Farmers J5ank Louisburg, N. C. Capital and Surplus J. M. ALLEN, President T. H. DICKENS, Vice-President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier "A Bank That You Will Like" Rat-snap KILLS RATS AIbo mice. Absolutely prerents odors from carcass. One package prores this. EAT-SNAP comes In rakes ? no mixing wltk other food. Guaranteed. 8oc .size (1 cake) enough .for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 66c slie (2 cakes) for .Chicken House, coops, or small ball dings. ' $1.25 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold and guaranteed by CA8H GBOCERT & MARKET Subscribe to The Franklin Times To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXAtWe BROMO QUININE (Tab leu.) It stop# the Coogfr and Headache and worki off the told. E. W, GR(>VE 5 ?lgnature on each box. 30c. .1 Are you feeding your child tuber culosis? It might be worth while to have that dairy herd tested. A welcome gueBt In your home, bringing good reports of the progress of your friends and your community the home town paper. Some men stay at home to rest and others leave home to rest. Men who eat onions should go with girls who eat onions. n ? . Subscribe to The Franklin Times NEW CROP GARDEN SEED RADDISH 8EED MUSTARD SEED n TOMATO SEED LETTUCE SEED GARDEN PEAS CABBAGE SEED BEET SEED EGG PtANT SEED The Progressive Gardners are now preparing to sow for t>ese vegetable. Qet In line by supplying yourself with our Select Stock f " ; that have made Satisfied Customers la the past years. I_. P. HICKS ! KENTUCKY BREAKS her Co-op rlcord Virgin la Carolina (JrnwcrH Celebrate Association* BlrtbiUi) J" lilr Week. The complete success of the Burley TobaSto Growers Cooperative Asso ciation was made clear thlB week by t'lBpatches which slate that in Its first year's operation 8U per cent of the Kentucky, Indiana Ohio, West Vir ginia and Tenuesssee growers have organized and have sold their entire deliveries for $21.98, an average or $9.98 higher than for their 1920 crop. According to the latest news from Kentucky, the 1920 crops of 220,000. .000 pounds sold for at> average of 12 ?cnts bringing a total of $26,400,000. The 1921 crop amounted to approxi mately 180. 000,000 pounds and sold for an average both In the association and out, of around 21 cents bringing a total of $37,800,000. The 1922 crop estimated at approximately 240,000,000 pounds at 31 cents per pound will bring a total of $74,000,000. Presi dent James C. Stone ot the Burley Association states that In the first two years' operation ot the association there will be between $45,000,000 and $50,000,000 more money distributed among the growers In the Burley sec tion thau would have reached them had the association not been organ ized. The Virginia. Carolina tobacco far mers in the flpst year of cooperative marketing will receive at least $40, 000,0000 nf&re for their tobacco than It brought them last year, according to official crop statistics and in spite oi greatly Increased production. George W. Kolner, commissioner cf Agriculture for Virginia, in review ing the benefits of cooperative market lng for one year in that state, declar ed in a letter to Raleigh headquarters: "Never In the history ot tobacco grow ing in the section covered by your as sociation have priced been so high with full crop to sell. I believe the association has saved millions for our farmers and Its usefulness Is In its Infancy compared to what the asso ciation can and will accomplish in the future with the solid backing of all to bacco growers." The South Carolina farmers started celebrations ot the birthday of the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Asso ciation early this week when Gover nor T. G. McLeod addressed a great gathering of association members At Darlington. S. C. last Monday. As the date of the third payment approach es enthusiasm is reaching white heat throughout the South Carolina belt where members of the cooperative are expected to bring hundreds of new contracts to the Association ware houses as they come to collect their third cash payment. This third pay ment to the organized tobacco farmers of South Carolina will be more than a half of their last payment and will be followed by a fourth payment, ac cording to their directors. * Many local units of the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association are holding Bpecial programs this week in both Virginia and North Carolina, bar becues and picnics being planned for by a number of local and county as sociations. Southall Parrar, district agent of Virginia, who will be the Vir ginia speaker at the series of meet ings held in Darlington, Florence, Kingstree and Marion, S. C. this week will address the county meeting of to. bacco growers from cooperative lo cals to be held In Bedford next Satur day, February 10th. JiEWS KKO.M CEDAB ROCK Mr. Editor: ? If you are not weary of items from Cedar Rock you may in sert the following in your valuable paper. Everything is moving oa._y.sry nice ly on the Rock excusing right much sickness and -several deaths. After an illness of about two months Mr. T. H. Collier passed away Sunday p. in., Jan. 28. Mr. Collier \*ruld have been seventy-eight years old In Feb. He was an old soldier and a great old man, a regular old time Southerner J Was respected by the whole commun ity which was manifested by