Free $1 65.00 Free We are going to give away $'165.00 in Cash Prizes for securing subscriptions to THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT x ^ ^ -v - ... ? x f HENRY FORD S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, AND THE BEST ONE PUBLISHED. In addition to the Cash prizes we will give you 50c for every yearly subscription obtained. ? The contest will start atWfce and end April 16th. 4:00 P. M. The prizes will be as follows. The one securing the largest amount of yearly subscriptions to the DEARBORN INDEPENDENT at $1.50 pej year will receive: THE FIRST PRIZE OF $75.00 IN CASH . " SECOND HIGHEST 50.00 " " " THIRD " 25.00 " " FOURTH " 10.00 " " FIFTH " 5.00 M " This contest is open to everybody. School teach ers this is your chance to make you some easy extra money. No one employed by the Louisburg Motor Co. will be al owed to enter this contest. Come to our office and get the necessary supplies and start at once. Everybody is assured a square and fair deal. Every contestant's standing will be kept strict ly confidential. If*duc? regulir habit. good dlgvatlon. Reliev* thm dywptic and d?t*Mat?d and tone up th? aysuscn Tuft's Pills AGAINST MALARIA HOW TO KII? THE GARDEN OF CtTWQJUK Raleflsi. N. C.. Jan. 31 ? The cut worms which annoy the gardener by cutting off young plants at or near the surface of the ground are the worms or larvae of various moths, and hav ing passed the winter in a resting or dormant condition gain become ac tive with the return of spring and at Tant wun great voracity any growing plants In their vicinity, say a C. S. Ilrimley of the Division of Entomology >y>rth Carolina Extension Service. Mr. Brlmley states that there are quite a number of these annoying lit tle pests. Some occur In spring only, being single brooded; other3 are sev eral brooded and occur throughout most of the year, the later broods at least overlapping. Some cu: off plants at the roots only, while others climb the stems and eat out the tender buds. All can be destroyed, However, by us irg the following poisoned and sweet ed biiit, which has been used very ef. fectively by the Division of Entemolo gy: Bran, one quart; Paris Green, one heaping teaspoonful; Molasses, 1.4 teacupful. It Is advised that the Ingredients be mixed together, adding enough water to make a crumbly, not a sloppy, mash. Scatter this thinly between the rows of affected plants or put a little around the base of each plant. Keep away chickens or anything else likely to eat the mash. It eaten In sufficient quantity it will poison other things besides cutworms. If Paris green is not available, Mr. Ilrimley states that arsenate of lead or calcium arsenate In tbout two or three times t^e amount to the same quantity of brgii caa be used. Mo lasses la much, better than syrup for the sweetening. Another precaution advised by Mr. Brimley is to wrap paper around the stems of such plants as tomatoes as this will protect the plants from cut worms. Care sliould be taken to see that some of the paper Is above and some below ground. Keeping the ground clean of grass and weeds will also greatly aid In keeping down the number of cut worms. This, should be attended to in the full as land with a plentiful crop of grass or weeds In the fall la also apt to have plenty of cutworms in the spring. ? NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix, c, t. a., of S. N. Nelms, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice la hereby given all persona holding claims against said estate to present them to tlie undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February, 1924, or this notice v. ill be plead In barof their recoverx. All persons indebted to said estate v ill please come forward and make immediate settlement. ' ThU February 1st, 1923. 2-2-6t LELA L. NELMS, Admrx.^.t.a. Tbe QaJnlne ihat Does not AflKffhe Hca4 Because of lu tool o and laiatWeffect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tahiti) can ba takes by anyone without cauainfljfcrvouaneaa or riuitnj laths head. EW.GKOV^&iUoaran oa box. 30c. NOTICE Having uallfled as administrator ot the estate of Addle M. Wilder, de ceased late of Franklin County, no tice la hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre. sent them to the undersigned on or before the 22nd day ot December, 1923 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to Bald estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settlement. This Dec. 21st, 1922. 12-22-6t B. F. WILDER. Admr. NOTICE Hav"i|jg qualified as administrator of he estate of Lucy A. Murphy, de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day ot Janaury, 1924, or thlB notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estat^ will please come for ward and make Immediate settle ment. This Jan. llth, 1923. l-12-6t J. Q. MURPHY. Admr. NOTICK OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court , Merchants Orocery Co. V?. p H . Kwtwf. ? By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Qranvllle Coun ty In the above entitled action, I will on MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1923 at 12 o'clock Noon, at the court house door of franklin county, aell to the lil* host bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right title and In terest, which the said J. H. Kearney, the defendant has la the following de scribed real estate, to. wit: The L. C. Kearney place in Frank llnton township. Franklin county, ad orning Leo Burt Kearney, C. R. Sand, ling, W, W. Oreen and Jim Tayborn, c< ntalnlng 37 acres. "" This January 18th, 1923. \ H. A. KEARNEY. Sheriff, ^-19-7t of Franklin County. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. Bird Murphy, de ceased, late (St Franklin County, no. tlce Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury. 1(24, or this notice will Bfe plead In bar of thslr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settle ment. This Jan. 11th, 1923. l-12-et J. O. MURPHY, "Admr.. ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Chas. Bremner wishes to'announce that he will be in Louisburg at the Franklin Hotel every TUESDAY and FRIDAY afternoons from 2 to 5 P. M. , for the practice of CHIROPRACTIC. If you have tried everything else without re sults take Chiropractic and get well. DR. CHAS. BREMNER HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA ANNOUNCEMENT ! We take this .method of announcing to the merchants of Franklin and adjoining counties that we have opened an exclusively wholesale business in Louisburg in the building formerly occupied by P. A. Reavis, and will at all times be in position and pleased to take care of your needs in our line. In fact we hope to fill yo.ur^very need. Both our Mr. Mc. ST. Furifurson and Mr. Jf. C. PhllUps, are exper ienced wholesale men and ree sufficiently familiar with this class of business to guarantee you the best serrlce and prices to be hart. We hope to be accorded a liberal share of your patronage. COME IN AND SEE US. OR CALL PHONE NO. 337. Louisburg Grocery Co. (INCORPORATED) V. LOUISBUBG, North Carolina SALE OP FRANKLINTON LOT , By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed o ? trust made by W. W. Shearon and wlfp to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated Sept. 23th, 1821, and recorded In the Reg istry of Franklin County In Book 234, page 311. default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the bolder of the debt so secured upon said trustee, the undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door In Louisburg, N. C. offer' for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, a part of the lands In said deed -of trust conveyed which Is in the Southwest corner of the orig inal lot conveyed by Mrs. Frances Winston and which is contained with in the following boundaries: Beginning at Roberson's and W. W. Shearon's corner on the Lou^pburg road and running thence along said road Eastwardly about v? feet to cor ner of the lot sold to J. T. Moss, thence Northerly along the line of the said Moss lot abont 148 reet to the corner of the Moss lot In the line of a lot cut off the Northern portion of said original lot oalled the Shearon lot now; thence Weetvarflty along the line of said Shearon lot about 79 feet to the corner of said lot and this lot in Roberson's line; thence Southerly along Roberson's line about 151 feet to the point of beglnnlngr-t>elng a va cant lot. This sale will be made subject to a first lein deed of trust, to secure Mrs. Frances Winston about $500.00 and Interest, and EI. J. Cheatham, abqut $1,750.00 and intereet. This January 19th, 1923. l.W15t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. commissioners' sale of land By virtu# of an order of gala mad* by the Superior Court of Franklin County In that special proceedings entitled B. F. Pierce, Administrator of Levin Phillips, vs. Mrs, Lillian Carter at al, heirs at law, the under signed will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1?, 1923 at the noon recess of Court, It b?tng the flrst day of the February Term of said Court, at the court bona* door in Loulsburg, N. C., offer rar sale at publto auction, to the highest bidder for cash a tract of land described as ftlltfws: Situate In said County of franklin, known as the "Pulley Tract" bought by Levin Phillips of B. 0. Pearce, and bounded as follows: On the North by Nancy Baker, on the East by W. l?. and W. K, ramps, on the South by Mlley Bunn and on the West by J. C. Denton, containing tS and S-8 acres, mora or lea*; This January 19th, 1SU. l-T9-6t B. F. PIERCE, Commissioner. I ! i NOTICE By virtue of the power contained In a mortgage deed executed by J. M. McGhee and wife, and duly recorded,' In Book 210 at page 408 In the Regli* try o ( Franklin county, N. C. and de fault having been made In the pay ment of the debt secured by said mort gage deed, I shall on MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 12, 1923 at the court house door In the town of Loulsburg, N. C. sell at puBlic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing real estate to-wlt: A certain tract oc parcel of land In Harris town ship and described ^s follows: Begin ning at a stake in or near a wagon path, corner of lot No. 1, thence with line of lot N?- 1 to and with line of lot 3, N Id W 24.74 chains to a stake corner of lot No. 3 In Joe Jones' line, thence with said Jones tine 3 86 3-4d E 10.85 chains to a stake in ordinary Branch, thence UP the various courses of said Branch as it meanders about 18. 76 chains to a stone in the Branch and pointers, thence wltn 9. W. Jus tice's line S 3 l-2d W 5.72 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 1 In said Jus tice's line, thence with line of Lot 1 S 79 1.2d W 13.54 chains to the begin ning, containing thirty acres. Time of sal? 12 o'clock M. This January 13th, 1923. C. J. FRAZIER, Mortgagee. W. M. Person, Atty. _ l-19-4t COMMISSIONERS' SALE OP LAND ' By Tlrtua of an order or sale made by the Superior Court of Franklin county In that special proceedings en titled J. D. Stallings, Admr. of C. H. Bunn, being a re-sale of aald lands under the order of said Court, the un dersigned will on Beginning at a stake Southeast cor ner of tb? 'Bour tract, thence alone the line of the dower tract North 57 poles to a stake, corner of the In the line of W. J. Stalling*; these* 8 83 E IS poles to a stake; theaoe N 3 1-2 E 10 poles IS links to ft stake; thence 8 14 B 38 poles 10 Itnks to ft ?take; thence S 6 W 18 polss; thaace S 83 B 31 poles to a stakes, B. ImV corner; thence IHUWT1 polss It links to k staks; thence NHMVU links to the beginning, nnslillll il t*en and one half (10 1.3) asres hy surrey In l?33. - This Jansary mh. 1?33. l-l?-6t WM. H. HUH IN. Omft. Bahscrlb* to Th* ItMUta TfaM* 11.60 Psr Tttt to AdvtSQO MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1323 at the noon receBs at Court, it being the ft rut day of the February term of (-aid Court, at the courthouse door In liOUlsbtirK. N. C. offer (or a&le to thn highest bidder, at public auction, for cash that part of the C. H. Bunn lands which are more particularly rtsdneri as follows:

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