Farmers * National Bank Louisburg, N. C. Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 J. M. ALLEN, President T. H. DICKENS, Vice-President H. M. STOVALL, ~ Cashier "A Bank That You Will Like" ^ILLS RATS and mice ? that's RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes In cakes ? no mixing with other lood. Your money back If It falls. 35c .size. (1 cake) enongh for Pantry, Kitchen or Cellar. 66c size (2 cakes) for .Chicken House, coops, or small bnlldlngs. $1.25 Blze (5 cakes) enongh for all farm and out-bull dings, storage buildings, or factory buildings. Sold nnd guaranteed by CASH 6H0CEHT & MARKET Subscribe to The Franklin Times $1.50 Per Year In Advance To Cure a Ccid tit One Day Take LAXATIVE BROJ 0 QUININE (TableU.) It MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED (arm lands. 4 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus. May run for S3 years or be paid off at option of borrower. Only a short time re quired to get the money. 7-14-tf ' S. A. NEWELL. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 SAM'S HEADEASY For Sale by Aycock Drug Co., F. R. Pleasants, Beasley Bros., Bunn Drug Co., W. Ei Murphy, Henry Ayscue. NEW CROP _ GARDEN SEED RADDISH SEED % MUSTARD SEED TOMATO SEED LETTUCE SEED GARDEN PEA 8 CABBAGE SEED BEET SEED EGG PLANT 8EED Tho Progressive Gardners ar? now preparing la now for t'nso vegetable. Oet In llrie by supplying yourself with our,Select Stock v that have made Satisfied Customers In tho past years. L. P._HICKS CEDAR HOCK SCHOOL ?Hew* Of Interest To Teachers, Pupils and The fuljtlc Generally By School Correspondent The Seulura ha. v.: hegun. work on their class play "The Adventures of Grandpa" which they expeot to ren der goon. The d?te will be announ ced later. Members of Woodrow Wilson liter ary society gave us a very Interesting debute last Thursday afternoon on the query: Resolved, That Capital punlshn)ei(t should he abolished In X. C. The decision wag rendered In favor. of the affirmative. Mr. Phillip Inscoe spent last week, end with friends In Wake Forest and Raleigh. Our school attendance has been somewhat diminished this week on account of the bad weather and roads but we hope that these conditions will soon improve. Quite a number of the Cedar Rock fans attended the basket ball game between Carolina and Wake Forest at Wake Forest Monday night. The Carolina quint, though outplayed dur ing a great part of the game, won the game In the last minute by a score of 25 to 23. Mr. Staley Strickland of Hickory Rock and Miss Lucy Bakor of Louls burg were united in wedlock Satur day night, Feb. 3rd. We wish them a long and happy married lite. The faculty play "A Royal Cinch" will be given in connection with a box | party at Cedar Rock high school at an early date, probably Thursday night Feb. 22. Definlto announce ment jwill be made next week. "Of the three basket ball games play ed last week the local team took two of thee . The first played here Mon day against Epsom, was won by the locals by a score of 17 to 14. The second played at Epsom Tuesday was won by the fast Epsom team by a score of 14 to 8. The third and the most thrilling of all was played against the strong team of Youngs ville National Guard, Saturday night and was won by the Cedar Rock team 33Jo 29.^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | ed throughout, and the game belong ed to anybody ugtll the Dna-1 whistle. Owing to the fact that it was the first game of the local "boys on the floor they were somewhat confused at first and the first half ended 10 to 6 for j the Armory team. But with the be ginning of the second half they found their stride and the half ended with the score 28 to 28. In the extra five minutes both teams scored one foul and Dickens left forward for Cedar Rock got away with two leld goals which untied the score. The armory team excelled in pass ing and floor work but the close guarding by the whole Cedar Rock team rendered their shooting inaccu rate. For Cedar Rock Bledsoe at guard playad a fine game holding his man scoreless and registering t ?" field. goals himself. At forward both Har ris and Dickens showed up well. Har ris making 18 points from the floor and Dickens 8. For Youngsville Winston at center played a fine floor game and made 