YOLOO LL THE COUNTY, TKK STATE, THJS UNION 4rB9f*IFTI0J %IM Tw Ttm LOUISBCBG, K. G, FRIDAY, FEBBl'AKY tS, l?t3 M *BEB Sf ABOLISH ACDITOB'S OFFICE Also BU! to Bed lice Salaries 0f County Ofllceg Introduced by Sen. Harris We are publishing below two biila Introduced In the preaent General As sembly by Senator C. P. Harrla. One the office of Auditor for Franklin County and one reducing the pv iff the County offices for FrankHa County. The bllla follow: ,h i?, e Ent'tled an Act -to Abolish l?6 Office of County Auditor of Franklin County and to Authorize the Board of County Commissioners CauBe the County Account to be Audited by the 8tate Auditor's Of flee or Under Contract: The Qeneral Assembly of North Car oilna do ejmct: ?.,S(?.CUOUJ- th6"?1ice of county auditor of Franklin county be and h?i?r8iam! hereby abolished and the .50ufty commissioners is hereby authorised and directed tn cause the county accounts to be au dited under arrangements to be made w th the State Auditor's office! T?o l,h? wor* auditing under con tract to auditing concerns. ec. 2. That all lawB and clauses nf >h78 ln.co,lflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. f ? V 3- Th*t this act shall be In force from and after Its ratification. A he entitled an Act to Amend Chapter 691 of the Public Local il' As tended Relating to the Salaries ofthe Sheriff, Deputy f ^ '?Reglstor of Deeda and Clerk Th ^ ? of Fran'clIn County. The General Assembly of North Car oiina dp enact: , ^ '"j> t' B>ialt,n of uhiip.. pYiL He r ? ,re, and n'ne'y-one of the ,;.'U!'C Lttwf. "IS, as amended. Rr*'?i.nu salary of the sheriff of Franklin county, be and the same is hereby, amended by striking out in uniSa0,",8 and tW0 of 8ald 8ectl?u the words twenty-two hundred and fifty" thousand/" there?f th6 WOrdB "three 1' ,Th^1 s?ctlon 7 of -Chapter f. l of the Public Local Laws, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, aa amended, relating to the alary of the andUth rlff ?f Franklin county, be and the game la hereby .ipended, by tii" /n line 3 of said section the words eighteen hundred" and in serting in lieu ^hereof the words twelve hundred." Gut nCf fh' Jiu e,ecllon 10 of chapter ?' the Public Local Laws, 1915 as repealed and enacted by section 2 fa^Pter of the Public Local Laws lit r?'atins ?"the' salary of the reg ister of deeds of Franklin county be and the same is-fcereby, amended- by striking out in line 5 or said section 2 the words and figures "twenty-six hun dred dollars (2,600V and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures three thousand dollars (3,000)". Sec. 4. That section 12 of chaDter 691 of the Public Local Laws, 1915, as repealed and enacted by section 3 of chapter 410 of the Public Local Laws one thousand nine hundred and nine teen. relating to the salary of the clerk of the superior court of Frank lin county, be, and the' same is hereby amended by striking out in lines 5 and 6 of said section three the words and <2 fifift!" twj?nty-slx hundred dollars th; ?"?rtlng 'l lleu thereof . ,ur9! "thirty-two hun dred dollars 13MH))". !?* ?' chapter lPtlni ? Public Local Laws, 1915, re lating to an allowance for clerical as 5v?k?f f0r :egl8ter of de?ds of nl. k n 'Or making out tax list be, and the same is hereby amend ed by .trikfng put In line 4 of s^Jd WOrd, "two hHndred and '? lleU thereof the off '^ree hundred and fifty", of law 1 a" 'ttws an<l clauses of thTs v' *1* th? Provisions i"1 ?ct hereby repealed. fofr^ frl' thSa act shall be In force from and after its ratification COMMITTEES The ladles of the Ladles Missionary Society of the Methodisi Church an nounce the following committees for the ensuing year, the first named In each case being the Chairman of that cnmmltUBa: Churclv Committee ? Mrs . K. ?. Harris, Mrs. 8. A, Newell, Mrs. S. J. Parham, Mrs. Dora Allen, Mrs. R. Z. Egerton, Mrs.. Allen Hariis, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. 