mr IUO FEB I?AH ?f ADYA5CS - Times WATCH LABEL OH YOUk.1 PAJ*EU ? S?nd la Kracwal ] Before Time Expires. A- F. JOHNSON, Editor and UuMffer YOLl'JTV LIL THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION LOUISBDKG, N. C, J? HI I>A V, JUJU H 2, 1943 SUBSCRIPTION par iw NUHBEB 1 $55.00 PER ACRE PRICE SET BY Jl'BY FOB COUNTY BOMB LAM) In tJie Suit o t Wilson und others Vs. Franklin County ? Emma Allen Los es Mult against Buffln. The case of A. T. Wilson et als vs Franklin county et als, a suit to have a deed to tho county home land sold to Mr. J. F. Parrlsli by the old Board cf Commissioners at $25 i er acre, and which has caused quite a lot ot tee.lng lu the county set aside, was completed on Wednesday when an agreement was reached to the effect that the transaction was valid except for the price and that the Jury should set what they considered a fair price for tl'e property, whereupon 'the Jury de cided upon $55.00 per acre. Mr. Par rish, under the terms of the agree ment and the decision of the Jury will have to pay this amount or surrender the deed to the county. In the case of Emma Allen, vs W. H. Ruffln, Trustee where the plain tiff was attempting to stop the sale of property under ^foreclosure pro ceedure, to save her dower, a verdict was given In . favor of the Trustee. This brings the Febru try term of Franklin Superior Court near an end, with quite a little business transacted. MRS. E. B. THOMAS, 91 YEABS OLD PASSES AT HOME OF B. F. COOKE Mrs. E. B. Thomas, wife of the late E. B. Thomas, formerly of Raleigh, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs I: r. Cooke, on last Thursday after noon at 2:45 o'clock after an Illness o? three weeks. Mrs. Thomas re cer.'v celebrated her 91at birthday. .She "leaves two daughters and one sen; Mrs. B. P. Cooke, of this place; Mrs. N. W. Hatch, of Mlllbrook, and John C. Moore of California. Funeral services were held in Oak wood cemetery at Raleigh on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services were conducted by the Rev. O. W. Dowd, of Franklinton, and the Rev. W. W. Peele, of Raleigh. Those attending from here were: Mrs. S. C. Vann, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Allen, Miss Edith Sherrod, Mrs. F. G I'.anks, Mrs L. S. Ethredge, Miss Kate ?Whitfield, Mrs. B. A. .White, Mrs. F. M. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo L. Cooke, Miss Oza Cooke, W. W. Cooke and Clarence Cooke. The pall-bearers were Messrs. I. H. Kearney, J. W. Daniel, H. E. Pe&r&>, A, TT Vann, G. L. Whitfield, and A. S. Joyner of Franklinton. The floral offerings weru beautiful expressing the love and esteem in v.hlch Mrs. Thomas was held. ? Frank linton News. DEPUTY COLLECTOR There will be a U. S. Deupty Collec tor of Internal Revenue at the places and on tho dates below given for the lurpose of assisting taxpayers file their ipcome tiix returns for ihe calen dar year 1922. This assistance Is furnished without cost to you and will be to your Interest to take advantage of same. March 1, 2, 3 ? Loulsburg. March 5, 6, 7? Southern Pines. March 8, 9, 10 ? Henderson. March 12 ? Oxford. March 13, 14, 16 ? Henderson. There will al3. m. at Fair Grounds J. S. Massenhursr, Chairman 1. Boys' Events, under 12 years of age? (a) 100 yd dash; (b) 22P yd dash ; 140 yd- run; (d) - 1-2 rnilo relay; (e) Running high jump; (f) Standing broad Jump; comes to us from "Way Down South" - - Loulsana Miss Russo's friends bespeak for her a brillant future In the musical world, with growing experience and develop ment. Surely another Galli-Curci has appeared in the horizon. Miss Ruth Hall of th3_Ccllege Fa culty was the efficient aBB sympa thetic accompanist, giving excellent buppert to the singer. She rendered several piano solos with ? remarkable technique and beauty. Program L'Ardita ? (Magnetic W?.ltr) ? Arditl. Can I Forget Thee, Love? ? Sesmlt Doda . Stars Brightly Shining ? Bronte. Woman Is Fickle ? "RIgoletto" ? Ver dl? Aria ? Ah! Che La Morte Ognora? "11 Trovatore" ? Verdi. ?O Sole Mio! (My Bright Sun!)