THE FRANKLIN TIMES k. F. JOllNSON. Editor ud Manager ?TAR HROPS ? ? Next Wednesday lg St. Valentine's day. ? The snow and Ice on Tuesday re. minded us that winter was not gone yet. ? Look out you might learn what some one thinks ot you next Wednes day t ? The ground hog saw his shadow Friday and lost no time In making good. ? The County Council of Home Dem onstratlon work will meet next Wed nesday. Remember the teed and flower exchange . The lap ot luxury Is always the next lap. SubscriDe to The Franklin Times - PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office ln.Loulaburg every firBt Monday. En. gagements should be made as far In advance as possible. DK. B. F. YARBOBOUGH Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yar borough Building. Office Phone 296 Residence Phone 28 8. AT WOOD HBWILL. Attoraey-At-Law. lis burg, N. C. Phone No. 115 ice in First National Bank Building General Practice I wish to advise my patients and the public generally that alter the 1st ot September my business jflU be on a Cash bads when -work is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNE8 FLEMING 8. P. BUBT, X. B. Loulsburg, N. 0. Offices over Bconrlc'i Dreg Star*. Hoars 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to 6 p. m, ; pb. yr. b. mass. ... ? ? _ Veterinarian Louis bur*. N. C. ? Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 3 3 5- J Special Attention to Small Animals. ?? DB. D. f. BHITBIflCK. ? bealskarg, H. 0. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts. W. M. PERSON. ATTORNE Y-A1-LAW * Louis burg. North Carolina Practice In all courts. Office on Mala Street. 6. M. BEAM Attorney -at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice la ail courts. mi. j. n. i>av1s Physician and Surgeon LotUsburg, North Carolina Office Main Street , A. T- Neat Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 K. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. B. B. White E. H. Union* WHITE * MALONE LAWYERS Lonlsbnrg, North Carolina ?eneral practice, aettlement of ea blH funds Invested. Ond member of tae firm always in the offloe. DR. H. fl. PERRT Physician and Snrgeon Lonlsbnrg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 UK. 1. E. M ALONI. Loulsburg, North Carolina (UN In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice Unrgery and consultation. DB. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Snrgeon Lonlsbnrg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 i. O. NEWELL, *. D. Lonlsbnrg, H, ? Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-3 Wo H. Roffln, rho?i W. Ruffln W*. M. * THOH. W. BCFFIN Atterneys-at-Law Lenlsbnrg, ? t North Carellna Oeneral practice, both civil and erlm tnal, In Franklin and adjoining ooun tles, Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In First National Bank Building. 8TE8ALL BBOH. Loilstarg, M. 0. We hare five good barbers and you will receive the beat of terrlot. Alto Essex Automobile for. hi re at all times, at reasonable prices. Assoc. -Mem. Am. Soc. M. E. Registered Engtneer ERIC. G. FLANNAGAN CONSULTING ENGINEER Henderaon, N. O. Telephones: Office BM; Res. 218-J Preliminary Investigations, Drawings, Specifications, Supervision. It you are going to build see me flrat. ? ^ (Continued from fourth Page) ' Amount of Local tax 587. rfe Incidentals 46 <00 Truck driver lor 6 months .... - 90.00 Gas and oil tor 6 months and 1-2 repairs 67.25 Total Recetpts " 1 $ 2,302.36 Disbursements Teo.cher's salaries (3 tcachers) ... I 1,908.75 W. M. Pearce, balancc on Note 114.73. B. 8. Pace well piping 28.05 Allen Bros. - 1.10 Gas and oil lor 6 months and 1-2 repairs - 72.82 Truck driver 90.00 Local tax to colored school ... 