$395 f. o. b. Detroit You Will Want Your Fordsoa Tractor Early Everything point? to tho greatest shortag<r^of Ford products thjs year that hau ever existed . Never before has the demand been co great. .'You will want a Fordsoo Tractor early ? here Is ono product you cannot wait for ? ^hen the weather opens up you will i-sgd It. You will want It lor plowing, seeding, cultivating ? and all your oth er wo-k. Already It has proved the greatest help to profltablo fa. ra ng that has ever been offered to you. And at $3.95 f.p.b. Detroit, the price Is so low that you lose money every day you are without a Fordson. To get delivery you must order early. There are no reserve stocks among our dealers? our production ca pacity, great as it is, will not enable us to build us a reserve. It must be a case of "first come, first served" and the only way in ?which you can protect yourself Is to list your order with a Ford Dealer immediately. * By taking' advantage of our dealer's first op. port unity to make delivery, you will be assnred of having your Fordson when you need It. FORD MOTOR OO. Detroit, Mich. Louisburg Motor Co. GET TO WORK OX CAMPAIGN FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT ANNOUNCEMENT ! We take this method of announcing to the merchants of Franklin and adjoining counties that we have opened an exclusively wholesale business in Louisburg in the building formerly occupied by P. A. Reavis, and will at all times be in position and pleased to take care of your needs in our line. In fact we hope to fill your every need. Both ?ur Mr. Mc. M. Fnrgurson and Mr. JT. C. Phillips, are exper ienced wholesale men and ree sufficiently familiar with this class of business to guarantee yon the best sertico and prices to be had. We hope to be accorded a liberal share of your patronage. COME IN AND^EE US. ok CALL PHONE NO. 337. Louisburg Grocery Co. (INCORPORATED) LOtflSBUKO, North Carolina NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of autnorlty con tamed In a certain mofagage deed ex ecuted on the 6th day of Feb. 1914 by Robert Hayes and wife to D. H. .Dick ie to secure a certain note, and trans ferred and assigned by the said D. H. pickle to McKlnne Bros. Co.r which said mortgage deed Is of record In the offloo of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book i#3 page 451, note secured by the said mortgage deed being past due and default hav ing been made In the payment qf the same, we will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1923 at about 12 o'clock M. at the coup, house door of Franklin county sell to, til* highest Bidder for cwjti, to satisfy' the said lndebtednes, the following described real estate, situate In Ban dy Creek township, Franklin County: Bounded on the North W. O. Faulk ner, on the East by T. T. Hunt es tate, on the South by Charlie Kearney and on the West by W. D. Macklln. Being the land bought by Robert Hay es of Mrs Annie B. Harris, containing 100 acres, more or IeM. This Jan. 24, 1923. McKINNK BROS. CO. l-26-5t Assignees of the Mortgagee. FRANKLIN IH8. * BKALTY CO. LOANS AND INSURANCE 7-21 tf NOTICE) OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court Merchants Grocery Co. Vs. J. H. Kearney. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Cleric of the Superior Court of Oran villa Coun ty In the above entitled action, I will on MONDAY. MARCH E, 1923 at 12 o'clock Noon, at tha court house door of Franklin cocnty, sell to the lilghost bidder tor cash, to aatllfy said execution, all Ue right title and ln tereat^ jjhlch tVe said J. H. Kearney, the defe&dafci has la the following de scribed real estate, to.wlt: The L. C. Koarnoy place In Frank llnton township, Franklin county, ad olnlng Leo Btirt Kearney, C. R. Sand | ling, W.-W. Oreen and Jim Tayborn, containing 37 acres. This January 18th, 19tS. H. A. KEARNEY, 8herlff, I-l#-7t of Franklin County. Cold* Casai flrip/eod Influenza LAXATTVE RSOMO QU^IHK Tablet* i mom. Tim la E.w.<atovrii TOR FIRST ?a88 JOB PRlWlNO ? 