? Di Capua. Non e Ver ('Tis Not True') ? Mat tel. Santa Lucia ? (Rondo de Concert) ? Braga. ? Aria ? Ave MaFia! (CavRlterla Rns tic&na* ? M:rscagni. A Venetian Song? Tostl Good Bye! (Addio) ? Tostl. Cculd I' t(Vorrei) ? Torti. The Last 3?ng (L'ultima Coczone) ? Tostl. ? I 1 Baclo (The Kiss) ? Ardlti. By | lequest. IliE WOMAN'S AI XILIAHT OF ST. PALL'S CHUB II The Woman's Auxiliary o' St. Paula ' church met with Mrs. John B. Yar. borough Wednesday afternoon," with the largest attendance of ihe year, sev enteen ladies being present. j There was a general expression o' j pieasure In the well attended meet j ing and an earnest request from the j President that all attend the meet-, ings faithfully during Lent. Mrs. Clifton opened the meeting \.-ltli Creed nod Prayer. Slie then brought be^ ft re the Auxiliary the Dk>3cean meet ing of Woman's Auxiliary to te held in Raleigh 9th. 10th, 11th of April and urged as many members as possible to go. The business of tie Circle was concluded in the unanimous yotu to send a contribution to the Blue Ridge conference. Mrs. R'. F. Yarborough then took up the study for the afternoon, glring a brief summary of the concluding part of the last lesson and beginning tbe days lesson with sketch of Ed ward VPs short and momentous reign. Mrs. L. E. Scoggln continued the dis cussion by giving in detail at) ac count of the horrible pillage and Plunder of the King's relr.n. Miss Spencer then told the Story of Uueen Mary'B reign, "a reign begun so Joyfully but ended in the pro foundest gloom." Subject to Papal Influence of Rome, she made the name a horror and detestitlon, and the Pap^ ac* forever disregarded In England. The reign of Queen Elizabeth follow ing the Church of England recovered greatly from the terrible ordeals It liad suffered. Mrs. Clifton recited the hnrrass. r??ats of the church from Nome with out and the Purltaus within. Mrs. Yarborough concluded the les son with the reign of James I, an age of scholarship In the church. Chief product of tbe reign was the noble "Authorised Version of th*> Bible" the greatest literary monument of the En~ Clish language. With the conclusion of the lesson end prayer the Auxiliary adjourned to meet again with Mrs. J. B. Yarbor ough Friday afternoon at t:30 lu_ a short Lenten Service. ? 1 I.EISTF.X SERVICES Tho women of St. Paul*B church are observing I^enten sol-vices' three days of the week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. Short services IP 111 be held Wednesdays and Fri day*. On Monday, tho regular pros j gram of th? Study Circle will b? used. All tho meetings will be hold at the home' of a member of the Auxiliary, the plaVe of meeting given out trom time to Hire. a? ... "Exchanged two carloads of cotton seed for guano and received about $4.60 per ton more than tbe fathers were offered locally" reports County Agent of Washington County. NTOBAtXO WEEVIL Tobacco ii rowers Are to be Troubled Like Cotton Growers. | As will be seen from the following letter to Mr. G. C. Harris from Mr. A. R. Breedlove, an Association official. | it will be seen that a Tobacco Weevil has been found that is destroying to bacco. The difference between him and the boll weevil is ho does his | damage after the tobacco has been housed while the boll weevil destroys itbe cotton In the field. At present | little is known about this pest, so all (growers had better seek all informa tion possible aiid follow the sugges i lions of those who have come in con* tact with the weevil. The letter fol 1? vsm | Richmond, Va. February 26, 1923. I Mr.