45.00 Total Disbursements I 2,260.46 Be lance to be carried forward to 1922-23 41.91 PILOT? Term 7 1-2 Months "" Receipts Balance from 1920-21 t 33.74 From County and State for 6 months 1,960.00 Amount of Local Tax 614.10 Incidentals - 60.00 Private Donation - I 122.00 Total receipts I 2,779.84 Disbursements Teacher's salaries (4 teachers) ? ' $ 2,437.50 O. D. Stalllngs. wood - 36.00 Southern School Supply Co., desks 122.00 Local tf.x to colored scfibola 40.00 Total Disbursements , ) 2,634.50 Baliince to be carried forward to 1922.23 , 145.34 ROBERTS ? Term 7 1-2 Months Receipts From County and State for 6 months , $ 1,544.00 Amount of Local tax 643.49 Incidentals ---45.00 Total Receipts 9 2,232.49 Disbursements Teachers salaries (3 teachers) 9 2,010.50 J. J. 8. Ttmberlake, -wood 60.00 J. J. S Ttmberlake, on Note . 250.00 Overdraft for 1920-21 ... 34.22 Local tux to colored schools ! ? 95.00 Total Disbursements : ) ' 2,449.72 Overdraft to be charged to 1922-23 217.23 SANDY CRBEK? ' Term 7 1-2 Months Receipts Balance from 1920-21 ) 80.66 Prom County and State for 6 months ? 1,398.00 Amount of Local tax ? . 349.64 Incidentals 45.00 Total Receipts - 1,873.20 Disbursements Teacher's salaries (3 teachers) 9 1.654.T5 G: B. West, Incidentals ... ... 46.00 G? R. West, rent and repairs ? 5 38.75 Total Disbursements 1,738.60 Balance to be carried forward to 1922-23 134.70 SEVEN PATHS? Term 8 Months Receipts From County and State for 6 months 9 1,366.99 Amount of Local tax ' 872 . 42 Incidentals * , ? T z 46.00 Drlrer, fas and oil for 6 months - -1*_ ~ 160.00 WILDER ? Term 7 Months Receipts Prom County and State for 6 month? .w-J - % 450.00 Amount of Local tax' 202.31 Incidentals J5.00 Total Receipts $ 667.31 ? ? Disbursements Teacher's salaries (1 teacher) 1 t % 634.00 W. H. Layton, fuel s, 15.85 Overdraft for 1920-21 19.77 Total Disbursements ; % 669.62 Overdraft to be charged to 1922-23 2.31 WHITE LEVEL . ? ' Receipts Prom County and State for 6 months $ 1,627.00 Amount of Local tax ? 626.83 Incidentals ? - \ 45.00 Total geceipts | 2,298.88 Disbursements leacher'u salaries (3 teachers) ' $ 1,964.00 T. H. Dickens, repairs and fuel 60.00 Overdraft for 1920-21 - 29.29 Total Disbursements | 2,053.29 Balance to be carried forward to 1922-23 245.54 Total Receipts : Disbursements Teacher's salaries (3 teachers) 2 E. B. Moore, fuel s Driver, gas and oil for truck _ Local tax" to colored school Overdraft for 1920-21 / ????? Total Disbursements ? - I ? -3,294.7# Balance to be carried forward to 1922-23 137.63 WOOD ? Term 8 Months Receipts Prom County and State for 6 months $ 1,987.00 Amount of Local tax 638.25 Incidentals 45.00 Total Receipts 2.570.25 Disbursements Toacher's salaries (3 teachers) ? i $ 2,559.00 W. D. Puller repairs etc. v 77 . 3? Otordreft for 19&0.21 1 136. f9 Total Disbursements : | 2,773.17 Overdraft to be charged to 1922-23 202.92 .$ ^,432.4* .$ 1,880. (3k 36.25 200.00 . - 90.00 ???? *8.54 STATEMENT OF SCHOOL FUND For Franklin County (or the School T?ar 1921-22, "AMOUNTS DUB SCHOOL FUND: Salary Fund 1921 Abstract. 