' ? (LEGAL ADVERTISING) RS-SALK OF YOUNQ8VILLB LOT By virtue of an order of resale made by fh? Superior Court of Fran kiln county upon an apoet bid nfcde In ac cordance with the statute upon the ?ale of the lot hereinafter described, and under and by virtue of the power wnnfarred in that certain deed of trust made by H. A. Williams and wife to Vd, H. Pace, Trustee, dated April 15, 1?1?, and recorded In the Registry of Franklin, county In Book 194, page 389, the undersigned will on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1923 at about the hour of noon, or If the Court be then In session at the noon adjournment of court, at the Court House door In Loulsburg, N. C., ofTer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash that lot of land In said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: First tract, Lot No. 42 described and contained In a certain Map made by Pool Tucker, C. E., which map is registered In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county In Book page reference to which Is hereby made for further description, begin ning at a point on the North side of Church street 90 feet West of the In tersection of March Street and Church stre?t, and runs thence N 150 feet; thence E 64.3 feet; thence South 150 fset; thence WeBt 45 feet to the point of beginning. This Feb. 7. 1923. WM. H. PACE, Trustee. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffln, Attorneys. 2-9-3t RE-SALE OF I.ANDS AND TOWN LOTS YOUNGSVILLE By virtue of an order of resale ? made by the Superior Court of Frank lin county upon an upset bid upon the sale of the property hereinafter de scribed on Feb. 6. 1923 and the pow er of sale In that deed of trust con tained which was dated April 15, 1918 and recorded In Franklin Registry In Book 194 page 389 made by H. A. Williams and wife to Wm. H. Pace, Trustee the undersigneds will on MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1923 at about the hour of noon at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, that property In said deed of trust conveyed and described as follows: Tract No. 2 ? All the right, title, In terest claim and demand of every kind and nature whatsoever In and to that certain tract of land lying Southeast from the tOwn of Youngsvllle, N. C. and on the road leading from said town of Youngsville to Oak Grove church bounded as follows; On the North by the lands of E. B. Preddy, on the East by the lands of R. C. Un> derwood and B. H. Winston's estate, on the South by the lands of Perry & Patterson and on the West by the lands of Perry & Patterson and oth ers, known and designated as the "Candace Williams Home Place". And also that tract In said deed of trust described as Tract No; 3 ? Begin nlng at a stake I. W. Holden's cor. nor 45 feet from the center of the rail road track and 17 links East of a fork ed Pine; thence N 88 1-2 W 15.86 chains to the center of the Wake For est road leading out from Youngsville marked by a stake on the East side; thence along said road about S 5 E 3.20 chains to the center of the road marked by a stake on the East side, corner of No. 2; thence S 88 1-2 E IB. 86 chains to a stake, corner of Lot No. 2 In the line of the S. A. L. Ry Co. j thence along this right of way about N 8 W 3.20 chains to the begin ning, containing flye acres, more or less, being lot No. 1 in the division of the Williams land. This February 16, 1923. WM. H. PACE, Trustee. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffln, Attorneys. 2-16-3t bale of valuable land Under and by virtue of tbe power ot sale contaled In that certain deed ot trust executed by W. W , Shearon to E. H. Malone, Trustee dated No vember 10, 1919 recorded In Book 193 page 266, Registry ot Franklin county default havlijg been made In the pay ment oft the indebtedness secured thereby, and demand for foreclosure having been made upon me by the hol der ot said indebtedness, the under signed will on MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1923 at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door of Franklin county in "Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract ot land: A certain tract of land lying and being in Franklinton township, Frank lln county and more particularly des cribed and defined as follows: A(1 - "- Joining the lands of W. W. Shearon. Seaboard Air Line railroad, and oth ers, bounded as follows, situate on the astft side of Front street in the town of fVsnkllnton, beginning at a point on* said Front street corner of C. 8. Williams warehouse purchased of P. A. Reavls; thence in a Northern di rection 12 Inches more or less, corn er of W. W. Shearon, thence in an Eastern direction 88 feet to right of way Of Seaboard Air Line railroad; thenoe in a Southern direction 12 Inches more or less to C. 8. Williams warehouse: thence In ? western direc tion along C. S. Williams warehouse 88 feet to the beginning. This the 14th day ot February, 1923. 