise H. Yarborough by J. M. & W. K. Allen. ~ ... ? / "Third Tract t Skuated partly In < L>oulubvg Township an? partly In Sandy Creole Township, known a* the Hight Karoo, adjolutar the land* of Henry CottrelL C. 8. Merpstt and. others,, containing 170 acres, more or less, and being the tract of land con veyed iq Eiolse H. Yaroorough, by Mary W. Ymrborcmg^i awl Bdith T. Yar borough." The three above described tracts of land are subject to three prior encum brances. one in favor of The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., aMounts to $8,000, and which may be paid off under the Amortization Plan of $572.00 pefc- year ; one In favor of J. M. Allen and W. H. Allen in the sum of $750 and one in favor of J. J. Barrow in the sum of $847. 38; all of which said encumbrances will first be paid off oat of tke proceeds of tkJs sale in order to give a clear title to the purchaser. "Fourt Tract: Also, one lot In the Town of Loulsburg, said county and state, bounded on the North by Noble Street; on the East by Main Street; on the Soatti by the lands of Mrs. 1. B. Malone; and on the West by Church Street; containing about one acre, and upon which the parties of the first part now reside." The above described lot of land is ?object to two prior encumbrances, one in favor of Annie Lee Hoffman la tke snm of $3,68?; aad one la favor of W. H. Allen in the sum of $3,000; both of which wil} Brat he paid off out of the proceeds of th#e sale in order to give a clear title to tne purchaser. The abeve tracte or lots of land Will first he sold In separate tracts aad then as a whole, the highest total bid. cJera or bidder being declared the pur chasers or purchaser. This the 3rd day of Jan., 1923. l-6-5t Q. M. BEAM, Trustee. SALE OF VAIAJABUE LANDS Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In that cer taln deed of trust executed by W. O. Stone to Ben T. Holden, Trustee on die 25th day ot November, 1919, and My registered in Book 238 at P*4P 167 and 168. office ot Register ot Deeds of Franklin county, default hav lac been made In the payment ot the ttiebtedness thereby secured and le ntand made upon me by the holfler thereof to foreclose, I, the undersign ed Trustee, will oa MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 192? at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door of Franklin county, In the town et Loul'sbqrg, N. C., sell at public auc tion to the highest bldaer tor c&ih all tfcat tract ?r parcel of laad situate and being in the County of Franklin, Cedar Rock township, N. C. aiid be tas lot-far? No. 2 of plat of land for merly owned by Dr. B. H. BobMtt, plat of which la duly recorded la Book of Maps l- page 8#, oMoe of Reg ister of Deeds for Franklin county, described as follows-/ Beginning at a stake m the I **y, or Raleigh road, w. O. Stone's corner, and running thence N 89 W, 2800 feet to a stake, thence 8 10 8-8 W 880 feet to- a stake, tfcemce 8 88 8-4 W 208 feet thence N 86 W 8H feet t? a stake, tbence 8 30 E 1270 feet, thence 8 8? E 2900 feet to a stake In the ivey or Ral eigh road, thence along said road in an Easterly direction 884 feet to the beginning, containing 82.1 acres.. This the^ *W^d^ plljfig}]' SALE or VALUABLE LAND tTnd6?"?nd tojr Tlrta* of <he p*r?r ^obtained In a certain deed of trust to J. Q. Mill*. Trustee from J. T. wn nt and wife, which sals aeed of trust 1* recorded In the office of th* Regis ter of Deeds of franklin county In <Beok 225, PM* 23 default having been made In the payment of the neiss? cured thereby, I will offer for sale at pnbllo auction to the ?igfceat bidder for caah at the courthouse door In the town of Loulsbnrg, N. C. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1?23 at 11 M. the following described real estate: A. certain ?a*c?l or tract of land ntuat? In RHrm townahip. Franklin < f?nty, Mwrth OiBOllna, Mjolnlac Ml* l?