'Foster, Mrs. Hugh Per ryi Mr?, D. E. UcElnna, Mrs. O. C. Hill, Mrs. Leila Wllliarasou. FloVer Committee? Mrs. B. N Wil liamson, Mrs. D. F. McKlnne, Mrs. E. H, Malone, Mrs. O. T. Yarhoro, Mrs. A1 Hodges, Mrs. 8. 8. Meadows. Visiting Committee ? Mrs. D. F. McKlntie, Mlos 'Jafman, Mrs. E. W. Furgurson, Mrs. Will Murphy, Miss Fannie !?. Msssenburg, Mrs. D. C. High, Mrs. George Murphy. Mrf. W. U. Cooke, Miss Lucy Foster, Mrs. Dun ham Taylor, County Institution and Literature Committee ? Mrs. 3. H Allen, Mrs. E. L. Ilast, Miss Lonte Meadows, Miss i fits, Mrs. J. W. Mann, Mrs. F. W. Hicks, Miss McQueen, Miss Edna Thompson. Interaclal Committee? Mrs. F. B. McKlnne, Mrs. D. T. 8m!thwick, Mrs. I C. K. Cook* Mrs. W. R. Mills, Mrs. Levy Reasley, Mrs. H H. Perry, Mrs. A. W. Mohn, Mrs. L. E. Thompson. ? . Parsonage Committor ?Mrs. L. P. Hicks, Mrs. Q. W. Ford. Mrs. J. E. Malone, Mrs. M. -B. Darls. SnWribe to Tho Franklin Times SUPERIOR COTBT Franklin Superior Court convened on Monday In Its regular February term for the trial of Civil cages with His Honor Judge E. H. Cranmer pre siding. Quite a number of cases have been disposed of but no case of any great Importance has been tried Like all other civil courts there is no Interest in evidence save that of the Interested parties. This Is a two weeks term and will no doubt con tinue through next week. o CAPTURES STILL . Constable J. E. Thomas reports cap turing a complete Btlll outfit about one mile northwest of Bunn on Wed nesday afternoon. In addition to capturing the still he destroyed about 400 gallons of beer and about 3 gal lons of whiskey. Mr. Thomas Is to be congratulated for this raid as he made it single handed. COLLEGE NOTES Miss Burdette Joyner spent the week-end With Mrs. C. 3." Williams of Frankllnton. H Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Partin and Miss Herndon, of Raleigh, were guests of Miss Ruth Hopkins last Sunday. Misses Gladys Gill and Hattie Mae Parker, chaperoned by Miss Lynn, at tended the Wake Forest Anniversary Friday evening. Misses Edythe Duffy and Susie Crowell spent the week-end as gueats of Miss Lucy Tlmberlake near Louls burg; Two members of last year's Senior class havo rocontly married Mian Willie Pleasants is now Mrs. Arthur Flythe, and Miss Nellie Newbern is Mrs . John Flora. Misses Peltz, Parker and Pittman spent Tuesday in Raleigh. An Inspirational and well rendered program was given by the Young Wo men's Christian Association in the College auditorium Friday evening. The following young ladies took part in the entertainment; Misses Jose phine Bandy, Katherlne Brady, Susie Crowell, Mae Campbell, Ruth Hop kins, Luclle Jennings, Sara Johnson, Mabel Hux, Mary Munden, Xla McNeil, Lois Sanford and Nancy UBrey. BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Blanche Barrus Circle of the Baptist Woman's Missionary Society , entertained the other circles ill the T'egular monthly buslnoss and social meeting Monday afternoon at Mrs. K. A. Bobbltt's. The devotional exor\:lK'j3 were con ducted by Mrs. J. A. Mclver. Encouraging report* from all the circles were received. Mrs. Mack Furgurson was chosen as delegate to the Annual State Meeting to be held the last week- In March at Durham. The nominating committee, pre viously appointed to nominate cfflcers for this year made tne following re port: Honorary President, Mrs. E. C. Allen; Acting ['resi le Mrs J. A. Mclver: Vice -Presldout, " Mrs. t'p "fr.'.ireh : S?"r?taT7. M-=. Tt a. TJobfoltt; T-. 'f+ter Mrs. Cn-'orM'!. There be cc rtbfr *iimlna'.!c:.s 'nade these *?*( Utrafclnw,'!