2-lt-6t E. H. MALONE, TrOstee. NOTICE Having qualified M adaltnlntratnr of O?orje L. Dodd, late of Franklin count*, N, C., thla la to notify all per aona baring claim* againat the eatate of Itli deceaaed to exhrn them to the mndMSlcaed on or before the 12th day of February, 1024 or thla notice will b* pl?*d la bar of their recovery. All p?T?n? indebted to aald eatate will ?I?MB aaaka immadiae payment. TMLUth day Of February, 1923. S. P. DODD, Adm'r. W. K. Paraon, Atty. l-l?-?t WHrr \ ? FORGET TO OND ^ ADVWTBUMO ? ? Z^bon IN MARLY (LEGAL ADVERTISING) RE-8ALK OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue uf the* power conferred upon me in a certain Deed of Trust executed to me by J. W. Man gum and duly recorded in the of fice of Register of Deeds of Franklin county In book 233. pages 102 and 103, default having been made in the pay ment of the notes secured therein, and at the request of the holder of said notes, Bald lands having been pre viously offered for sale and an upset bid having been made.k una the Clerk of the Superior Court having directed & re-sale, _I__yiIl on MONDAY. MARCH 5. Id23 at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, sell at public auction at the Court House door in Loulsburg. N. C. to the highest bidder for cash all that certain lot or parcel of land well known as the Willis M. Boone Old Home Place. ,?eituate in Cedar Rock Township. Franklin County, North Carolina, and bouuded as rollows by adjoining owners: On the North by the Louisburg and Nashville road; on the East by the Ricks R. Boone tract; on the South by R. I. Stailings und on the West by W. B. Coppege, and mora particularly defined as follows: beginning at a Red Oak in the W. B. Coppedge line; thence along the Louis burg and Nashville road Easterly 56 poles to-a Poat-oak stump; thence a Southerly direction 156 1.3 poles to a Pine; thence a Westerly direction along R. R. Boone's line 56 polos ton land bought of Wm Inscoe) to a Red Oak in W. B. Coppedge's line; thence pnlps :ilt>ng \V. R. Coppodges linp in a Northerly direction to the Red Oak named as the beginning, contain ing sixty acres, more or less, it being the tract of land conveyed to J. W. Mangum by P. S. & K. K. Allen by deed dated September 9th, 1919. k This 14th day of February 1923. 2-16-3t G. M. BEAM, Trustee. SALE Oh' VALUABLE UND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed by A. W. Perry. Jr. and wife to Ben T. Holden, Trustee, - which la duly registered !n the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 241 at page 588, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness tnereby se cured and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door In the town of Louis burg, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate sit uate in Cedar Rock township. Frank lin county. North Carolina, viz: Be ing a one-half undivided Interest in and to the two following tracts: First Tract: Beginning In the cen ter of the new Louisbmg road, a rock on the north side Bobbltt and Del bridge corner, thence by survey of 1897 South 1, W 146 poles to a rock on Little Cypress creek, Delbrldge corn er, thence down said creek as it me anders 142 poles to black gum corner in line of Ried place, thence N 3 W 73 poles 5 links to a rucK and holly, corner to twenty acres, called Lester Land, thence S 86 1-2 E 9 poles 5 links by a new survey to a rock, a new mado :orner, thence N 3 1-2 E (new survey) 186 poles 20 links to a rock; thence N 56 1-2 W 9 poles 5 links to me center 3f the ro&d 14 links N to a large white Mk, thence N 3 E (survey 1897) 19 poles to a stake and hickory pointers >n the north side of the Louisburg road, thence along said ruad N 60 E 29 poles; N 44 1-2 E 49 poles 10 links to :he beginning, containing 61 acres, more or less. But It Is expressly igreed that from the land above boun ded there has been sold to R. L. Del bridge eleven acres, and the same has been deeded to him, and this Is exclud ed from this conveyance, making the number of acres hereby conveyed fif ty acres . _ -. Second Tract: Also another If&ct or parcel of land in Cedar Rock town ship, known as the "Cope Place," bought from G. W. Ford and describ ed as follows: Beginning at a black gum on Cypress creek, Deans corner, tbence S 72 1-2 W 11 poles 9 links tO' a