Serving You the Way You Want to Be Served This Bunk docs not measure its~5ervice in terms of profit ? and profit alone. Profit is secondary when we can, through care ful, individual service, help a patron to greater suc cess. , The secret of our grow th lies in the fact that we have not tried to please our customers. There is no chill formality here, hut friendliness, courtesy and an obliging spirit. We do not believe in red tape. However, we do believe, in taking a warm, friendly interest in our customers' affairs and trying in every possible way to serve them in the way they want to be served. Will you let us serve YOU? Statement of Condition December 30, 1922 . " ? - ? LIABILITIES * ' 7 - Deposits: Represents tho amount deposited In Checking and Sayings Accounts in this Bank by more than 3000 people 441.917. 91 Interest Reserve^ A Fund set aside to pay Interest on 8artnga Account* 2,500.00 Dlvl<te*d. Unpaid Dividend Check*, and represent ing a Dlridend Payable to Stockholders Jan nary ' .. 2, 1923 - 1- 15,039.00 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits. This 1* a protection fund that stands between every pe ? positor in this Bank and possible low 614,268.66 > t tfc-f !?? . * v v ?*. * ( . Total Liabilities. $2,073,725.47 . RESOURCES _ s- Cask In our Vaults and due (rom other Banks $ 269,592.72 Boads and Stoeks^. Amount Invested In United States, State of North Carolina, and other high " grade Bonds and Stock* ' 146,814.43 . Money Loaded to this Bank's Customers on Security ?? most ot which Is duo in 80 days or less 1,615,467.60 Bank Building, Furniture and Fixture*. This Prop- ,a erty was recently appraised as having an actual , value ot $60,000, Carried at 41,850.72 ? _____ Total Resources: Or, the amount available to pay $1,441,917.91 deposited by our patrons $2,073,725.47 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. HENDERSON, NORTH CAROLINA ANNOUNCEMENT ! We take this method of announcing to the merchants of "Franklin and adjoining counties "that we have opened an exclusively wholesale business in Louisburg in the building formerly occupied by P. A. Reavis, and wilt at all times be in position and pleased to take care of your needs in our line. In fact we hope to iill your every need. \ Both our Mr. Mc. M. Furfrnrson a {id Mr. X. Ci Phillips, arc exper ienced wholesale men niid ree sufficiently familiar with, this class of business to guarantee yon the best service and prices to be nail. Wo hope to bo accorded a liberal share ot your patronage. / COME IN AND SEE US, OR CALL. FHONE NO. 337. ________ 1 Louisburg Grocery Co. (INCORPORATED) LOUISBURG, . North Carolina NOT*TJE Having quallfled as administrator of lie ualate^ of L<ucy A. Murphy, do ceased, late ot franklin County, 710. tice Is hereby given all prrnnnn hold ing claims against said, estate to pre sent them to the -underalgned on or before the' 12th day of Janaury, 1024, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate ffattle ment. This Jan. 11th, 1923. l-12-6t J. O. MURPHY, Admr. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. Bird Murphy, de ceased, lata, ot Franklin Connty, no. tice Is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1834, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. \ All parson* Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settle*' ment. This Jan. 11th, 1023. l-12-?t ^ J. O. MURPHY, Admr. 1 1 It takea a girl with (Treamy eyes to keep the man awake. Sometimes Sunday Is a day of rent and sometimes a day of arrest. M NOTICE OF SAXE UNDER EXECU TION Norlli Carolina, " In the Frnnklln County.. Superior Court Merchants Grocery Co. V*. J. H. Kearney. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned .(rota the Clerk o( tho Superior Court of Granville Coun ty In the above entitled action, I will on ? - 1 MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1923 at IP o'clock Noon, at tho court house door of FrankJIn county, sell to the li Ighont bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right title and In terest, which the said J. H. Kearney, the dnfendnnt hns lo tKe following de scribed real estate, to. wit: Thp 1j. C. Kearney place in Frank llntnn township, Franklin c?>unty, ad olnlng Leo Burt Kearney, C. R. Snnd lhjg, W. W . Oroetvand Jim Tayborll, ctfttalnlng 37 acp?. This ^IiuuiB?r 18th, 1923. . II. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff. l-19-7t of Franklin County. Rwii -domestic circles nev*r become eternal triangles . When a man bolls over he makes on a?*ful stew. _ , ? ? .? ? n to Th^ Franklin Times m SALE OF FRANKLINTON LOT By'virtue of tho power of sale con tained iu that certain deed of trust made by W. W. Shearon and wife to Wm. H. Huftin, Trustee, dated Sept. 23th, 1921, and recorded In th9 Reg istry of Franklin County in Book 234, page 311, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand tor foreclosure having been made by tne holder of the debt so secured upon said trustee Ihe undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1923 at about the hour of noonr at, the court house door in Louiabure, N. (j. -otter for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder _for cash, a part of the lands in said deed of trust conveyed which is in the Southwest corner of the orig inal lot conveyed by Mrs. Frances Winston and which is contained with in the following boundaries: Beginning at Roberson's and W. W. Shearon's corner 'on the Loulsburg road and running thence along said road Eastwapdly about t8 feet to cor ner of the lot sold to J. T, Moss, thencfe Northerly along the line of