?! the franklin times A.-F. JOHSSOI, Editor and luiftr - (On. Tear $1.60 Bight Month 1.00 '* 81x Months Four Months .60 Foreign Adverti.irry Repreientatlv* THE ANU.R ICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Entered at the Post Office at Louia fcurg, N. C., as second class matter. Its time the attention of the voters of Louisburg were turning their at tention to the Town primary. Either nobody wcnts a town office or all are trying to spring one on the pnblic by keeping their Geslres a se cret. The Town Fathers meet tonight and should set the (late for ttie primary to Belect the officers to be voted for In the election to be held in May. President Harding has suggested to the Senate that the United States join In the League Court. Just another way of getting on the Democratic platform. Dr. Hubert Work, of Colorado, suc ceeds Albert B. Fall, of New Mexico, as Secretary of the Interior, and Sen ator Harry S. New, of maianar Is to succeed Dr. Work as Postmaster Gen eral, according to nominations of President Harding. If Senator Harris has not Introduc ed a companion bill expressly abol ishing the offices of Deputy Clerks in the offices of Franklin County as provided in the 1921 revlsal of the Sal ary bill, then he has raised the sal aries from $500 to $1,000. 52N1> VOLIHX With this lssuo THE FRANKLIN TIMES enters upon Its Wnd year. During Its past it has let no. opportu nity of service to the people of Frank lin County pass unused, ana we take renewed courage In tbq fact that our efforts have been so much appreciated by so many of the people or the coun ty. We are indeed grateful to our large number of subscribers for their con tinued and unselfish support and we hope we can be of more service to you in the future. S.urely we will do our beat. We are equally grateful to our many advertisers whose unselfish sup port has made it possible for us to make of THE FRANKLIN TIMES one of the best local papers and thereby advertising mediums In the State. It Is our purpose the coming year to give to our readers every improve ment that It Is possible to make in a local paper, Jfll. JONES GIVES VIEWS The following crtlclc appeared in last week's- Frankllnton News: An article appeared ou the edi torial page of The Franklin Times, Feb. 9, 1923, which IS similar to what happened to a man about the first of June. He was gol!ig down from Franklnton to Loulsburg on a political trip and fell among thieves v ho. stripped him of his political rights, leaving him dead politically. By chance there came down some political priests, re joicing that they had h'ni out of the way, and they passed by on the other side. Likewise the Levltes when he was at the same place, came and looked upon him and passed him by, but some Samaritans, as they Journeyef], came where he was. When they saw him they had com passion on him and restored to him the political rights. He started again on his Journey in an effort to ftilflli his pledge by writing some resolutions For this he has fallen In the bands of somo one else who haa attacked in an effort to take from h* m his principles and character by bringing false accusations. Some think the article was writ ten by Prof. Best. He does not (or he believes Mr. Best Is too i much of a hlghtoned Christian gentleman to write such an arti cle. The person writing seimed !to think when any one differs with him. he is a poor, Ignorant A* the article appeared in the editorial columns somo think it was the Mftor. Bat surely he t > was t*o much of a gentleman to hav* written such an article, as he la ? fyui who Will not cheat, wrong or defraud or apeak evil of aaoti&r's good hartie (8ign?d) JT. R. JONES. We are reproducing the above ar ticle tor tiro reasons Flrtt, Mr. Jones tia so titled that hia view* to be given I the pw publicity as the article he took WoefUttM to. Bran though he haa not requested it, the apace la cheerfully given. Second, he has brought a serious charge against the election officials of Harris township, two-thirds of whom are of the Bame political faith as he ? Democrats ? that we feal it is our duty to defend. The first needs no discussion. The second is what we propose to discuss. The incident he refers to about "He | was going from FrankltntoD to Louis burg on a political trip and fell among thieves" about the first ot June was evidently on Monday, the 5th, when the Board of Elections and the township olection officials met, to canvass the vote of the primary At this time the canvas sshowed that Mr. Jones had been defeated. In a few days it was learned that an error ?[ipeare an "did Fiddler's" contort at IfgtMld* Kjbool house Friday night, March 2nd,, 1923. MoahMi And public are Invited; prises offered, and fciher attractions A1 wall. Admission illfr'UUl 21 conta.. The proceeds wlU be need to pay for desks. 1 I **? ^ ______ Not the Arctic ? Merely Strait Of Mackinac f I UUS isn't an arcllo-ecan&t It"a merely -Iho ferry which pllng c. ^JL-St. Icimce and Mackinaw-City, across the Strait of Mackln?c.'t-..?.? ?iSi*1 to the loo. Rescuers walked right oat on the frozen surface at tba ?trait, which connects T