COUPE New Price The world has never known an enclosed car of this type at a lower price. No car at any price has ever offered a greater value. Place your order now to in sure early delivery. Terms if desired. Louisburg Motor Co. LOt'ISBL'KG, North Carolina FOR SALE . 30 Htad Horses and Mules Young, sound and well broken, belonging to the estate of R. F. Fuller, at rock-bottom prices for cash or on approved security. All are in good shape and ready for work. Come at once and get a bargain. See R. E. FULLER AT FULLER'S STABLE DR. WILHIQLM CUM 6, plotured here, la oh?noel)or ot Oonruuij. ?ome of who?* . territory the rrnnoh have eelsed, In en effort to aake the Oermane pay the wit dim i#?e ueeaeed ecalnet ' them try the illiee, * , _ . Your mother u?M WILLIAM TELL Flour, wh ynot youT jj-23-8t J. S. HO WELL. Mr. J. A. White Says "If Ton Hare An Automobile, Keep Rat-Snap" "If I knew about RAT-SNAP laat winter, would have saved $120. My car wan In the garage for a few weeks during bad weather; when I went to take It out, found that rats had eaten great holes In two new tires. Oot them later with RAT.SNAP." Three sizes, 36c, 65c, $1.25. Sold end guar anteed by Cash-Grocery and Market. A TONIC drove's Tasteless chill Tonic restore* Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Bloo . Wheiy you feel Its strengthening. Invlj rating ^ITert. see how it brings color to the chAeka and how It Improves the e >petite, fyou will then appreciate its true >nlc va Grove's Tasteless c ill! To| Iron and Quinine sulpend pleasant even child Jen like needs QUININE to mirlfy i Enrich It Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by Its Strengthening! Invigor ating Effoot. 60c. pic Is simply I In syrup. So {It. The blood and IRON to Every sack of WILLIAM TULL Flour Is guaranteed, or money refunded. 2-23-8t J. 8. HO WELL A A total of 3,058 farmers wore helped by county agents to homomlx their fertilizers In 1922 saving (31 055.00 on 17,416 tona. Subscribe to The Franklin Timer $1.60 Par Year In AAraae* ET'S stand upon the corn or of most any town at all, and watch the march of people going by. Let's view the little youngsters and tfoe grown-ups, short and tall ? Just them all the overlooking eye. J, There's Mrs. Anybody with a oo*t that's made of mink; her husband's by her side in brand new gloves- Mo doubt the Mrs. wonders what tbs neighbors all will think, for envy la a thing a woman loves. * And little Willie Jones Is out and dressed up splc and span. The shoes he wears are patterned after dad. Ha hopes that folk who see him will re mark that he's a man. You know how things like that make young sters glad. And sister Susie's on parade In fancy dress of blue. She has some brilliant ribbons in hor hair 13Ke struts around where folks may see ? she has naught else to do. She aim ply feels the spirit In the air ? >What spirit? you aro asking Well, it comes but once a year The aftermath of rushing Yuletido trade When fancy frock and new things on the sidewalks will appear* as folk b v&ke Christmas presents on parade. SALE OF FRANKLINTON LOT By -virtue of the power of sale con tained In that certain deed of trust made by W. W. Shearon and wife to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated Sept. 23th, 1921, and recorded In the Reg istry of Franklin County In Book 234, page 311, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure having been made by tne holder o( the debt so secured upon Bald trustee, the undersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1923 at about the hour of-noon, at the court house door in Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, a part of the lands in said deed of trust conveyed which is in the Southwest corner of the orig inal lot conveyed by Mrs. Frances Winston affd which is contained with in the following boundaries: Beginning at Roberson's and W. W. Shearon's corner on the Loulsburg road and running thence along said road Eastwardly about rt> feet to cor ner of the lot sold to J. T. Moss, thence Northerly along the line of the said Moss lot about 146 reet to the corner of the Moss lot In the line pf a lot cut off the Northern portion of said original lot called the Shearon lot now; thence Westwarmy along the line of said Shearon lot about 79 feet to the corner of said lot and this lot In Roberson's line; thence Southerly along Roberson's line about 151 feet to the point of beginning:, being a va cant lot. This sale will be made subject to a first letn deed of trutt, to secure Mrs. Frances Winston about $600.00 and Interest, and E. J. Cheatham, about $1,750.00 and Interest. This January 19th, 1923. 1.19151 WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, March 5th, 192S. This Feb. 19th, 1923. 