How About the Saving You Wish You Had Taken Advantage of ? We are going to give you an other chance by extending the sale until MARCH 1st. Owing to the bad weather and lots of sickness it may be you haven't had an opportunity to attend our Special Sale. It has always been our policy not to carry a garment or a Shoe frbm one season to another and in view of that fact we have greatlyjreduced our entire stock of Overcoats, Suits and Shoes. w t \ We have a wonderful assortment and can fit you in something that you will like. Several new Spring shipments are included in this Sale. When you start shopping be sure to keep this Store in mind. You will find values that will more than pay you to come and investigate. JUST RECEIVED 1 9,000 YDS. PLANT BED CLOTH Allen Bros. Co. . Louiaburg, N. 0. Poultry Wire i ^ . < BRICK WINDOWS BEAVER BOARD OIL, TURPENTINE, VARNISH OIL STOVES PLOWS, CASTINGS DOORS MOULDING JOHN LUCAS, PURE HOUSE PAINTS A SPLENDID LOT OF RANGES, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES HARNESS COME TO SEE MB FOK YOUR HARDWARE H. O. TAYLOR t ; r.:r "tir*a?co*i ft tflrl with dreamy eyes o keep ih*k hiea h\/8 ko?. . ^ ??.% y ? ? Pometimes Sunday Is a <lay of rest a. J Momot4?M# a day of arrest. \ ?- 0 "* l*ecl domestic clrc!e? never be cIoi.mlI triangles. ( * %? lVh<^ a n*J?n bolls over ho makes %h ur 'M rjU*. .. . i .? .? ?- ? V)m< Pert ivlo of r.prt:ij so i vy ?l< cu! i * * * < A orrlot'" n 1 1.70 of Jo * *N* < ? . ' ii\ > 1 " v '? ?' * . v - ? 4fMy< ? ^ ^ v . v J?qJIiw$ v BY u PRftHAPS you'vo nw tnut ___ funny noine. out Ir j / the l>ack. When you w?>u/c | *wear you could hav? b??*rd ll ? i dropping of a tack. It for 1 bourn you lay nn d<-ad and f?*r ws.i ! gripping you. the chill* w?rc i?lay ! i:tg up your KiAk; cold wrxi* running through. You wi&iuJ you had a hefty ?<to or, luajtt'of ull a_l?r?o:d- You won dered coutd you rouK* fKm>?o?? wi: h- i In another romn. Your h*?r: w.-?? thumping up and down, your Wor? alt uiiHtrung. You though? < bvlrg t or h tabbed or miy4^ I l:.t? i hck^d or huftrr. /.ml I ? ?c ?' ? a run.ble and a *4x1**': Just rorl of brought you too. T. \t?n? a wound familiar and a mo ?:rv: 1 I ha I you wcU knew. You lisirnwi It ^IcwftWcnriu* and wtopped ? 1. ?? ?Oft you beard thV/oot*f-: Subscribe to THE FltANKI.IN TIMES It. 60 'Per Year in Advance. " FVRENCH forces are seen hero in occupation of the Rhlneland Coal Syn .dicate's offices at Essen. French engineers are trying to ok the ^mines in this occupied portion of Germany, but are havl^-ronstdcr^ able trouble due to the native workers' strike. ~ . DEATH OF MR. & Ji. .NELJtS On January the 9th the death angel visied the Sandy Creek community and here away Mr. S. N. Nelms, a much be loved citizen He enjoyed splendid health up tu about 2 weefcB prior to his death when he was taken with Influ enza. Alter a few days pneo monla set In with his strong "will he fought bravely for a few days but compli cations .proved too great. Mr. Nelms was born July 22, 1863 In this community. He has spent most of his life here and is known for his splendid ability as a farmer his honesty and Integrity. He Joined Sandy Creek Baptist Chur ch when he was twenty one years of age and has been a faithful member ever since.. On February 27, 1889 lie married Miss Lela Gupton who survived him. He also leaves one sister Mrs. B. B. Collins of Henderson and three broth ers Messers C. G. Nelms of Stern, D. N. and G. W. Nelms of thiB commun ity and a host of relatives and friends. On January 11 the funeral services were conducted from his home by his pastor Rev. George May assisted by Rev. J. H. Harper. Following this his remains were tenderly laid to rest in the family cemetery. The pall bear-] ers were Messers G. B. West Auburn Allen, J. H. Alston, C. G. West and G- W. Aycocke. The choir rendered several beautiful selections sweetly during these services The large crowd present to pay their last tribute of respect gave evidence of the high