stake and Bweet gum, thence N 19 1-2 W 24 poles to a rock, thence N 1 E 50 poles 18 links to the old path a large pine and sweet "gum pointers, to Jhos. H. Murray corner, thence N. 81 1.2 E 6 poles to t-ypress Creek, thence down said creek as It meandors 10 poles 22 links to the fork of the creek, thence np the East prong as it meanders 112 1-2 poles to Btake form erly white oak; thence E 4 poles to a large pine stump, Mary Ann Bobbltt's corner, tbence 8 71 E 40 1-2 poles to a stake Bobbltt's corner, thence H 7 W 15 poles 11 links to a stake Bobbltt's corner; thence S 88 E 63 poles 5 links to a rock, corner No. 4 in Bobbit! line; 'thence 8 1 1-2 W 45 poles to a rock and pointer, corner Mo. 3 In line of No. 4; thence W 92 poles to a t octk and pointers, corner No. 3. thence N 37 W 83 poles to a rock and pointers. Deans line; thence N 57 W 42 poles to the beginning, containing eighty-eight acres. This the 10th day of Jim. 1923. l-12-6t BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee The above sale wan continued to Monday, March 12th, 1923 at about the hour of noon by consent of all parties. This Feb. 12. 1923. 2.12-41 BEN T. HOLDEN. Trustee. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Certlfl . cate of Stock number ELEVEN, for one share of the capital stock of the Farmers National Bank of Loulsburg, N. C., Issued In the name of C. T. Cheaves, haa been lost or mislaid. An application will be made to said Hank to Issue a new Certificate for the same on March 1st, 1923. If the said Cer tificate of stock has been found, please return the same to the undersigned on or before the said date, and a suit able reward will be paid. This the 1st day of Feb., 1?23. C. T. CHEAVE8, 2-2-4t Iyoulsbnrg, N. C. FOR RENT i The C. T. We?ter Home Place near Maplerllle. A 3 or 4 horse farm, good cotton and tobacco land, fine pasture, fine orchard and good buildings. . _ E. H. HALONB. (LEGAL, ADVERTISING) SALE OF LAND By virtue of the puwer and authority -contained in that mortgage ilwwl mi cuted by X, ~W. Perry md wire and duly registered In Ottice of Register of Deeds In Rook 114 page 573, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned wtlt on MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the court house door of Franklin county In Loul9 burg sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash that tract of land lying In Louisburg township, Frank lin county. N. C. described as follows: Beginning In tho centre-of^iie War rentou road, a rock, on the West side of the road, W. H. Perry's corner, thence N 6S 1-2 W 102 1-2 poles to a rock, W. H. Perry's corner; thence N 13 1-2 E 107 poles to a roc* and point, ers, W. H. Perry's corner In the J. R. Perry line, thence East 137 poles 2 links to a rock. Mrs. Martha Perry's corner (dower), thence Sonth -40 poles 20 links to a rock, Mrs. Martha Perry's dower corner on the WarTenton road, thence along said road. S 23 W 64 poles 16 links, S 46 W 6S poles 5 links to the beginning, containing One Hund red and six (106) acres. This the 1st day of Feb., 1923. MRS. E. M. PERRY, 2-2-5t Transferee. SALE OF LAND Under ar.d by virtue of the power and authority contained In that cer tain deed of trus: executed oc the 14th day of December, 1921, by S. H. Young to P. S. Herring Trustee, which is duty registered in Office of Register of Deeds for Franklin county In book 344 page 137, default having been made in tho-payiuent of the notes there by secured and demand made upon me to foreclose by the holder thereof, I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the courthouse ooor of Franklin county In Louisburg, N. C.'. on MONDAY', MARCH 8, 1923 at 12 o'clock M. the following deBcrlb od real estate situate In Y'oungsvlUe township. Franklin county, N. C., Tlx: First Tract: Beginning In the Ral eigh and Louisburg road, a white oak on the West side of the road, the Al. ford corner In the Perry line, thence S 57 E 42 poles 2 links to a rock, Perry's corner, thence S 86 E 62 poles 23 links to a Spanish Oas, the J. E. Tharrington corner in Perry's line, thence S 2 1-2 W 123 1-2 poles to a rock, the Rowland ocrner, thence N S8 1-2 W 66 1-5 poles to a rock, Row land's corner, thence S 2 1-2 W 33 poles to a rock and pointers, thence S sS 1-2 E 66 1-5 poles to a large pine, Rowland's corner in Tharrington's line thence S 2 1-2 W 26 1-4 potes to a rock and .white oak and Sourwood pointers on a branch, the Baldy Pearce corner, thence N 83 W 170 poles 20 links to a Sweet gum, N. M. Mays corner in Pearce's lir.e, thence N 22 E 70 poles to a rock and pointers, May's corner, thencce IS 6 1-2 W 78 poies ?o the cen tre of the Louisburg and Raleigh road, N. M. May's corner on the East side of the road, thence along said road In an Easterly direction to the beginning, containing 159.5 acres, m?re or less. Second Tract: Bounder on the North by tract above described, on the East by E. W. Timberlake, on tue South and by tract No. 1 above described, con taining 13 1-2 acres more or less; sea deed of trust above referred to for more complete description. This the 1st day of Feb., 1923. 