*'? SlTfH y-t. Furcnroon was elected as Sun beam leader.. ' : . I Ambrosia, cake and colloa "were served and a pleasant period of con | versatlon was enjoyed by all. Mrs. I Mclver proposed that speeches be ' made by the new Sunbeam leader, [Mrs. Furgurson, and the new member Mrs. Herbert Perry, both of whom, by the way, happened to be from West Virginia. Both declined and Mrs.. Perry added that West Virginia was noted for the quantity, but nof the quality of Its natural gas. The Jfannle Heck Circle will have charge during March and arrange for both the Royal Service and the social meeting. n ? EI) WIH FULLER. CLUB Thursday afternoon at 3:30 Mrs. F. W. Hicks was hostess to the Edwin Fuller Club and other guests. When the guests had assembled the I meeting c#WW. t9, order at the tap o( the Edwin Fuller gavel In the hands of the president. Mrs. B. T. Holden. The mlnntea oFtKe previous mesnnff were read and approved. The Interesting series of programs on Souther^ Novelists was continued at this meeting study of Alice -Hegan Mm, bast known, and loved as the author of "Mrs." Wlggs of the Cab bage Patch" and "Lovely Mary." A sketch of her life was presented by Mrs. G. M. Boara. Those who were privileged to hear this sketch Jelt as though they hadjust met personally one of wh6nithey they had beea hear ing for quits a while. Mrs. Best outlined the story of "Cal vary Alley" one of Mrs. Rice's more recent books, and read from It two select lohB. Miss Sallle Williams played a most enjoyable group of short pleceB, end ing with a Mazurka of her own com position. After refreshments, consisting of a salad course, a desert course, and cof fee and mints, club members were re quested to remain after the others left for a short basinets session. The club then adjourned to meet March 1st with Mrs. Beat, using the program on Dorothy Canfleld Fishor. Strange how little static can dis courage the listener when a sermon Is being broadcast. BIMMOTS IS >OT CANDIDATE FOR LEADER He Is Confined To His Bed At Home In. Jfew Bern Withdrawal of Senator Simmons of North Carolina, from the race with Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, for Democratic leadership In the next sen ate when Senator Underwood, of Ala bama, the present Democratic leader, will retire, was announced last week by Senator Ovenftan, of North Caro lina, on behalf of his colleague. The, announcement by Senator Over man wea regarded as assuring the election of Senator Robinson. Senator Simmons authorized the announce ment from his aick bed at his home In New Bern, N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE ALL' JIM MEET The Bret meeting of the Trinity College Alumni of Franklin County was held at Louisburg College on the evening of February the fifteenth for the purpose of forming a working Or ganization . Those present at the meeting were Miss Edna Beasley Mrs. Wlngate Underbill, Miss Josle Foy and Miss Rosa Vaddell of Louisburg and Messrs. Hoy Taylor and L. H. Allison ot Frankllnton. Mr. Richard E. Thig pen, Assistant Alumni Secretary, met with the organization and discussed many of the Immediate needs ot th? College, foremost ot which was the organization of the Alumni to oo-i operate with the College Jn all her forward movements. " Prof. Hoy Taylor was elected Pree ident of the Association, Dr. S. P. i Burt, Vice-President and L. Hr Al llson, Secretary and Treasurer. The organization decided to have an Alumni Bauquet in the near future and invite one of the members of the Trinity faculty to be with us on that , occasion. The President appointed a a committee composed ot Mrs. Wia gate Underhlll. Miss Josle Foy and Mr. M. S. Davis to arrange for tills occasion. HEALTH DEPARTMENT The most striking evidence of th? value ot Public Health service and su pervision of disease is the death ot Mitive children. Up to 1891 deaths of children under five years of age, aver aged about 100 for every 1000 of the population living at these ages. This means that about 10 per cent of the children died before they were Are years ot age. In 1870 the dea<h ratrf' from malaria for every hundred thous and was 27. Now we have none or enly little malaria. In 1S75 the doatb rate from Smallpox reached 124 per one hundred thousand ? contrasted to this dreadful record Is the encouraging cne that there hasn't been but very few deaths from this disease in ten years. In 1871 tho death late front Consumption was 406 per one hundred thousand, In 1921 it was brought down to 29. In 1870 40 persons ot one hun dicd thosands died of Typhoid Fever. In 1921 