the large crowd attending his burial. Mr. Col lier lived in the homo of the late Rev. J. W. Sledge twenty-three years, and in the home of the writer three years, .therefore he seemed almost as a mem ber of the family, and was regarded as such. We will greatly miss him, he was truly a good hearted old man . A servant to humanity.' We thank those who so kindly helped us to lay bim away and especially the few who so faithfully helped us to administer unto his needs whllo sick, your kind, ness will be long remembered. Miss Viola Bobbin, g_f_Llttleton, is spending a few days with her Bister. Mrs. J. O. Sledge. v We are proud of the progress of our high school this year, and while the price may seem high when we go to pay our tax especially to those who are not In reality living In the age of progress-, hut when such Is the case, visit the nice brick school building, have the teachers march the young sters out In the sunshine and look in to the faces of about 175 boys and girls, and then think of the compari son of money and citizenship. Ry the spring we hope to enjoy our new highway which costs us nothing in the form of tax except for a tin tag to put on Tin Llssle which we will forget the first mile on our new road. We are sorry for the scribe In Our community who painted such a dark picture In his article last week. And it the unjust, unfair, biased and prej udiced criticism he made of my work for the State Highway Commission was of any relief to him and likely to ^wt>eten. his bitterness against pro gress to any extent; then I am glad to hear It, but I thought the Colonel saw bis error last June. Wonder what will he blame when he doesn't have to pay any tax. Get in the boat of progress, It rides better. J. O. SLEDGE. " SAX'S HRADEA8Y JV>r Sale by Aycock Drug Co., P. R. Pleasants, Beasley Bros., Bonn Drug Co., W. E. Murphy, Henry Aysoue, HELP YOURSELF GET WELL FAST IF you have been ill, and it soems as if you never would get your strength back, you- need the won- , derful strengthening and rebuilding qualities of Glide's Pepfo-Mar.gan. It has helped thousands of invalids end convalescents to get bacic their strength, put on firm flesh, eat well, j sleep well, feel well and BE veil! Your druggist his Gud.e's P?pto Mangan ? liquid or tablets, as you pre fer. Gude's Peptp -^an^an Tonic and Blood Enricher \ A young lady of Anson County traineil in poultry club work won first with Silver Wyandotte cockerels at the Madison Square Garden poultry ?llo,v In New York last week. Hatch early. Tho early chlcks bring | the pallets that lay the early eggs and i these bring the best prices. TRUSTEEES SALE TOWN LOT Hy virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by O. Y. Yarboro to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, and recorded in Frank lin Registry In Book 210, page 264, de. fault having been made in the pay ment qf the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1922 at about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door, In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash the lot of land In Bald deed of trust conveyed and | there described as follows: Situate on the West side of Elm Street ? the town of Louisburg, and more particu larly defined as follows: Beginning at the corner of Mrs. R. Z. Egerton's on Elm Street (formerly Bob Yarbor. ough's corner) and corner for lot hero In conveyed: thence Westwardly along Mrs. Egerton's line, the old Bob Yar. boro line, 222 feet more or Jeaiyt^ corner for Mrs. R. Z . Egerton, F. N. Egerton and the lot herein conveyed; thence Southwardly along F. N. Eg. erton's line 1131 feet, more or less to his corner; thence Eastwardly along his line 22 feet, more or less to Elm Street; thence Northwardly along Elm Street 113 feet, more or less, to the beginning. This Not. 15, 1922. 11-1 7-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 1st, 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This Dec. 58, 1922. ? 12-2 2- 2t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 8th, 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This Jan uary 1st, 1923. v 1-5-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 29th, 1923, by con sent of all parties concerned. This January 8th, 1923. 1.12-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, February 5th, 1323. at about" coon by conscnt of all parties con cerned. This Jan. 29th. 1923. 2-2-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday. March 5th, 1923, at about noon by consent of all parties con cerned. This Feb. 5, 192$. 2-9-4t WM. H. RUFFJX. Trustee. No Worms in a riealthy Child . All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color* wt}iqh indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there ivtnore cr less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for twoor three weeks wi'.l cnrich the blood, im prove 'I) GET PROMPT DELIVERY. All Orders Filled Promptly. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. Garden Seed Flower Seed Onion Sets and Seed Irish Potatoes We have them in stock. a -I p I , . r , Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated ' THK FBARKIillf TTHRg ifceoM b* In tomt horn*. II T+m at* Mt l lab ?eribcr, ke oae. Send In y?nr nk< 8rrfptl?B U< help ?? to k*Mt Ur 0 8ubMrib? 16 THB FRANKLIN TnOB~ ?"> . l *. .v H r y l II M P*r Tuf b| Mmoi v-i /? t' *: . C.