*da ?C fcnuil form, Mm Mi I'attarMB, Joe Yctang, J. ?. 1W1? I end othara, and Mi| tha MB* ea> ?<??4td W. B. Ttmberlal* fcy Cam. Una Timber l?lr? by deed fn the office of the RegUter of Deed* of Franklin County In Book 71. pace 141, and afterward* oonrqrU to J. Xr Thnberlake by buna TTmberlake aad other*, and oontilnlag Mu ?nr? . mm or laaa. Thla land h knenm aa ~T%e om Wlgglna" land. Thla the 2Jrd day of Jan., IMS. 1 M-St J. Q. MILLS, Trustee. NOTKJB Under and by virtue of the power of ?ale contained to a certain Deed of Tr*at from ?. B. Griffin, J. N. Orlf fin and Addle Q. Griffin to P. A. Mor gan. Trustee, r counted Ik Book. 241 page 434-4M, Franklin coanty Regis try, deCanlt having- been made la thai payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, at the request o t the holders of the note therein mentioned, tb? un dersigned trustee will, at or about 1:00 o'clock p. m. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1?23 offer for sale at the court house door In Louisburg, North Carolina, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, tot cash the following described real es tate, to-wt; One certain lot or parcel of land in Franklin county. Cypress Creek town. shIp,~Nbrpi Carolina, .Being lots S, 6, and 7, containing 138 1-2 acres mora or leaa, described a ad contained In a certain map made by M. B. Davis, C. E. which map Is registereed in the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county. In Boat 1 page 86, reference to which la hereby made, for farther description; and being a part of the J. 8. Ross lands owned by him at the time of hjs death. Lot No. 5 contains 15.91 acres, lot No. S contains (4.46 acres, and lot No. 7 contains 58.14 acres. This Doed I# made subject to the Bale aad conveyance of standing timbers this day made as well as timbered land of record the terms of which being known by the grantors This the 18th day of Jan., 1923. P. A. MO ROAN," Trustee . I. T. Vallentlne, Attorney. l-26-4t NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, In The Franklin County. Superior Court. R. I. Mitchell, to the use of Q. H. Hastings Vs. J. T. Wilson. Hy virtue of an exeoutloa directed to the uaferaigmed from the Clerk of the Superlcr Court of Franklin coun ty In the above entitled action, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY ?, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door of Franklin county sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution all the right, title and Inter est. which the said J. T. Wilson the defendant has In the following describ ed real estate, to-wlt: First Tract: Situate Is YOungsvllle Township, Franklin county, adjoining W. V. Person, W. T. Qreen, Stephen Winston, and others, containing flfty n:nc (19) acres, find beleg the ruSaatn der of the J. T. Wilson home tract, after the allotment to him of forty acres as a homestead, in and to said home tract, which contains In the whole ninety-nine (99) acres, also the reversionary interest In the forty acres, allotted to Jv T. Wilson as his homestead. Second Tract: Known as the Will tans tract, containing lit acres, boun ded on the NOrth by James Mitchell, on the East by the A. J. P. Harris es tate, on the South by Pa?l Jonas, and on the West by W. M. Person. Third Tract: Containing 112 acres, bounded on the North by Qeorge Wig gins land, on the East by W. P. Tlm bcrlake, on the South by Crocker Mitchell and on the West by the lands of D. W. Splvey. This the 2*4 day et Jan., 1922. H. A. KEARNEY, UhWlff, 1-5-Bt of Franklin County, N. C. NOTICE North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin Count. Before the Clerk Lucy H. Usesll, et als Vs. Fannie N. Webb, et Us Lessie Wilson and husband B. B. WBson, Norman B. Hedgepeth and wife Vandclla Hedgepeth, and J. M. Hedgepeth and