ALL WOOL A R M Y ?? 4 ?>? FRIDAY and SATURDAY Only v 3 $100 ARMY & NAVY STORE NOTICE Having Qualified as administrator of George L. Dodd. late of Franklin county, N. C., tUs la to notify all per sona hurlng claims against the estate of said deceased to exhirc them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of February, 1924 or this ' notice will be plead In bar or their recovery. All persons indebted to sata estate will ' ?please make lmmedlae payment. , This 12th day of February, 1923. E. P. DODD, Adm'r. W. M. Person, Atty. . l-l?-6t NOTICE OR SALE OF HEAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the authority vested In the undersigned mortgagees by that certain mortgage deed execut ed by J. C. Brantley and recorded In the Registry of Franklin^ County, In Book 242, on page 529, default having been made In the payment of the note thereby secured, we will otter for sale to the highest bidder (or cash on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1923 at or about twelve o'elocir noon, In front of the courthouse door In the town of Loulsburg, N. C. the follow ing described real estate: One tract of land lying and being In Dunn's township. Franklin county, N. C. known as the Jones land, contain ing Forty .one and 3-4 acres more or ltss, bounded on the east by the lands of .J. C. Brantley, on the south by Ransom Dodd, on the West by Ransom Dodd and on the north by J. C. Brantley land. This Jan. 11th, 1923. SPRING HOPE SUPPLY CO., O. B. Moss, Mortgagees. Attorney. l-12-5t ^iood farms For Sale I have several good farms in fine state of Cultivation with good building and outhouses in good communities for sale cheap. See S. A. Newell Louisburg, N. C. J AR VIS! STORAGE BATTERIES Made in North Carolina v 18 Months Unconditional Guarantee REDUCED PRICES Batteries Recharged and Repaired ? . ALLEN MACHINE COMPANY GARAGE, Lonisbnrg, N. 0. Day Phone 295-J Night Phone 280-L PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP Cord and Fabric Casings "Ton-Tested" Tube TREE with every casing Hands chapped? MENTHOLATUM Lost or Stolen! ?potted, female 20 InchM hl(?h. ?bout an Dec. watch ^ILLS RATS ??4 pile* that's RAT.8JIAP, the old reliable wiwt 4?t?j?r. Cmm In cakes ? as Btxlar wit* ttker iMi loir moB*r hack If tt fall*. Sic . ?l*e (1 cake) eaoagk for Pantry, KltrJkea or Cellar. Me nine (8 odd) for .Cklckea Hon**, coops, or small MMItp. II && tlie (t eakM) enoaftta for all far* aad ont-b?Ildln(r?, itoraie balldla**, or factor/ bafldlar*. Hold aad raaraatnod by CASH ?BOCBBT * MARKET *? .. i . To Stop a Coufn Quick take HAYES* HfImJNG HONEY, a ooadh mwHrlnt whk i Mops the ooojh by beaUog the Inflamed and Irritated tissues. A boa tf GRO\ F.t O-PEK-TRATE SALVE far Chant a Id*. Head Cold* and Ooopl* >ncloaed i rtfi army bottle of HAYES' HEALING WHEY. The salve shovld be tabbed on tie chest and throat of children suffering Mom a Cold ot Group. teSKSS a??5fa la fa^carton ?xl th. Jast ask voor diMglst far HAYES' HEAUNQ BOHEY. T BE STILL Life today 1* a wild mad rush. This busy, hustling age Js so set on doing things, that we scarcely hare time to cat or sleep, much less rest or think. Consequently many are old before their time, grow weary of the strife, and occasionally put an ?fid to tt all. ?And slow suicide accomplishes the same end as razors, pistols and poi son , But we hare no mora right to destroy life gradually than we ham to destroy it Instantly. And the restless rush of the day counts against us spiritually as well as physically. Of course, He la pres ent everywhere, but we see Him more plainly and feel Him more sensibly in the quiet of the closet than In the etir-of the atreet. Therefore for body's sake, for mind's sake, and tor the soul's sake, sit down sometime and think whence you came, what you are, r.nd whither you are bound. "Be still and know that I am God." ? Ps. 46:10. ? Daniel J. Currle. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks and 'appreciations to all those who rendered so many kindnesses and ex pressions of sympathy In the recent illness and death of my husband. They will be long and tenderly remember ed. MRS. S. N. NELMS. jr>'10B STINT NIGHT AT LOUIS BIRG COLLBHB The Jolly Juniors realize that "A little nonsense now and then is rel ished by the best of men." Their evening of fun and frolic In the col lege auditorium January twenty-fourth was considered a decided hit. The mock faculty gave the various members of the faculty a fine oppor. seen by the students. The boys' room in a Wake Forest dormitory In which several boys were studying ( 1) was the crowning event of the ' evening . The students and their friends enjoy ed the social hour which followed the evening's entertalnmenTT tin the Spring the gardener's fancy Often turns to thoughts of woe, When the pesky little cutworms Chevr his plants off down below; But he makes his poisoned mixture Placing it between the rows. Then the cutworms go and eat it And turn up their little toes. ^ ^ ? C. S. Brimley. B Subscribe to The Franklin Times Keep Your Sink Drains Clear Here is the best insurance against clogged drains and stopped-up pipes. If the sink drain becomes clogged or runs too slowly, sift a little Red Seal Lye down the pipe. The lye will immediately combine with the grease in the pipes. Then when water is added you will hear the cheerful "gurgle" in the trap and know that the drain is free and the pipes clean and sanitary. Pure lye is the strongest and most effective disinfectant in the world. Red Seat Lye far excels cheap brands. Red Seal Lye is pure, unadulterated and high tested. Red Seal Lye is also a wonder ful water softener. |Iird water means a great waste of soap and labor. Add one-half a teaspoonful of Red Seal Lye to every bucket of washing water and notice the snowy whiteness of your garments and how much less soap is used. Save your meat fats *n<l make your own *o*p with Red Seal Lye. One can of Red Seal Lye will make 20 cakes of pure soap. Kaiy directions are in the can. Be sure and ask your dealer for the old reliable granulated Red Seal Lye and tske no substitute. Send us a postal for the Red Seal Booklet which describes all the uses of this famous product. Writs today. P. C. TOMSON A CO. ?w*?nk r. O. nikJalykU, f?. TUCKER'S CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. V I bare Ju?t opened a flret class Cat* In th? old Nul building and am prepared to furnish meala at all bo arm. and the beat the market afford*. Ice Cream f cente a cone. Bo ft Drink*, etc. Prlcee reasonable, eerrloe the best. V. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor DOES TOUR BACKACHE? Ifi usually a (Icq of tick kidneys, especially If the kidney action la dis ordered, passages scanty at too fre quent. Don't wait tor more serious trouble*. Begin using Doan's Kidney Pllla. Kw4 this Louisburg testi mony. H. P. Cr&nford. parage foreman. Church fit. ?aye : "Last winter I bad a terrible time with my kldnays. For Ions spells my kidneys failed to act at all and wjiea I was able to pass the secretions they were highly col ored and burned in passag*. My back nearly killed me with pain and I couldn't turn in bed without a knife-like pain stabbing through my kidneys. It wis almoet Impossible to bend and I certainly was in mis ery. Mornings my back was as sore as a boll and so still I couldn't stoop to put on my shoes. I doctored, but didn't get satisfactory results. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me more benefit than any medicine I had taken. I haven't had a spell with my kidneys since." 60c, at all dial era. Foster-Mllbura Co.. Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue o? orders and decrees made by the Superior Court of Franklin county In those Special Proceedings entitled T. A. Lester, Adm'r. vb Perry Lester and others and W. A. Strickland, Perry Lester and others. Ex Parte, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1923 at 12 o'clock M, at the courthouse door of Franklin County In the town of Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at -Piihllc . auction, to the highest bidder for cash those two tracts of land lying In Cypress Creek township, Franklin County, N, C.; described as follows: 1st Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company on the East by the road leading, from Maplevlile to An derson'a?-brldge, on the South by the lands of the John Ross Estate, and on the West by the lands of the Greenle^f Johnson Lumber Company, containing 19 acres more or less. ** 2nd Tract: Bounded on the North by the road, (Old Road) leading from Seven Paths to Anderson's bridge, on "the East by Cypress Creek, on the -South by the John Rosa Estate and on the West by the Anderson Bridge road, containing 30.6 acres more or less. These two tracts are adjacent, except that they are divided t>y the public road and make a valuable little farm, with residence, tenant house, barns, stable, out-houses, etc., and a good or chard situate thereon. Sol's subject ttf lease for 1923. This the 26th day of Jan., 1923. * BEN T. HOLDEN, ? 2-2-5t Commissioner; NOTICE ,/ Having Qualified as Administrator of J. H. Johnson, deceased, late_ <4 ^Franklin county, notice is hereby* given all persona holding claims against said estate to present them to the uncfersignp.d -on or before the 2nd day ot February, 1924, or ^his notice will be plpti'd in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. /This February 1st, 1923. 2_2-6t W. G. JOHNSON, Adrcr. While there is a difference of opin ion about capital punlrbinent, al! good farmers agree that *t is all right when applied to scrub bulls. COTTON GROWERS Before you decide to plant either short or long staple cotton this season, write us. We have made an exhaustive study of the cotton market for the past elev en years and can give you some valu able advice. PEDIGBEED SEED COMPANY Hartsvllle, S. C. F BAN KLIN INS. * BEALTY CO. LOANS AND IN8UBANCK 7-21tf GUARDING THE EYESIGHT ONE CHILD out of ererr four of school age hu defective eyesight ?ad mast have help or tall be hind la hi* claaaea. PABEHTS A WD TEACHERS If they desire that their children g et the most out of the incoming school rear, will do well to hare their eyes looked after before the school opefes. DEFECTIVE EYESIGHT causes more failure* among school children than any other on* thine. ALMOST ALL HEADACHES are caused by defective eyesight, and permanent relief can be had only br properly fitted glasses. W. B. M OUT ON ' EYE SPECIALIST 9 ? GOOD BANKING IS GOOD BUSINESS THE BEST BUSINESS CONNECTION IN THE ? WORLD is a good bank. Most people in this community know the financial stability of this h$nk but there are some ^ i who do not realize^ow easily they can get our resour ces behind them. ~ THIS YEAR OF GRACE? 1923? ? will be filled with financial problems. Some are cer tain to perplex the average man of business. These problems are a regular thing with us and because we t ? ? have mastered so many of them we may be able to help you with yours. Anyhow, we would like to. Cotiae in and let's talk it over. And of course our talk is confi dential SAFEST FOR SAVINGS '? Thoney OurBank means FREEDOM for BAHK BOOK We have purchased supply of the famous LIBERTY BELL SAVINGS BANKS as shown above which we are going to -give absolutely ? ? FBEE to each and every one opening a new savings < account with $5.00 or more. Gome in now and start a bank account and add to it i regularly by the use of this " ^ %* ' 1 WONDERFUL LITTLE BELL BANK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK P. J. BEASLEY, CASHIER. LOUI8BURO, W. C.

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