this has been brought down to greatly reduced figures. The Mer.sles record Is one of compelling interest . In 1869 out of every one hundred tfious and 62 died of this disease, in 1921 it had fallen to3. Whooping cough is another disease showing improved con dlllons of modern times. While there were 47 fifty yoars ago there are only 7 today. When we come to study Dip thorla, the cup of our jqy Is full to overflowing. The first epidemic re corded by the Board of Health occurr ed In 1875, when the death rate was 2S5 per otte hundred thousand, In 1921 the death rate had been reduced to 18. lit there were no other reason to jus tify the establishment of the Public Health sorvice, what has been accom plished in tho control of Diptherla alone deserves the praise of the whole ot mankind. J. E. MALONE, Health Officer. METHOD TO KILL RATS Mr. Will Holmes of Rural Route 6 Informs us he haB disccorered a most effective method of ridding: his farm of rats. He Bays he bought ? No.1 2 galvanized wash tub and filled It a lit tle oyer half full of water and put enough cotton Beed hulls on the wa lur 10 cover It about two Inches. snd placed the tub In one of his outhouses where the rata were troublesome. The next morning he found he hail a tub full of rata. Ho repeated tills again the folio Wing night and_cauglit another big lot. As a result of ali" discovery he has practically rid bis place of the pests. Its a good plan for other people, who are troubled with rats, to try. A ( A Kit OF THA>'KS I take this method of thanking all of my friends and neighbors for tlieir kindness during the sickness and death of my wife. Their kindness will nev cV be forgotten. H. H. DENTON'. - . STt'DEJiTS RECITAL Among the coming events at I-oulg burg College Is listed next Students Recital No. S, for Tuesday, February , 27 at 8 o'clock. All those whoso plnaa uro It has been to attend the Students i Recitals In the past are well pleased. ( i Q I About the only place you can find 1 a sfmpe country girl now Is In th? milkmaid choroua. *BS. W. E. WHITE HOSTESS On Tuesday afternoon tha 13th day ( iA this month, In spite of lww clouds j '<M rain which wrapped the wet world th?re was within the home of Mrs. W JHr*^hJte abounding cheer, which dls JRBed the outside gloom, jWoIce and laughter, song and mu. [?[made those there forget the gray Jig. and the _^wift- winged hours of S^^Hness came only too quickly to a 'fjjhe rosy suffusion of softly shaded ?fpta, the fragrance and beauty of a [jSfuslon of pink carnations lent a aftrm indescribably sweet to the whole atmosphere and all felt the Magnetism of It. Many there were jjjfoered together to participate in the ??hsure of the hour, members of the yjfb and other invited guests. No Mpre enjoyable program could have rendered. Mrs. White as Pres ent of the Club, presided gracefully the meeting. Mrs. M. S. Clifton fpthe absence of the Secretary, Mrs. tifcB, Scoggin, read the minutes of the UBjtjneeting. ^hc Topic for the afternoon's dis Cttslon was the continuation of jyry Writers of the* South, which ?(Bies many of the greatest writers Kfet6outhern literature, and the names ^/Thomas Nelson Page, George Wash XHton Cable and Ruth McEnery Stuart *B>ear>tig on the afternoon's program aBed all with pleasant anticipation. 'Jlrs. David E. McKlnne read a de Mghtful paper on Thomas Nelson Pago String brief biographical sketch. ifien tloning his war stories of Virginia, and dwelling upon his genuine love and ?flpreciation of the darkle of yo olilen *6's. She concluded her paper with 4 reading from Mars Chan, a story at ^K't; delightful mid. luu, full uf pa (fco?. a splendid portrayal of the faith arkie of the war. A.Mrs . W. R. Mills" paper on George Jfcshington Cable and Ruth MeEnery $tuan was interesting from beginning Ilk end. She emphasized Cable's ln "jfarpreiatioti of Creole life, mention lter-Old Creole Days" as his strong fat and most interest work all heard With pleasure her sketch of Ruth Mc flfnerv Stuart, a favorite writer with u), whose