wife Mildred Hedge peth, defendants herein, will take no* tiee that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Franklin county for the pur. pose of partitioning a part of the lands devised by the Will of J. H. Uzxell, decease*, situate in Franklin County, State of North Carolina; and the said defendants will furttfcr take notice that fhey are required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Conrt of Franklin county on the 26th day Of February, 1928, at the courthouse In Louinburg, N. C., and answer or de mur to the Petition or Oomplaint filed In said action or special proceedings or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In' said Petition pr Complaint. This the tSrd day ot Jan., 1*23. J. J. YOUNG, C. S. C., l-26-4t Franklin County NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of tee estate ef Geo. W. Burnette, de , lats of PMaUh'MMlv notice Is hereby given ?U perwras holding claims against said estate to present them to the anderslgned on -or before the Hth day of January, 1*24, or ttu notice will be plead la bar of their re covery. All persons lndsbted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Jsn . 18th, 1923. l-l?-?t ANNIE L.. BURNETTE, Admr. NOTICE Having qoalfied as Executor of the estate ot Mourning May, deceased, late ot UtankMa eeunt* soiled Is Hai? tften alt ?sTtem koMtag claims against said estate to present them to the naderstgned on or before the Mth day of JaniUry, 1924 or thjs notice will be pl4Ml InMMr of their recovery. All asreowa ijjfiinl to IM estate will *Q seres of the w!c. Strickland land one halt mike from Wood, N. C., Including the home buildings. If In terested go and look this over and write C. Strickland, trick. Otth. fof pride Ml Wtats, mabs offet* TMS Is m limh for some She. O. STRICKLAND, l-19-8t Erlck, Okla. ' NOTICE Of LAND SJjQB Under and. by virtue of authority contained in a certain Deed of Tout, executed to ma, the undersigned trus tee, on the 26th day of Iferch, 19*1, by P. 8. Herring and wife and D. L. Herrlnx and wife. which >ald deed of trual U duly recorded 1a the oClece of the Register of Deeda-of Franklin county In Book 232 page 336, default haying 'been made in the paymeat of the d^bt secured thereby, and demand baying been made upon me for fore, oloaure, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 19*3 at about the hour of 12 o'clock V. at the court houie door, at LouMtug, N. C. aell to the highest bidder lor cash, to satisfy the aaid Indebtedness, the following described tracts of land, lying and being in Youngsville town ship, Franklin county, N. C. First Tract: Beginning la the Douisburg and Kaleigh road, at a White Oak on the west side of the road, the Alford corner in the Perry line, thense S 86 E 62 poles 23 link a to a Spanish Oak, J. E. Tharrlngton'Si corner in Perry's line, thence 8 2 1_4 W 33 poles to a rock and pointer*, thence S 88 1-2 E 65 1-5 poles to a large Pine, Roland's corner in Thar - rlngton's line, thence 8 2 1-z W 2(1-1 poles to a rock. White Oak and Sour wood pointer? on a branch, the Baldy Pearce corner, thence 8 83 W 170 poles H links to a Sweet Giun, H. M. Slay's corner in Pearce's line, thence N 22 E 78 poles to the. center of the Loots, burg and Raleigh road, N. M. May's corner on- the East side of the road, thence down said road in an Easterly direction to the beginning. Contain' lug 159 1-2 acres, more or less. Being a part of the tract deeded to Jordan May by Rosa Psrham as will appear 1)7 reference to Book of Deeds 82 pages 443 and 444 In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county. Second Tract: Being the tract con veyed by T. W. Blckett, Com'sr. to J. E. May by deed datea Jan. 1, 1900, and recorded in theRegister of Deeds olflce of Franklin county in Book 150 page 130, and bounded on the North by the lands of Jordan May, on the East by the lands of E. W. Timber Iske and on the south and west by the lands of Jordan May. Containing 13 1-2 acres, more or less. The two tracts being adjoining and. making one tract of 173 acres. This Jaa. 10th, 1923. lj?