15 of his teams points. Alford left for ward for the armory team made four goals from the floor. Lavoiersier Chemical Society SALT ? by ? Sarah Gilliam Sodium chloride or common salt is very widely distributed in nature. The salt of the market is obtained by evaporating or freezing water taken from the ocean, or. by mining in beds of rock salt. Most frequently a strong brine Is pumped from deep wlls sunk into the salt deposits. It is an essential ingredient of food for most animals and supplies the chicf source of soda and chloride. About 3 per cent by weight of the ocean is made up of it and vast beds of salt accurs in strata. Kxtenslve deposits of salt are found widely distributed in all the conti nent^. In the United States the most important localities for salt are New York, Michigan, Ohio and Kansas. United States exceeds every other country in the world In the produc tion of salt. At present the annu;tl output is about 3,150,700 ton9. It represents a value of $8,150,000 . Much of it Is exported to Canada, Mexico, Central America and Hawaiian Is lands. * Salt is used in the preparation of nearly all compounds containing eith er sodium of chlorine. Tr.f.s1 In it.ide many bL'bstt tices of the highest importance to civilization such as soap, glass, hydrochloric acid, soda and bleaching powder. Pure salt does not absorb moisture; ordinary Bait becomeig moist when exposed to air Is not due to the property of the salt but to impurities occnring In it. Besides serving as a preserver and seaBoner of food, salt i? need as a general mordant for glazing coarse pottery, In giving hardness to soaps, for medicines and giving claarloss to glass. OFFICERS ?IYEtf RAISE BY BOARD OF ALDERMTN The Board of Aldermen Thursday night gave Increases In pay to Assis tant Chief Turner, Officer White and Clerk Gunter, Tumor and Gunter were given Increases of $15 each, mak lng their salaries $140 per month, and Officer White was given 10 per month, atotal of $125. ? Ex. > ... ? ? f> ? i ? Subscribe to THE FRANKLIN TIMES $1.50 Per Year In Advance WHAT FUN IT IS TO BE HUNGRY! YOU can't be well and hearty un less you are properly nourished ? you carTt tie strong unless your appetite is good. For a keen appetite, good digestion, rich red blood, and the "punch" and "pep" that goes with perfect health. ^ ou need Gude's I'epto-Mangan. Take Gude's for a short time and note the big difference in the way you look, eat and feel. Your druggist has it ? liquid or tab lets, as you prefer. 6 tide's Pepto-Man^m Tonic and Blood Enricher SALK OK VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of the power t and authority contained in that deed 01 trust executed by A. W. Perry, Jr. and wife to lien T. Holden, Trustee,! which is duly registered in the office 1 of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 241 at page 588, de- j fault having been made In the pay- 1 ment of the indebtedness thereby ae tured iind demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1*. 1923 i at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in the town 6f Louisburg, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate sit uate in Cedar Rock township, Frank lin county, North Carolina, viz: Be. lng a one-half undivided Interest in and to the two following tracts: First Tract: Beginning tn the cen ter of the new Louisbuig road, a rock on the north aide Bobbltt a^d Del bridge corner, thence by survey of 1897 South 1, W 146- poles to a rock on Little Cypress creek, lietbridge corn er, thence down said creek as it me anders 142 poles to black gum corner In line of Ried place, thence N 3 W 73 poles 5 links^to a rues and holly, corner to twenty ~gErea, called Lester Land, thence S 86 1-2 E 9 poles 5 links by a new survey to a rock, a new made corner, thence N 3 1-2 E (new survey) 186 poles 20 links to a rock; thence N 86 1-2 W 9 poles 5 ltnka to the center Of the road 14 links N to a large white oak, thence N 3 E (survey 1897) 19 poles to a stake and hickory pointers on the north side of the Louisburg road, thence along 3aid ruad N 60 E 29 poles; X 44 1.2 E 49 poles 10 links to the beginning, containing 61 acres, more or less. -But It is expressly agreed that from the land above boun ded there has been sold to R. L. Del bridge eleven acres, and