2-23-2t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. School chlldron need broad to make them strong. Try WILLIAM TELL Flour, 2-23-81 J. B. HOWE IX. Farmers In 275 communities bou ght cooperatively 16,708 tons of ferti liser at a coat of $1,225,199.00 thereby Saving $59,818.00 according to reports from county ageQts. Hastings' 8eod? < 10S3 Catalog Free -XW'rfbCJ Jtf*L aimott 4afl?-^ bErt njJ able and oMtq] mI boc? ?rw nutu ?1 It contain* 109 p*g?*. picturing *JQ(1 OOTTMtijr dwcrt&Ay ill* Uat fccl &o?t popular vagotallM, OfWtti and ?? ?n? crops far tbs BoutA H?* and wh? to (*ua to roar ^rd. garden ud field for overy purpoee. Bow to t**l t&o boB *mtU. t?M bsetU and othar peata. *ufl a+lwi color picture* of tlx boat tun, UituV toU and other now*. How to |M ft pa ahem of s?ed of beautiful flower* free. How much seed 1? r??olrad to pUal a row or aor*. whan and how to ptaot and cultlTMe. WW It MT> to plant ?ood seed* and haw tt 0k tbaal aa oheap or cheap?i> tha* fwMiW b* ordinary ?e?d?. Joat write tar tit* handsws anr iMiB-dBook. Itl^bMfdtiMMk and you'll b? might* glp4 9 bars tt LB four hone. It (? tbaoteUly trm, Write for It today. H. 0. HASTINCM CO, Atlanta, Oil PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. J. HERBERT FITZGERALD Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Will be at Dr. H. H. Johnson's office in Douisburg every first Monday. En gagements ehould be made as far In advance us possible. : ? DR. R. F. YARBO BOUGH 1'byslclan and 8urgeen Loulsburg, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yarborougfc Building. Office rhoDe 296 Residence Phone 28 8. ATWOOD MWBLL. AttwHi-lt>Uw. Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Office In First National Bank Building General Practice DR. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Budding Loulsburg, North Carolina I wish to advlae my patlenta and the public generally that after the lat .of September my business will be on a Cash basis when work Is completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNBS FL.UMINQ 8. P. BUST, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Offices oyer Scoggtn's Drug BUM. Hours 11 a. n. to 1 ]( m., and 4 to 6 p. m. DR. YT. & MAM. Veterinarian Loulstrarg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animate. DB. D. r. 8BJTHWICI. DlltM. Lealsharg, J. C. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sta. W. M. P*R80N. ATTORNEY- AT -LAW Loulabnrg, North Carolina rTMtloe In all coarta. OSes oa Mala Street G. M. BEAK Attornej-at-Law Offices over Post Office Practice in an courts. DR. J. U. uA VIS Physician and Surgeon Loafobnrg, North Carolina Office Main Street A. T- Neal Building at River Bridge Telephone Connections 64 and 64-2 R. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. K. ?. White K. H. Hm WHTI * MAIiOtfB LAWYBRB Lotriabnrg, North Carolina ?efceral practice, settlement of s+ ?atae funds Investod. One member of it Bra always In the oioe. DB. H. 6. PEBBY Physician and Snrgeon Loilsbarg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287: Night 287 DR. J. B. SALONS. Looltbari, North Carolina tee in Aycock Drug 8 tore. Market ?treat. Office Practice Surgery and consultation. DB. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Lealshnnr, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones.- Day and Night both No, 10 J. O. NBWBLL, M. D. Lonlsburg, If, - Oil n In First National Bank Bnlldtog Bar Phono 249 ? Night Phone J4?-I Wta. H. Ruffln, rhos W Roffln W*. II. * THOS. W. BCFFIlt Attorneys-at-Law Uakb?r?, i North Carolina Dttaal practice, both civil aa4 crim inal. la Franklin and adjoining ooaa lea, kvrame aad Federal Coarta. Offices In First National Bank Bull Mas. STMIAfX BBOfc. lmUu? n. a We have live good barbere and torn wHI receive the beet of aervte*. Also Baaei Automobile tor hire at all times, at reasonable srlsea. Stoo that I lea I ii n hi with RAMI HBADEASY. thb frankun Times ?1.M Par Yaw la Atraneo. 25 MULES and HORSES FINE f ARM STOCK for immediate sale for cash or good note. Come and see them if yon want a good buy. C. S. Ford SAVE MONEY ? ON? MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND WORK SHOES I am offering especially attractive prices this week cn Men's and Boys' boots and work slioes. If you haven't bought see me. I can save you money. We will be glad to fill your wants in groceries, both heavy and fancy. You will find it to your advantage to trade with. me. ? A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. PAY YOUR 1922 County Taxes 1 PES CENT PENALTY WILL BB ADDED TO YOUB TAX OH t'KB. ItW 1JI) 1 FEB CENT EACH MONTH THEREAFTER FNTIL PAID. WAX YO UBS DEFO&H THAT DAT* AND SATE THE PENALTY IIBW H UN DEB THE STATE LAW WELL EM AMU. ' v Yours trmlgr, H. A. KEARNEY, Sheriff

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