writings have brought ar tistry to Southern Action. Her "Na poleon Jackson" and "Sonny" appeals to the lover of humor and of pathos too. .Mrs. S. J. Parham concluded the fltera program with a charming reading from Page's "Two Little Con ffcd.TateFs." The musical program was but an ther delightful feature of the after jjcou's qptertalnment. Without ques Troii the talent displayed upon this oc casion would have done credit to any { people. Miss 8allie Williams' rendition of | Pachmanlniff's "Polichinelle" was ex cellent. Miss Frances Russo's vocal selection "The Flower Song" by Chas. Gounod, sung in French showed her wonderfully gifted in voice, and the two trio selections, "Love is Like a Fire-fly" by Friml. and VSylvai" by Speaks, sung by Miss Williams, Mrs. WHiite and Mrs. Mohn, ended a pro j gram which had been heard by all with the keenest pleasure. A delightful- surprise camo to the ] guests when the refreshments were ?served.. With the first course, each ' dainty plate was decorated witp love I ly Valentine favors, ' minafcare red heart shaped baskets, filled with chrys I tallied ginger and nuts, the second j course ice-cream and cake in heart | shapes and with the third . course cof ' fee ^nd heart-shaped mints, "Valen tine verses" lor edch, a real inspira tion to "spinister" and matron dike ? "lor all the world loves a lover." With hearty expressions of delight in the afternoon'B entertainment the guests departed to mfet again on Mar. 13th with Miss Williams. Y. W. A. MEETING The Yodng Woman's Auxiliary of the Lotflstourg Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. J. S. Howell Tuesday night. January twelfth. The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting read and approved, after which the following program was ren dered : Hymn ? I'll Gq Where You Want Me to Go. Prayer ? by Mrs. J. A. Mclver. Scripture lesson. Humans 12 ? by Mrs. J O. Newell, PTayer ? by Mrs. J. S. Howell. The program vi as continued by the following readings: The Call ? by Miss Virginia Perry. The fffit Ht?a rd? -by Mion Uotha Pittman . The Call Heeded -by Miss May Cooper . What Constitutes the Standard Bap tist Church ? by Mrs. J. O. Newell'** Following, were twelve questional asked and answered by twelve differ ent members, concerning our tnission ary organizations and our missionar ies. Prayer? by Mrs. Mclver. 8olo, Hfcve Thine Own Way Lord by Mrs, Mclver, ? Closing prayer ? by Mr?. J. O. Newell * After the adjournment of the meet ing delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. The following *rere prenent: * Mesdames J. O. New ell, J. H. Howell, J. A. Mclver, F. B. Leonard, K. M. Ounter; Mis sen Iantha Plttinan. Nannie Hall Hale, May Coop Mr, Eleanor Collie, Kugenia^i'erry, Jew el Clark, Victoria Adcock. Ffeulah Coop sr and visitors Mrs. Edwards and Miss Hayes. A o Subscribe to The Franklin Times RESOLUTIONS Whereas, Almighty God In hl? Infi nite wisdom and goodness, did on Thursday, Jan. 25th. 1923, call our be loved brother, R. F. Fuller, from this earth to the great beyond ? b? It there fore Resolved, That In the death of Bro ther Fuller the members of LonlBburg Lodge No. 413 A. F. & A. M. sustain ed the loss of one of its members whose life and conduct, towards-his fellow man, was such as to exemplify the principles of their order. Resolved, That the sincere and heart | felt sympathy of the members of this ? lodge, be extended to the bereaved i family of our deceased brother whpse Kss we deeply mourn. Resolved, That these resolutions be | properly recorded on the Minutes of i thf lodge and that the Secretary de- 1 liver a copy thereof, under the ?eal | of the lodge, to tha family of the de- j ceased. F. W. IIICKS, S. P. BODDIE, S. B. BERlCI.lCV, Committee. Loulsburg Lodge No. <13, A. F. & A. M. A BIRTH DAI PARTY Master Warren Pearce entertained a few of his friends Wednesday after noon from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock, the occasion being In honor of his sixth birthday and St. Valentine Day. Many Interesting games were played after which the guests were amused by seeing Warren cut the birthday cake. Ice cream, cake and home mado candies were served. The fa vors were Valentine cards and small red baskets filled with candy hearts. Those present were Allen cobb, u?r othy Roth. Emmitt Hale, Sidney Klino Mamie Davis Beam, Robert Young, Melba Robertson, Wilson Spivey. Mar garet Upchurch and Thilbert Pearce. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TAKES BONDS The County Commissioners met on Monday for the purpose of receiving bids on $45,000.00 worth of serial bonds for retiring the County's notes that are becoming due and otherwise relieving the County's finances. The bids received with certified checks were par and without expense by Bray Brothers, of Greensboro, and par plus $50 and without expense by the First National Bank of Loulsburg, The bid of the First National Bank ivas accepted. I It is gratifying to the people of [Franklin county to know that our lo [cal Institution is In position to handle I the business of the county saving the ] neceesity of having to go away from I home for necessary accommodations . THE WOMAN'S C'LIB TO MEET The Woman's Club will meet in its rooms on Friday afternoon, March 2nd 1923 at 3:30 o'clock. Pleas^note the 'change of hour! All members are urged to be present. MRS. G. M_ BEAM, S'ec'y. Subscribe to The Franklin Times AMONG THE VISITORS SOME YOC KNOW AND SOKE IOC DO !*0T KNOW. Personal ^ Items About Folks And Their Friends Who Travel Here And There Mr. J. S. Lancaster of Rutherford ton, was a visitor to Louisburjc the past week. Mrs. Weyland Weathers, of Apex, visited Mrs. W. F. Beasley this week. Mr. Joe Gill, who had the m la for tune of losing the lingers oft his left hand in a saw at Moncure, has re turned home, Mr. F. W. Whclesa left Monday for Baltimore to purchase his Spring and Summer stocks. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Allen returned the past week from an extended trip to Florida and Cuba. They report a most enjoyabte-rrtp * Messrs. J. R. Williams, H. C. Wil liams and Jim Williams returned the past week from a trip to Florida. I Senator C. P. Harris and Represen tative Geo?H-. Cooper came home from Kaleigh to spend the week-end. Mr. Wm. H. Ruftln went to Ral eigh on business Tuesday. Mr. H. H. B. Mask, Manager Field Service Department of N'. C. Cotton Growers Association, of Raleigh was in LoiJisburg Tuesday. ager Tobacco Growers Association, was in Louisburg the past week. Messrs. F. N. Spivey, P. J. Brown, E. L. Best and E. H. Malone spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Messrs. T. M. Pittmac and R. G. Kittrell. of Henderson, were visitors to Louisburg the past week. RECORDER'S COURT j The following cases were disposed 'of in Recorders Court Monday: | State vs P. L. Snow and C. D, Snow, distilling, nol prc.j with leave. ] Suite vs J. K. Biller, adw. nolo con tendere. judgmei.t'suspemled upon pay ment of coats. I State vs Plumuicr Williamson, I and r, continued. State vs George Jones, 1 and r, guil ty, judgment suspended upon pa/ment of coats. State vs Ossie Foster I and r, guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs and $5 to C. C. Hudson. State vs Clyde Barham ccw, guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of .costs, | State vs Clyde Barham. driving au Itomoblle while intoxicated, guilty ,_ fined $50 and costs. State vs Bill Higgs, distilling, guil ty, 4 months on roads. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE NO. 283. HERBERT t. MORRIS DEAD The many friends ot Mr. Herbert R NorHs. former Solicitor of thU Dis trict. will ieamgyith much regret of his death which occurred to Raleigh. Wednesday afternoon, after an illness of several months. He was to his 64th year and leaves a wife and one son, Herbert E. Norris, Jr.. who have the sympathy of a . large number of friends. In his death Wake County and North Carolina lose* one of Its strongest men. "* 4 . ?

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