the said Moss lot about 146 reet to the corner of the Moss lot In the line of a lot cut off the Northern portion of sfild original lot called the Shearon lot now; thence West war my along the line of said Shearon lot'about 79 feet to the corner of said lot and this lot in Roberson's line; thence Southerly along Roberson's line about 151 feet to the point of beginning, being a va cant lot.. This sale will be made subject to a first leln deed of trust, to secure Mrs. Frances Winston about $500.00 and Interest, and E. J. Cheatham, about ?1,750.00 and Interest. | This January 19th, 192S. l-1916t WM. H. R'UFFIN, Trustee. COMMISSIONERS' SALE) OF LAND By, virtue o( an order o( sale made by the Superior Court ot Franklin County in that special proceedings entitled B. F. Plaroo, Administrator of Levin Phillips, vg. Mrs. Lillian Carter et al, helra at law, the under signed will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY ID, 1923 at the noon recess of OourC It being the first day of the February Term of said Court,' at the court house door In Loiilsburg. N. C., offer tor sale at public auction, to th? highest bidder for cash a tract of land described as fellows: Situate In said County of Franklin, Known as the "Pulley Tract" bought by Lerin Phillips of E. O. Pearce, and bounded aa follows: On the North by Nancyi Baker, df the East by W. L. and W. K. Phillips, on the South by Mlley Bunn and on the West by J. 0. Denton, containing 18 and 3-8 acres., more or leia. This January 19th, 1918. 1.19-St B. F. PIERCE, Commissioner . -y FOR RENT The C, T. Wester Home Place near Maplevllle. A 3 or 4 horse farm, good cotton and tobacco land, fine pasture, flhe orchard and good building* . 1-19-tf E. H. MALONB. Tutfs Pills Enable Dyspeptics to eat whatever they wish. Cauja food to assbnOate. Nourish the body, 0rq appetite. DEVELOP FLESH NOTICE By vlrtuq of the power contained In a mortgage deed executed by J. M. ' McGhee and wlfp, nnri rtnly recorded in Book 210 at page 408 In the Regis try of Franklin county. N. C. and de fault having been jnada In the pay ment of the debt secured by said mort gage deed, I shall on MONDAY, FEBRUARY, 12, 1823 at the court houBe door In the town of Lonlsburg, N. C. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash,, the fol lowing real estate to- wit: A certain tract or . parcel of land In Harris town ship and described as follows ; Begin ning at a stake In or near a wagon path, corner of lot No. 1, thence with line of lot No. 1 to and with line of lot 3, N Id W 24.74 chains to a stake comer of lot No. 3 In Joe Jones' line, thence with Bald Jones line 8 86 S-4d E 10.86 chains to a stake In ordinary Branch, thence up the various courses of said Branch as It meanders about 18. 7B chains to a stone In the Branch and pointers, thence with T. W. Jus tice's line 8 3 l-2d W 8.78 chains to ? stake, corner of lot No. 1 In said Jus tice's line, thence with line ot Lot 1 8 79 1.2d W 13.64 chains to the begin ning, containing thirty acres. IStne of sale 12 o'clock M. This January 13th, 1923. C. J- FRAZIER, Mortgagee. W. M. Person. Atty. ' l-l#-4t COMMISSIONERS' BALE) OF LAND By virtue of an order of Ml* made liy the Bapertor Court of Franklin oriMH) In that special piuieedlngs en titled J. D. Stalling*, Admr. of 0. H. Bonn. being a re-sale of raid lands trader the order of raid Court, the un dersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1?1S at the noon recess of Court, It being the ft ret day of the February term ot f-ald Court, at the courthouse door In t*alsburg. N. C. otter for rale to the htirifaat bidder, at public auction, for omA that part of the C. H. Bunn landa which are more particularly deined a* follows: Beginning at a stake Southeast cor ner Of the Dower tract, thence alone the Use of tha dower tract North 57 pole* to a stake, corner of the dower in the line of W. J. Stall Inge; thence 8 R E IE poles to a stake) thence N t 1-1 B 10 polea -U links to a stake) fhonce B It B N poles 10 links to a StatB; thence RtWll poles; thenda ? It K 82 poles to a stake, B. Lewis' corner; thence B 54 1-4 W 71 poles II (inks to a stake; thsfcee N 17 1-1 W 11 Ra)t? to ths begin nine, containing sU ttn. and one half (if 1-1) acres By :i?M in 1MB. This January l?th, IMS. 1-lS-fit WM. H. RUFFIN, Com'r. $393 f. o. b. Detroit You Will Want Your Fornsom Tractor Early Everything points to tho greatest shortage of Ford products tbia year that has ever existed. Never befofe has tho demand been bo great. fYou wlU want a Fords on Tractor early ? here Is one product you cannot wait (or ? when the weather opens up you will need It. You will want It (or plowing, seeding, cultivating ? and all your oth er wor K. Already It has proved the greatest help to profitable fa-m ag that has ever been Offered to you . And at (3.95 f.o.b. Detroit, tW prk* U stf low that fm lbs* teon?y V&rj day you aro wIUiuut ? rordaoB . *To get delivery you must order early.- , Thers am la reserve stocks among oar dealers?our production ca pacity, great aa It la. will not enable us to build as a reserve. It must be a case of "first come, Sfst served" and the only way in which yot! chn protect yourself Ib to list your order with a Ford Dealer tmftiedfhtety. ' " / By taking advantage of our dealer's first op. portuHjr to ?ake deUrery, yea will be amwed ef havtag yeur Fordso? when you ueed tt. FORD MOTOR OO. -f Detroit, Mich. " '}Vf- 'x J5g-? Louisburg Motor Co. *' - * * aW * ^|| ?. * ?? r* * ? *? ? (3 nKT *0 won on cawpaiox torn i /?? wi>? roi , ^ ??

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