2-2-5t P. S. HERRING, Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by Ylrtue of orders and decrees made by the Superior Court of Franklin county in those Special Proceedings entitled T. A. Lester, Adm'r. vs Perry Lester and others and W. A. Strickland, Perry Lester and others. Ex Parte, thAnnderslgned Commissioner will on * MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1923 at 12 o'clock M, at the courthouse door of Franklin County In the town of Louisburg, N. C., otter for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash those two tracts of land lying in Cypress Creek township, Franklin County, N. C. ; described as follows: 1st Tract: Bounded on th? North by the lands ot the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company on the East by the road leading from Maplevllle to An derson's bridge, on the South by the lands ot the John Ross Estate, and on the West by the lands of the Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Company, containing 19 acres more or less. ^ 2nd Tract: Bounded on the Sorth by the road, (Old Road) leading from Seven Paths to Anderson's bridge, on the East by Cypress Creek, on the South by the John Ross fSat.it? nad u.i the West by the Anderson Bfidfcu road, containing 30.6 acres ma.'v or less. These two tracts are adjacent, except that they are divided :aiuable little farm, wllh residence, tenant house, barns, stable, out-houses, etc., and a good or chard situate thereon. Sold subject to lease for 1923. This the 26th day of Janfj 1923. BEN T. HOLDEN. 2-2 fit Commissioner. NOTICE OF SAI-K UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court Merchants Orocery Co. Va. J. H. Kearney. By rirtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Clerk ot the Superior Court of Granville Coun ty In the above entitled action, I will on MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1923 at 12 o'clock Noon, at the court house door of Franklin county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right title and in terest, which the sajd J. H. Kearney, the defendant has io the following de scribed real ostate, to.wlt: The L. C. Kearney place in Frank ilnton township, Franklin cunty, ad oining Lee Bnrt Kearney, C. R. Sand ling, W. W. Oresn and Jim Tayborn, ci ntainlng 37 acres. This January 18th, 1923. H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff, 1-19-71 of Franklin County. (LKQAX. ADVERTISING) TRUSTEES SALE OP LAND By virtue of the^powwr of sale cou luluod lu that certain Oo*xi of trust, dated Jan, 1. 1918, made by J. T. I'helps to T. W. Whedbee, Trust**, recorded In the Registry of Franklin Co. In book 22* page 3*1, and pursu ant to the appointment of a substitu ted trustee in the place of the above named trustee, who Is now deceased, made by the holder of the Indebtness thereby secured and demand for fore closure having been made upon the undersigned trustee by the holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned, will on MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1?23 at or about the hour of noon at the courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C. Oder for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of laud in said deed of truBt conveyed and there described as follows: Known as tbe Hailewood place, devised to the said Sarah W.; Morris by the last Will and Testament of MIbs Kate Spain, deceased, and described In the deed, dated Dec. J.*, 18*1 rrom Allen Thompson to Warwick Hailewood, as follows: Beginning at a dogwood on the West side of the road, thence N 82 1.2 W 86 poles to a pine, Offence N 58 W *7 poles to a dead pine and sas safras stump (Person corner), thence along his line W 62 poles to a red oak. thence S 3-* W 201 poles to Hickory, McKnlght corner, thence along his line N 88 E 237 poles to a Poplar and Elm on the bank erf a branch, thence up said bfoneh to a Poplar; thence to tbe beginning, containing by estima tion 221 and 3-* acres more or Jess, be ing the tract of land conveyed by Sa rah W. Morris to J. T. Phelps and this instrument .is to secure part of the purchase price thdfrefbr. BUT, there Is excepted from this sale, the land conveyed by W. H. Allen et al t(5 Edmond Johnson, by deed dated Feb. *, 1920 recorded In book 227 page 463 there described as 58 acres with all rights reserved to sell this land also In the event the land sold does not bring the full In debtedness secured under said deed o{ trust. This Jan. 30, 1923. W. F. JOYNER-, Substituted Trustee Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffin, Attorneys. 