'NB NO. Ml. SALE OF FRANKLINTON LOT Uy virtue of tho power of eale con tained In that certuln deed of trust niade by W. W. Shearon and wife to Win. H. Huff in. Trustee, dated Sept. 2Uth, 1321, and recorded In the Reg istry of Franklin County In Book 234, lingo 311. default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby se cured und demand for foreclosure having been made by tno bolder of thu debt so secured upon said trustee the undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door in Loulsburg, N. C. oler for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, a part of the lands in said deed of trust conveyed which Is In the Southwest cotner of the orig inal lot conveyed by Mrs. Frances Winston and which is contained with in the following boundaries: Beginning at Roberson's and W. W. Sbearon's corner 'on the Loulsburg road and running thence along said road Eastwardly about to feet cor ner of the lot sold to J. T. Moss, thence Northerly along the line of the said Moss lot about 146 reet to the corner of the Moss lot In tho line of a lot cut off the Northern portion of said original lot called the Shearon lot now; thence Westwaraiy along the line of said* Shearon lot about 79 feet to the corner of said .lot and thla lot in Roberson's line; thence Southerly along Roberson's lino about 151 feet to the point of beginning, being' a va cant lot. This sa'.e will bo mad<? subject to a first lein deed of trust, to secure Mrs. Frances Winston about $500.00 and Interest, and E. J. Cheatham, about $1,750.00 and Interest. Tills January 19tll,~ 1923. 1.19],5t WM. H. RUFF1N, Trustee. COMMISSIONERS' HALE "OF^LA-XD By virtue of an order of sals made by the Superior Court of Franklin County in tbat special proceedings entitled B. F. Pierce, Administrator of Levin Phillips, vs. Mrs. Lillian I Carter et al, heirs at law, the under signed will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1923 at the noon recfess of Court, It being the first day of the February Term of said Court, at the court house door In Loqisburg, N". C., offer ror sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash a tract of land described as fellows: , Situate in said County of Franklin, known as the "Pulley Tract" bought by Levin Phillips of E. ' O. Pearce, and bounded as follows: On the North by Nancy Baker, on the East by W. L. and W. K. Phillips, on the South by Miley Bunfl and on the West by J. C. Denton, containing 23 and 3-S acres more or less. This January 19th, 1923. l-19-5t B. F. PIERCE, Commissioner. NOTICE Having qualified & s administrator of he estate of Lucy A. Murphy^ de ceased, late of Franklin County, no tice is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come for Lward and make Immediate settle ment. This Jan. 11th, 1923. l-12-6t J. G. MURPHY, Admr. . NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of W. Bird Murphy, de ceased, late of franklin County, no. Lticd*is hereby given all persons hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of Janaury, 1924, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settle ment. This Jan. 11th, 1923. , l-12-6t - J. O. MyRPKV, Admr. 1 ' NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of Oeorge L. Dodd, late of Franklin county, N. C., this is to notify all per sons having olaims against the estate of said deceased to exhttt them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of February, 1924 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to sam estate 'will please make lmmediae payment. This 12th day of February, 1923. * E. P. DODI), Adm'r . W. M. Person, Atty. l-19-6t FOR RENT j The C. T. Wester Home Place near Maplflvllle. A 3 or 4 horse farm, good cotton and tobacco land, fine pasture, fine orchard and good buildings. 1-19-tf E. H. M ALONE. StoD that Hsadache with SAM'S HEADEASY. A local merchant in Pitt County Is mnnlnir a M.fmt Inmhntnr for ? local estock company. Farmers can have their aggshatched tor three cents each, reports W. B. Pace, county agent. A. TONIC - Orove's Tasteless chill Tonic restore* Energy and Vitality by furifying and Enrichlhj the Blood. Wh?n you feel Its strengthening, invlgocatityl effect, see Rftw It brings color to the/cheeks and how It Improves the spp^lte. you will tben appreciate Ita true toWic value. Grove's Tasteless cWIU Tonic la simply Irdn and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich It Destroys Mslarial terms and Grip germs by Its Strengthening. In vigor- | ?ting Effect 80c. Free Flower Seeds You will be glad to know that Has tings', "The Pouth's Seodsman," will give away about 2,000,000 packet* of seed of the South s moat popular flow ers thla spring There ki nothing In the home that can oomtmre with rich colored flower* K-lffMnn nn nil up irnf house attracting Y rrj r*s'+ $laot too many flowers and this opportunity to get Shirley Popples. Everlasting Flow ers. Zinnias, Cosmos and Mexican Burn ing Dush absolutely free. Is certainly to I be welcomed by all readers of this j paper You can get them! Just write te i Ha>t'rgu' for the new 1923 Catalog lt| tells you hew to get flower F?eds It boa 100 pages of bsautlful photo graphic pictures and correct descrip tions of garden flower and field se^ds, bulbs anQ- plants, and also Is full of b?lpful Information that Is needed almost dally In evarr Southern home. It's the moat valuable 8?ed book ever published and you will be mighty glad you've got It Just write and ask (or the aew Catalog. ? H. O. HA8TIN08 CO, Atlanta, Ga. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN UK. J. HERBERT FirZC.EH.lLli Kjc, Ear, Jioso, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office iti Louisburg every first Monday. En gagements should bo made as lar in advance as possible. lilt. R. F. YABBOROUUU Physician and- Surgeon Louisburg, >'. (,'. Office la Blckett and Yarborough Building. Office Phone 296 Residence Piioue 28 8. ATWOOD NEWELL. Attoraey-At-Law. Louisburg, N. C. ~ Phone N'o. 115 Office In First National bank liuilding General Practice 1 wish to advise my patients and the public generally that after the 1st of September my business will te on a Cash basis when \vork"i? e*rr,HUeliid^ DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING 8. P. BCRT, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices over Scoggln'a Drug 8 tore. Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m? and 4 to 5 p. m. DB. W. B. MASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DR. D. f. SMITHWICK. Deatlst. luulsburg, H. C. OEce In ttie First National Dan k | ' Building on Mala and Nash Sta. W. M. PEBSON. ATTORNEY-AT -LAW Louls&urg. North Carolina Tactice In all courts. Oifice on Mala Street. G. M. BEA.it Attornej -at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice In ail courts. 1>1{. J. v. uaiH Physician and Surgeon. Louisburg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. I1. Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R Hours; 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. e. B. White E. H . Xalone WHITE * * ALONE LAWYERS -* ? Loulsburg, North Carolina ?eneral practice, settlement of ?> .ites fundi Invests. Onj member oi c? firm always In the ofEce. DR. H. G. PERRY Physician nnd Surgeon Louisburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 2S7: Night 2S7 DR. J. r. MALONE. Louisburg, North Carolina race in Aycock Drug .Btore, Market Btreet, Office Practice SJurgery and consultation. DR. H. If! JOHNSON' Physician nnd Surgeon Louisburg, North Carolina Office over Aycock DriiK Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Loiiisburg, 9. ?> Office In First National Dank Building Day Phono 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 Wm H. Ituffln. Thos W. Rufflo WM. H. ? THOS. W. BDft'M Attornejs-at-Law Loalsbnrg, > North Carolina Oeneral practice, both civil and crlm tnal, In Franklin and adjoining coun >Ie?, S.ipreme and Federal Courts. Offices In Ji'Irnt National Bank Bulli^Jng. STEGALL BROS. Barkers Louisburg. H. C. We have five good barbers and you will receive the best of servlc?. - Also Essex Automobile for hire at all times, at reasonable Prices. Assoc. -Mem. Am.'Soc. M. E. Registered Kngtneer KMC. G. FLANNAGAN CONSULTING ENQ1NEER Henderson. N. C. \ Telephones: Office 536; Ren. 215. J ? Preliminary Investigations, Drawings, Specifications, Supervision. It you are going to build see me first. MULES and HORSES i FINE FARM STOCK for immediate sale for cash or good note. Come and see them if you want ^ a good buy. E. S. Ford SAVE MONEY - ON? MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND WORK SHOES I am offering especially attractive prices this week on Men's and Boys' boots and work shoes. If you haven't bought see me. I can save you money. We Vytil be'glad to till your wants in groceries, both heavy and fancy. You will find-it to your advantage to trade with mp. ? A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. PAY YOUR - ; 1 922 County Taxes 1 PER CENT PENALTY WILL BE ADDED TO YOI'B TAX ON FEB. 1ST AND I PER CENT BACH MONTH THEREAFTER UNTIL PAID. PAT TOl'RS BEFORE TJfAT DATE AND SAVE I lit PENALTY WHICH U5 DER THE STATE LAW WILL BB ADDED. n.' Your* very truly, \-f H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff

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