FOR 10 DAYS t ?* : Starling ? Saturday, Feb. 3rd WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, TRUNKS, HAND BAGS, SHOES, BUGGY AND AUTO ROBES AT PRICES WELL WORTH YOUR WHILE. ALL BUGGY AND AUTO ROBES V2 PRICE OVERCOATS $12.50 Value . . . ;...... ... 57.48 $17.50 Value $9.98 $25.00 Value .". . . $14.98 Knit Army Gloves . . ._ 15c Corduroy Suits, $15.00 Value $9.98 Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drapers 63c Each ALL WINTER STOCK MUST BE SOLD Allen Special Overalls $1.48 Outing Night Shirts $1.35 Outing Pajamas yTTp... $1.65 KHAKI ARMY COATS 69c j We only mention a few of the many real bargains we have to offer you. "COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK" Allen Bros. Co. Lonubtirg, N. C. PAY YOUR 1 922 County Taxes 1 PEE CEST PEXALTY WILL ?E A DDE It TO TOCR TAX OX FEB. 1ST AND 1 PEE CENT EACH MONTH THEBEAFTEB O'TIL PAID. PAT Y0l"RS BEFORE THAT DATE AND SATE TBE PENALTY WHICH CX DEB THE STATE LAW WILL BE ADDED. Yohts very truly, H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under 6x13 by virtue of authority con talned In a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted on the 6th day of Feb. 1914 by Robert Hayes and wife to D. H. Dick ie to secure a certain note, and trans ferred and assigned by the said D. H. Dickie to McKlnne Bros. Co., which said mortgage deed Is of rrt-ard In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county In Book i?3 page 451, note secured by the said mortgage deed being past due and derault hav ing been made In the payment of the same, we will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1923 -at about 12 o'clock M. at the court house door of Franklin county sell to the highest bidder for oash, to satisfy the said Indebtedncs, the following described real estate, situate in San dy Creek township, Franklin County: Bounded on the North VT. O. Fanlk ner, on the East by T.\T Hunt es tate, oa the South by Charlie Kearney - MiJ an Uie-W*at by W. n. Matklln. Lolnj thd land bought by Robert Hay ' ea of Mra Annie E. Harris, containing ICO acres, more or less. This Jan. 34, 1913. .McKLNNE BROS. CO. l.H-St Assignees o I the Mortgagee. ' V ? . . i - ? FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINT [.NO puamc cu k nvrfn rrn ^ttWfttrtbe to TIM rnrntia MONET TO LEND ON IMPROVED (arm lan da. < per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. May ran for 33 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf 8. A. NEWELL. FOR SALE Pure bred Polled Hereford Bull, Are years old. weight about 1200 lbs, finely marked. A tried bull. All calves from this bull have white faces and no horns. Will sell at a bargain. TAR RIVER STOCK FARM. l~26-2t ? Frankllnton, N. C. ? A tONie. Orove's Tasteless Aill Tonic restores Energy ami Vltalitylby Purifying and Enriching tin Blood. IV hen |rou fed Its strengthening invigoraftng cffect, sec how It brings cow to Um cheeks and how it improves no appeate, you wiil tlien ?p[ rcciato Its sue Mjicjvaloe, , - Grove's Taste] c*f: Chiil u"onic U simply Iron and Qcinin* sn*p-Tt4rd in syrup. So pleasant even clfljdren liw it. "Hie blood needs QUININE tA Pnrlfwit and IRON to fjprtrh It. Destroy* Malanal g'-rrns and Grip germs by Its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 60c. HEALTH SIKVEY TO BE MADE IS FRANKLIN COVTTT SCHOOLS State Board of Healtli Sends Narso To Make This Snrrej tn Tie Schools. Dr. G. M. Cooper, director of the Bureau o! Medical Inspection of Schools, has placed Mias Birdie Dunn in Franklin to make a alrvey of health of school children. Miss Dunn has the following to say In regard to the nature of the work. ?The physilal examination of school children for defects that retard nor mal physical or mental development of at least 50 per cent of the school child, ren of America has begun in this ccoun ty . These children are often regard ed by parents and teachers as dull when, If the truth were known, in many Instances the child is balf blind, toxic from bad teeth, adenoids, or dis eased tonsils, or his brain and body are lacking the stimulus of proper food. "Malnutrition is really one of the most fundamental causes ot these ills. The teeth decay and general bodily re sistance is lowered from under nour ishment. There are Are million school children in the United States suffering from malnutrition. They have plenty to eat, but the parents elth er through ignorance or