116,487,226 Property at 60 cents on $100 $ 82,436.13 Amount local special tax per abstract , 16,782.13 $98,218.25 Bnlldln* and Incidental Fund 1921 Abstract. $16,487,226 Property at 14 Cents otf $100 9 23,083.1$ j 3,966 polls at $1.60 each ? , ? .. . 6,949.00 Dog Llconae Ta* . ? 2,678.00 81,704.1$ Total amount dn? cm Onutity and Local Abstract*? $ 129,922.57 1 COUNTY RECEIPTS ' Teachers Salary Fflnd . ? ? ? 9 74,000.00 Building ind Inol dental Fund ? _ 18,680.00 Do* Tax l.KOO.OO Poll Tax ? -- ' 8,650.00 Fines, Forfeltnres and Penalties 1,687.47 Ftre In?nrance (For Sandy Creek) . i 1,000.00 Special Local Taxes ? 11,000.00 PrlratS Donations 1 898.00 Balance on Hand June SO, 1921 JL ? _____ 118.84 Money Borrowed to? Teacher* Salaries ? ? 16,000.00 ? . STATE ifiEOBTPTa Teachers Salaries - % 16.T88.4l One Half County Superintendent's Salary 1,600.00 High School! 1,260.00 Softool Extension ? - . 884,47 Values Supreme r At ??? KLINE'S Values always reign supreme at L. Kline Co., Louisburg's Best Store. Our buyers have been sending us some exceptional values in every line, only by seeing the merchan dise can one appreciate the values we offer. 15c value Dresa Ginghams, fancy patterns In checks, plaids and solid colors, Special 10c . 25c value Heavy Shirting, large assortment of patterns Special 1#? . 15c value Curtain Scrim, fancy borders - Special lOo II .00 value Wool Crepe, all new shades 79e $15.00 value Jersey Sport Suits new, all new colors and sizes 14 to 42 Special $15-00 value Sport Coats In new shade of light tan, all sizes Special t#J>5 $1.50 value Men's Unlonsults, ribbed slightly fleeced Special 21.19 $1.00 value Heavy Blue Workshlrta, sizes 14H to 17 Special 85c $1.75 value Heavy quality Blue Indigo Over ills Special $1 . 50 value1 Dress Shirts with or without . col lars. large assortment Special #8o 15c value Mens Sox all colors Speeical 10c $12.50 value Sheepskin wool lined coats, short length, sizes 34 to 48 Special $8.45 L. Kiine & Company ' "When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here" LOUISBURQ, " : ; INorth Carolina ^ ummer Schools - 225.00 Loan for Cedar Rock _ : 3,000.00 Total Receipts - I ? , DISBURSEMENTS Administrative Expense Salary of County Superintendent from County $ 1,600.00 Salary of County Superintendent from Stat# 1,600.00 Mileage and Per Diem of County Board 462.00 Expense of County Board 1 535.00 [Salary Superintendent Public Welfare 900.00 Attorney ._ - _ 100 . 00 School Committeemen 120.00 Other Expenses Bond Interest and Sinking Fund (Cedar Rock) -J 766.25 School Extension S84.47 Computing Tax 150.00 Transfer to Other Counties ? 250.00 Freight and Elections 200. 00 Paid to State on Loans -2.6S8.00 4,833.7 EXPENSES WHITE SCHOOLS Paid White Teaehers, Elementary t 58,731.20 Paid White Teachers, High School 4,261.00 IJald to Youngsville, Frankllnton and Louisburg 31,665.90 Transportation of pupils 1,980.00 Fuel and Supplies - 2,125.00 Repairs and replacements . .. 1,255.00 Insurance ? ? _ ? ? ? . ? ? 1;014.00 Now Buildings and Sites - ? 15413.03 Furniture, Fixtures, etc. 1.250v00 Borrowed money for Teachers Salaries, repaid 9,700.00 EXPENSES COLORED SCHOOLS -Paid Colored Teachers ? 14457.50 Fuel, Suppllee, Furniture, etc. ? K26.00 Balance on Hand June 30, 1922 NOTE:? Upon the final sottlement with the Sheriff for 1921 tax os, which was made after June 30th notice will be taken that the following deductions were made from the amounts due on th? abstract, for errorB, overcharges, etc., as follows: Land Sales t 2,068.70 Errors and Overcharge ? ? - 4,937.77 Insolvents . ... ? . 