tne same has been deeded to him, and this is exclud ed from this conveyance, making the number of acres her.eby conveyed fif ty acres. Second Tract: Also anothef~ tract' or parcel of land in Cedar Rock town thip. known as ? the ? "Ca?? ? bought from G, W. Ford and describ ed as follows: Beginning at a black gum on Cypress creek, Deans corner, thence S 72 1-2 W 11 poles 9 links to a stake and sweet gum, thence N 19 1-2 W 24 poles to a rock, thence N 1 E 50 poles 18 links to the old path a large pine and sweet gum pointers, to T hos . H . Murray corner, thence N. 51 1.2 E 6 poles to cypress Creek, thence down said creek aaJt meandors 10 poles 22 links to the fork of the creek, thence up the East prong as it meanders 112 1-2 poles to stake form erly white oak; thence c 4 poles to a large pine stump, Mary Ann~Bobbitt's corner, thence S 71 E 40 1-2 poles to a stake Bobbitt's corner, thence S 7 W 15 poles 11 links to a stake Bobbitt's corner; thence S 88 E 63 poles 5 links i to a rock, corner No. 4 in Bobbitt I line; thence S 1 1-2 W 45 poles to a r:x;k and pointer, corner Mo. 3 in line of No. 4; thence W 92 poles to a rock and pointers, corner No. 3. thence N 37 W 83 poles to a rock and pointers. Deans line; thence N 57 W^42 j>oles to the beginning, containing eighty-right acre*. This the 10th day of Jan. 1923. 1-1 2-5t BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, March 12th, 1923 at about the hour of noon by consent of all [.littles. This Feb. 12, 1923. 2 12-4t BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee. Shoe Repairing That Wears Longer AH of the repairs on Shoes at our shop 1b don? in a most Intelligent and workmanlike manner. The stitches ara removed from the old shoes by hand aad the new work ^ewed in the original holes. This of course neces sitates more labor, and gives greater life to ytfur shoes by qoi taring the leather cut to pieces by new holes every time they are repaired. How ever dur prices are not any higher on this class of good work than Is pre vailing on cheaper workmanship. f*et us repair your sfyoes. Plow lines 25 cents a pair. Home made Harness. LOUISBURO REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman. Proprietor Piles Cured In 4 to 14 Days I 1BBUU It if* rryw-'NT f?l!? 1 "if? Itching. Llin I. MVcdfinjI "r ProtiuJ'aiJ PilfT tuntfy relieve* I'eMntyriJe*. ftpj you c?n #? t U?1 mno aUer the IkA aDi/Ucjiioa. TriuctOu. 1802 - 1922 LOUISBURG COLLEGE A Junior College for Young Women With i Standard Preparatory Course of Four Years Faculty of specially trained, consecrated Christian teachers. <*4 Health Record X.*nsurpaBsed. Home-like Atmosphere. Social Life Carefully Ouarded. Athletics. / In addlt'on to the regular college courses. Classical and Literary, attention Is called to the departments of Art, Business, Education, Expression, Home Economics, Music (Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory, ctc.), and Religious Education. Bates as lour as consistent with good service. Send for free Catalog. For further information write, A. W. Mohn, President, - Louisburg, N. C. PRICE LIST Cash Grocery and Market MELROSE FLOUR 98 lb. SACKS $4.45 48 lb. SACKS $2,25 241b. SACKS $1.15 V ? Choice Cnts Western-Steak, per lb. - 8?c Choice Roosts, per lb. : .? 20 and 26c Choice Slew Beet, per lb. 12Hc Sonp Bones, per lb. 6c J Fresh Pork Chops, per lb. 30c Fresh Hams, per lb. 80c Fresh Shoulders, per lb. 28c Fresh Middlings, per lb. ; 25c | Spare Klbs, per lb. 82Hc ] Fresh Pork Brains, per lb. 20c Fresh Pork Sausage, per lb. 25c | j? rmouf's Sliced Bacon, per lb. i 35c Armour's Cured Hams, Sliced, per lb. 40c WE ALSO CABBY A COMPLETE LINE OF HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. PHONE tTS YOUR OR DER. ANI) C^PROMPT DELIVERY. All Orders Filled Promptly. CASH GROCERY and Market Phone 270 Louisburg, N. C. Garden Seed Flower Seed Onion Sets and Seed Irish Potatoes ? s. We have them in stock. Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated > TIIK K RAN KM. I TIMES *honld In Tonr home. If T"n "re not a snh scrlher, bo one. Send In 'Tour sub scription nnd help us to boost for a better community. *.' -* i ' ? , -i- -4- ***** ?? - 17".? 1 Subscribe tQ, THE FkANKLJN 11 6# P?r T*r la Adrae*

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