esteem In which the deceased was held by his friends. The bereaved widow haB our deepest sympathy. We realize that our earth ly loss Is his eterna) gain. ? . One who loves him. ~^p ? IX MEMORY ? Oil Jan. 18, 1923 the death angels visited the home of Mr. J. L. Wes ter and took' from him his beloved mother, Mrs. T. C. Wester after a few days Illness of pneumonia. She was 81 years of age, a faithful mem ber of Maple Springs Baptist church and was a kind and loving mother and grandmother. She leaves six children, J. It. Wes ter, T. W. Wester. G. W. Wester, C. E. Wester, Mrs. H. D. Wester and Mrs. 8. T. WcBt, also twenty grand children and twelve great-grand children. The funeral servU'ea were conducted by Rev. W. H. Wallace. She was tenderly laid to rest In the family burying ground at her old home place. We miss thee dear mo ther but our loss Is heaven's gain. Oh, may this shade of sorrow be a blessing In disguise and we all may see and understand the day we all shall rise. ^ ? By one who loved Grandma. OKATH OF MRS. CLAY On Jan. 14, 1923 the death angels visited the home of Mr. E. A. Clay and took therefrom a loving mother, a devoted Christian and a kind neigh bor. Mrs. Clay was about 80 years old and leaves to mourn their loss one son, Mr. E. A. Clay, two daughters, ?lrs. Thad Hayes and Mrs. Charlie !ooke, and a host of friends and rel atives. Her body was laid to rest at Oak I.evel cemetery. She will be long and tenderly remembered. ?A FRIEND, o out rinnaira coitvestion On Friday evening. Feb. 23, there will be an "Old Fiddler's Convention" at Roberts School. All musicians are cordially Invited to attend, prizes of fered. Everybody come, tiring your friends end enjoy an evening of real pleasure. Proceeds for tieneflt of school. Admission 15 and 25 cents. FOR FIRST Cf.ASR JOV. PRINTING - PHONE 283 ' - > \ 'tpHlJJ is Peggy Woou, ' * 9 " The Clinging Vino," v% w';?encd in New York ChrU'r-.. - She's wearing nn ? - ? Klugenia*' gown, a style fashion.* ?? ? yiiU'8 ngo. wl^gh now se^nn - y to come Into 1 favor' again. * T? .otltce is of Cyclamen pink oatin "ne skirt i3 of the same shade ? "?? hlfTon. From the neckline (alU .*? ??'yrtha of fine ecru lace amf tSe e*kir? covered !>>? triple rows <?f the sail " t?"e. cl.ooratod with pink flowcta. v&test Rage Is Mummy Gowri I ?^VETVTBODY known about the rn 'opening* i?V orChcologHtH J m of the tofiih, at l^uxor, ot Tut I Sjrypti^n l<i*K of 30 or | i <*ef?(urie? Aro. Well, duo to th. 1 ?ivol'dxinK thlH event not, the "mum ! sv po%vn" ban ?n:t<i? ?t? appearancc^ ' ;.io younrc woman hTiowo her* |? ' .f.tring oi?o. lfH ji H|i?ut affair ur><! hnr?cJ -puirited iu anc;oni To Stop a CotJjcH Quick & take HAYES* cough medicine which / healing 'he Inflamed I K box of SALVE for Chest Is enclosed ES' HEALING should be robbed on the c| of children suffering from | The heaHo* effect of ?M? the throat combined ('?nvf't O-Peo-Trate Se] <ho rkln eooa (topes ax^th. , J oae esrtoro end the lujwn| U 33c. HAYES' HONEY? ? the cough by tated tissues. PEN-TRATi Colds and bottle of The salve and throat Cold or Croup. Hsyeel Heellnd Hqner !o ???? with fh* heelTotf effect of 'rate Sa|ve thfoush the pores of fi-th remedies are packed iti fj-' of the combined treStaw lust ask your dru? 11 r. AUNG HONEY. T Chew .your food well, then use VVRIGLEY'S to aid digestion. It also keeps the teeth clean, breath sweet, appetite keen. ? C^t-EBKllATK NAVY The following letter has been re ceived In Louisburg asking tor any lntormatlou any one might have con cerning the Confederate Navy, and re questing that It b? forwarded to Supt. B. C. Brooke, H&letgh, N. C. To County and City Superintendents! Admiral A. O. WiiRht, V. C, V., has recently paid me a visit and ex. pressed his great Interest In preser ving the history of the Confederate veterans who served In the Confed erate Navy. The veterans who served In the army have'thelr records pre served by their States. The records of the sailors who served