2-2.5t FORECLOSURE SALE OP LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of truBt made by E. J. Faulkner to Win. H. RufTin, Trustee, dated Jan. 3, 1920, and recorded In the Registry of Frank lin county In Book 241 page 470, de fault having been made In the "pay ment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of the Indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned will on SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1923 at about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door In Loutsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the property in said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: Situate in Sandy Creek township, Franklin County, North Carolina, be ing tracts numbered 11 and 17 ot the Subdivision of the "Old Young Tract" as plotted by C. E. Foster, C. E. con taining 14S.61 acres, said plot being recorded in the office of the Register ef Deeds in Franklin county, in Map Book No. 1, page 68, reference to which is hereby made for further description. This Feb. 16, 1923. 2-16-6t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND By virtue of the powei of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made on Jan. 21, 1921, by J. B. Davis and wife Gertrudei Davis to Thos. W. RufTin, Trustee, and recorded in Book 234 at page 222, default having been made in the payment ot the Indebted ness thereby secured, and demand lor foreclosure having been made on said trustee by the holder of satd Indebted ness, the undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1923 at or about the hour of noon ' at the courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C. oiler for sale to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land, situate In Franklin county, town of Loulsburg, Loulsburg township. North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of Main St. and River road In the town of Louls burg, N. C. thence alohg Main St. in a Southerly direction to Zollle Wll klns cornei', on Main St. thence tn a Westerly direction along Zollle WII klns line to Wllklns corner in J. M. Allen's line, thence at right angles to the last line In a Northerly direction, a straight line to the River road, J. M. Allen's corner, thence In a North easterly direction along the River road to tiro beginning containing about one fifth of one acre. It being the land con voyed by J. B. Debnam and wife to J. B. Davis, by deed dated Oct. 16, 1917 recorded In the Registry of Tranklln county In Book 216 page 348 reference to which Is hereby express ly made for further description. Thl* Jan. 24, 1923. 1-26-Sf THOS. W. RUFFIN, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Franklin county made in that Special proceeding enti tled Henrietta Carroll vs Onnle Roe and others, the undersigned commis sioner will on MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1923 at 12 o'clock M, at tfie courthouse door Of Franklin County In the town of Loulsburg. N. C., sell at public auc tlpn to the highest bidder for cash that tract or parcel of land lying In Sandy Creek township. Franklin county, N. C. hounded as follows: On the North by the lands of P. O. Carroll; on the East by the lands of R. T. Tharrlngton; on the South and West by the lands of Thos. T. Farrar, containing 24 acres, more or less, known as the Old Frances Ayscue home place. This the 26th day of Jan., 1923. BEN T. HOLDEN, 2-2-St Commissioner. (LEGAL ADVERTISING) NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain Deed of Trust from B. B. Griffin. J. N. Grif fin and Addle O. Griffin to P. A. Mor gan, Trustee, recorded tn Book 241 page 434-435, Franklin county Regis try, default having been made in tbe payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured. at the request ot the holders of the note therein mentioned, the un dersigned trustee will, at or about 1:00 o'clock p. m. on - MONDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1923 offer for sale at the court house doo^ In Loulsburg, North Carolina, at pub ile-auetlotii 4e-?he highest bidder, lor cash the following described real es tate, to-wt: One certain lot or parcel of land in Franklin county, Cypress Creek town, ship, North Carolina, Being lots 6, 6, and 7, containing 138 l-2"acres more or less, described and contained In a 1 ?certain map made by M. S, Davis, C. E. which map la reglstereed In the Register of Deeds office of Franklin county. In Book 1 page <56, reference to which Is hereby made for further description; and being ?? part of tbe J. S. Ross lands owned by him at the time ot his death. Lot No. 5 contains 15.91 acres, lot No. 6 contains 64. 