2,627.00 Commissions ? 3,210.64 By Discount ? 100.00 Errors. Overcharges, etc. for Special tax abstracts 773.23 ? 13,717.34 Following la a list of the rural local dchoola, together with the amount of lo cal special taxes collected, which amount has been credited to the account of each respective school. Which wao used In extending the school terms over ?lx months and In supplementing the teachers salaries In these various special tax districts. I also find that the salaries paid the teachers Is In accordance With the November budget , r Bonn i'-i i t 1.361. W Roberta $ 643.49 Pino Ridge ? _ 637 . 16 ? Moulton-Hayea ? 734.16 Pilot . 614.10 . Wood ... 638.35 Pearce , 789.99 White I*sv?l -.- 639.83 Inglealde ? 707.41 Cedar Rock, Local Tax Bpiom 1.592.36 and bonda - 1,943.84 Sandy Creek 349.34 . Justice a. 3433.30 Hickory Rock -. 666.11 Vaplevllle 967.80 Lanrel . 403.36 Wilders ... ? 303.31 Mountain Grorve 303.36 Seven Paths ? 873.43 Flat Rock 343.41 Oak Ridge 184.18 I, Ttegh W. Pwrry,- Auditor for Franklin otmnty herahy certify that UialON going 1s a correct statement of the Franklin county school fond for tlx* year 1931.1333, to Um best of my knowledge and belief. Thla December 4, 1933. . HUGH W. PHRRTv. Comity Auditor. ALWAYS HAS THE NEATEST A3) I THE COPT FOE HIS AD EARLY HATE YOC EVER NOTICED THAT THE MERCHANT WHO SENDS EN CARD OF THANKS I We wish to extend our kindness and thanks to the people that were so faithful in lending u$ a helping hand during the illness anfl death of our mother. We assure them that what they did is highly appreciated and they will be remembered in our pray ers. J. W. WHEtESS. Durant Masterpiece ? the STAR Car BECK'S GARAGE. 2-9-lt DON'T FORGET TO SEND ADVERTISING COPY IN FlARf.v CABBAGE PLANTS Thousands of Early Jersey Wake field cabbage plants for sale. My plants are extra fine and are field gro\^ij. % 1.000, |2. SO; 500. $1.25 plants *hlp[w?4 prepaid by ? purge! pout; ' ? MRS. SAM LANCASTER. 2-9-lt Gupton, N. C. RE-SALE OP YOUNGSVILLE LOT Ity virtue of an order of made by the Superior Court of Franklin county upon an upset bid made In ac cordance with the statute upon the sale of the lotyfp i -inafter described, and under and Dy virtue of the po??? conferred in that certain deed of trust rhacie by H. A. Williams and Tflfe to Wm. H. Pace, Trustee, dated Ajftll It. 1918. and recorded in the Registry of Franklin county Book 194, page 339, the undersigned wttl on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1923 H at about the hour of noon, or if the Court be then In session at the noon adjournment of court, at the Court House door In Lonlsburg, N, C?, offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash that lot of land In said dead of trust conveyed and there described as follows: First tract. Lot No. 41 il? crlbsri and contained In a certain Map made by Pool Tucker, c. B., which map Is registered In the Register ot Dped* office of Franklin county la Book ? page reference to whtah la hereby made for further description, begin ning at a point on the North Mde of Church street M feet Weat of the in tersection of March Street and Ohareh street, and runs thence N ISO Mt: thence B 84.8 feet; them " feet; thence West 46 feet 1 of bsgiaatng. Tate T * WM. ft. PA Wm. H. h Thos. W. _ Attorney* ,

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