-5t S. A. NEWELlL, Trust**. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue ot Ut? powen and authority contained In that deed of trust executed~by A. W. Perry, Jr. and wile to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, which Is duly registered in the office ol the Register of Deed* of Franklin county In Book 241. at pace 688. de fault haying been made in the var ment of the Indebtedness thereby se cured and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1928 at 12 o'clock M. at the courf house door In the tows of Loulsburg, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, tar caah, the following real estate sit uate 1b Cedar Rock township, Frank lin county. North Carolina, ylx: Be. log a one-half undivided interest tn and to the two loll owing tracts: First Tract: Beginning In the cen ter of the new Lonisbmg road, a rook on the north side Bobbin and Del ferMge earner, theace by surrey of; 1897 South 1, W 146 voles to a rock ox^ Little Cypress creek, Deibrldge conf er, thence down said creek as It. inl anders 142 poles to black gum QOfB?r In line of RJed place, thence N 3 W/ 73 poles 6 links to a ruck and holly H corner to twenty acres, called Lester Land, thence S 86 1-2 E 9 poles 5 llnksi by a new survey to a rock, a new mado corner, thence N 3 1-2 E (new utrrev) I'M- polos 20 links to a rock; theaee N 86 1-3 W 9 poles 6 lrnka to the ceqter of the road 14 links N to a large white oak. thence N 3 E (surxry 1897) 19 poto* to a stake and hickory pointers on the rrtrrth side of the Loulabarg road, thence along said ruad N 60 EI9 poles; N 44 1.2 E 49 poles 10 link* to the beginning, containing 61 adres, more or less, But it Is expressly agreed that from the land above boun ded there has been sold to R. L. "Del bttdge eleven acres, and tpe same has. been deedod to him, and this is exeiad ed from tills conveyance, making the number ot aeres hereby conveyed fif ty acres. Second Tract: Also another . tract or parcel of laad tn Cedar Rock town ship, known as the *^Ope Plaoe," bought from Q, W. Ford and d ascrib ed as follows: Beginning at a blsck gum on Cytngs creek. Deans oOlMr, thence 0 it 1-2 W n poles 9 links to a stake and sweet gum, thence N 19 1-1 W (4 poles to a roek, thence M l 11 80 pole* -It Hnfc* to the old path a large pine and sweet gam pointers, to Thos. H. Murray corner, then** N. 81 1.3 E 6 poles to cypress Creek, ttaento dorni said cree* ?s It raoeutars 10 poles 13 links to the fork of the creek, thence up the Bast prong as It meanders 113 1-3 poles to staks ttMfe ?rty wTilts oak; tttawt 4 poles te a large pin* stump, Mafy Ahn BoWMfs corner, thence B 71 B 40 1-3 pole* M a sMh* mMMtv* omsr, fh?M* ? t W It pole* 11 links to a ?take corner; thence 8 88 B 63 poles Ugii to a rook, corner No. 4 m BHNtt line; th*noe 8 11-1 W 46 polee-to a Mtefc sod polntsr, corner No. 8 Ik lM* of No. 4; thence W 93 pole* to |Mk' and pointers, cornsr No. (; thsfian-tt 87 W 88 poles to a rock and pofcrtera. Deans line; thence N 67 W 43 poles tn the beginning, containing ?1ghty?*UAt seres. This ths 10th day of Jin. 5SW. l-13-5t BEN T. HOLDEN, TrUtM. NOTICE , . ~ i HMW* ?6ailflM M AdmlntMrator-of IftfVie WtM**M 9. fl. Oreen, Sr., ?fc H** 1?H ? ***** ft ggaairaB sri. s Mat them to the nnderalffned DM. ?r before the lttta d?7 of Jenaury, (Ml, or this notice will h? plead In iMT'Of their reoorerr. All peraom InMMM Ho ealfl %etate <Hll pleaee com* tat w*rd <*md make Immediate MNlk (nent. Thl# J*. 11th, IMS. T. W. WATSON, Admr. |W. AT. W. Ruffln, Attr?< 1-lMt

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