in the Confed eracy were destroyed when Richmond was evacuated. Therefore, there is little information at hand to tell the story of those sailors who rendered such gallant service during the war. I am very much interested in Ad miral Wright's efforts to preserve the history of this class of our gallant heroes. I am reqquestlng you to make inquiry among the patrons of your school and through the news papers of any veteran in your co mmunity who served in the Confed erate Navy. If he is living, give us Ills name and address and Buch other Information as you mayv secure from him. If he is not living, secure as much reliable information aa you can from his nearest relatives. We are espec ially interesed in any documents per taining to these heroes. I sincerely hope you will Interest your pupils and friends in this matter end whatever information you secure please forward It to me here at Raleigh and it will reach the proper parties In order that this record mAy be pre served. Very sincerely yours, E. C. BROOKS, State Supt. Public Instruction. Mr. J. A. White Says "If Ton Hare An Automobile, Keep Bat-Snap" "If X knew about RAT-SNAP last winter, would have saved {120. My car was In the garage for a few weeks during bad weather; when I went to take it out, found that rats had eaten great holes In two new tires. Got them later with RAT .SNAP." Three sizes, 35c, 65c, fl.25. Sold and guar anteed by Cash Grocery and Market. "No More Ruined Shirtwaists for Me," said Mrs. Southlee "I've discovered a molt wonderful water softener" A group of young housewives were discussing washing materials. One said that her clothes had been fairly eaten to ribbons by patent washing fluids and chemicals. "No more of that in my home," said Mrs. Soathlee. "I've dis covered a most wonderful water softener that does not harm the fabric. My maid says it makes the washing easier than anything she has ever used. She just dis solves a y* teaspoon ful of Red Seal Lye in each bucket of water. This softens the water, and makes the clothes snowy white. She uses less soap too." "That's quite tnxe," chimed In another. "I've always uied Red Seal Lye as a water softener, but that's only one of its many uses. Red Seal Lye makei an excellent soap. I tell my cook to save all the waste grease. One can of Red Seal, when mixed with grease and water, makes enough soap to last several months for all laundry and scrubbing purposes. It's really aulte fun to make. The directions are in tne can.'" There are many household uaea and racipes for Red Seal Lye described In the Red Seal Booklet, which will be mailed you free. Send tor it today. A?k your dealer for the old reliable granulated Red Seal Lye. Get the genuine. Take no other. P. C. TOMSON & CO., South wirk . -ui-. "^.1 il'.: A P . O., Philadelphia, Pa. Every Person in Louishurg and Franklin County Is cordially invited to ylslt our store during the next ten days. We shall hare on display a beautiful new line of Dres^Ooods and Trimmings, Underwear, Hosiery and Sweaters. / ' Full line of Notions and Novelties. % We will take pleasure in showing you ^Jiether yoff intend buying now or lat^r. THE LADIES SHOP at Store formerly Occupied by Allen Bros. Co. Mrs. R. R. Harris, Prop. Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. Big lot Plows I I have just gotten in a big lot ot Girl Champion Plows and Dunn Plows, and Castings to go on them. Also a lot of Poultry fence, a new lot ot Diamond Caseinge and tubes, a new lot of Carolina Corn Plows, the kind that the beams won't split. A good lot of roofing to cover your out-houses. Can get you up a set of plow fnd wagon harness, on short notice. Am going to sel) all this stuff awful ly cheap for the money. Don't forget to see me when in need of anything in my line. Remember I am still selling shoes very cheap. Come to see me ween in town. \ Yours truiy, J. W. "PERRY ' NASH STREET * ^ LO"'ISBURG. N C.

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