indifference, do not select the right rood to build the body. It is the balanced diet that should be-put before the child. "Among the most common defects are defective teeth, dlseue and en larged tonsils, adenoids, poor vision, bad posture, malnutrition and lack of personal hygiene . It has been aaid that. "The Soul needs saving only when *-he mind and tody are wrong;." And also, that "The manner in which its children are nur tured is lh truth, perhaps, the best [ measure of the civilization of a race . " If this be true, then a great responsi bility falls upon the parent and surely it is the first duty of every parent to Bee that their children have healthy minds and bodies. Matter Instinct Unreliable "Mothercralt, which mean* skilled motherhood, should be regarded as a profession, and yet we sttn find Intelli gent women depending, npo ?i "mother instinct" to guide them in the care ot their children. This same mother In stinct which tradition idealizes, Is re sponsible largely (or the 16 million defective school children in this fair land pf ours today. Most ot these de fects are preventable and a large per ccnt are of a remedial nature. With these handicaps the child nas poor chance of attaining bis normal develop ment of mind or body, and without oor rection premature death or invalidism in middle life may be expected in many cases. Only ten per c?mt of school children reach high school. Defective children are also more susceptible to tbe communicable diseases, the t'lness absence loss during 'he school age is an Injustice to the child and a serious economic loss to the ? oramunl ty ajil the state. 'i&ome authorities claim that much of 'crime, incorrigibility ?nd even In sanity are a frequent result of these physical defects and It lias been posi tively demonstrated that many child ren suffering from these various han dicaps improve In healtn, disposition and scholarship when proper correc tion Is made. Our Goal Is Health "Our goal is a healtnr Individual, and this is attainable in a large meas ure through right habits in rood, rest, exercise, fresh air and personal clean liness. It is the duty of the school nnrse to visit the various schools In the county, examine the children for 'fjfiysical defects and report these de fects to the parents. Health talks are made in each school and the child ren are Instructed In the elements of good health. "Let us remember that. The Wealth of a Nation lie* tn the Health of Its Children.' " It should be understood that' the Nurse simply expresses ?n opinion In regard to defects. The child's par tes are advised to consult their phy sicians or dentists for a positive diag nosis . SALE OF LAND Under and by Tlrtne of an order of the Superior Court of Franklin county made In that Special proceeding enti tled Henrietta Carroll vs Onnle Roe arid others, the undersigned commis sioner will on MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1071 at 12 o'clock M, at the courthouse door of Franklin County in tho town of Ixmlsbiirg, jN. C.. sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for <arh that tract or parcel of land lying In Sandy Creek township. Franklin C'.ui t f. N. C. bounded as follows: ) On the Nir'f? '^nris rf P. c." Carroll: on C r Knst by the l.ndt of jR. T. niarrlrtj'on; on the fl ) i h end IWcst by l!io IcnOa of Thos. " . 1'arrat'. containing 21 ne.rcs, nr.: j ? r less, known a? the Old Fra:ices Ajff-tt- home pUca. Tills the 20tb day of Jan , 1923. BEN T. HOUdM. 2 2-5t Commluio iAr. [fOU FIRST CLASS JOB I'KlVnNU 1 THONB NO. 283. PROFESSIONAL COLUHN DB. J. HERBERT HTZliKHAI lr fit, Ear, NowC flijreat Will be at Dr. if. H. Jotin&en's office in Loulsburg ??ry first Moiidfcy., En. sagements should be made as faivin advance as possible. DB. B. P. TABBOBOUC11 Physlclaa and Hargeoa ~ LsMskarg, H. C. Office in Bickett and Yarborougb Building. Office Phone >96 Residence Phone U 8. AT WOOD HXW1LL. Attenej-At-Law. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office in First National Bank Building Oeaeral Practice I wish to adyise my patients and the public generally that alter the 1st of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING & P. BURT, K. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Bcocgtn'* Drug store. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to 6 p. m. DB. W. B. MASS. Yelcrlnariaa Loulsburg. N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. , Phone Office 33&-L Residence S35-J Special Attention .to Small Animals. DK. D. *. SMITH WICK. UiUvt, H. C. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sta. W. M.FKR80N. attqrnkyat-uaw Lonlsburg. North Carolina fraattaa la all eoarta. Office on Mala Btraat O. ?. BB AM ' Attorney -at- Law Offlcee orer Poet Office Practice In ail eonrta. DR. J. u. uAVIS Physician and Snrgcon Loulsbarg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30. a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. B. B. WMb B. I. lilm WHITE M HALOKB LAWTHHH Loalabarg. North Carolina ?maral practice. settlement of m tUm tanda Urestod. Onj member at <m? Arm always la the oMee. DR. H. 6. PERRY Physician and Sargeea Lealsbarg, North Carollaa Offices Adjoining Aycock Drag Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 DJL i. K. Ilion. loalaburg, North Ctrollu (Mm la Ajeoek Drag Btore, Market Street, Office Practice SJurgery end consultation. DK. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Lonlsburg, North Carolina Office over Ay cock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 t J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Louis barf, N. ?. Office In Flrit National Bank Building D*7 Phone 249 ? Night Phone" 249-2 17m. H. Rnffln, Thoe. W. Ruffln WI. M. k Til OH. W. KCFFIN Attorneju-at-Law Leibbirg, t North Carolina Qeneral practice, both clTjl and crtm tnal, in Fran kl Id and adjoining coun ties, Sjpreme and Federal Courts. Offices in First National Bank Building. BTEGALL BKOH. J - Barbers Loulsburr. If. C. Wa have Ave good barbers and yoti will receive the beat of servlc-j. Also Essex Automobile for hire at all times, at reasonable prlcaa. Assoc. -Mem. Am. Soc. M. E. Registered Engtneer EBIC. G. FLANNAGAN CONSULTING ENGINEER Henderson, N. C. Telephones: Office 635; Res. 216-J Preliminary- .Investigations, Drawings, | Specifications, Supervision. If you are going to batlfl see me first. | Hastings' Seeds H 1 933 Catalog Free jrzwm, if tt oooUtfaa 100 Erorraotly des?rlb popular rogaUbl crops for the Sou Ho* and what to pl?m garden and field How to beat tb* beatli and oth?r color pictures of loll told otfte'r Howe**. packetn of tend of beautiful {lowers frtke. _ Row niuch aead it required to plant a row or acr?, when and how to Dtlitt and ruttlrstc. Wby It pays tar plant pood Eco'l? and how to est them aa cheap or cheajor than common or ordinary seeds. Just write for tMi handsome n?rs? lt2S f5?'d Hook. K's a fcomtlfol boo* and you'll* bo mighty find to hare It la yoOr hcrmff. It Is absolutely frea. Writ? for It tcday. .* H. ft. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Oa. ? 'J , ? 1 Everything Ready For Your SPRING SEWING New and complete line of whltefroods and colored wash fabrics Best table^oll cloth 80c yard. x pictorial Review Patterns ' KABO CORSETS - THE LADIES SHOP at Store formerly Occupied by Allen Bros. Co. Mrs. E. E. Harris, Prop. Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. I Thank You / For your liberal patronage the past fall and extend to you the season's best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. I will continue to gove you the best service possible and save you money on your purchas es. Come to see me and lets- help each Other make money. IN. B. Tuckcr (E. 8. FORD'S OLD STAND) NASH STREET LOTJ1SBUBG, N. 0. I sincerely trust that you had a Merry Christmas and wish for you and yours a joyous and Prosperous New Year. I thank each and every one of you for your liberal patronage the past year and hope that I may Serve you this year which I believe is going to be better for both of us. Youra truiy, J. W. PERRY HASH STREET LOTlSBUBGh N, 0. ~ R. F. Fuller M HtrMk Ml Mole*. .AIM H?r ui Oat*. Batfffe h4 H anion far aalo, of tha rifkl klid Ui at tb* right prtoa* Wni tan far cam ar part ntt or oa approved UMarlty. If roar horia ar Mala lt?l a at ?nit yoa cam* la aat aaa It jo? eoali aat Bake a traia rctirkat/aa waat, Co?o aa4 ie? uluthor jou fear art aat. R. F. FULLER Ijoaltbart. N. C. ! WHY WAIT TIM. THE I^ST DAY : TO SFND TAB-COfY in ron AN A PY K KTISKMKWT IV II K.I TIIK AD MAN CA1 01 V> Y04JA Ml' 'HI BFT IjKtt- JOU IF YOU SEND IT IN bOO.XBlM DONT FORGET IT. ? ?f? n Cold In One Dajr ?yEfROMOQUWIHI! (Trtfc Ml> ft mvi ?"<? work* off ih? (UN C ? rl,;natur? on each box. 30o. ' ' o ' KUANKmN TJMK8 'er Year In Advanc? \

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