45 acres, and lot No. 7 contains 68.14 acres. This Deed Is made subjoct to the sale and conveyance of standing timbers this day made as well as timbered land of tecord the terms of which being known iby the grantors This the 18th day ot Jan., 1923, P. A. MORGAN, Trustee. I. T. Valleatlne, Attorney. l-26-4t SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust to J. O. Mills, Trustee from J. T. Wil son and wife, which said aeed of (rust is recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Franklin county in Book 225, page 23 default having been made in the payment et the notes se cured thereby, I will offer for sale at public auction to the alghest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the town of Loulsburg, N. C. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1923 at 12 M. the following described real estate: ? A certain parcel or tract of land situate in Harris township, Franklin county, Ndvth Carolina, adjoining the lands of Samuel Harris, Perry arid Patterson, Joe Young, J. T. Wilson and others, and being the land con veyed to W. B. Tlmberlake by Caro line Tlmberlake by deed recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 71, page 146, and afterwards conveyed to J. T_. Tlmberlake by Emma Tlmberlake and others, and containing 28e acres, more or lees. This land is known as "The Old Wiggins" land. This the 23rd day of Jan., 1923. l-26-5t J. G. MILLS, Trustee. NOTICE Having Qualified as Administrator of J. H. Johnson, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February, 1924, er this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This February 1st, 1923. 2.2-6t W. G. JOHNSON, Admr. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. W. Perry, Sr., de ceased late of Franklin county notice is' hereby given all persons holding claims, against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re, covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Feb. 1st, 1923. 2.2-6t W. R. PERRY, Admr. . NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix, c". f\.a., of S. N. Nelms, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of February. 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate *111 please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This February 1st, 1923. 2-2-6t LELA L. NELMS, Admrx. C.t.a. NOTICE Having qualified a* administrator of the estate of Geo. W. Burnette, de ceased, lato of Franklin county, notice Is hereby~given all persens holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the ltth day of January, 19*4, or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persona Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Jan. 18th. 1923. l-19-6t ANNIE L. BURNETTE, Admr. NOTICE Having qualfled as Executor of the estate of Mourning May, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th (lay of January, 1624 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted t? aata estate will please come forward and make Imme diate settlement. This Jan. 26. 1923. 1-28-St FRANK MAY, Extr. # 1 What Mrs. RrennlngeF, of Hew York, Hay* About Rat Polsoa "Tried preparations that kill rats, but RAT-SNAP Is the only one that prevent* disagreeable odora frter kill ing. Also like RAT-SNAP because It come* In handy cakM, no mixing with other food. You don't have to dirty your handa, It's the best for household use." Try RAT-8NAP Three sixes, 85c, 66c, $1.26. Sold and guaranteed by Cash Grocery and MArket. Subscribe to The Frankltn Times (LEGAL ADVERTISING) SALE OF AAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me In a certain deed of trust-executed to me as trustee .by Moses Rogers- and wife on the Slat day of March 1921. and duly recorded In the office of the reg ister of deeds of Franklin county la Book 23 page 246, I will on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1923 at the hour of Noon, sell at public auc tion at the courthouse door of Frank lin county In Loulsburg, N. C. to the litShest bidder for caah the following described real estate: Those two tracts or parcels of land lvlny. being and situate la Franklin county, Dunn township, State of North Carolina, described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at an iron stake on the new road to Bunn, Moses Rogers corner and runs thence North 88 l-2d West 90 poles 20 links to a stake in Rogers line, thence with his line North Id West IS poles 10 links to a poplar In Taylor's line, Rogers corner, thence South 89d East 88 poles and 6 links to a stake In the new road to Bunn, thence with said road South 42 l-2d East 6 poles, thence with said road 6 l-2dvEaflt 15 poles 10 links to the beginning, containing 10 acres. For further description see deed re. corded In book 213 page 461. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake and pointers J. R. Woathersby corner In Ransom Dodd's line; thence N.S 1-8 E 282 poles to a white oak on Crookod Creek, Satterwhlte's corner, thence up the said creek to stake, M. A. Munga corner, thence S ,2 1-2 W l&l poles 15 links to a stake and pointers, J, R. Weathersby corner In Taylor's line; thence S 89 E 80 poles 6 links to the center of the new road to Bunn, thence along the said road S 39 E 5 poles S 9 3-4 E 16 poles 3 links to center *bf road a stake on East side, thence S 89 E 63~ poles 16 links to the beginning, containing 199 acres. This Is a re-sale ordered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Frank lin county, the highest bid made at the sale on Jan. 20, 1923 having been raised as allowed by law. ThlB the 8th day of Feb., 1923. 2-9-3t 8. C. HOLDEN, Trustee. TRUSTEEE'S sale town lot By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by O. Y. Yarboro to Wm. H. Rutfln, Trustee, and recorded In Prank lin Registry In Book 210, page 264, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made by the holder of said debt upon said trustee, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1922 at about the hour of noon, at the Courthouse door, in Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash the lot of land In said deed of trust conveyed and there described as follows: Situate on the West side of Elm Street in the town of Loulsburg, and more particu larly defined as follows: Beginning at the corner of Mrs. R. Z. Egerton's on Elm Street (formerly Bob Yarbor ough'R corner) and corner for lot here In conveyed; thence Westwardly along Mrs. Egerton's line, the old Bob Yar boro line, 222 feet more or less to corner for Mrs. R. Z.Egerton, F. N. Egerton and the lot herein conveyed; thence Southwardly along F. N. Eg. erton's line 1131 feet, more or less to his corner; thence Eastwardly along his line 22 feet, more or less to Elm Street; thence Northwardly along Elm Street 113 feet, more or less, to the beginning. This Nov. IS, 1922. 11-17-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 1st, 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This Dec. - g i 922 ? 12-22-2t WM. H. ROFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 8th, 1923, by consent of all parties concerned. This Jan uary 1st, 1923. 1-6-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, January 29th, 1923, by con Bent of all parties concerned. This January 8th, 1923. 1-12-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, February f>th, 1923, at about noon by consent of all parties con cerned. This Jan. 29tfa, 1923. 2-2-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday, March 6th, 1923, at about noon by consent of all parties con cerned. This Feb. B, 1923. 2-9-4t WM. H. RUFFIN, Truste?. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of R. F. Fuller, deceas ed, late of Franklin county, notloe Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the lnderslgned on or before the 9th day of February, 1924, or thla notice will be pUad in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said ostate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This February 8th, 1923. 2-9-6t W. N. FULLER, Admr, PER80NAL PROPERTY FOR SALE On Friday, March #th, 1928 at 11 o'clock a. m. at the home of W R. Perry, near Maplevllle, I will offer for sale at auction the following personal property belonging to the eetate of A. W. Perry, Sr.: One pair of mules, two cows, one single wagon and har ness, one top buggy and harness, 200 pounds meat, farming utensils and all other personal property belonging to said estate. This Feb. 8th, 1923. 2-?-4t v W. R. PERRY, Admr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. H. Clifton, late of Franklin county, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to preeent the same to the un dersigned on or before Jan. 26, 1924, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Imme diate payment. This Jan. 2(, 1923. L. C. NBWTON, Admr. of 0. H. Clifton. vWm. H. * Thos. W, Ruffln, l ' Attorneys UMt